Make Radio/Paper Missions Global




Please allow us to access our appropriate level Missions in any public map and give us a "not now" button for safeguard/mayhem missions.
It made sense to force us to travel to our level range maps when they first came out but now (after tip missions) not so much.



Gonna have to say no on this. Some of those Radio/Paper missions spawn ambushes and you know darn well there will be idiots that think it's funny to spawn level 50 ambushes in Atlas Park and other low level zones.

And before anyone suggests it another "No" on getting rid of the ambushes from those missions.

But yes to the "Not now" button.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Gonna have to say no on this. Some of those Radio/Paper missions spawn ambushes and you know darn well there will be idiots that think it's funny to spawn level 50 ambushes in Atlas Park and other low level zones.
What missions do this? I've never seen a Radio, Paper or even Tip mission spawn an overworld ambush.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I've never bothered to write down the names of the missions but on several occasions I've selected a radio/paper mission when my character was in a relatively isolated spot and there are with no hostiles nearby and I took a moment to organize my stuff, or pausing to chat with someone when a mob of the NPC's that I'm supposed to be facing in the radio/paper mission run up and attack me. No other players have run past me, the mob comes right for me.

Edit: Oh and I also know the ambushes are from those missions because I have a couple of characters who are cops and the only missions they do are Radio missions. After the initial City Hall Origin contact all the have are Detectives, and the unavoidable AE, University, etc. contacts that unlock automatically at certain levels.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Gonna have to say no on this. Some of those Radio/Paper missions spawn ambushes and you know darn well there will be idiots that think it's funny to spawn level 50 ambushes in Atlas Park and other low level zones.

And before anyone suggests it another "No" on getting rid of the ambushes from those missions.

But yes to the "Not now" button.
You cannot spawn ambushes in Atlas, there's code in place which prevents it happening.

I've never come across a Radio/Paper mish with an out-of-instance ambush in it either.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
You cannot spawn ambushes in Atlas, there's code in place which prevents it happening.

I've never come across a Radio/Paper mish with an out-of-instance ambush in it either.
1. Atlas Park isn't the only low level zone in the game. It's just being used as an example. There are plenty of low level zones compared to level 50 characters.

2. Then you simply aren't standing around long enough for them to show up.



I've had a couple of Radio missions spawn ambushes. However, I've only seen this on teams, and only when facing Arachnos...

-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-



I think they spawn on an extremely low RNG, but I've gotten them on Hellions, COT, Tsoo, Arachnos, and Freakshow. Don't have a lot of high level characters and the ones I do have I don't play much so I can't remember if I got them on those characters.



Tips manage it just fine, I see no reason why Radios can't too. Keep Mercy, Atlas and Galaxy free as they are now, no problems.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



The only good thing about those ambushes were when they crossed to lower lvl maps!



Yeah ambushes do happen from papers and tips but its a bit rare. One of the many many missions where you get to beat up flamebeaux spawns freakshow ambushes.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Gonna have to say no on this. Some of those Radio/Paper missions spawn ambushes and you know darn well there will be idiots that think it's funny to spawn level 50 ambushes in Atlas Park and other low level zones.

And before anyone suggests it another "No" on getting rid of the ambushes from those missions.

But yes to the "Not now" button.
I actually like the idea of removing the alignment restriction, at least for Rogue and Vigilante characters. The Police Radio should work just as well with RIP radios as it does with PPD ones, and the Rogue Isle Protector already keeps pretty good tabs on the goings-on in Paragon City.

Lifting the level restriction, though, I'm not okay with. Keep the AE baboons in their cages.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
You cannot spawn ambushes in Atlas, there's code in place which prevents it happening.

Are you sure? I seem to recall seeing high level council running through Atlas on their way to ambush someone. Of course it has been a while since that happened so it may have changed since then.

I do like the idea of being able to access appropriate Paper/Radio missions from anywhere though.




I've had 50 lvl ambushes from reg. missions in lower level zones, incl. the Chronos Titan (not to mention other GMs that appear during events, etc.) - the world didn't end



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post

I've had 50 lvl ambushes from reg. missions in lower level zones, incl. the Chronos Titan (not to mention other GMs that appear during events, etc.) - the world didn't end
Those GM's also use the GM code that scales them to the level of the characters which makes it possible for low level characters to actually damage/defeat them.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I think they spawn on an extremely low RNG, but I've gotten them on Hellions, COT, Tsoo, Arachnos, and Freakshow. Don't have a lot of high level characters and the ones I do have I don't play much so I can't remember if I got them on those characters.
That certainly explains why I got attacked by Hellions in a Praetorian police station.



Originally Posted by Prodiguy View Post
That certainly explains why I got attacked by Hellions in a Praetorian police station.
Wow... they must've really wanted to meet you. Sheesh, broke the dimensional barrier just to run into your fists.

