Players experiencing crashing issues with the City of Heroes client





Please contact Support for all issues related to the NCsoft Launcher. This will not only allow them to have a clearer idea of what issues you are encountering and sometimes help you resolve them straight away, but it will also allow us to manage those issues in a more efficient way.

Hang in there if you are encountering problems, we're doing everything we can to help you all!


In order to better diagnose the City of Heroes client crashing issue currently affecting some of you, it would be helpful if we could get everybody experiencing that problem to run the command “nslookup” in the Command Prompt window and send us the results.

  • To access the command prompt, type "cmd" (without the quotes) in the "Search" field of your Start menu (Windows users).
  • Type in “nslookup” (without the quotes) in the Command Prompt window that pops up.
  • Leave it to run its course and once you have the information, left click on the icon at the top left corner of the command Prompt window -> Edit -> Select All, then once again left click on the icon at the top left corner of the command Prompt window -> Edit -> Copy, and paste it in this thread or in a PM to Avatea or Zwillinger.

It would also be useful if we could get your NCApplication.log files along with the result of the above command. Locate those files in the NClauncher install directory on your computer.

We appreciate this has been a serious inconvenience for some of you and appreciate your help and patience with this matter.

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I have 9 application Logs here is the most recent.

NC ApplicationLog
2011-04-07 17:23:46.2343 : 1 : Info : Rolling the log files...
2011-04-07 17:23:46.4062 : 1 : Info : Starting:
C:\Program Files\NCSoft\Launcher\_Launcher.exeC:\Program Files\NCSoft\Launcher\NCLauncher.exe
Full assembly name: _Launcher, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2011-04-07 17:23:46.4062 : 1 : Info : Windows version: 5.1.2600.196608 (WinXP)
2011-04-07 17:23:46.4062 : 1 : Info : Starting _Launcher...
2011-04-07 17:23:46.4218 : 1 : Info : --- Parsing Command Line ---
2011-04-07 17:23:46.5000 : 1 : Info : --- Command Line Parsed---
2011-04-07 17:23:46.5000 : 1 : Info : --- Setting Up Application Data ---
2011-04-07 17:23:46.5000 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Launcher App ---
2011-04-07 17:23:46.5000 : 1 : Info : --- Creating User Mutex ---
2011-04-07 17:23:46.6093 : 1 : Info : --- Setting up IPC Channel ---
2011-04-07 17:23:46.6093 : 1 : Info : --- Not Still Running, Setting Up IPC ---
2011-04-07 17:23:46.6093 : 1 : Info : --- Attemping Register IPC ---
2011-04-07 17:23:46.6250 : 1 : Info : --- Handle First Instance ---
2011-04-07 17:23:46.6562 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Configuration Group ---
2011-04-07 17:23:46.8125 : 1 : Info : --- Initalizing Language And Region ---
2011-04-07 17:23:46.8437 : 1 : Info : --- Creating Splash Screen ---
2011-04-07 17:23:47.6093 : 1 : Info : --- First Run Initialization ---
2011-04-07 17:23:47.6250 : 1 : Info : --- Update Self ---
2011-04-07 17:23:48.0156 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:23:48.0468 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:23:48.0781 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-07 17:23:48.0781 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\tmp46.tmp".
2011-04-07 17:23:48.4062 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-07 17:23:48.4062 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-07 17:23:48.4062 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-07 17:23:48.4062 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\tmp46.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-07 17:23:48.4062 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-07 17:23:48.4062 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:23:48.4062 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:23:48.4062 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-04-07 17:23:48.4218 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:23:48.7187 : 1 : Info : --- Evaluating Registry ---
2011-04-07 17:23:49.0156 : 1 : Info : --- Creating LauncherApplication ---
2011-04-07 17:23:49.0156 : 1 : Info : --- LauncherApplication Run ---
2011-04-07 17:23:51.8750 : 1 : Info : Getting Pathch Server for GameID: CityOfHeroes
2011-04-07 17:23:52.0625 : 1 : Info : Getting Pathch Server for GameID: CoHTest
2011-04-07 17:23:52.0625 : 1 : Info : Getting Pathch Server for GameID: CoHBeta
2011-04-07 17:23:52.4375 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition CheckForUpdates.
2011-04-07 17:23:52.4375 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition - 0 other operations are currently taking up low bandwidth.
2011-04-07 17:23:52.4531 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition CheckForUpdates.
2011-04-07 17:23:52.4531 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition - 1 other operations are currently taking up low bandwidth.
2011-04-07 17:23:52.4531 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition CheckForUpdates.
2011-04-07 17:23:52.4531 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition - 2 other operations are currently taking up low bandwidth.
2011-04-07 17:23:52.4531 : 7 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:23:52.4531 : 7 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:23:52.4531 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-07 17:23:52.4531 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\tmp47.tmp".
2011-04-07 17:23:52.6093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:23:52.6093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:23:52.6093 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-07 17:23:52.6093 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\tmp48.tmp".
2011-04-07 17:23:52.7968 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-07 17:23:52.7968 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-07 17:23:52.7968 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-07 17:23:52.7968 : 7 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\tmp47.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-07 17:23:52.7968 : 7 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-07 17:23:52.7968 : 7 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:23:52.7968 : 7 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:23:52.7968 : 7 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-04-07 17:23:52.7968 : 7 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:23:52.8281 : 7 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:23:52.8281 : 7 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:23:52.8281 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-07 17:23:52.8281 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\tmp49.tmp".
2011-04-07 17:23:52.8906 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-07 17:23:52.8906 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-07 17:23:52.8906 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-07 17:23:52.8906 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\tmp48.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-07 17:23:52.8906 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-07 17:23:52.8906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:23:52.8906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:23:52.8906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-04-07 17:23:52.8906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:23:53.1093 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-07 17:23:53.1093 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-07 17:23:53.1093 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-07 17:23:53.1093 : 7 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\tmp49.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-07 17:23:53.1093 : 7 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-07 17:23:53.1093 : 7 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:23:53.1093 : 7 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:23:53.1093 : 7 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:23:53.1093 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-07 17:23:53.1093 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\tmp4A.tmp".
2011-04-07 17:23:53.3125 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-07 17:23:53.3125 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-07 17:23:53.3593 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-07 17:23:53.3593 : 7 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\tmp4A.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-07 17:23:53.3593 : 7 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-07 17:23:53.3593 : 7 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:23:53.3750 : 7 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finding the minimum number of patches to apply. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:23:53.3750 : 7 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finding the minimum number of patches to apply. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:23:53.3750 : 7 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 80%
2011-04-07 17:23:53.3750 : 7 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:23:54.2343 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-07 17:23:54.2343 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-07 17:23:54.2500 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:23:54.2500 : 13 : Info : CoInitializeSecurity has already been called, as expected.
2011-04-07 17:23:54.3125 : 13 : Info : BITS Test: Starting...
2011-04-07 17:23:54.3125 : 13 : Info : BITS Test: Downloading using an HTTPWebRequest...
2011-04-07 17:23:54.3593 : 13 : Info : BITS Test: Success downloading with a HTTPWebRequest...
2011-04-07 17:23:54.3750 : 13 : Info : BITS Test: Downloading in foreground...
2011-04-07 17:23:54.5468 : 7 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : 212 bytes.
2011-04-07 17:23:54.5468 : 7 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: Downloading (Pri:Foreground) from "" to "C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\tmp4B.tmp".
2011-04-07 17:23:54.5468 : 7 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: The file is too short, but we'll assume it's right so far, so now we'll see if we can resume. (Actual Length =0)
2011-04-07 17:23:54.5468 : 7 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: This task supports resume: 'True'. This uri supports resume: 'True'
2011-04-07 17:23:54.9531 : 7 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: File size of downloaded file: 212
2011-04-07 17:23:54.9531 : 7 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\tmp4B.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = 212
2011-04-07 17:23:54.9531 : 7 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length matches, and there is no hash to test against.
2011-04-07 17:23:54.9531 : 13 : Info : BITS Test: BITS is usable
2011-04-07 17:23:54.9687 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Downloading 1 files. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:23:54.9687 : 13 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : 3073850 bytes.
2011-04-07 17:23:54.9687 : 13 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: Downloading (Pri:BackgroundHigh) from " 04060405.1.0.ncpatch" to "C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To20 00.201104060405.1.0.ncpatch".
2011-04-07 17:23:54.9687 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Downloading file 1/1: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0.ncpatch. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:23:56.7031 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:23:56.7031 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:23:56.7031 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-07 17:23:56.7031 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\tmp4E.tmp".
2011-04-07 17:23:56.9531 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-07 17:23:56.9531 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-07 17:23:56.9531 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-07 17:23:56.9531 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\tmp4E.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-07 17:23:56.9531 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-07 17:23:56.9531 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:23:56.9531 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:23:56.9531 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-04-07 17:23:56.9531 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:05.4375 : 13 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: File size of downloaded file: 3073850
2011-04-07 17:24:05.4531 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining downloaded file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0.ncpatch : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:05.4531 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To20 00.201104060405.1.0.ncpatch' Expected Hash = '305FB50DBD577FEF93F507AB46F2A306' Expected Length = 3073850
2011-04-07 17:24:05.4531 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:05.4687 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:05.4687 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-07 17:24:05.4687 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining downloaded file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0.ncpatch : () : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:05.4687 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Downloading file 1/1: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0.ncpatch. : (2.76 MB / 2.93 MB (00:00 remaining at 269.45 KB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:05.4843 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Downloading 1 files. : (2.92 MB / 2.93 MB (00:00 remaining at 327.03 KB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:05.4843 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:06.2343 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition ApplyUpdates.
2011-04-07 17:24:06.2343 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-07 17:24:06.2656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying 1 patch(es). : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:06.2656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:06.3281 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:06.3281 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting patch manifest. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:06.6093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0\PatchManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:06.6093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0\PatchManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:06.6250 : 13 : Info : Unrar (stderr): CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0\PatchManifest.xml - use current password ?
2011-04-07 17:24:06.6406 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0\PatchManifest.xml
2011-04-07 17:24:06.6562 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-07 17:24:06.6718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0\PatchManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:06.6718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0\PatchManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:06.6718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting patch manifest. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:06.7343 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:06.7343 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting patch files. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:06.7343 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting all files : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:06.7656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0\PatchManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:06.7656 : 13 : Info : Unrar (stderr): CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0\PatchManifest.xml - use current password ?
2011-04-07 17:24:06.7812 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Creating C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\~PS
2011-04-07 17:24:06.7812 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-07 17:24:06.7812 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Creating C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\~PS\P
2011-04-07 17:24:06.7812 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-07 17:24:06.7812 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Creating C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1 .0To2000.201104060405.1.0
2011-04-07 17:24:06.7812 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-07 17:24:06.7812 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1 .0To2000.201104060405.1.0\PatchManifest.xml
2011-04-07 17:24:06.7812 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-07 17:24:06.7812 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0\PatchManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:06.7968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\bin.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:06.8125 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Creating C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1 .0To2000.201104060405.1.0\ProductFiles
2011-04-07 17:24:06.8125 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-07 17:24:06.8125 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Creating C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1 .0To2000.201104060405.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs
2011-04-07 17:24:06.8125 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-07 17:24:06.8125 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1 .0To2000.201104060405.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\bin.p igg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-07 17:24:06.8125 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-07 17:24:06.8125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\bin.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:06.8437 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0\ProductFiles\cityofheroes.exe.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:06.8437 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1 .0To2000.201104060405.1.0\ProductFiles\cityofheroe s.exe.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-07 17:24:06.9375 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-07 17:24:06.9375 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0\ProductFiles\cityofheroes.exe.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:06.9687 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geom.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:06.9687 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1 .0To2000.201104060405.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geom. pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-07 17:24:06.9687 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-07 17:24:06.9687 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geom.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:06.9843 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomBC.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:06.9843 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1 .0To2000.201104060405.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomB C.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-07 17:24:06.9843 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-07 17:24:07.0000 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomBC.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:07.0156 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomV1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:07.0156 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1 .0To2000.201104060405.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomV 1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-07 17:24:07.0156 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-07 17:24:07.0156 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomV1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:07.0468 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomV2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:07.0468 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1 .0To2000.201104060405.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomV 2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-07 17:24:07.0468 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-07 17:24:07.0468 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomV2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:07.0781 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsMisc.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:07.0781 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1 .0To2000.201104060405.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsM isc.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-07 17:24:07.1093 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-07 17:24:07.1093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsMisc.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:07.1406 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:07.1406 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1 .0To2000.201104060405.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsM issions.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-07 17:24:07.1562 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-07 17:24:07.1562 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:07.1875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0\ProductFiles\version.ini.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:07.1875 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1 .0To2000.201104060405.1.0\ProductFiles\version.ini .X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-07 17:24:07.1875 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-07 17:24:07.2031 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0\ProductFiles\version.ini.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:07.2031 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting all files : () : 75%
2011-04-07 17:24:07.2031 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting patch files. : () : 75%
2011-04-07 17:24:07.2500 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:07.2656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Performing 1 application step(s). : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:07.2656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:07.2812 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining patch. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:07.3593 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining patch. : () : 88%
2011-04-07 17:24:07.4062 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying file group: ProductFiles. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:07.4062 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Updating files. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:07.4062 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\bin.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:07.4375 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\bin.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:07.4375 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:09.7968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (36.00 MB / 39.24 MB (00:00 remaining at 17.21 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:09.7968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\bin.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:09.7968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\bin.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:09.8281 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:09.8593 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:09.8593 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:11.6562 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (4.00 MB / 10.85 MB (00:01 remaining at 3.64 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:11.6562 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:11.6562 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:11.6875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: version.ini. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:11.6875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: version.ini. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:11.6875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:11.8750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:11.8750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: version.ini. : () : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:11.8750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: version.ini. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:11.8906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:12.0156 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:12.0156 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:19.5000 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (126.00 MB / 127.71 MB (00:00 remaining at 17.13 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:19.5000 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:19.5000 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:19.5312 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:19.5312 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:19.5312 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:21.9218 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (24.00 MB / 26.19 MB (00:00 remaining at 10.97 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:21.9218 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:21.9218 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:21.9375 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geomV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:22.0000 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\geomV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:22.0000 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:24.5781 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (43.00 MB / 48.19 MB (00:00 remaining at 19.24 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:24.5781 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\geomV2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:24.5781 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geomV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:24.6093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:24.6875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:24.6875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:32.1875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (121.00 MB / 123.01 MB (00:00 remaining at 16.36 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:32.1875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:32.1875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:32.2187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:32.2656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:32.2656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:43.4843 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (158.00 MB / 160.36 MB (00:00 remaining at 14.26 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:43.4843 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:43.4843 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:43.5156 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:43.5156 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:43.5156 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.5625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (7.95 MB / 8.20 MB (00:00 remaining at 7.82 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.5625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.5625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.5625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Updating files. : () : 88%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.6093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing and verifying changes to files. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.6093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\bin.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.6093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\bin.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.6093 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\piggs\bin.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = 'EB063D1E823CDC7385EB3CC45A59EC2A' Expected Length = 41148341
2011-04-07 17:24:44.6093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.6093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.6093 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-07 17:24:44.6093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\bin.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.6093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\bin.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.6093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\bin.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.6093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\bin.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.6406 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.6406 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\geomV1.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.6406 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\piggs\geomV1.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = 'DEDDA8599A9FC0280E7912664F6992BE' Expected Length = 11379461
2011-04-07 17:24:44.6406 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.6406 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.6406 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-07 17:24:44.6406 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\geomV1.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.6406 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.6406 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.6406 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.6718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.6718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.6718 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsMissions.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '7678DA15423C61E50BCF1669B166FB26' Expected Length = 133914670
2011-04-07 17:24:44.6718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.6718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.6875 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-07 17:24:44.6875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.6875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.6875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.6875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.7187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.7187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.7187 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsMisc.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '5E2546983677EE845821689584DB3AA2' Expected Length = 27463097
2011-04-07 17:24:44.7187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.7187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.7187 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-07 17:24:44.7187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.7343 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.7343 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.7343 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.7656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\geomV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.7656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\geomV2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.7656 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\piggs\geomV2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = 'FD088E2D5CB2112BC7D280A15B42CEC5' Expected Length = 50530306
2011-04-07 17:24:44.7656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.7656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.7656 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-07 17:24:44.7656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\geomV2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.7656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\geomV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.7656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\geomV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.7656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\geomV2.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.8125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.8125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\geomBC.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.8125 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\piggs\geomBC.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = 'F4B44944843A0F305AB21F11D8E4F591' Expected Length = 128987351
2011-04-07 17:24:44.8125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.8125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.8125 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-07 17:24:44.8125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\geomBC.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.8125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.8125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.8125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.8750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.8750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\geom.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.8750 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\piggs\geom.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '2B3632A284157B08CB8F176B5347ADA6' Expected Length = 168147963
2011-04-07 17:24:44.8750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.8750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.8750 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-07 17:24:44.8750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\geom.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.8750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.8906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.8906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.9218 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.9218 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: cityofheroes.exe.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.9218 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\cityofheroes.exe.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '3299464CAEE2C4861979DCD72520A2CF' Expected Length = 8593408
2011-04-07 17:24:44.9218 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.9218 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.9218 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-07 17:24:44.9218 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: cityofheroes.exe.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.9218 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.9375 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.9375 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 80%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.9843 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: version.ini. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.9843 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: version.ini.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.9843 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\version.ini.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '1EA7DF21D22691C8A711F103AD5A5950' Expected Length = 41
2011-04-07 17:24:44.9843 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.9843 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.9843 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-07 17:24:44.9843 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: version.ini.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.9843 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: version.ini. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.9843 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: version.ini. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.9843 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: version.ini. : () : 80%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.9843 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing and verifying changes to files. : () : 88%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.9843 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying file group: ProductFiles. : () : 95%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.9843 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 95%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.9843 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Performing 1 application step(s). : () : 95%
2011-04-07 17:24:44.9843 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 94%
2011-04-07 17:24:45.0156 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201103302055.1.0To2000.2011 04060405.1.0. : () : 94%
2011-04-07 17:24:45.0156 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 94%
2011-04-07 17:24:45.0156 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 94%
2011-04-07 17:24:45.0468 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying 1 patch(es). : () : 94%
2011-04-07 17:24:45.0781 : 7 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:45.0937 : 7 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:45.0937 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-07 17:24:45.0937 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\tmp50.tmp".
2011-04-07 17:24:45.2343 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-07 17:24:45.2343 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-07 17:24:45.2343 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-07 17:24:45.2343 : 7 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\tmp50.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-07 17:24:45.2343 : 7 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-07 17:24:45.2343 : 7 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:45.2343 : 7 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:24:45.2343 : 7 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-04-07 17:24:45.2343 : 7 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:43:22.6718 : 19 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:43:22.6718 : 19 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:43:22.6718 : 19 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-07 17:43:22.6718 : 19 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\tmp5F.tmp".
2011-04-07 17:43:23.2031 : 19 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-07 17:43:23.2031 : 19 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-07 17:43:23.2031 : 19 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-07 17:43:23.2031 : 19 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\tmp5F.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-07 17:43:23.2031 : 19 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-07 17:43:23.2031 : 19 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:43:23.2031 : 19 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:43:23.2031 : 19 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-04-07 17:43:23.2031 : 19 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-07 17:43:24.1875 : 1 : Info : Checking DirectX Version : 9.0c Or Higher (C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d9.dll - 5.3.2600.5512)
2011-04-07 17:43:24.1875 : 1 : Info : System meets DirectX reqs.
2011-04-07 17:43:24.9843 : 1 : Info : --- Closing Splash Screen ---
2011-04-07 17:43:25.0000 : 1 : Info : Exiting with code: 0

