Moar giant robots!




Of courses, more villain groups need a giant robot.

And of course, a Rogue/Vigilante player should be allowed to hijack one and go on their own rampage across Paragon.

Until the Freedom Corps launch their own giant robot as a counter-offensive.

Then the zone music changes to Blind Guardian, and the skies over Paragon City become momentarily awash in the color of AWESOME.



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Rularuu's aspects are already giant. So he's exempt from needing a giant robot. Maybe he can have a bunch of Natterlings combine to form the UltraDimnesionalSuperMegaPowerNatterling though. And since they're scavengers, they can add in bits of crap they found and make what looks suspiciously like a giant robot.
Oh I would respectfully disagree! Imagine if you will, a T-Rex, blown up to triple size, made of that weird Rularuu flesh, and it's face replaced with a mass of crystals.

And just for the hell of it, it has crystalline geysers set into its back that shoot out clouds of parasitic memory eating bats.




Originally Posted by Organica View Post
Also, the Sky Raiders need their own giant robot – although the new Admiral Buffy (whatever his name is) TF is full of borrowed giant robots. I'm very happy that the Sky Raiders finally have their own task force, of a sort. It is an awesome task force, it gets the Giant Robot seal of approval! But where's the flying fortress? How can they be airship pirates without a flying fortress? (And a giant flying Skyraider robot!)
The Sky Raiders have a lot of high-tech equipment, but they're so poor they have to steal or borrow most of it. I mean, you saw that they couldn't built a gigantic boat themselves, they had to make it out of smaller boats they taped together that they had to steal. Such is the life of pirates.

Why hasn't Nemesis built a giant robot yet?
Because he's tried. Twice.

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2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
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Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
As the resident RahXephon fanboy
I would duel you for that title, but you're like the fourth person I've seen to who knows RahXephon exists and doesn't immediately write it off as an Evangelion clone, so I think there's room on this forum for two of us.

Originally Posted by Organica View Post
And I'm sure the Freakshow could come up with some sort of weird giant monstrosity too.
As I recall, T3h S00p4rFr34k! is pretty huge.

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Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
I would duel you for that title, but you're like the fourth person I've seen to who knows RahXephon exists and doesn't immediately write it off as an Evangelion clone, so I think there's room on this forum for two of us.
I have no idea how people get from RahXephon to Evanglion. They story's have allmost nothing in common.

And RahXephon was better. Not to even mention how mutch hotter Haruka is than Asuka.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Not quite but you do need five luchador brothers to defeat one.
That's what the secret Lore power is for: Luchador Summoning. The Tier 4 lets you invoke the ghost of El Santo.

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A giant bot for "The Family" would be cool. He could go to the enhancement stores and say "That's a mighty nice store you got there. Be a shame if something happened to it. Like a giant robot attack. Giant robot attacks happen, you know? Would be a shame, I'm just sayin'."

A giant Carnies fetish bot would spice up the higher level zones.

If it was mentioned already, I missed it, but don't forget the giant Arachnos spider bot - Jade Spider.

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
I've always thought of RahXephon as Eva done right.
I think those are the exact words I used to talk my friend into watching it. Or, at least, those, plus the resulting explanation when she insisted that she thought Eva was Eva done right.

Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
I have no idea how people get from RahXephon to Evanglion. They story's have allmost nothing in common.
They do kinda share the whole 'creation myth about teenagers piloting biological-looking giant robot against weird, vaguely mythologically-themed enemies' thing.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
Slightly off-topic but the Hellions also need a giant demon. Maybe a succubus. They seem to like succubi.
I have this horrible mental image of a multi-stories Succubus with a leather skirt and corset with a horde of hellions running around at her feet having a move where she snatches up some unsuspecting hero and stuffs him or her down the front of her corset or up her skirt as an instant-kill attack.

Originally Posted by Deacon_NA View Post
A giant Carnies fetish bot would spice up the higher level zones.
That's not helping.



Freakshow welded together into one giant combi-robot, Voltron style!



An amalgorithm of recycled Warwalkers, Council/5th giant mechs, Kronos titans and a Freak Tank put together for a new GM.

Maybe bits of Arachnos subs and Longbow fliers thrown in too.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Freakshow welded together into one giant combi-robot, Voltron style!
THIS!!! IF not this maybe a fleet of centaur freaks?