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



Forbin, it's possible that cases of ambushes could be handled by those missions not coming up on radios/papers when the character is using them in zones outside the natural level range.

I always thought that, at least, level 50s should be able to use the radio/paper in any zone.

Heh... to me, that might have been end game content enough (that and endless/repeatable Portal Corp missions).

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Those GM's also use the GM code that scales them to the level of the characters which makes it possible for low level characters to actually damage/defeat them.
So that means a GM won't curb-stomp a single or group of lowbies? And what about the lvl50s that can ambush? I've had lvl50 Malta (incl a sapper) Spawn in many zones besided paragon. And regardless the chance for ambush on radios is so rare - that alone nearly makes it a non-issue

Dude this just really isn't a good and common enough reason for the idea to not see the light of day - I've requested this very thing in suggestion threads long since buried



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
So that means a GM won't curb-stomp a single or group of lowbies? And what about the lvl50s that can ambush? I've had lvl50 Malta (incl a sapper) Spawn in many zones besided paragon. And regardless the chance for ambush on radios is so rare - that alone nearly makes it a non-issue

Dude this just really isn't a good and common enough reason for the idea to not see the light of day -
You are entitled to your own opinion and you can feel free to disagree with me.

I've requested this very thing in suggestion threads long since buried
What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? The number of times an idea has been suggested does not have any impact on whether or not it should be added to the game. If it did we'd have:

Powerset respecs
Open World PvP
Merged Servers
Base Love
The Moon Zone

Just to name a few oft suggested ideas.



I still want to see paper missions available in all zones, or at least zones you're over the minimal level of. Ambushes in low-level zones have occurred since time began and we survived just fine. I'd sooner have the major convenience of being able to get paper and scanner missions in all zones over the minor inconvenience of occasionally facing high-level ambushes. It's not like debt is all that big of a deal these days.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I say yes to this. contacts say the same, but the ability to do these any level would be nice for badge hunting on villain side



Originally Posted by HardRider View Post
I say yes to this. contacts say the same, but the ability to do these any level would be nice for badge hunting on villain side
Badges from the mayhem missions?

Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing the option to pick up radio or paper missions from any zone your level or under but there'd probably need to be an auto-exemp feature so that you can still actually play the lower safeguard/mayhems. At least then, you wouldn't feel 'rushed' to get those done or 'forced' to put a hold on your contacts so you don't out level the missions.

I'd say pretty much every villain I level needs to cut off xp some time in the 20-35 range so they can pick up the mayhems or choose the right contacts they want from the brokers.



I was under the impression that the suggestion was to pick Scanner/Paper missions from everywhere that were OUR level, not to enable people to redo old Paper/Scanner missions. If there is need for that, stuff those in Ouro.

I'm personally mostly interested in convenience. The other day I finished my tenth Hero Tip in Founders' Falls. I now needed to kill stuff to get a Morality mission, so my instinct was to tune into the Scanner. Only because this was a level 41 character, I couldn't. I had to trapse all the way to the station to get to Talos Island to get to the Ferry to get to Peregrine Island, because the game wouldn't let me get level 40+ missions in Founders' Falls. Even though I had just come out of a level 41 mission in Founders' Falls.

I understand why this is, or think I do - each zone has its own Scanner/Paper contact with a different set of missions - but if Tips work from anywhere, I see no reason why Papers and Scanners shouldn't.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I was under the impression that the suggestion was to pick Scanner/Paper missions from everywhere that were OUR level, not to enable people to redo old Paper/Scanner missions. If there is need for that, stuff those in Ouro.

I'm personally mostly interested in convenience. The other day I finished my tenth Hero Tip in Founders' Falls. I now needed to kill stuff to get a Morality mission, so my instinct was to tune into the Scanner. Only because this was a level 41 character, I couldn't. I had to trapse all the way to the station to get to Talos Island to get to the Ferry to get to Peregrine Island, because the game wouldn't let me get level 40+ missions in Founders' Falls. Even though I had just come out of a level 41 mission in Founders' Falls.

I understand why this is, or think I do - each zone has its own Scanner/Paper contact with a different set of missions - but if Tips work from anywhere, I see no reason why Papers and Scanners shouldn't.
Because paper/scanner missions work to add to the detective/broker bar in that area. If you can just do scanners in Atlas, where does the credit go for doing those missions when Atlas doesn't even have a police band contact?

Or if you're in Talos but only lvl 10, the credit goes to Detective Basins/Cricket(sp?) even though you shouldn't be getting their safeguards until lvl 20+?

As for convenience, why didn't you just use an oro portal? Besides that, you can defeat *any* enemy and have a tip drop. They don't need to be worth xp and you just need to be over lvl 20.