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Edit: sent to pm.



Here are the error messages I get:

Error Code: 58 (FileGroupApplicationErrorRollbackNotAttempted):
Errors occurred while applying the patch,
and a rollback was not attempted.
The product is likely in an inconsistent state and should be repaired or reinstalled.
The patch application errors are as follows:
Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))

And this is the log:

2011-04-09 06:49:11.4293 : 1 : Info : Rolling the log files...
2011-04-09 06:49:11.4593 : 1 : Info : Starting:
C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\Launcher\_Launcher.exeC:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\Launcher\NCLauncher.exe
Full assembly name: _Launcher, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2011-04-09 06:49:11.4593 : 1 : Info : Windows version: 6.1.7601.65536 (Vista)
2011-04-09 06:49:11.4593 : 1 : Info : Starting _Launcher...
2011-04-09 06:49:11.4593 : 1 : Info : --- Parsing Command Line ---
2011-04-09 06:49:11.4693 : 1 : Info : --- Command Line Parsed---
2011-04-09 06:49:11.4693 : 1 : Info : --- Setting Up Application Data ---
2011-04-09 06:49:11.4793 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Launcher App ---
2011-04-09 06:49:11.4793 : 1 : Info : --- Creating User Mutex ---
2011-04-09 06:49:11.4793 : 1 : Info : --- Setting up IPC Channel ---
2011-04-09 06:49:11.4793 : 1 : Info : --- Still Running and not allowing mulitiple copies ---
2011-04-09 06:49:12.4593 : 1 : Info : Exiting with code: 0
2011-04-09 06:49:17.9173 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Repairing. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:17.9773 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:17.9773 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-09 06:49:17.9773 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpCEB4.tmp ".
2011-04-09 06:49:18.3173 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-09 06:49:18.3173 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-09 06:49:18.3173 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-09 06:49:18.3173 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpCEB4.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:18.3173 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-09 06:49:18.3173 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:18.3273 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:18.3273 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:18.3273 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-09 06:49:18.3273 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpD02B.tmp ".
2011-04-09 06:49:18.4773 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-09 06:49:18.4773 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-09 06:49:18.4773 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-09 06:49:18.4773 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpD02B.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:18.4773 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-09 06:49:18.4773 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:18.4773 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:18.4773 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-09 06:49:18.4773 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpD0C8.tmp ".
2011-04-09 06:49:18.5873 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-09 06:49:18.5873 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-09 06:49:18.5873 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-09 06:49:18.5873 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpD0C8.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:18.5873 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-09 06:49:18.5973 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:18.6073 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finding the repair patch. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:18.6173 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finding the repair patch. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:18.6173 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 40%
2011-04-09 06:49:18.6173 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:18.6173 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:18.6173 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-09 06:49:18.6173 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpD155.tmp ".
2011-04-09 06:49:18.7673 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-09 06:49:18.7673 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-09 06:49:18.7673 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-09 06:49:18.7673 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpD155.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:18.7673 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-09 06:49:18.7673 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:18.7673 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:18.7673 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-09 06:49:18.7673 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpD1E3.tmp ".
2011-04-09 06:49:18.8673 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-09 06:49:18.8673 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-09 06:49:18.8773 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-09 06:49:18.8773 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpD1E3.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:18.8773 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-09 06:49:18.8773 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:18.8773 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finding the repair patch. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:18.8773 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finding the repair patch. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:18.8773 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 80%
2011-04-09 06:49:18.9373 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Downloading and applying 1 patch(es). : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:18.9373 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Downloading 1 patch(es). : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:18.9373 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:18.9773 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Downloading 1 files. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:18.9773 : 14 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : 3168 bytes.
2011-04-09 06:49:18.9773 : 14 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: Downloading (Pri:Foreground) from " atch" to "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201104060405.1.0_Rep air.ncpatch".
2011-04-09 06:49:18.9773 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Downloading file 1/1: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201104060405.1.0_Repair.ncp atch. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:18.9873 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining existing file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201104060405.1.0_Repair.ncp atch : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:18.9873 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:18.9973 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:18.9973 : 14 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: File hash and length match. This file has already been downloaded.
2011-04-09 06:49:18.9973 : 14 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: File already downloaded: " atch"
2011-04-09 06:49:18.9973 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining existing file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201104060405.1.0_Repair.ncp atch : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.0373 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Downloading file 1/1: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201104060405.1.0_Repair.ncp atch. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.0773 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Downloading 1 files. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.0773 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.0873 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Downloading 1 patch(es). : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.1573 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying 1 patch(es). : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.1573 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.1673 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.1673 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting patch manifest. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.1673 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201104060405.1.0_Repair\Pat chManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.1773 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201104060405.1.0_Repair\Pat chManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.1773 : 14 : Info : Unrar (stderr): CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201104060405.1.0_Repair\Pat chManifest.xml - use current password ?
2011-04-09 06:49:19.1773 : 14 : Info : Unrar: Extracting CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201104060405.1.0_Repair\Pat chManifest.xml
2011-04-09 06:49:19.1773 : 14 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-09 06:49:19.1773 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201104060405.1.0_Repair\Pat chManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.1773 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201104060405.1.0_Repair\Pat chManifest.xml : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.1773 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting patch manifest. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.1973 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201104060405.1.0_Repair. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.2073 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting patch files. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.2073 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting all files : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.2173 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201104060405.1.0_Repair\Pat chManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.2173 : 14 : Info : Unrar (stderr): CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201104060405.1.0_Repair\Pat chManifest.xml - use current password ?
2011-04-09 06:49:19.2173 : 14 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201104060405.1 .0_Repair\PatchManifest.xml
2011-04-09 06:49:19.2273 : 14 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-09 06:49:19.2273 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201104060405.1.0_Repair\Pat chManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.2273 : 14 : Info : Unrar: Creating C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2000.201104060405.1 .0_Repair\ProductFiles
2011-04-09 06:49:19.2273 : 14 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-09 06:49:19.2673 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting all files : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.2673 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting patch files. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.2873 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.2873 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Performing 1 application step(s). : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.2973 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.2973 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining patch. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.4473 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining patch. : () : 98%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.5073 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying file group: ProductFiles. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.5073 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Updating files. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.5073 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: cider\eula-eu-de.html. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.5073 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: cider\eula-eu-de.html. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.5073 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\cider\eula-eu-de.html' Expected Hash = '74BAC17727F532D734AED4A060EF239B' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:19.5073 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.5273 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.5273 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:19.5273 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: cider\eula-eu-de.html. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.5273 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: cider\eula-eu-de.html. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.5373 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.5373 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.5373 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texts.pigg' Expected Hash = '9C9BF7C928F905289D748623561E1EEC' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:19.5373 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.5573 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.5673 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:19.5673 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.5673 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.5673 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texWorldCZ.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.5673 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texWorldCZ.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:19.5673 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texWorldCZ.pigg' Expected Hash = 'A7E565C18668709F84B2D74B8C4807DA' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:19.5673 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:22.4673 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (151.69 MB / 218.56 MB (00:00 remaining at 67.64 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:22.4673 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:22.4673 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texWorldCZ.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:22.4773 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texWorldCZ.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:22.4773 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundVMusic3.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:22.4773 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundVMusic3.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:22.4773 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\soundVMusic3.pigg' Expected Hash = '3012021CACFBCB56DF6AA8A03C0A6C42' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:22.4773 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:22.6173 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:22.6173 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:22.6173 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundVMusic3.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:22.6173 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundVMusic3.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:22.6273 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:22.6273 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:22.6273 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texPlayers2.pigg' Expected Hash = 'B49891BDAD4277E267441B5C90249F29' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:22.6273 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:22.8873 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:22.8873 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:22.8873 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:22.8873 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:22.8873 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\sound1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:22.8873 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\sound1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:22.8873 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\sound1.pigg' Expected Hash = 'D413F469DEE8352AD04F83FEFFB89C4E' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:22.8873 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:23.0973 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:23.0973 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:23.0973 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\sound1.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:23.0973 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\sound1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:23.1473 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texVWorld1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:23.1473 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texVWorld1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:23.1473 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texVWorld1.pigg' Expected Hash = 'C4098E4136C7EFB374D63B6D0BB243C3' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:23.1473 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:23.9073 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:23.9073 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:23.9073 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texVWorld1.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:23.9073 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texVWorld1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:23.9173 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: cider\eula-eu-fr.html. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:23.9173 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: cider\eula-eu-fr.html. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:23.9173 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\cider\eula-eu-fr.html' Expected Hash = '6FE9CD04DCA88FF8633812A2C959A61D' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:23.9173 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:23.9473 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:23.9473 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:23.9473 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: cider\eula-eu-fr.html. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:23.9473 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: cider\eula-eu-fr.html. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:23.9473 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: cider\eula-eu-en.html. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:23.9473 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: cider\eula-eu-en.html. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:23.9473 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\cider\eula-eu-en.html' Expected Hash = '66ACCB07EBBFFD709DB3D1DF656A0418' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:23.9573 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:23.9573 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:23.9573 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:23.9573 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: cider\eula-eu-en.html. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:23.9573 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: cider\eula-eu-en.html. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:23.9673 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: uninstall.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:23.9673 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: uninstall.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:23.9673 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\uninstall.exe' Expected Hash = 'C3742F5D0C5DD55CFB801B8DF3D27FBF' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:23.9673 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:23.9873 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:23.9873 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:23.9873 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: uninstall.exe. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:23.9873 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: uninstall.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:23.9873 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:23.9873 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:23.9873 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsCities2.pigg' Expected Hash = 'A8399D1734BF17A2A3FFDAEAF51F3C92' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:23.9873 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:24.0473 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:24.0473 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:24.0473 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:24.0473 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:24.0873 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:24.0873 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:24.0873 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\soundV1.pigg' Expected Hash = '3F4AB0E679E539619B8DECBA12DF70FC' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:24.0973 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:24.6973 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:24.6973 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:24.6973 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundV1.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:24.6973 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:24.7073 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:24.7073 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:24.7073 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsMisc.pigg' Expected Hash = '5E2546983677EE845821689584DB3AA2' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:24.7073 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:25.0173 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:25.0173 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:25.0173 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:25.0173 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:25.0673 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texVWorldBases2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:25.0673 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texVWorldBases2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:25.0673 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texVWorldBases2.pigg' Expected Hash = '128AB0B3195106385DE088A0DC2F2718' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:25.0673 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:26.0073 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:26.0073 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:26.0173 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texVWorldBases2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:26.0173 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texVWorldBases2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:26.0173 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texEnemies.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:26.0173 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texEnemies.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:26.0173 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texEnemies.pigg' Expected Hash = '8E2C75D08449A3BF6002FCD2DAD584C4' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:26.0173 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:26.1373 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:26.1373 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:26.1373 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texEnemies.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:26.1373 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texEnemies.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:26.1473 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: nxcooking.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:26.1473 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: nxcooking.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:26.1473 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\nxcooking.dll' Expected Hash = '1CA9D1701A5F80AE1ED29AEBAEF3C6D9' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:26.1473 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:26.1673 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:26.1673 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:26.1673 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: nxcooking.dll. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:26.1673 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: nxcooking.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:26.2073 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundV6.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:26.2073 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundV6.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:26.2073 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\soundV6.pigg' Expected Hash = '26039A27A355321BDDAF7F7744041E32' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:26.2173 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:26.4073 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:26.4073 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:26.4073 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundV6.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:26.4173 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundV6.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:26.4173 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\sound.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:26.4173 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\sound.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:26.4173 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\sound.pigg' Expected Hash = 'B0300D35CA4B4D23DE6813510113D008' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:26.4173 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:34.1273 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (506.37 MB / 539.91 MB (00:00 remaining at 69.89 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:34.1273 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:34.1273 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\sound.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:34.1273 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\sound.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:34.1773 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundVMusic5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:34.1773 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundVMusic5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:34.1773 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\soundVMusic5.pigg' Expected Hash = '6ACADAC2523360B8C66FCDB65135DEBA' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:34.1873 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:34.2173 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:34.2273 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:34.2273 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundVMusic5.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:34.2273 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundVMusic5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:34.2273 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texVWorldBases1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:34.2273 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texVWorldBases1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:34.2273 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texVWorldBases1.pigg' Expected Hash = '1E2B142EFB29CACA0B7FCFA50F219369' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:34.2273 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:34.9273 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:34.9273 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:34.9273 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texVWorldBases1.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:34.9273 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texVWorldBases1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:34.9273 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:34.9273 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:34.9273 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg' Expected Hash = 'A5292BA44F2EDDD336958BF4F417BF73' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:34.9373 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:35.5873 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:35.5873 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:35.5873 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:35.5973 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:35.6373 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: physxcore.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:35.6373 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: physxcore.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:35.6373 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\physxcore.dll' Expected Hash = 'D8C349C37AA410E0F6E9E8316FE93DF9' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:35.6373 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:35.6873 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:35.6873 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:35.6973 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: physxcore.dll. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:35.6973 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: physxcore.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:35.6973 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundVMusic7.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:35.6973 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundVMusic7.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:35.6973 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\soundVMusic7.pigg' Expected Hash = '0851F64B691413CB728033ACEFF6F280' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:35.6973 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:36.0453 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:36.0453 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:36.0453 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundVMusic7.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:36.0453 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundVMusic7.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:36.0921 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texEnemies2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:36.0921 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texEnemies2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:36.0921 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texEnemies2.pigg' Expected Hash = 'DC7277930D7D04259B2465F8EAF4940E' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:36.0921 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:36.8313 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:36.8313 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:36.8313 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texEnemies2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:36.8313 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texEnemies2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:36.8313 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texVWorld.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:36.8313 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texVWorld.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:36.8313 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texVWorld.pigg' Expected Hash = '57253313EB33E53AD3E2F51549878479' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:36.8313 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:38.5113 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (71.24 MB / 71.24 MB (00:00 remaining at 42.38 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:38.5113 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:38.5213 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texVWorld.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:38.5213 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texVWorld.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:38.5213 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texWorld.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:38.5213 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texWorld.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:38.5213 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texWorld.pigg' Expected Hash = 'DA0442BA1E29A2F03151BC45CA0A0E0D' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:38.5213 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:43.2713 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (245.75 MB / 245.75 MB (00:00 remaining at 55.62 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:43.2713 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:43.2813 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texWorld.