Anyways with Giant robots, I've got a few ideas

Croatoans- A massive wicker man? A ghostly remnant of a giant machine?

Crey- easy, generic robot with crey symbols and weapons coming from all over

Hellions- demon possessed council robot?

Tsoo- Stolen Japanese robot

Vahzilok- Flesh golem-esque creature. A bit like the Adamastor but more patched up with machinery popping out

Sky Raiders- A giant sky raider jump bot with sky skiffs able to land and take off from it's back. Think of a 40k titan or the S.H.I.E.L.D Hellicarrier on legs

Nemesis- Can anyone say steam powered man-tanks? ala metal slug walkers but steam powered?

Circle of thorns- Maybe the orenbegans managed to create a massive golem to fight the mu and now they have returned it to the world of the living?

Warriors- Odysseus has located a giant suit of armor and using different artifacts has given it some semblance of a living creature but still requires a warrior leader to animate it



Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
I have no idea how people get from RahXephon to Evanglion. They story's have allmost nothing in common.

And RahXephon was better. Not to even mention how mutch hotter Haruka is than Asuka.
If you want to do the comparison, it's Haruka=Misato and Asuka split between Elvy and Megumi. (Rei is Quon, Maya is a gender-flipped Gendo and so on and so forth)

There's also quite a few scenes that paralell each other very closely (sometimes to the extent of direct homaging) although in at least one case they're both homaging an earlier super-robot series.

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om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Since chicks dig giant robots, I think I'll contribute my own suggestions...

Longbow Arbalest Exo-Battle Armor: In light of the recent Praetorian invasions and the cost effectiveness of the Cataphract, Longbow has set out to create their own, mass produced war machine. Ultimately what the ended up with was an extremely large powered armor, but still packing quite a punch and able to topple even the biggest threats.

Malta Hyperion Class Titan: (Actually someone else's idea but it was a good one) Salvaged from stolen pieces of War Walkers and HVAS, it's smaller than a Kronos, but bigger than a Zeus, it's far more cost effective than both and devastatingly lethal.

Clockwork King (Special): By gaining a measure of his sanity back, the Clockwork king has created this massive new body, salvaged from anything and everything he could find to protect his Clockwork Princess from the Praetorian threat.

Mu Golem: Using ancient manuscripts, the Mu have constructed this massive golem, propelled by advanced mechanical knowledge of the gods and moved by their hatred of Oranbega, this techno-magical monstrosity will let nothing move it from its path of carnage.

Paragon Protector Powerhouse: These specially designated Paragon protectors operate the unstoppable Crey Powerhouse "Hazmat" armor, designed to protect its wearer from any potential hazard in the lab. like flying bullets or high powered explosives.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



If we really wanted to go down the giant robot route, how about Talos and Chimera, whose battle back in the 1960s created Talos Island and the story goes that they're still fighting down there... somewhere.

I can imagine an arc or a Task Force where the final mission has you journeying down beneath Talos Island, and you find the chamber that they're in... and they're absolutely colossal. Like that minotaur statue of Talos on Talos Island? That's life sized. And they're still duking it out.

Or if we wanted to go classic, how about the original, mythological Talos, the giant bronze robot from Greek myth? He'd fit well with the Cimmororans or, heck, the Warriors. Maybe Odysseus found and reactivated him.

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The more I think about it, the more I believe that the Carnival of Shadows should have a parade zone event in St. Martial, where they stage a march down through the casinos and attract a crowd of citizens who they bring to their tents. The GM is a giant levitating palanquin dragged by Strongmen. It does not attack or react to aggro, like a Rikti Raid dropship, but it can be slowed by defeating the Strongmen that move it. Its defense is hordes of Carnies, to which it gives buffs, and a strong PBAoE confuse aura.

Or something like that.

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Originally Posted by CBeet View Post
An amalgorithm of recycled Warwalkers, Council/5th giant mechs, Kronos titans and a Freak Tank put together for a new GM.

Maybe bits of Arachnos subs and Longbow fliers thrown in too.
With the invasion of Kings' Row, there are enough bits of Praetorian Clockwork and War Walkers around that I'd expect the Freakshow to scavenge parts -- a Monster-class Freakshow made from parts scaveneged from destroyed War Walkers, Freakshow with Victoria blades, etc.

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