Make Radio/Paper Missions Global




/unsigned to everything but the not now button for reasons already stated.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Because paper/scanner missions work to add to the detective/broker bar in that area. If you can just do scanners in Atlas, where does the credit go for doing those missions when Atlas doesn't even have a police band contact?
Good point. I'd forgotten about that. I'm really not sure what to do about that. Normally I'd suggest just filling the detective's bar anyway, but since each hero level range has two detectives, "which one" becomes a relevant question to which I don't have an answer.


Besides that, you can defeat *any* enemy and have a tip drop. They don't need to be worth xp and you just need to be over lvl 20.
A tip may drop off any enemy, but a tip will not drop off every enemy. I usually have to defeat quite a few, on the order of 20 or 30 to get a drop, just because the RNG hates me. This is a problem, because I have a steadfast rule against fighting greys if I can avoid it. It's just no fun.

I did end up travelling, I believe. Sure, it took a bit of time to do that, but I ended up running a full Scanner mission, which made up for it. I'd rather do more "work" if that means said "work" is actually fun, than do less WORK that I don't enjoy.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? The number of times an idea has been suggested does not have any impact on whether or not it should be added to the game. If it did we'd have:

Powerset respecs
Open World PvP
Merged Servers
Base Love
The Moon Zone

Just to name a few oft suggested ideas.
So, the number of times a subject comes up in different threads has no impact on the Devs? One thread on the matter will always suffice? The same subject brought up at different times can't mean, 'Hey Devs, we have players that wanted this then, and want this now!'.

Maybe it would it have been better if the OP had searched for my or another poster's similiar thread and Necro'd that? 'Course, I've noted that people that do that tend to get lit up. *shrug*



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Gonna have to say no on this. Some of those Radio/Paper missions spawn ambushes and you know darn well there will be idiots that think it's funny to spawn level 50 ambushes in Atlas Park and other low level zones.

And before anyone suggests it another "No" on getting rid of the ambushes from those missions.

But yes to the "Not now" button.

I agree with Forbin and really why is it so hard to do radio.newspaper missions in a level appropriate zone? Sure can't be transport.. now all the trains, Ferries and even Blackop Helicopters are linked so getting around from zone to zone just keeps getting quicker.. let us not forget the Ouro portal as well in that.

Oh and Sam .. Forbin IS right I have seen some radio and newspaper missions that spawned an ambush as well. Like him I never bothered writing down particulars but I have taken missions against Outcast in Steel and while I was checking to see if I needed inspiration OUTCAST that just happen to be my level appear out of nowhere and attack me. I've had Council show up in Talos and do the same thing. There are not many but enough and if you think there are not jerks out there that would use this as a new way to grieve.. Look at previous Halloween ToT events before the fix. 50 level villains roaming around in Atlas Park and Mercy.

Now I can understand the OPs point. You are a 41 level and your contact in St Martial or FF/Bricks just informed you that everything here seems below you. Now you have to run Newpapers/Radios in Grandville or PI and of course they don;t care that there are areas where the street gangs are 4, 5 or 8 levels higher than you. For a couple levels you take a chance on a trip to the Hospital just getting to YOUR mission. Its actually safer inside. LOL Still its a part of the game and if anything it emphasizes the point Forbin makes.. You don't like having villains 4 levels higher than you trying to kill you as you TRY to get to the door of your mission. IMAGINE how a 3 level in Atlas Park feels turning a corner and staring into thr face of a 50 level that can one shot him!

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Good point. I'd forgotten about that. I'm really not sure what to do about that. Normally I'd suggest just filling the detective's bar anyway, but since each hero level range has two detectives, "which one" becomes a relevant question to which I don't have an answer.

Just going with this whole idea and my answer to this...
The progression achieved through the radio/paper missions would go towards the contact based on the character's level, not the zone that they are in (so, yeah, all safeguard/mayhem missions would be back in the one zone).

Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
...and really why is it so hard to do radio.newspaper missions in a level appropriate zone?
I can't speak for anyone else, but (for me) this has nothing to do with difficulty. It is purely for flavor and for the sake of... I'd enjoy being able to pick up radio/paper missions in any zone that my character's level is equal to or greater than.
It's just about feel/fun.It feels a little too game-mechanic-y restrictive when I suddenly can't run radio missions in Kings Row (or whatever example you want to use).
We get missions that send us to these lower zones at higher levels. It'd be nice to sniff out missions to intentionally get in whatever zone we're capable of holding our own within. (Tip Missions were a nice addition to allow a bit of leeway in this, but not really)

Not trying to convince anyone that they should feel the same way... Just offering my personal reasoning for why I've wanted it.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
This is a problem, because I have a steadfast rule against fighting greys if I can avoid it. It's just no fun.
But what about that poor old lady getting her purse stolen by Outcasts in Steel Canyon?

Or those dumb Luddites in Cap? They deserve to be slaughtered for no apparent reason.



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
So, the number of times a subject comes up in different threads has no impact on the Devs? One thread on the matter will always suffice? The same subject brought up at different times can't mean, 'Hey Devs, we have players that wanted this then, and want this now!'.
It doesn't matter how many players demand feature be added to the game. If the devs don't like it they won't add it. But then this tangent isn't about what the devs choose to do, since no one has said the devs would never consider this idea.

Maybe it would it have been better if the OP had searched for my or another poster's similiar thread and Necro'd that? 'Course, I've noted that people that do that tend to get lit up. *shrug*
Not one person told the OP to "Learn to Search", or told him he was beating a dead horse. We simply took the idea at face value and are discussing the merits and flaws.



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
I can't speak for anyone else, but (for me) this has nothing to do with difficulty. It is purely for flavor and for the sake of... I'd enjoy being able to pick up radio/paper missions in any zone that my character's level is equal to or greater than.

It's just about feel/fun.It feels a little too game-mechanic-y restrictive when I suddenly can't run radio missions in Kings Row (or whatever example you want to use).

We get missions that send us to these lower zones at higher levels. It'd be nice to sniff out missions to intentionally get in whatever zone we're capable of holding our own within. (Tip Missions were a nice addition to allow a bit of leeway in this, but not really)

Not trying to convince anyone that they should feel the same way... Just offering my personal reasoning for why I've wanted it.
You mentioned flavor/fun so I'd like to point out that you can go to any large city and look at their police departments and you'll find that they are broken up into city zones or precincts, and police assigned to one zone/precinct don't respond to calls in another zone/precinct. You don't see cops/detectives from precinct 3 get sent all the way across town to respond to calls in precinct 27.

Radio missions are the squad car/foot patrol emergency calls that the everyday beat cop has to respond to. That's who you are helping when you respond to them. They aren't "The Closer", they're "Hill Street Blues", "Adam-12", and "Law and Order" where even the detectives only handle cases in their own zone/precinct.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I was under the impression that the suggestion was to pick Scanner/Paper missions from everywhere that were OUR level, not to enable people to redo old Paper/Scanner missions. If there is need for that, stuff those in Ouro.

I'm personally mostly interested in convenience. The other day I finished my tenth Hero Tip in Founders' Falls. I now needed to kill stuff to get a Morality mission, so my instinct was to tune into the Scanner. Only because this was a level 41 character, I couldn't. I had to trapse all the way to the station to get to Talos Island to get to the Ferry to get to Peregrine Island, because the game wouldn't let me get level 40+ missions in Founders' Falls. Even though I had just come out of a level 41 mission in Founders' Falls.

I understand why this is, or think I do - each zone has its own Scanner/Paper contact with a different set of missions - but if Tips work from anywhere, I see no reason why Papers and Scanners shouldn't.
This was exactly the reason I started this thread I would like to be able to switch between paper and tip missions. Anyway nvm I've gone back to hunting Lt's and Boss grays for tips.