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:43.2813 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texWorld.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:43.2813 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: cggl.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:43.2813 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: cggl.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:43.2813 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\cggl.dll' Expected Hash = '7652657FA392FB9418CCF309145DD7B4' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:43.2813 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:43.3013 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:43.3013 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:43.3013 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: cggl.dll. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:43.3013 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: cggl.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:43.3113 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texWorldBuildings.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:43.3113 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texWorldBuildings.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:43.3113 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texWorldBuildings.pigg' Expected Hash = '048FC1CC12A76765B8B19CD55A801A31' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:43.3113 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:44.2613 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:44.2613 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:44.2613 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texWorldBuildings.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:44.2613 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texWorldBuildings.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:44.3013 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\sound4.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:44.3013 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\sound4.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:44.3013 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\sound4.pigg' Expected Hash = '55A75D31D29CFA74F0B5B7D869D6F2F1' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:44.3013 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:44.6513 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:44.6513 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:44.6513 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\sound4.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:44.6513 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\sound4.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:44.6513 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:44.6513 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:44.6513 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\geomBC.pigg' Expected Hash = 'F4B44944843A0F305AB21F11D8E4F591' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:44.6513 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:47.0463 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (123.01 MB / 123.01 MB (00:00 remaining at 53.98 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:47.0763 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:47.0763 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:47.0763 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:47.1219 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\sound2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:47.1219 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\sound2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:47.1219 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\sound2.pigg' Expected Hash = '2C2708299A91B1A0729DAE2156C7BB11' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:47.1219 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:48.6889 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (71.08 MB / 112.37 MB (00:00 remaining at 69.28 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:48.6889 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:48.6889 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\sound2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:48.6889 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\sound2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:48.6889 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texGui1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:48.7045 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texGui1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:48.7045 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texGui1.pigg' Expected Hash = '5C78C448BA40D1BBB1DC1DDDF216F21F' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:48.7045 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:49.5781 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:49.5781 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:49.5781 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texGui1.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:49.5781 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texGui1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:49.5781 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundVMusic6.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:49.5781 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundVMusic6.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:49.5781 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\soundVMusic6.pigg' Expected Hash = 'A849C0AAC9EC311CDD40AD493D87F29F' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:49.5781 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:49.6249 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:49.6249 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:49.6249 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundVMusic6.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:49.6249 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundVMusic6.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:49.6249 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texEnemies3.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:49.6249 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texEnemies3.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:49.6249 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texEnemies3.pigg' Expected Hash = '70B6D3A0B507F23FB2762AAB49CC18E6' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:49.6249 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:49.8247 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:49.8247 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:49.8247 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texEnemies3.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:49.8247 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texEnemies3.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:49.8247 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: physxloader.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:49.8247 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: physxloader.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:49.8247 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\physxloader.dll' Expected Hash = '772C6F377D81F42EB75687DF37897C1B' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:49.8247 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:49.8403 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:49.8403 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:49.8403 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: physxloader.dll. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:49.8403 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: physxloader.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:49.8871 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundMusic.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:49.8871 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundMusic.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:49.8871 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\soundMusic.pigg' Expected Hash = '68767B9E66C4FA85821B7BA6D0E75E78' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:49.8871 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:51.1040 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (72.65 MB / 91.15 MB (00:00 remaining at 69.32 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:51.1040 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:51.1040 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundMusic.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:51.1040 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundMusic.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:51.1040 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundMusic1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:51.1196 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundMusic1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:51.1196 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\soundMusic1.pigg' Expected Hash = '492A8456DF188595B95A1FABA53368F6' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:51.1196 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:53.2490 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (143.07 MB / 149.04 MB (00:00 remaining at 68.82 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:53.2490 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:53.2490 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundMusic1.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:53.2646 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundMusic1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:53.2646 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\sound5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:53.2646 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\sound5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:53.2646 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\sound5.pigg' Expected Hash = '8E34B19B3C207CF1435311310F32A0BA' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:53.2646 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:54.3410 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (64.43 MB / 66.42 MB (00:00 remaining at 61.07 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:54.3722 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:54.3722 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\sound5.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:54.3722 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\sound5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:54.4190 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\playerFemHuge.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:54.4190 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\playerFemHuge.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:54.4190 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\playerFemHuge.pigg' Expected Hash = 'FBCA7A4DC4F629198CEAD1D26047AA95' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:54.4346 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:54.7622 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:54.7622 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:54.7622 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\playerFemHuge.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:54.7622 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\playerFemHuge.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:54.7622 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundPowers.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:54.7622 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundPowers.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:54.7622 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\soundPowers.pigg' Expected Hash = '268768ABB225FF37413578CB3D09F68C' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:54.7622 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:55.6982 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:55.7138 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:55.7138 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundPowers.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:55.7138 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundPowers.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:55.7606 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texGui2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:55.7606 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texGui2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:55.7606 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texGui2.pigg' Expected Hash = '1295F26027179E6A15DE4CD938940AC1' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:55.7606 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:55.8230 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:55.8230 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:55.8230 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texGui2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:55.8230 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texGui2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:55.8230 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:55.8230 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:55.8230 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsMissions.pigg' Expected Hash = '7678DA15423C61E50BCF1669B166FB26' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:55.8230 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:57.8198 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (72.60 MB / 127.71 MB (00:00 remaining at 69.34 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:57.8198 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:57.8198 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:57.8198 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:57.8198 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texEnemies5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:57.8198 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texEnemies5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:57.8198 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texEnemies5.pigg' Expected Hash = '893D4AB1A202DC1FB653C5BD03185EC8' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:57.8198 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:58.1318 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:58.1318 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:58.1318 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texEnemies5.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:58.1474 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texEnemies5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:58.1474 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texVWorld2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:58.1474 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texVWorld2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:58.1474 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texVWorld2.pigg' Expected Hash = 'AB486532BE52B3EB251B70FD62180E89' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:58.1474 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:58.8650 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:58.8650 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:58.8650 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texVWorld2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:58.8650 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texVWorld2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:58.8650 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\sound3.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:58.8806 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\sound3.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:58.8806 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\sound3.pigg' Expected Hash = 'CC4F2346BAF8B341A2B15C9576FAA4D2' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:49:58.8806 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:49:59.9414 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (72.15 MB / 75.71 MB (00:00 remaining at 68.26 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:59.9570 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:49:59.9570 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\sound3.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:49:59.9570 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\sound3.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:00.0038 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:00.0038 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:00.0038 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\player.pigg' Expected Hash = 'DCF83E4D69D79CC863C47838C8297912' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:50:00.0038 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:01.0958 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (72.20 MB / 82.80 MB (00:00 remaining at 68.43 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-09 06:50:01.0958 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:50:01.0958 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:50:01.0958 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:01.0958 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: version.ini. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:01.1114 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: version.ini. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:01.1114 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\version.ini' Expected Hash = '1EA7DF21D22691C8A711F103AD5A5950' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:50:01.1114 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:01.1114 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:50:01.1114 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = 1EA7DF21D22691C8A711F103AD5A5950, Actual hash = 5BD063101D0C67D40F1137BA2CF78B6C
2011-04-09 06:50:01.1114 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: version.ini. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:50:01.1114 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: version.ini. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:01.1738 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: crashrpt.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:01.1738 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: crashrpt.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:01.1738 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\crashrpt.dll' Expected Hash = 'CC9304A4AB30111E1DD33C98A412DA93' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:50:01.1738 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:01.2050 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:50:01.2050 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:50:01.2050 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: crashrpt.dll. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:50:01.2050 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: crashrpt.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:01.2050 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\mapsHazards.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:01.2050 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\mapsHazards.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:01.2050 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsHazards.pigg' Expected Hash = '5F4FBCEEC52E482B2CE691DA324335CF' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:50:01.2050 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:01.2986 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:50:01.2986 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = 5F4FBCEEC52E482B2CE691DA324335CF, Actual hash = 9BADC5FFCC29F751811F83433A902F3E
2011-04-09 06:50:01.2986 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\mapsHazards.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:50:01.2986 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\mapsHazards.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:01.2986 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\geomV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:01.2986 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\geomV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:01.2986 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\geomV2.pigg' Expected Hash = 'FD088E2D5CB2112BC7D280A15B42CEC5' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:50:01.2986 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:01.8134 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:50:01.8134 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = FD088E2D5CB2112BC7D280A15B42CEC5, Actual hash = DD959ED057404045E43EF0C89AC88C18
2011-04-09 06:50:01.8134 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\geomV2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:50:01.8134 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\geomV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:01.8602 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:01.8602 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:01.8602 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\soundV2.pigg' Expected Hash = '02A1DD19FCBF8D8841191495670FDEDE' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:50:01.8602 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:02.0006 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:50:02.0006 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = 02A1DD19FCBF8D8841191495670FDEDE, Actual hash = 04961264128A6975B759EE3BF0E12959
2011-04-09 06:50:02.0006 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundV2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:50:02.0162 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:02.0162 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundV4.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:02.0162 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundV4.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:02.0162 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\soundV4.pigg' Expected Hash = '2F8A2B70EB9E3A0DBDB3F4A6698158D3' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:50:02.0162 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:02.1098 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:50:02.1098 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:50:02.1098 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundV4.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:50:02.1098 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundV4.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:02.1098 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundVMusic1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:02.1254 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundVMusic1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:02.1254 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\soundVMusic1.pigg' Expected Hash = '21C7A9C47A1B395F5C51704E67DB880F' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:50:02.1254 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:02.3750 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:50:02.3750 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:50:02.3750 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundVMusic1.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:50:02.3750 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundVMusic1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:02.3750 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texEnemies4.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:02.3750 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texEnemies4.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:02.3750 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texEnemies4.pigg' Expected Hash = 'B778B44CFA2CAB40B5CE2603BCF9C5AE' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:50:02.3906 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:02.5466 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:50:02.5466 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = B778B44CFA2CAB40B5CE2603BCF9C5AE, Actual hash = 15E1FCAD46F11FA04BEB8D87D9EFF3E7
2011-04-09 06:50:02.5466 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texEnemies4.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:50:02.5466 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texEnemies4.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:02.5466 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:02.5466 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:02.5466 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\geomV1.pigg' Expected Hash = 'DEDDA8599A9FC0280E7912664F6992BE' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:50:02.5466 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:02.6714 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:50:02.6714 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = DEDDA8599A9FC0280E7912664F6992BE, Actual hash = 3C1B7B2817B9F7E82FBA6E5447554198
2011-04-09 06:50:02.6714 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:50:02.6714 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:02.7182 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:02.7338 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:02.7338 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\cityofheroes.exe' Expected Hash = '3299464CAEE2C4861979DCD72520A2CF' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-09 06:50:02.7338 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-09 06:50:02.8586 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-09 06:50:02.8586 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-09 06:50:02.8586 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: cit



I've been repeatedly crashing in Lambda sector. I sent you the dialog box msg, nslookup, and the log. I sent it in two parts because it was over the character limit.



I have 11 such files. Here's the one actually named NSApplicationLog (the others end with numbers from 000 to 009).

2011-04-18 12:36:11.7770 : 1 : Info : Rolling the log files...
2011-04-18 12:36:11.7930 : 1 : Info : Starting:
C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\Launcher\_Launcher.exeC:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\Launcher\NCLauncher.exe
Full assembly name: _Launcher, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2011-04-18 12:36:11.7940 : 1 : Info : Windows version: 6.1.7600.0 (Vista)
2011-04-18 12:36:11.7940 : 1 : Info : Starting _Launcher...
2011-04-18 12:36:11.7940 : 1 : Info : --- Parsing Command Line ---
2011-04-18 12:36:11.8020 : 1 : Info : --- Command Line Parsed---
2011-04-18 12:36:11.8020 : 1 : Info : --- Setting Up Application Data ---
2011-04-18 12:36:11.8040 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Launcher App ---
2011-04-18 12:36:11.8040 : 1 : Info : --- Creating User Mutex ---
2011-04-18 12:36:11.8080 : 1 : Info : --- Setting up IPC Channel ---
2011-04-18 12:36:11.8080 : 1 : Info : --- Not Still Running, Setting Up IPC ---
2011-04-18 12:36:11.8080 : 1 : Info : --- Attemping Register IPC ---
2011-04-18 12:36:11.8090 : 1 : Info : --- Handle First Instance ---
2011-04-18 12:36:11.8150 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Configuration Group ---
2011-04-18 12:36:11.8230 : 1 : Info : --- Initalizing Language And Region ---
2011-04-18 12:36:11.8280 : 1 : Info : --- Creating Splash Screen ---
2011-04-18 12:36:12.1260 : 1 : Info : --- First Run Initialization ---
2011-04-18 12:36:12.1280 : 1 : Info : --- Update Self ---
2011-04-18 12:36:12.1860 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-18 12:36:12.1920 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-18 12:36:12.2010 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-18 12:36:12.2040 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Hero Prime\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp9E27.tmp".
2011-04-18 12:36:13.4501 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-18 12:36:13.4501 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-18 12:36:13.4551 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-18 12:36:13.4561 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Hero Prime\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp9E27.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-18 12:36:13.4561 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-18 12:36:13.4571 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-18 12:36:13.4641 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-18 12:36:13.4651 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-04-18 12:36:13.4671 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-18 12:36:13.5951 : 1 : Info : --- Evaluating Registry ---
2011-04-18 12:36:13.7401 : 1 : Info : --- Creating LauncherApplication ---
2011-04-18 12:36:13.7411 : 1 : Info : --- LauncherApplication Run ---
2011-04-18 12:36:14.6402 : 1 : Info : Getting Pathch Server for GameID: CityOfHeroes
2011-04-18 12:36:15.1822 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition CheckForUpdates.
2011-04-18 12:36:15.1822 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition - 0 other operations are currently taking up low bandwidth.
2011-04-18 12:36:15.1902 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-18 12:36:15.1912 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-18 12:36:15.1912 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-18 12:36:15.1912 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Hero Prime\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpA9DC.tmp".
2011-04-18 12:36:15.4072 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-18 12:36:15.4072 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-18 12:36:15.4072 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-18 12:36:15.4072 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Hero Prime\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpA9DC.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-18 12:36:15.4082 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-18 12:36:15.4082 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-18 12:36:15.4082 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-18 12:36:15.4082 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-04-18 12:36:15.4092 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-18 12:36:17.6704 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-18 12:36:17.6714 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-18 12:36:17.6714 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-18 12:36:17.6714 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Hero Prime\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpB38D.tmp".
2011-04-18 12:36:17.9334 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-18 12:36:17.9334 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-18 12:36:17.9334 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-18 12:36:17.9334 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Hero Prime\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpB38D.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-18 12:36:17.9334 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-18 12:36:17.9334 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-18 12:36:17.9344 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-18 12:36:17.9344 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-04-18 12:36:17.9344 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-18 12:36:18.3054 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition Run.
2011-04-18 12:36:18.3054 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-18 12:36:18.3114 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-18 12:36:18.3114 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-18 12:36:18.3114 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-18 12:36:18.3114 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Hero Prime\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpB60E.tmp".
2011-04-18 12:36:18.8414 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-18 12:36:18.8414 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-18 12:36:18.8414 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-18 12:36:18.8414 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Hero Prime\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpB60E.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-18 12:36:18.8414 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-18 12:36:18.8414 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-18 12:36:18.8414 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-18 12:36:18.8414 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-04-18 12:36:18.8424 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-18 12:36:19.7225 : 1 : Info : Checking DirectX Version : 9.0c Or Higher (C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll - 6.1.7600.16385)
2011-04-18 12:36:19.7225 : 1 : Info : System meets DirectX reqs.
2011-04-18 12:36:35.4984 : 1 : Info : --- Closing Splash Screen ---
2011-04-18 12:36:35.4994 : 1 : Info : Exiting with code: 0

And here's one that actually ended in a crash, from earlier this morning.

2011-04-18 09:28:43.3746 : 1 : Info : Rolling the log files...
2011-04-18 09:28:43.3916 : 1 : Info : Starting:
C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\Launcher\_Launcher.exeC:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\Launcher\NCLauncher.exe
Full assembly name: _Launcher, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2011-04-18 09:28:43.3916 : 1 : Info : Windows version: 6.1.7600.0 (Vista)
2011-04-18 09:28:43.3916 : 1 : Info : Starting _Launcher...
2011-04-18 09:28:43.3926 : 1 : Info : --- Parsing Command Line ---
2011-04-18 09:28:43.4006 : 1 : Info : --- Command Line Parsed---
2011-04-18 09:28:43.4006 : 1 : Info : --- Setting Up Application Data ---
2011-04-18 09:28:43.4036 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Launcher App ---
2011-04-18 09:28:43.4036 : 1 : Info : --- Creating User Mutex ---
2011-04-18 09:28:43.4076 : 1 : Info : --- Setting up IPC Channel ---
2011-04-18 09:28:43.4076 : 1 : Info : --- Not Still Running, Setting Up IPC ---
2011-04-18 09:28:43.4076 : 1 : Info : --- Attemping Register IPC ---
2011-04-18 09:28:43.4086 : 1 : Info : --- Handle First Instance ---
2011-04-18 09:28:43.4146 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Configuration Group ---
2011-04-18 09:28:43.4216 : 1 : Info : --- Initalizing Language And Region ---
2011-04-18 09:28:43.4266 : 1 : Info : --- Creating Splash Screen ---
2011-04-18 09:28:43.7237 : 1 : Info : --- First Run Initialization ---
2011-04-18 09:28:43.7257 : 1 : Info : --- Update Self ---
2011-04-18 09:28:43.7877 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-18 09:28:43.7927 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-18 09:28:43.8027 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-18 09:28:43.8057 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Hero Prime\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpFB12.tmp".
2011-04-18 09:28:44.0227 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-18 09:28:44.0227 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-18 09:28:44.0237 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-18 09:28:44.0257 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Hero Prime\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpFB12.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-18 09:28:44.0257 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-18 09:28:44.0267 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-18 09:28:44.0337 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-18 09:28:44.0337 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-04-18 09:28:44.0357 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-18 09:28:44.2137 : 1 : Info : --- Evaluating Registry ---
2011-04-18 09:28:44.3997 : 1 : Info : --- Creating LauncherApplication ---
2011-04-18 09:28:44.4007 : 1 : Info : --- LauncherApplication Run ---
2011-04-18 09:28:45.5188 : 1 : Info : Getting Pathch Server for GameID: CityOfHeroes
2011-04-18 09:28:46.0458 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition CheckForUpdates.
2011-04-18 09:28:46.0458 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition - 0 other operations are currently taking up low bandwidth.
2011-04-18 09:28:46.0558 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-18 09:28:46.0568 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-18 09:28:46.0568 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-18 09:28:46.0568 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Hero Prime\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp3E9.tmp".
2011-04-18 09:28:46.2728 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-18 09:28:46.2728 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-18 09:28:46.2728 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-18 09:28:46.2728 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Hero Prime\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp3E9.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-18 09:28:46.2728 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-18 09:28:46.2728 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-18 09:28:46.2738 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-18 09:28:46.2738 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-04-18 09:28:46.2738 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-18 09:28:48.5649 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-18 09:28:48.5659 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-18 09:28:48.5669 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-18 09:28:48.5669 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Hero Prime\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpDBA.tmp".
2011-04-18 09:28:48.7139 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-18 09:28:48.7139 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-18 09:28:48.7139 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-18 09:28:48.7139 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Hero Prime\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpDBA.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-18 09:28:48.7139 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-18 09:28:48.7139 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-18 09:28:48.7149 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-18 09:28:48.7149 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-04-18 09:28:48.7149 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-18 09:28:49.0570 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition Run.
2011-04-18 09:28:49.0570 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-18 09:28:49.0620 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-18 09:28:49.0630 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-18 09:28:49.0630 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-18 09:28:49.0630 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Hero Prime\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpFAE.tmp".
2011-04-18 09:28:49.1490 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-18 09:28:49.1490 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-18 09:28:49.1490 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-18 09:28:49.1490 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Hero Prime\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpFAE.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-18 09:28:49.1490 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-18 09:28:49.1490 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-18 09:28:49.1500 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-18 09:28:49.1500 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-04-18 09:28:49.1500 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-18 09:28:50.0370 : 1 : Info : Checking DirectX Version : 9.0c Or Higher (C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll - 6.1.7600.16385)
2011-04-18 09:28:50.0370 : 1 : Info : System meets DirectX reqs.
2011-04-18 12:18:18.5456 : 10 : Info : LauncherUpdatesChecker service is checking for updates...
2011-04-18 12:18:18.5506 : 10 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-18 12:18:18.5516 : 10 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-18 12:18:18.5516 : 10 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-18 12:18:18.5516 : 10 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Hero Prime\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp3C3E.tmp".
2011-04-18 12:18:19.8577 : 10 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-18 12:18:19.8577 : 10 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-18 12:18:19.8627 : 10 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-18 12:18:19.8627 : 10 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Hero Prime\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp3C3E.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-18 12:18:19.8627 : 10 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-18 12:18:19.8627 : 10 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-18 12:18:19.8637 : 10 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-18 12:18:19.8637 : 10 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-04-18 12:18:19.8637 : 10 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-18 12:32:35.2516 : 1 : Info : --- Closing Splash Screen ---
2011-04-18 12:32:35.2526 : 1 : Info : Exiting with code: 0

Where do we go from here?



I am crashing just about every time I change zones.

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\Zephaniah Comics>nslookup

Non-authoritative answer:

C:\Users\Zephaniah Comics>
2011-04-23 06:55:27.2182 : 1 : Info : Rolling the log files...
2011-04-23 06:55:27.2494 : 1 : Info : Starting:
C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\Launcher\_Launcher.exeC:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\Launcher\NCLauncher.exe
Full assembly name: _Launcher, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2011-04-23 06:55:27.2494 : 1 : Info : Windows version: 6.1.7600.0 (Vista)
2011-04-23 06:55:27.2494 : 1 : Info : Starting _Launcher...
2011-04-23 06:55:27.2494 : 1 : Info : --- Parsing Command Line ---
2011-04-23 06:55:27.2806 : 1 : Info : --- Command Line Parsed---
2011-04-23 06:55:27.2806 : 1 : Info : --- Setting Up Application Data ---
2011-04-23 06:55:27.3118 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Launcher App ---
2011-04-23 06:55:27.3118 : 1 : Info : --- Creating User Mutex ---
2011-04-23 06:55:27.3586 : 1 : Info : --- Setting up IPC Channel ---
2011-04-23 06:55:27.3586 : 1 : Info : --- Still Running and not allowing mulitiple copies ---
2011-04-23 06:55:28.4818 : 1 : Info : Exiting with code: 0
2011-04-23 06:55:31.4146 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-23 06:55:31.4146 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-23 06:55:31.4146 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-23 06:55:31.4146 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Zephaniah Comics\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpCF08.tmp".
2011-04-23 06:55:31.7266 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-23 06:55:31.7266 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-23 06:55:31.7266 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 2 =
2011-04-23 06:55:31.7266 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 3 =
2011-04-23 06:55:31.7266 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-23 06:55:31.7266 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Zephaniah Comics\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpCF08.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-23 06:55:31.7266 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-23 06:55:31.7266 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-23 06:55:31.7266 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-23 06:55:31.7266 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-04-23 06:55:31.7266 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-23 06:55:32.4286 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition Run.
2011-04-23 06:55:32.4286 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-23 06:55:32.4286 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-23 06:55:32.4286 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-23 06:55:32.4442 : 11 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-23 06:55:32.4442 : 11 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-23 06:55:32.4442 : 11 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-23 06:55:32.4442 : 11 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Zephaniah Comics\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpD30F.tmp".
2011-04-23 06:55:32.7562 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-23 06:55:32.7562 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-23 06:55:32.8966 : 11 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-23 06:55:32.8966 : 11 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-23 06:55:32.8966 : 11 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-23 06:55:32.8966 : 11 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Zephaniah Comics\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpD30F.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-23 06:55:32.8966 : 11 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-23 06:55:32.8966 : 11 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-23 06:55:32.8966 : 11 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-23 06:55:32.9122 : 11 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-04-23 06:55:32.9122 : 11 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-23 06:55:33.3646 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-23 06:55:33.3646 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-23 06:55:33.9730 : 1 : Info : Checking DirectX Version : 9.0c Or Higher (C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll - 6.1.7600.16385)
2011-04-23 06:55:33.9730 : 1 : Info : System meets DirectX reqs.
2011-04-23 06:55:37.3114 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-23 06:55:37.3114 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-23 07:00:37.5960 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-23 07:00:37.5970 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-23 07:05:37.7510 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-23 07:05:37.7510 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-23 07:10:37.8890 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-23 07:10:37.8890 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-23 07:15:38.0340 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-23 07:15:38.0350 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-23 07:20:38.1800 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-23 07:20:38.1810 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-23 07:25:38.3270 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-23 07:25:38.3280 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-23 07:30:38.4810 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-23 07:30:38.4810 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-23 07:35:38.6190 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-23 07:35:38.6200 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-23 07:40:38.7670 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-23 07:40:38.7670 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-23 07:45:38.9130 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-23 07:45:38.9130 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-23 07:50:39.0930 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-23 07:50:39.0930 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-23 07:55:39.2330 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-23 07:55:39.2330 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-23 08:00:39.3790 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-23 08:00:39.3800 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-23 08:05:39.5280 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-23 08:05:39.5290 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-23 08:10:39.6710 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-23 08:10:39.6720 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-23 08:15:39.8170 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-23 08:15:39.8170 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-23 08:20:39.9630 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-23 08:20:39.9630 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-23 08:25:40.1090 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-23 08:25:40.1090 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-23 08:30:40.2590 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-23 08:30:40.2590 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-23 08:35:40.4070 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-23 08:35:40.4070 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-23 08:40:40.5550 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-23 08:40:40.5550 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-23 08:45:40.6930 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-23 08:45:40.6950 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-23 08:50:41.4320 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-23 08:50:41.4330 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-23 08:55:42.1780 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-23 08:55:42.1790 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-23 09:00:42.7430 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-23 09:00:42.7430 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-23 09:05:42.8990 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-23 09:05:42.8990 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-23 09:10:43.0490 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-23 09:10:43.0490 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...



I updated my Nvidia drivers to the most recent update and I seem to disconnect less. Time will tell.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Server: RTA1320.home
Non-authoritative answer:

and I have 11 Application logs the following is one of the latest:
2011-04-25 22:11:09.9177 : 1 : Info : Rolling the log files...
2011-04-25 22:11:09.9333 : 1 : Info : Starting:
C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\Launcher\_Launcher.exeC:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\Launcher\NCLauncher.exe /LaunchGame=CityOfHeroes
Full assembly name: _Launcher, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2011-04-25 22:11:09.9333 : 1 : Info : Windows version: 6.1.7601.65536 (Vista)
2011-04-25 22:11:09.9333 : 1 : Info : Starting _Launcher...
2011-04-25 22:11:09.9333 : 1 : Info : --- Parsing Command Line ---
2011-04-25 22:11:09.9489 : 1 : Info : --- Command Line Parsed---
2011-04-25 22:11:09.9489 : 1 : Info : --- Setting Up Application Data ---
2011-04-25 22:11:09.9489 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Launcher App ---
2011-04-25 22:11:09.9489 : 1 : Info : --- Creating User Mutex ---
2011-04-25 22:11:09.9489 : 1 : Info : --- Setting up IPC Channel ---
2011-04-25 22:11:09.9645 : 1 : Info : --- Still Running and not allowing mulitiple copies ---
2011-04-25 22:11:11.4153 : 1 : Error :

Summary For :
--> MachineName: CRYCIIX
--> TimeStamp: 25/04/2011 10:11:11 a.m.
--> FullName: NC.Logging, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
--> AppDomainName: StubDomain
--> WindowsIdentity: CryCiiX\Spaciix
Exception Information Details:
Exception Type: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception
NativeErrorCode: 5
ErrorCode: -2147467259
Message: Access is denied
Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
TargetSite: System.Object MarshaledInvoke(System.Windows.Forms.Control, System.Delegate, System.Object[], Boolean)
HelpLink: NULL
Source: System.Windows.Forms
StackTrace Information Details:
Server stack trace:
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.MarshaledInvoke(Contr ol caller, Delegate method, Object[] args, Boolean synchronous)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.Invoke(Delegate method, Object[] args)
at NC.Launcher.SingleInstanceLauncherApp.HandleNextIn stance(CommandLine commandLine)
at NC.Launcher.SingleInstanceApplication.ServiceReque stAgent.HandleNextInstance(CommandLine commandLine)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink ._PrivateProcessMessage(IntPtr md, Object[] args, Object server, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext, Object[]& outArgs)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink .PrivateProcessMessage(RuntimeMethodHandle md, Object[] args, Object server, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext, Object[]& outArgs)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink .SyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext)
Exception rethrown at [0]:
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleRe turnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateI nvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)
at NC.Launcher.SingleInstanceApplication.ServiceReque stAgent.HandleNextInstance(CommandLine commandLine)
at NC.Launcher.SingleInstanceApplication.Run(CommandL ine commandLine, String mutexName)
at NC.Launcher.Program.Main(String[] args)
2011-04-25 22:11:19.2625 : 1 : Info : Exiting with code: 1
2011-04-25 22:37:05.3184 : 1 : Info : Rolling the log files...
2011-04-25 22:37:05.3496 : 1 : Info : Starting:
C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\Launcher\_Launcher.exeC:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\Launcher\NCLauncher.exe
Full assembly name: _Launcher, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2011-04-25 22:37:05.3496 : 1 : Info : Windows version: 6.1.7601.65536 (Vista)
2011-04-25 22:37:05.3496 : 1 : Info : Starting _Launcher...
2011-04-25 22:37:05.3496 : 1 : Info : --- Parsing Command Line ---
2011-04-25 22:37:05.3652 : 1 : Info : --- Command Line Parsed---
2011-04-25 22:37:05.3652 : 1 : Info : --- Setting Up Application Data ---
2011-04-25 22:37:05.3652 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Launcher App ---
2011-04-25 22:37:05.3652 : 1 : Info : --- Creating User Mutex ---
2011-04-25 22:37:05.3652 : 1 : Info : --- Setting up IPC Channel ---
2011-04-25 22:37:05.3652 : 1 : Info : --- Still Running and not allowing mulitiple copies ---
2011-04-25 22:37:05.4276 : 1 : Info : Exiting with code: 0
2011-04-25 22:37:11.3244 : 19 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : 2510 bytes.
2011-04-25 22:37:11.3244 : 19 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\Launcher\Config\Default\InstallManife sts\CityOfHeroes.xml".
2011-04-25 22:37:11.6052 : 19 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-25 22:37:11.6052 : 19 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-25 22:37:11.6052 : 19 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-25 22:37:11.6052 : 19 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\Launcher\Config\Default\InstallManife sts\CityOfHeroes.xml' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = 2510
2011-04-25 22:37:11.6052 : 19 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length matches, and there is no hash to test against.
2011-04-25 22:37:11.6052 : 19 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:11.6052 : 19 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:11.6052 : 19 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-25 22:37:11.6052 : 19 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Spaciix\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp8011.t mp".
2011-04-25 22:37:11.7924 : 19 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-25 22:37:11.7924 : 19 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-25 22:37:11.7924 : 19 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-25 22:37:11.7924 : 19 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Spaciix\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp8011.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-25 22:37:11.7924 : 19 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-25 22:37:11.7924 : 19 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:11.7924 : 19 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:11.7924 : 19 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:11.7924 : 19 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-25 22:37:11.7924 : 19 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Spaciix\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp80CD.t mp".
2011-04-25 22:37:11.9796 : 19 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-25 22:37:11.9796 : 19 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-25 22:37:12.0264 : 19 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-25 22:37:12.0264 : 19 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Spaciix\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp80CD.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-25 22:37:12.0264 : 19 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-25 22:37:12.0264 : 19 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:12.0420 : 19 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finding the minimum number of patches to apply. : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:12.0420 : 19 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finding the minimum number of patches to apply. : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:12.0420 : 19 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 80%
2011-04-25 22:37:12.0420 : 19 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:13.3992 : 1 : Info : Getting Pathch Server for GameID: CityOfHeroes
2011-04-25 22:37:13.3992 : 1 : Info : Creating shortcut to City of Heroes - CityOfHeroes - CityOfHeroes/NC.Launcher.Data.RegionBasedValue
2011-04-25 22:37:13.5240 : 1 : Info : Shortcut created: C:\Users\Spaciix\Desktop\City of Heroes.lnk
2011-04-25 22:37:13.5240 : 1 : Info : Creating shortcut to City of Heroes - CityOfHeroes - CityOfHeroes/NC.Launcher.Data.RegionBasedValue
2011-04-25 22:37:13.5240 : 1 : Info : Shortcut created: C:\Users\Spaciix\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows \Start Menu\Programs\NCsoft\City of Heroes.lnk
2011-04-25 22:37:13.5240 : 1 : Info : Creating shortcut to City of Heroes - CityOfHeroes - CityOfHeroes/NC.Launcher.Data.RegionBasedValue
2011-04-25 22:37:13.5240 : 1 : Info : Shortcut created: C:\Users\Spaciix\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows \Start Menu\Programs\NCsoft\City of Heroes (Safe Mode).lnk
2011-04-25 22:37:13.6020 : 19 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Updating to the latest version. : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:13.6512 : 19 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for interrupted patch. : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:13.6912 : 19 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for interrupted patch. : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:13.7012 : 19 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:13.7012 : 19 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:13.7012 : 19 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-25 22:37:13.7012 : 19 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Spaciix\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp884D.t mp".
2011-04-25 22:37:13.7512 : 19 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-25 22:37:13.7512 : 19 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-25 22:37:13.7512 : 19 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-25 22:37:13.7512 : 19 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Spaciix\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp884D.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-25 22:37:13.7512 : 19 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-25 22:37:13.7512 : 19 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:13.7512 : 19 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:13.7512 : 19 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-04-25 22:37:13.7512 : 19 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:13.7512 : 19 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Downloading and applying 0 patch(es). : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:13.7512 : 19 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Downloading 0 patch(es). : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:13.7512 : 19 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:13.7612 : 19 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Downloading 0 files. : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:13.7612 : 19 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: Downloading 0 files for a total of : 0 bytes.
2011-04-25 22:37:13.7812 : 19 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Downloading 0 files. : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:13.7812 : 19 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:13.7812 : 19 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Downloading 0 patch(es). : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:13.7812 : 19 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying 0 patch(es). : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:13.7912 : 19 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying 0 patch(es). : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:13.7912 : 19 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Updating to the latest version. : () : 55%
2011-04-25 22:37:14.3868 : 1 : Error : An error occurred while saving the addendum file.

Summary For :
--> MachineName: CRYCIIX
--> TimeStamp: 25/04/2011 10:37:14 a.m.
--> FullName: NC.Logging, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
--> AppDomainName: StubDomain
--> WindowsIdentity: CryCiiX\Spaciix
Exception Information Details:
Exception Type: System.IO.IOException
Message: The file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\Launcher\Config\Default\GamesAddendum .xml' already exists.
Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
TargetSite: Void WinIOError(Int32, System.String)
HelpLink: NULL
Source: mscorlib
StackTrace Information Details:
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.File.InternalCopy(String sourceFileName, String destFileName, Boolean overwrite)
at System.IO.FileInfo.CopyTo(String destFileName, Boolean overwrite)
at System.IO.FileInfo.CopyTo(String destFileName)
at NC.Utilities.FileUtilities.ForceCopy(FileInfo sourceFile, FileInfo targetFile)
at NC.Utilities.FileUtilities.ForceCopy(String sourceFile, String targetFile)
at NC.Launcher.LauncherWorkItem.SaveAddendumFile()
2011-04-25 22:37:27.4736 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:27.4892 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:27.4892 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-25 22:37:27.4892 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Spaciix\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpBE2C.t mp".
2011-04-25 22:37:27.5984 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-25 22:37:27.5984 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-25 22:37:27.5984 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-25 22:37:27.5984 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Spaciix\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpBE2C.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-25 22:37:27.5984 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-25 22:37:27.5984 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:27.5984 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:27.5984 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-04-25 22:37:27.5984 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:29.1896 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition Run.
2011-04-25 22:37:29.1896 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-25 22:37:29.1896 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:29.1896 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:29.2988 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:29.3144 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:29.3144 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-25 22:37:29.3144 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Spaciix\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpC52F.t mp".
2011-04-25 22:37:29.3612 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-25 22:37:29.3612 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-25 22:37:29.3612 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-25 22:37:29.3612 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Spaciix\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpC52F.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-25 22:37:29.3612 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-25 22:37:29.3612 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:29.3612 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:29.3612 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-04-25 22:37:29.3768 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-25 22:37:29.6108 : 1 : Error : An error occurred while saving the addendum file.

Summary For :
--> MachineName: CRYCIIX
--> TimeStamp: 25/04/2011 10:37:29 a.m.
--> FullName: NC.Logging, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
--> AppDomainName: StubDomain
--> WindowsIdentity: CryCiiX\Spaciix
Exception Information Details:
Exception Type: System.IO.IOException
Message: The file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\Launcher\Config\Default\GamesAddendum .xml' already exists.
Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
TargetSite: Void WinIOError(Int32, System.String)
HelpLink: NULL
Source: mscorlib
StackTrace Information Details:
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.File.InternalCopy(String sourceFileName, String destFileName, Boolean overwrite)
at System.IO.FileInfo.CopyTo(String destFileName, Boolean overwrite)
at System.IO.FileInfo.CopyTo(String destFileName)
at NC.Utilities.FileUtilities.ForceCopy(FileInfo sourceFile, FileInfo targetFile)
at NC.Utilities.FileUtilities.ForceCopy(String sourceFile, String targetFile)
at NC.Launcher.LauncherWorkItem.SaveAddendumFile()
2011-04-25 22:37:30.2816 : 1 : Info : Checking DirectX Version : 9.0c Or Higher (C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll - 6.1.7601.17514)
2011-04-25 22:37:30.2816 : 1 : Info : System meets DirectX reqs.
2011-04-25 22:37:30.6248 : 1 : Error : An error occurred while saving the addendum file.

Summary For :
--> MachineName: CRYCIIX
--> TimeStamp: 25/04/2011 10:37:30 a.m.
--> FullName: NC.Logging, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
--> AppDomainName: StubDomain
--> WindowsIdentity: CryCiiX\Spaciix
Exception Information Details:
Exception Type: System.IO.IOException
Message: The file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\Launcher\Config\Default\GamesAddendum .xml' already exists.
Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
TargetSite: Void WinIOError(Int32, System.String)
HelpLink: NULL
Source: mscorlib
StackTrace Information Details:
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.File.InternalCopy(String sourceFileName, String destFileName, Boolean overwrite)
at System.IO.FileInfo.CopyTo(String destFileName, Boolean overwrite)
at System.IO.FileInfo.CopyTo(String destFileName)
at NC.Utilities.FileUtilities.ForceCopy(FileInfo sourceFile, FileInfo targetFile)
at NC.Utilities.FileUtilities.ForceCopy(String sourceFile, String targetFile)
at NC.Launcher.LauncherWorkItem.SaveAddendumFile()



Yeah, I'll throw in my hat here too.

My NCApplication log files consist almost entirely of the following two lines, endlessly repeating:

2011-04-25 19:44:58.3750 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-25 19:44:58.3750 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...

Unfortunately, they don't date back far enough to have any info from a patch actually being applied other from the patch this morning:

2011-04-26 11:34:37.1406 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition ApplyUpdates.
2011-04-26 11:34:37.1406 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-26 11:34:37.1562 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-26 11:34:37.1562 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-26 11:34:37.2656 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-26 11:34:37.2656 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-26 11:34:37.3125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying 1 patch(es). : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:37.3125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:37.3906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:37.3906 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-26 11:34:37.3906 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-26 11:34:37.4062 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting patch manifest. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:38.5312 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\PatchManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:38.5468 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\PatchManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:38.5781 : 13 : Info : Unrar (stderr): CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\PatchManifest.xml - use current password ?
2011-04-26 11:34:38.5937 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\PatchManifest.xml
2011-04-26 11:34:38.6093 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 11:34:38.6406 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\PatchManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:38.6406 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\PatchManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:38.6406 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting patch manifest. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:38.7812 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:38.7812 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting patch files. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:38.8125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting all files : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:38.9375 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\PatchManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:38.9375 : 13 : Info : Unrar (stderr): CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\PatchManifest.xml - use current password ?
2011-04-26 11:34:38.9687 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Creating C:\City of Heroes\~PS
2011-04-26 11:34:38.9687 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 11:34:38.9687 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Creating C:\City of Heroes\~PS\P
2011-04-26 11:34:38.9687 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 11:34:38.9687 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Creating C:\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0
2011-04-26 11:34:38.9687 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 11:34:38.9687 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\PatchManifest.xml
2011-04-26 11:34:38.9687 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 11:34:38.9687 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\PatchManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:38.9687 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\bin.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:39.0000 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Creating C:\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles
2011-04-26 11:34:39.0000 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 11:34:39.0000 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Creating C:\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs
2011-04-26 11:34:39.0000 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 11:34:39.0000 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\bin.p igg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 11:34:40.5312 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 11:34:40.5312 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\bin.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : (CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.201 104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\bin.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A) : 75%
2011-04-26 11:34:40.5781 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\cityofheroes.exe.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:40.5781 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\cityofheroe s.exe.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 11:34:40.7343 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 11:34:40.7343 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\cityofheroes.exe.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:40.7343 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\client.chksum.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:40.7343 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\client.chks um.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 11:34:40.7343 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 11:34:40.7343 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\client.chksum.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:40.7656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geom.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:40.7656 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geom. pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 11:34:40.7812 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 11:34:40.7812 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geom.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:40.7812 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomBC.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:40.7812 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomB C.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 11:34:40.8281 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 11:34:40.8750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomBC.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:40.9218 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomV1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:40.9218 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomV 1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 11:34:40.9531 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 11:34:40.9531 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomV1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:40.9531 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomV2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:40.9531 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomV 2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 11:34:40.9843 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 11:34:40.9843 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomV2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:41.0312 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsCities1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:41.0312 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsC ities1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 11:34:41.0468 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 11:34:41.0468 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsCities1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:41.0937 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsCities2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:41.0937 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsC ities2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 11:34:41.1406 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 11:34:41.1406 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsCities2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:41.1406 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsMisc.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:41.1406 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsM isc.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 11:34:41.2968 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 11:34:41.2968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsMisc.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:41.3437 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:41.3593 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsM issions.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 11:34:41.7500 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 11:34:41.7500 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:41.7500 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\misc.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:41.7500 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\misc. pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 11:34:41.7500 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 11:34:41.7500 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\misc.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:41.7968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\player.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:41.7968 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\playe r.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 11:34:41.9218 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 11:34:41.9218 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\player.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:41.9218 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\sound.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:41.9218 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\sound .pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 11:34:42.4687 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 11:34:42.4687 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\sound.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:42.5156 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\sound2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:42.5312 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\sound 2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 11:34:42.5312 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 11:34:42.5312 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\sound2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:42.5625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\sound5.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:42.5625 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\sound 5.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 11:34:42.5781 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 11:34:42.5781 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\sound5.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:42.5781 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg .X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:42.5937 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texFx GuiItems.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 11:34:42.6562 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 11:34:42.6562 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg .X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:42.7031 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texGui1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:42.7031 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texGu i1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 11:34:42.7343 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 11:34:42.7343 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texGui1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:42.7343 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texMaps.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:42.7343 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texMa ps.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 11:34:42.7500 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 11:34:42.7500 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texMaps.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:42.7812 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texMisc.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:42.7812 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texMi sc.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 11:34:42.8125 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 11:34:42.8125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texMisc.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:42.8437 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texPlayers2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:42.8437 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texPl ayers2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 11:34:42.8437 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 11:34:42.8437 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texPlayers2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:42.8437 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texts.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:42.8437 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texts .pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 11:34:42.8437 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 11:34:42.8593 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texts.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:42.8906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\version.ini.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:42.8906 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\version.ini .X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 11:34:42.8906 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 11:34:42.8906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\version.ini.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:42.8906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting all files : () : 88%
2011-04-26 11:34:42.8906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting patch files. : () : 88%
2011-04-26 11:34:43.0156 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:43.0625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Performing 1 application step(s). : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:43.0937 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:43.1250 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining patch. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:43.2187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining patch. : () : 95%
2011-04-26 11:34:43.3750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying file group: ProductFiles. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:43.7187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Updating files. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:43.7812 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: version.ini. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:43.7812 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: version.ini. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:43.8125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:43.9375 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:34:43.9531 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: version.ini. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:34:43.9531 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: version.ini. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:43.9687 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:43.9687 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:43.9687 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:52.3437 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (82.91 MB / 82.91 MB (00:00 remaining at 15.36 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-26 11:34:52.3437 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:34:52.3437 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:52.3906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:52.3906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:34:52.3906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:35:02.2187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (121.93 MB / 127.64 MB (00:00 remaining at 13.12 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-26 11:35:02.2187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:35:02.2187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:35:02.2812 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:35:02.2968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:35:02.2968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:35:03.3750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (18.02 MB / 19.74 MB (00:00 remaining at 18.01 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-26 11:35:03.3750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:35:03.3750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:35:03.4375 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:35:03.4375 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:35:03.4375 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:35:03.6718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:35:03.6718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:35:03.6718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:35:03.7343 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texMaps.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:35:03.7343 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\texMaps.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:35:03.7343 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:35:08.6562 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (70.44 MB / 90.07 MB (00:01 remaining at 17.61 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-26 11:35:08.6562 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\texMaps.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:35:08.6562 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texMaps.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:35:08.6875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:35:08.6875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:35:08.6875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:35:21.2656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (150.04 MB / 160.40 MB (00:00 remaining at 12.84 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-26 11:35:21.2656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:35:21.2812 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:35:21.3593 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\sound.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:35:21.3593 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\sound.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:35:21.3750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:35:56.2656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (539.64 MB / 554.56 MB (00:00 remaining at 16.94 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-26 11:35:56.2656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\sound.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:35:56.2656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\sound.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:35:56.3125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:35:56.3125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\texMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:35:56.3125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:13.5312 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (288.00 MB / 301.36 MB (00:00 remaining at 17.58 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-26 11:36:13.5312 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\texMisc.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:36:13.5312 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:13.5781 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:13.5781 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:13.5781 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:25.1875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (121.03 MB / 123.05 MB (00:00 remaining at 11.46 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-26 11:36:25.1875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:36:25.1875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:25.2343 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:25.2343 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:25.2343 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:26.7500 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (5.83 MB / 8.22 MB (00:00 remaining at 5.83 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-26 11:36:26.7500 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:36:26.7500 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:26.7812 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:26.7812 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:26.7812 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:26.9375 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:36:26.9375 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:36:26.9375 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:26.9843 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texGui1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:26.9843 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\texGui1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:26.9843 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:30.5625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (52.49 MB / 60.77 MB (00:00 remaining at 17.50 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-26 11:36:30.5625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\texGui1.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:36:30.5625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texGui1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:30.6406 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\bin.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:30.6406 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\bin.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:30.6406 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:34.3750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (33.10 MB / 39.36 MB (00:00 remaining at 11.03 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-26 11:36:34.3750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\bin.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:36:34.3750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\bin.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:34.4218 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:34.4218 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:34.4218 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:36.3593 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (17.00 MB / 26.19 MB (00:00 remaining at 13.61 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-26 11:36:36.3593 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:36:36.3593 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:36.3906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:36.3906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:36.3906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:39.7187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (49.95 MB / 50.45 MB (00:00 remaining at 15.39 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-26 11:36:39.7187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:36:39.7187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:39.7656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\misc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:39.7656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\misc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:39.7656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:39.8593 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:36:39.8593 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\misc.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:36:39.8593 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\misc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:39.9062 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\sound5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:39.9062 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\sound5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:39.9062 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:44.6562 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (59.74 MB / 66.92 MB (00:00 remaining at 13.91 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-26 11:36:44.6562 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\sound5.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:36:44.6562 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\sound5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:44.6875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\sound2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:44.6875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\sound2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:44.6875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:52.2500 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (107.00 MB / 112.38 MB (00:00 remaining at 14.68 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-26 11:36:52.2500 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\sound2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:36:52.2500 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\sound2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:52.2968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\mapsCities1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:52.2968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\mapsCities1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:52.2968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:52.5312 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:36:52.5312 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\mapsCities1.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:36:52.5312 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\mapsCities1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:52.5781 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: client.chksum. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:52.5781 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: client.chksum. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:52.5781 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:52.6250 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:36:52.6250 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: client.chksum. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:36:52.6250 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: client.chksum. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:52.6718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geomV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:52.6718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\geomV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:52.6718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:55.9687 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (43.00 MB / 48.19 MB (00:00 remaining at 14.32 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-26 11:36:55.9687 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\geomV2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:36:55.9687 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geomV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:55.9687 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:55.9687 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:36:55.9687 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:00.7031 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (7.00 MB / 10.86 MB (00:02 remaining at 1.56 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:00.7031 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:00.7187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:00.7187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Updating files. : () : 95%
2011-04-26 11:37:00.7656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing and verifying changes to files. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:00.8125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:00.8125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\player.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:00.8125 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\City of Heroes\piggs\player.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '3C3EE6AD44E05B74B593B72531BFF318' Expected Length = 86932296
2011-04-26 11:37:00.8125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:00.8125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:00.8125 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 11:37:00.8125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\player.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:00.8125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:00.8906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:00.8906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-04-26 11:37:00.8906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:00.8906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:00.8906 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsMissions.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = 'C35A5C5A0CB73D51BA8D8956782B347B' Expected Length = 133835927
2011-04-26 11:37:00.8906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:00.8906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:00.8906 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 11:37:00.8906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:00.8906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:00.9062 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:00.9062 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-04-26 11:37:00.9531 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:00.9531 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:00.9531 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\City of Heroes\piggs\texPlayers2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '19667AFC1F44B4EFE3B427470FA98A4B' Expected Length = 20700648
2011-04-26 11:37:00.9531 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:00.9531 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:00.9531 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 11:37:00.9531 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:00.9531 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:00.9531 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:00.9531 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.0000 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.0000 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.0000 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsCities2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '36B3976E9EAF786172C17EF19A617ECC' Expected Length = 3443726
2011-04-26 11:37:01.0000 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.0000 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.0000 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 11:37:01.0000 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.0000 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.0000 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.0000 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.0468 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\texMaps.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.0468 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\texMaps.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.0468 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\City of Heroes\piggs\texMaps.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = 'B1A5D8070EFC32C5D344FFFFE51DC635' Expected Length = 94448983
2011-04-26 11:37:01.0468 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.0468 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.0468 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 11:37:01.0468 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\texMaps.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.0468 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\texMaps.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.0625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\texMaps.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.0625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\texMaps.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.0937 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.1093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\geom.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.1093 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\City of Heroes\piggs\geom.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '746BFD9C1DF1552A186F7AFB839F0B66' Expected Length = 168196216
2011-04-26 11:37:01.1093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.1093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.1093 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 11:37:01.1093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\geom.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.1093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.1093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.1093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.1093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\sound.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.1093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\sound.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.1093 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\City of Heroes\piggs\sound.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '4FB81339D04008EF14252753763FA2B0' Expected Length = 581493053
2011-04-26 11:37:01.1093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.1093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.1093 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 11:37:01.1093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\sound.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.1093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\sound.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.1250 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\sound.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.1250 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\sound.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.1718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\texMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.1718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\texMisc.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.1718 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\City of Heroes\piggs\texMisc.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '934D7DF756663863F779C5851FCC7682' Expected Length = 315995659
2011-04-26 11:37:01.1718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.1718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.1718 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 11:37:01.1718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\texMisc.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.1718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\texMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.1875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\texMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.1875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\texMisc.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.2343 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.2500 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\geomBC.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.2500 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\City of Heroes\piggs\geomBC.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '981DC939EB6E3A1F30C90686ACD9FF8E' Expected Length = 129022775
2011-04-26 11:37:01.2500 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.2500 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.2500 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 11:37:01.2500 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\geomBC.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.2500 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.2656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.2656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.3125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.3125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: cityofheroes.exe.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.3125 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\City of Heroes\cityofheroes.exe.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '101E7BD8524BD7E6AF82B189FCE97BF4' Expected Length = 8622080
2011-04-26 11:37:01.3125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.3281 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.3281 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 11:37:01.3281 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: cityofheroes.exe.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.3281 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.5000 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.5000 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 80%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.5312 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.5312 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\texts.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.5312 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\City of Heroes\piggs\texts.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '6D31EC4E44D4261B6A336C494A169F17' Expected Length = 1281730
2011-04-26 11:37:01.5312 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.5468 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.5468 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 11:37:01.5468 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\texts.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.5468 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.5625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.5625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.5625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\texGui1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.5625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\texGui1.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.5625 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\City of Heroes\piggs\texGui1.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '39C8CA5FBA15C2F676259895EF9C1C44' Expected Length = 63720199
2011-04-26 11:37:01.5625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.5625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.5625 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 11:37:01.5625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\texGui1.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.5781 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\texGui1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.6093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\texGui1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.6093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\texGui1.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.6562 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\bin.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.6562 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\bin.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.6562 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\City of Heroes\piggs\bin.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = 'CEBFAFA95663FFFC93D61DE5160F0C93' Expected Length = 41274567
2011-04-26 11:37:01.6562 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.6718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.6718 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 11:37:01.6718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\bin.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.6718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\bin.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.6718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\bin.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.6718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\bin.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.7187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.7187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.7187 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsMisc.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '207EA6A3725E4D26975D2589AD19DEDA' Expected Length = 27461923
2011-04-26 11:37:01.7187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.7187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.7187 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 11:37:01.7187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.7187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.7343 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.7500 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.7968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.7968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.7968 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\City of Heroes\piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = 'C1F6CFAB5F34BA59DDA5D8368CE0A69E' Expected Length = 52903280
2011-04-26 11:37:01.7968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.7968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.7968 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 11:37:01.7968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.7968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.8125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.8281 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.8750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\misc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.8750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\misc.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.8750 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\City of Heroes\piggs\misc.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = 'A83F7232819C086F2ADA09452EE4FB14' Expected Length = 1149959
2011-04-26 11:37:01.8750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.8750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.8750 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 11:37:01.8750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\misc.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.8750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\misc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.8750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\misc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.8750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\misc.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.9218 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\sound5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.9218 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\sound5.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.9218 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\City of Heroes\piggs\sound5.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '6CE450B9B304B7A809D7259F0E0AA3F6' Expected Length = 70174454
2011-04-26 11:37:01.9218 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.9218 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.9218 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 11:37:01.9218 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\sound5.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.9218 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\sound5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.9531 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\sound5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:01.9531 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\sound5.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.0000 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\sound2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.0000 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\sound2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.0000 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\City of Heroes\piggs\sound2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '33C1CE31A6A2784347FDC0FFDDB4C17E' Expected Length = 117833742
2011-04-26 11:37:02.0000 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.0000 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.0000 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 11:37:02.0000 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\sound2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.0000 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\sound2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.0156 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\sound2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.0156 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\sound2.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.0625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\mapsCities1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.0625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\mapsCities1.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.0625 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsCities1.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = 'C4DFA6DF943DD7D74B7BBCF75B57C249' Expected Length = 2902421
2011-04-26 11:37:02.0625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.0625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.0625 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 11:37:02.0625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\mapsCities1.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.0625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\mapsCities1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.0625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\mapsCities1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.0625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\mapsCities1.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.1093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: client.chksum. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.1093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: client.chksum.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.1093 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\City of Heroes\client.chksum.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = 'DF5AFFABB52C560FF3F418562840B5AC' Expected Length = 7987
2011-04-26 11:37:02.1093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.1093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.1093 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 11:37:02.1093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: client.chksum.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.1093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: client.chksum. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.1093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: client.chksum. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.1093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: client.chksum. : () : 80%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.1562 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\geomV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.1562 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\geomV2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.1562 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\City of Heroes\piggs\geomV2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '55BC8ED42FCC329971FDAFC07B485434' Expected Length = 50530468
2011-04-26 11:37:02.1562 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.1562 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.1718 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 11:37:02.1718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\geomV2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.1718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\geomV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.1718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\geomV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.1718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\geomV2.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.2187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.2187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\geomV1.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.2187 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\City of Heroes\piggs\geomV1.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = 'E8BE8B55B83C1F5480FD473CD04BEEF5' Expected Length = 11383146
2011-04-26 11:37:02.2187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.2187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.2187 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 11:37:02.2187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\geomV1.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.2187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.2500 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.2500 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.2968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: version.ini. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.2968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: version.ini.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.2968 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\City of Heroes\version.ini.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = 'F912316F9981A818DD835234D2C06B2B' Expected Length = 41
2011-04-26 11:37:02.2968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.2968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.2968 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 11:37:02.2968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: version.ini.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.2968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: version.ini. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.2968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: version.ini. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.2968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: version.ini. : () : 80%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.2968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing and verifying changes to files. : () : 95%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.2968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying file group: ProductFiles. : () : 98%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.2968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 98%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.3281 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Performing 1 application step(s). : () : 98%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.3281 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 97%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.3593 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0. : () : 97%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.3593 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 97%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.3593 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 97%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.4062 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying 1 patch(es). : () : 97%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.4687 : 18 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.4687 : 18 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.4687 : 18 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-26 11:37:02.4687 : 18 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Temp\tmp459.tmp".
2011-04-26 11:37:02.6718 : 18 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-26 11:37:02.6718 : 18 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-26 11:37:02.6718 : 18 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-26 11:37:02.6875 : 18 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Temp\tmp459.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 11:37:02.6875 : 18 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-26 11:37:02.6875 : 18 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.6875 : 18 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.6875 : 18 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-04-26 11:37:02.6875 : 18 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%




2011-04-26 18:06:24.2285 : 1 : Info : Rolling the log files...
2011-04-26 18:06:24.4781 : 1 : Info : Starting:
C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\Launcher\_Launcher.exeC:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\Launcher\NCLauncher.exe /LaunchGame=CityOfHeroes
Full assembly name: _Launcher, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2011-04-26 18:06:24.4781 : 1 : Info : Windows version: 6.1.7600.0 (Vista)
2011-04-26 18:06:24.4781 : 1 : Info : Starting _Launcher...
2011-04-26 18:06:24.5405 : 1 : Info : --- Parsing Command Line ---
2011-04-26 18:06:24.6497 : 1 : Info : --- Command Line Parsed---
2011-04-26 18:06:24.6497 : 1 : Info : --- Setting Up Application Data ---
2011-04-26 18:06:24.6965 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Launcher App ---
2011-04-26 18:06:24.6965 : 1 : Info : --- Creating User Mutex ---
2011-04-26 18:06:24.8837 : 1 : Info : --- Setting up IPC Channel ---
2011-04-26 18:06:24.8837 : 1 : Info : --- Still Running and not allowing mulitiple copies ---
2011-04-26 18:06:28.0689 : 1 : Info : Exiting with code: 0
2011-04-26 18:06:37.9125 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition CheckForUpdates.
2011-04-26 18:06:37.9125 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition - 0 other operations are currently taking up low bandwidth.
2011-04-26 18:06:37.9125 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:37.9125 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:38.0529 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:38.0685 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:38.0685 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-26 18:06:38.0685 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpE56.t mp".
2011-04-26 18:06:38.1465 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-26 18:06:38.1465 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-26 18:06:38.1465 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-26 18:06:38.1465 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpE56.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:38.1465 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-26 18:06:38.1465 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:38.1465 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:38.1465 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:38.1465 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-26 18:06:38.1465 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpEB4.t mp".
2011-04-26 18:06:38.2713 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-26 18:06:38.2713 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-26 18:06:38.2713 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-26 18:06:38.2713 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpEB4.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:38.2713 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-26 18:06:38.2713 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:38.2869 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finding the minimum number of patches to apply. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:38.2869 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finding the minimum number of patches to apply. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:38.2869 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 80%
2011-04-26 18:06:38.2869 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:38.4741 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-26 18:06:38.4741 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-26 18:06:38.4741 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:38.4741 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:38.4741 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:38.4897 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Downloading 1 files. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:38.4897 : 12 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : 80621593 bytes.
2011-04-26 18:06:38.5053 : 12 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: Downloading (Pri:Foreground) from " 04210057.1.0.ncpatch" to "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To20 10.201104210057.1.0.ncpatch".
2011-04-26 18:06:38.5053 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Downloading file 1/1: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0.ncpatch. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:38.5053 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining existing file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0.ncpatch : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:38.5053 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:40.2993 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (45.22 MB / 76.89 MB (00:00 remaining at 39.94 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:40.2993 : 12 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: File hash and length match. This file has already been downloaded.
2011-04-26 18:06:40.2993 : 12 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: File already downloaded: " 04210057.1.0.ncpatch"
2011-04-26 18:06:40.2993 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining existing file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0.ncpatch : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:40.3149 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Downloading file 1/1: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0.ncpatch. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:40.3149 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Downloading 1 files. : (76.89 MB / 76.89 MB (00:00 remaining at 42.22 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:40.3149 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:40.3149 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:40.3149 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:40.3929 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition ApplyUpdates.
2011-04-26 18:06:40.3929 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-26 18:06:40.8141 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying 1 patch(es). : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:40.8141 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying 1 patch(es). : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:40.8297 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:40.8297 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:40.8297 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting patch manifest. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:40.8297 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\PatchManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:40.8453 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\PatchManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:40.8453 : 12 : Info : Unrar (stderr): CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\PatchManifest.xml - use current password ?
2011-04-26 18:06:40.8453 : 12 : Info : Unrar: Extracting CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\PatchManifest.xml
2011-04-26 18:06:40.8453 : 12 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 18:06:40.8453 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\PatchManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:40.8609 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\PatchManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:40.8609 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting patch manifest. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:40.8609 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:40.8609 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting patch files. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:40.8609 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting all files : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:40.9077 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\PatchManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:40.9077 : 12 : Info : Unrar (stderr): CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\PatchManifest.xml - use current password ?
2011-04-26 18:06:40.9077 : 12 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\PatchManifest.xml
2011-04-26 18:06:40.9077 : 12 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 18:06:40.9077 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\PatchManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:40.9077 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\bin.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:40.9077 : 12 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\bin.p igg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 18:06:42.3117 : 12 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 18:06:42.3117 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\bin.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : (CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.201 104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\bin.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A) : 75%
2011-04-26 18:06:42.3585 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\cityofheroes.exe.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:42.3585 : 12 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\cityofheroe s.exe.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 18:06:42.4989 : 12 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 18:06:42.4989 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\cityofheroes.exe.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:42.5145 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\client.chksum.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:42.5145 : 12 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\client.chks um.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 18:06:42.5145 : 12 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 18:06:42.5145 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\client.chksum.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:42.5613 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geom.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:42.5613 : 12 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geom. pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 18:06:42.5769 : 12 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 18:06:42.5769 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geom.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:42.5769 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomBC.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:42.5769 : 12 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomB C.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 18:06:42.6237 : 12 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 18:06:42.6237 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomBC.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:42.6705 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomV1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:42.6705 : 12 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomV 1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 18:06:42.7017 : 12 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 18:06:42.7017 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomV1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:42.7017 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomV2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:42.7017 : 12 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomV 2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 18:06:42.7017 : 12 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 18:06:42.7017 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomV2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:42.7641 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsCities1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:42.7641 : 12 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsC ities1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 18:06:42.7797 : 12 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 18:06:42.7797 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsCities1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:42.8265 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsCities2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:42.8265 : 12 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsC ities2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 18:06:42.8733 : 12 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 18:06:42.8733 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsCities2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:42.8733 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsMisc.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:42.8733 : 12 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsM isc.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 18:06:43.0137 : 12 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 18:06:43.0293 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsMisc.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:43.0761 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:43.0761 : 12 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsM issions.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 18:06:43.4193 : 12 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 18:06:43.4193 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:43.4349 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\misc.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:43.4349 : 12 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\misc. pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 18:06:43.4349 : 12 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 18:06:43.4349 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\misc.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:43.4817 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\player.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:43.4817 : 12 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\playe r.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 18:06:43.6221 : 12 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 18:06:43.6221 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\player.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:43.6221 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\sound.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:43.6221 : 12 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\sound .pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 18:06:44.1837 : 12 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 18:06:44.1837 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\sound.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:44.2305 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\sound2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:44.2305 : 12 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\sound 2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 18:06:44.2305 : 12 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 18:06:44.2305 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\sound2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:44.2929 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\sound5.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:44.2929 : 12 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\sound 5.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 18:06:44.3085 : 12 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 18:06:44.3085 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\sound5.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:44.3241 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg .X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:44.3241 : 12 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texFx GuiItems.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 18:06:44.4021 : 12 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 18:06:44.4021 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg .X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:44.4489 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texGui1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:44.4489 : 12 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texGu i1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 18:06:44.4801 : 12 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 18:06:44.4801 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texGui1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:44.4957 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texMaps.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:44.4957 : 12 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texMa ps.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 18:06:44.5113 : 12 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 18:06:44.5113 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texMaps.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:44.5581 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texMisc.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:44.5581 : 12 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texMi sc.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 18:06:44.5737 : 12 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 18:06:44.7453 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texMisc.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:44.8233 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texPlayers2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:44.8233 : 12 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texPl ayers2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 18:06:44.8233 : 12 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 18:06:44.8233 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texPlayers2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:44.8389 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texts.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:44.8389 : 12 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texts .pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 18:06:44.8389 : 12 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 18:06:44.8389 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texts.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:44.9013 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\version.ini.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:44.9013 : 12 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\version.ini .X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-26 18:06:44.9013 : 12 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 18:06:44.9013 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\version.ini.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:44.9169 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting all files : () : 88%
2011-04-26 18:06:44.9169 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting patch files. : () : 88%
2011-04-26 18:06:44.9793 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:44.9793 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Performing 1 application step(s). : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:44.9949 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:44.9949 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining patch. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.1821 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining patch. : () : 95%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.2445 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying file group: ProductFiles. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.2601 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Updating files. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.2601 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: version.ini. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.2601 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: version.ini.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.2601 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\version.ini.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = 'F912316F9981A818DD835234D2C06B2B' Expected Length = 41
2011-04-26 18:06:45.2601 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.2601 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.2601 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:45.2757 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: version.ini.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.2757 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: version.ini. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.2757 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.2757 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\player.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.2757 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\player.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '3C3EE6AD44E05B74B593B72531BFF318' Expected Length = 86932296
2011-04-26 18:06:45.2757 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.2913 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.2913 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:45.2913 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\player.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.2913 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.3381 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.3381 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.3381 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsMissions.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = 'C35A5C5A0CB73D51BA8D8956782B347B' Expected Length = 133835927
2011-04-26 18:06:45.3381 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.3537 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.3537 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:45.3537 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.3537 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.4005 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.4161 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.4161 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texPlayers2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '19667AFC1F44B4EFE3B427470FA98A4B' Expected Length = 20700648
2011-04-26 18:06:45.4161 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.4161 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.4161 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:45.4161 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.4161 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.4785 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.4785 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.4785 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsCities2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '36B3976E9EAF786172C17EF19A617ECC' Expected Length = 3443726
2011-04-26 18:06:45.4785 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.4785 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.4785 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:45.4785 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.4941 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.5409 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texMaps.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.5409 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\texMaps.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.5409 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texMaps.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = 'B1A5D8070EFC32C5D344FFFFE51DC635' Expected Length = 94448983
2011-04-26 18:06:45.5409 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.5565 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.5565 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:45.5565 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\texMaps.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.5565 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texMaps.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.6033 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.6189 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\geom.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.6189 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\geom.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '746BFD9C1DF1552A186F7AFB839F0B66' Expected Length = 168196216
2011-04-26 18:06:45.6189 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.6189 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.6189 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:45.6189 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\geom.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.6189 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.6813 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\sound.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.6813 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\sound.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.6813 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\sound.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '4FB81339D04008EF14252753763FA2B0' Expected Length = 581493053
2011-04-26 18:06:45.6813 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.6969 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.6969 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:45.6969 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\sound.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.6969 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\sound.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.7437 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.7593 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\texMisc.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.7593 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texMisc.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '934D7DF756663863F779C5851FCC7682' Expected Length = 315995659
2011-04-26 18:06:45.7593 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.7593 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.7593 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:45.7593 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\texMisc.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.7593 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.8217 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.8217 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\geomBC.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.8217 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\geomBC.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '981DC939EB6E3A1F30C90686ACD9FF8E' Expected Length = 129022775
2011-04-26 18:06:45.8217 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.8217 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.8217 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:45.8373 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\geomBC.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.8373 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.8841 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.8841 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: cityofheroes.exe.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.8841 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\cityofheroes.exe.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '101E7BD8524BD7E6AF82B189FCE97BF4' Expected Length = 8622080
2011-04-26 18:06:45.8841 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.8997 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.8997 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:45.8997 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: cityofheroes.exe.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.8997 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.9621 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.9621 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\texts.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.9621 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texts.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '6D31EC4E44D4261B6A336C494A169F17' Expected Length = 1281730
2011-04-26 18:06:45.9621 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.9621 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.9621 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:45.9621 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\texts.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:45.9777 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.0245 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texGui1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.0245 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\texGui1.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.0245 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texGui1.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '39C8CA5FBA15C2F676259895EF9C1C44' Expected Length = 63720199
2011-04-26 18:06:46.0245 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.0401 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.0401 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:46.0401 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\texGui1.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.0401 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texGui1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.0869 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\bin.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.1025 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\bin.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.1025 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\bin.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = 'CEBFAFA95663FFFC93D61DE5160F0C93' Expected Length = 41274567
2011-04-26 18:06:46.1025 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.1025 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.1025 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:46.1025 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\bin.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.1025 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\bin.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.1649 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.1649 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.1649 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsMisc.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '207EA6A3725E4D26975D2589AD19DEDA' Expected Length = 27461923
2011-04-26 18:06:46.1649 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.1805 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.1805 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:46.1805 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.1805 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.2429 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.2429 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.2429 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = 'C1F6CFAB5F34BA59DDA5D8368CE0A69E' Expected Length = 52903280
2011-04-26 18:06:46.2429 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.2429 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.2429 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:46.2429 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.2429 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.3053 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\misc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.3053 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\misc.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.3053 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\misc.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = 'A83F7232819C086F2ADA09452EE4FB14' Expected Length = 1149959
2011-04-26 18:06:46.3053 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.3209 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.3209 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:46.3209 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\misc.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.3209 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\misc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.3677 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\sound5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.3833 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\sound5.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.3833 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\sound5.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '6CE450B9B304B7A809D7259F0E0AA3F6' Expected Length = 70174454
2011-04-26 18:06:46.3833 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.3833 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.3833 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:46.3833 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\sound5.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.3833 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\sound5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.4457 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\sound2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.4457 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\sound2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.4457 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\sound2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '33C1CE31A6A2784347FDC0FFDDB4C17E' Expected Length = 117833742
2011-04-26 18:06:46.4457 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.4457 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.4613 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:46.4613 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\sound2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.4613 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\sound2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.5081 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\mapsCities1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.5081 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\mapsCities1.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.5081 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsCities1.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = 'C4DFA6DF943DD7D74B7BBCF75B57C249' Expected Length = 2902421
2011-04-26 18:06:46.5237 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.5237 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.5237 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:46.5237 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\mapsCities1.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.5237 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\mapsCities1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.5861 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: client.chksum. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.5861 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: client.chksum.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.5861 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\client.chksum.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = 'DF5AFFABB52C560FF3F418562840B5AC' Expected Length = 7987
2011-04-26 18:06:46.5861 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.5861 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.5861 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:46.5861 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: client.chksum.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.5861 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: client.chksum. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.6485 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geomV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.6485 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\geomV2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.6485 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\geomV2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '55BC8ED42FCC329971FDAFC07B485434' Expected Length = 50530468
2011-04-26 18:06:46.6485 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.6641 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.6641 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:46.6641 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\geomV2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.6641 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geomV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.6797 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.6797 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\geomV1.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.6797 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\geomV1.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = 'E8BE8B55B83C1F5480FD473CD04BEEF5' Expected Length = 11383146
2011-04-26 18:06:46.6797 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.6797 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.6797 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:46.6797 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\geomV1.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.6797 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.6953 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Updating files. : () : 95%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.7265 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing and verifying changes to files. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.7421 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.7421 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\player.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.7421 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\player.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '3C3EE6AD44E05B74B593B72531BFF318' Expected Length = 86932296
2011-04-26 18:06:46.7421 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.7421 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.7577 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:46.7577 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\player.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.7577 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.9137 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.9137 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.9293 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing and verifying changes to files. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.9293 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying file group: ProductFiles. : () : 66%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.9293 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 67%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.9293 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Performing 1 application step(s). : () : 67%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.9293 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 66%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.9293 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0. : () : 71%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.9293 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 71%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.9293 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 71%
2011-04-26 18:06:46.9917 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying 1 patch(es). : () : 71%
2011-04-26 18:06:47.0385 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying 1 patch(es). : () : 71%
2011-04-26 18:06:47.0385 : 1 : Error : Error occurred while patching:

Summary For :
--> MachineName: LANGSTON-PC
--> TimeStamp: 4/26/2011 11:06:47 PM
--> FullName: NC.Logging, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
--> AppDomainName: StubDomain
--> WindowsIdentity: Langston-PC\Langston

Exception Information Details:
Exception Type: System.IO.IOException
Message: Cannot create a file when that file already exists.

Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
TargetSite: System.Object CheckForExceptionAndReturnResult()
HelpLink: NULL
Source: _Launcher

StackTrace Information Details:
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError()
at System.IO.FileInfo.MoveTo(String destFileName)
at NC.Utilities.FileUtilities.ForceMove(FileInfo sourceFile, FileInfo targetFile)
at NC.Patcher.FileOperation.MoveFile(FileInfo sourceFile, FileInfo targetFile)
at NC.Patcher.FileOperation.MoveFile(String sourceFilename, String targetFilename)
at NC.Patcher.FileOperationPatchRename.Commit()
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupApplier.Commit(FileOperationEx ception[]& exceptions)
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupApplier.Apply()
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupOperationPerformer.Perform()
at NC.Patcher.PatchApplier.PerformApplicationSteps(Fi leGroupApplicationSettings applicationSettings)
at NC.Patcher.PatchApplier.InternalApplyManifest(Mani festApplicationInfo manifestInfo, IList`1 propertiesFiles, PropertyBag otherProperties, Boolean isResume)
at NC.Patcher.PatchApplier.InternalApplyPatch(PatchAp plicationInfo patchInfo, IList`1 propertiesFiles, PropertyBag otherProperties)
<--Saving Stack Frame-->
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
at NC.Patcher.PatchApplier.ApplyPatch(PatchApplicatio nInfo patchInfo, IList`1 propertiesFiles, PropertyBag otherProperties)
at NC.Patcher.Patcher.InternalApplyPatch(PatchApplica tionInfo patchInfo, IList`1 propertiesFiles, PropertyBag otherProperties)
at NC.Patcher.Patcher.InternalApplyPatches(PatchAppli cationInfo[] patches)
<--Saving Stack Frame-->
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
at NC.Patcher.BasePatcher.ApplyPatches(PatchApplicati onInfo[] patches)
at NC.Patcher.CompositePatcher.InternalApplyPatches(P atchApplicationInfo[] patches)
<--Saving Stack Frame-->
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
at NC.Patcher.BasePatcher.ApplyPatches(PatchApplicati onInfo[] patches)
at NC.Patcher.CompositePatcher.InternalApplyPatches(P atchApplicationInfo[] patches)

2011-04-26 18:06:47.0385 : 1 : Error : Creating ErrorState

Summary For :
--> MachineName: LANGSTON-PC
--> TimeStamp: 4/26/2011 11:06:47 PM
--> FullName: NC.Logging, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
--> AppDomainName: StubDomain
--> WindowsIdentity: Langston-PC\Langston

Exception Information Details:
Exception Type: System.IO.IOException
Message: Cannot create a file when that file already exists.

Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
TargetSite: System.Object CheckForExceptionAndReturnResult()
HelpLink: NULL
Source: _Launcher

StackTrace Information Details:
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError()
at System.IO.FileInfo.MoveTo(String destFileName)
at NC.Utilities.FileUtilities.ForceMove(FileInfo sourceFile, FileInfo targetFile)
at NC.Patcher.FileOperation.MoveFile(FileInfo sourceFile, FileInfo targetFile)
at NC.Patcher.FileOperation.MoveFile(String sourceFilename, String targetFilename)
at NC.Patcher.FileOperationPatchRename.Commit()
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupApplier.Commit(FileOperationEx ception[]& exceptions)
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupApplier.Apply()
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupOperationPerformer.Perform()
at NC.Patcher.PatchApplier.PerformApplicationSteps(Fi leGroupApplicationSettings applicationSettings)
at NC.Patcher.PatchApplier.InternalApplyManifest(Mani festApplicationInfo manifestInfo, IList`1 propertiesFiles, PropertyBag otherProperties, Boolean isResume)
at NC.Patcher.PatchApplier.InternalApplyPatch(PatchAp plicationInfo patchInfo, IList`1 propertiesFiles, PropertyBag otherProperties)
<--Saving Stack Frame-->
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
at NC.Patcher.PatchApplier.ApplyPatch(PatchApplicatio nInfo patchInfo, IList`1 propertiesFiles, PropertyBag otherProperties)
at NC.Patcher.Patcher.InternalApplyPatch(PatchApplica tionInfo patchInfo, IList`1 propertiesFiles, PropertyBag otherProperties)
at NC.Patcher.Patcher.InternalApplyPatches(PatchAppli cationInfo[] patches)
<--Saving Stack Frame-->
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
at NC.Patcher.BasePatcher.ApplyPatches(PatchApplicati onInfo[] patches)
at NC.Patcher.CompositePatcher.InternalApplyPatches(P atchApplicationInfo[] patches)
<--Saving Stack Frame-->
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
at NC.Patcher.BasePatcher.ApplyPatches(PatchApplicati onInfo[] patches)
at NC.Patcher.CompositePatcher.InternalApplyPatches(P atchApplicationInfo[] patches)

2011-04-26 18:06:51.1101 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:51.1101 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:51.2817 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Updating to the latest version. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:51.2817 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Repairing. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:51.3285 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:51.3285 : 15 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-26 18:06:51.3285 : 15 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp4234.tmp" .
2011-04-26 18:06:51.4065 : 15 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-26 18:06:51.4065 : 15 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-26 18:06:51.4065 : 15 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-26 18:06:51.4065 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp4234.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:51.4065 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-26 18:06:51.4065 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:51.4065 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:51.4221 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:51.4221 : 15 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-26 18:06:51.4221 : 15 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp4283.tmp" .
2011-04-26 18:06:51.5001 : 15 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-26 18:06:51.5001 : 15 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-26 18:06:51.5001 : 15 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-26 18:06:51.5001 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp4283.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:51.5001 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-26 18:06:51.5001 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:51.5001 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:51.5001 : 15 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-26 18:06:51.5001 : 15 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp42E2.tmp" .
2011-04-26 18:06:51.5937 : 15 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-26 18:06:51.5937 : 15 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-26 18:06:51.5937 : 15 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-26 18:06:51.5937 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp42E2.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:51.5937 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-26 18:06:51.5937 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:51.5937 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finding the repair patch. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:51.6093 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finding the repair patch. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:51.6093 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 40%
2011-04-26 18:06:51.6093 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:51.6093 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:51.6093 : 15 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-26 18:06:51.6093 : 15 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp4350.tmp" .
2011-04-26 18:06:51.6873 : 15 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-26 18:06:51.6873 : 15 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-26 18:06:51.6873 : 15 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-26 18:06:51.6873 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp4350.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:51.6873 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-26 18:06:51.6873 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:51.6873 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:51.6873 : 15 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-26 18:06:51.6873 : 15 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp439F.tmp" .
2011-04-26 18:06:51.7809 : 15 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-26 18:06:51.7809 : 15 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-26 18:06:51.7809 : 15 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-26 18:06:51.7809 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp439F.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:51.7809 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-26 18:06:51.7809 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:51.7965 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finding the repair patch. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:51.7965 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finding the repair patch. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:51.7965 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 80%
2011-04-26 18:06:51.8433 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Downloading and applying 1 patch(es). : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:51.8433 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Downloading 1 patch(es). : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:51.8433 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:51.8901 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Downloading 1 files. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:51.8901 : 15 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : 3200 bytes.
2011-04-26 18:06:51.8901 : 15 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: Downloading (Pri:Foreground) from " atch" to "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Rep air.ncpatch".
2011-04-26 18:06:51.8901 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Downloading file 1/1: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Repair.ncp atch. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:51.8901 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining existing file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Repair.ncp atch : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:51.9057 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:51.9057 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:51.9057 : 15 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: File hash and length



2011-04-26 18:06:53.4345 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.4345 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.4813 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\sound2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.4813 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\sound2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.4813 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\sound2.pigg' Expected Hash = '33C1CE31A6A2784347FDC0FFDDB4C17E' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:53.4969 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.4969 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.4969 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = 33C1CE31A6A2784347FDC0FFDDB4C17E, Actual hash = 2C2708299A91B1A0729DAE2156C7BB11
2011-04-26 18:06:53.4969 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\sound2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.4969 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\sound2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.5125 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texGui1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.5125 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texGui1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.5125 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texGui1.pigg' Expected Hash = '39C8CA5FBA15C2F676259895EF9C1C44' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:53.5125 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.5125 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.5125 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = 39C8CA5FBA15C2F676259895EF9C1C44, Actual hash = 5C78C448BA40D1BBB1DC1DDDF216F21F
2011-04-26 18:06:53.5125 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texGui1.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.5281 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texGui1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.5281 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundVMusic6.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.5281 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundVMusic6.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.5281 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\soundVMusic6.pigg' Expected Hash = 'A849C0AAC9EC311CDD40AD493D87F29F' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:53.5437 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.5437 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.5437 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:53.5437 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundVMusic6.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.5437 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundVMusic6.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.5593 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texEnemies3.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.5593 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texEnemies3.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.5593 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texEnemies3.pigg' Expected Hash = '70B6D3A0B507F23FB2762AAB49CC18E6' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:53.5593 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.5593 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.5593 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:53.5593 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texEnemies3.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.5749 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texEnemies3.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.5749 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: physxloader.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.5749 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: physxloader.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.5749 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\physxloader.dll' Expected Hash = '772C6F377D81F42EB75687DF37897C1B' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:53.5749 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.5749 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.5749 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:53.5905 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: physxloader.dll. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.5905 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: physxloader.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.6841 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundMusic.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.6841 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundMusic.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.6841 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\soundMusic.pigg' Expected Hash = '68767B9E66C4FA85821B7BA6D0E75E78' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:53.6841 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.6841 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.6997 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:53.6997 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundMusic.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.6997 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundMusic.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.6997 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundMusic1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.6997 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundMusic1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.6997 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\soundMusic1.pigg' Expected Hash = '492A8456DF188595B95A1FABA53368F6' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:53.6997 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.7153 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.7153 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:53.7153 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundMusic1.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.7153 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundMusic1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.7621 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\playerMale.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.7621 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\playerMale.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.7621 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\playerMale.pigg' Expected Hash = '1440CC0639D7D1F58DB619B0972A29C5' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:53.7621 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.7777 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.7777 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:53.7777 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\playerMale.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.7777 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\playerMale.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.7777 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\sound5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.7777 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\sound5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.7777 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\sound5.pigg' Expected Hash = '6CE450B9B304B7A809D7259F0E0AA3F6' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:53.7933 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.7933 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.7933 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = 6CE450B9B304B7A809D7259F0E0AA3F6, Actual hash = 8E34B19B3C207CF1435311310F32A0BA
2011-04-26 18:06:53.7933 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\sound5.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.7933 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\sound5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.8089 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\playerFemHuge.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.8089 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\playerFemHuge.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.8089 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\playerFemHuge.pigg' Expected Hash = 'FBCA7A4DC4F629198CEAD1D26047AA95' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:53.8089 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.8089 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.8089 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:53.8089 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\playerFemHuge.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.8089 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\playerFemHuge.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.8713 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundPowers.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.8713 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundPowers.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.8713 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\soundPowers.pigg' Expected Hash = '268768ABB225FF37413578CB3D09F68C' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:53.8713 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.8713 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.8713 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:53.8869 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundPowers.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.8869 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundPowers.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.8869 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texGui2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.8869 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texGui2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.8869 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texGui2.pigg' Expected Hash = '1295F26027179E6A15DE4CD938940AC1' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:53.8869 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.8869 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.8869 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:53.9025 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texGui2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.9025 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texGui2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.9025 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.9025 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.9025 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsMissions.pigg' Expected Hash = 'C35A5C5A0CB73D51BA8D8956782B347B' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:53.9025 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.9025 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.9025 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = C35A5C5A0CB73D51BA8D8956782B347B, Actual hash = 481365D7EE412C85246E28284DD4B2CD
2011-04-26 18:06:53.9181 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.9181 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.9181 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texEnemies5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.9181 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texEnemies5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.9181 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texEnemies5.pigg' Expected Hash = '893D4AB1A202DC1FB653C5BD03185EC8' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:53.9181 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.9181 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.9337 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:53.9337 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texEnemies5.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.9337 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texEnemies5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.9337 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texVWorld2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.9337 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texVWorld2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.9337 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texVWorld2.pigg' Expected Hash = 'AB486532BE52B3EB251B70FD62180E89' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:53.9337 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.9337 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.9493 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:53.9493 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texVWorld2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.9493 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texVWorld2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.9961 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\sound3.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.9961 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\sound3.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.9961 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\sound3.pigg' Expected Hash = 'CC4F2346BAF8B341A2B15C9576FAA4D2' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:53.9961 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:53.9961 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.0117 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:54.0117 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\sound3.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.0117 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\sound3.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.0117 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.0117 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.0117 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\player.pigg' Expected Hash = '3C3EE6AD44E05B74B593B72531BFF318' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:54.0117 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.0273 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.0273 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = 3C3EE6AD44E05B74B593B72531BFF318, Actual hash = DCF83E4D69D79CC863C47838C8297912
2011-04-26 18:06:54.0273 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.1677 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.2145 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: version.ini. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.2145 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: version.ini. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.2145 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\version.ini' Expected Hash = 'F912316F9981A818DD835234D2C06B2B' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:54.2145 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.2145 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.2145 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = F912316F9981A818DD835234D2C06B2B, Actual hash = 8920D939D7478D516D0818A84A07EC94
2011-04-26 18:06:54.2301 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: version.ini. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.2301 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: version.ini. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.2301 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: crashrpt.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.2301 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: crashrpt.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.2301 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\crashrpt.dll' Expected Hash = 'B4180B61B083086469488A7B8923F816' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:54.2301 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.2457 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.2457 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:54.2457 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: crashrpt.dll. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.2457 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: crashrpt.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.2457 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\mapsHazards.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.2457 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\mapsHazards.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.2457 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsHazards.pigg' Expected Hash = 'B7457E3269CFAEFB5E4275A6137D7352' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:54.2457 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.2613 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.2613 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:54.2613 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\mapsHazards.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.2613 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\mapsHazards.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.3081 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.3081 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.3081 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\soundV2.pigg' Expected Hash = '02A1DD19FCBF8D8841191495670FDEDE' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:54.3081 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.3237 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.3237 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:54.3237 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundV2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.3237 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.3237 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundV4.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.3237 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundV4.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.3237 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\soundV4.pigg' Expected Hash = '2F8A2B70EB9E3A0DBDB3F4A6698158D3' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:54.3237 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.3393 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.3393 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:54.3393 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundV4.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.3393 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundV4.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.3549 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundVMusic1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.3549 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundVMusic1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.3549 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\soundVMusic1.pigg' Expected Hash = '21C7A9C47A1B395F5C51704E67DB880F' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:54.3549 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.3549 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.3549 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:54.3549 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundVMusic1.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.3549 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundVMusic1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.3705 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texEnemies4.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.3705 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texEnemies4.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.3705 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texEnemies4.pigg' Expected Hash = 'B778B44CFA2CAB40B5CE2603BCF9C5AE' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:54.3705 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.3705 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.3705 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:54.3705 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texEnemies4.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.3705 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texEnemies4.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.4329 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.4329 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.4329 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\geomV1.pigg' Expected Hash = 'E8BE8B55B83C1F5480FD473CD04BEEF5' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:54.4329 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.4329 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.4329 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = E8BE8B55B83C1F5480FD473CD04BEEF5, Actual hash = 3E727B62FE6ECA3C5F5DFA0C284DDF62
2011-04-26 18:06:54.4485 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.4485 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.4485 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.4485 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.4485 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\cityofheroes.exe' Expected Hash = '101E7BD8524BD7E6AF82B189FCE97BF4' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:54.4485 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.4641 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.4641 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = 101E7BD8524BD7E6AF82B189FCE97BF4, Actual hash = DC6A2C43E737927A14545C0E064E171E
2011-04-26 18:06:54.4641 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.4641 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.4641 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Updating files. : () : 68%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.4641 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying file group: ProductFiles. : () : 22%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.4641 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 25%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.4641 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Performing 1 application step(s). : () : 25%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.4641 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 25%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.5109 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Repair. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.5109 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.5265 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.5889 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying 1 patch(es). : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.6201 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Updating to the latest version. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.6513 : 1 : Error : Error occurred while repairing:

Summary For :
--> MachineName: LANGSTON-PC
--> TimeStamp: 4/26/2011 11:06:54 PM
--> FullName: NC.Logging, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
--> AppDomainName: StubDomain
--> WindowsIdentity: Langston-PC\Langston

Exception Information Details:
Exception Type: System.ArgumentException
Message: Access to the path is denied.
ParamName: NULL
Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
TargetSite: System.Object CheckForExceptionAndReturnResult()
HelpLink: NULL
Source: _Launcher

StackTrace Information Details:
at System.IO.FileSystemInfo.set_Attributes(FileAttrib utes value)
at NC.Utilities.FileUtilities.IsLocked(FileInfo file)
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupApplier.CheckForFileLocked(Str ing filename)
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupApplier.QueueTargetFileForRepa ir(String relativePath, String targetFilename, String expectedHash, Int64 expectedLength)
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupApplier.QueueTargetFileForRepa ir(String relativePath, String expectedHash, Int64 expectedLength)
at NC.Patcher.FileOperationUnchanged.PreCommit()
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupApplier.PreCommit(FileOperatio nException[]& exceptions)
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupApplier.Apply()
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupOperationPerformer.Perform()
at NC.Patcher.PatchApplier.PerformApplicationSteps(Fi leGroupApplicationSettings applicationSettings)
at NC.Patcher.PatchApplier.InternalApplyManifest(Mani festApplicationInfo manifestInfo, IList`1 propertiesFiles, PropertyBag otherProperties, Boolean isResume)
at NC.Patcher.PatchApplier.InternalApplyPatch(PatchAp plicationInfo patchInfo, IList`1 propertiesFiles, PropertyBag otherProperties)
<--Saving Stack Frame-->
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
at NC.Patcher.PatchApplier.ApplyPatch(PatchApplicatio nInfo patchInfo, IList`1 propertiesFiles, PropertyBag otherProperties)
at NC.Patcher.Patcher.InternalApplyPatch(PatchApplica tionInfo patchInfo, IList`1 propertiesFiles, PropertyBag otherProperties)
at NC.Patcher.Patcher.InternalApplyPatches(PatchAppli cationInfo[] patches)
at NC.Patcher.Patcher.DownloadAndApplyPatches(Downloa dablePatchApplicationInfo[] patches)
at NC.Patcher.Patcher.InternalRepair(Int32 maxNumPatchesToApply, Boolean updateToLatestFirst)
<--Saving Stack Frame-->
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
at NC.Patcher.BasePatcher.Repair(Int32 maxNumPatchesToApply, Boolean updateToLatestFirst)
at NC.Patcher.CompositePatcher.InternalRepair(Int32 maxNumPatchesToApply, Boolean updateToLatestFirst)
<--Saving Stack Frame-->
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
at NC.Patcher.BasePatcher.Repair(Int32 maxNumPatchesToApply, Boolean updateToLatestFirst)
at NC.Patcher.CompositePatcher.InternalRepair(Int32 maxNumPatchesToApply, Boolean updateToLatestFirst)

2011-04-26 18:06:54.6513 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.6513 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:54.6513 : 1 : Error : Creating ErrorState

Summary For :
--> MachineName: LANGSTON-PC
--> TimeStamp: 4/26/2011 11:06:54 PM
--> FullName: NC.Logging, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
--> AppDomainName: StubDomain
--> WindowsIdentity: Langston-PC\Langston

Exception Information Details:
Exception Type: System.ArgumentException
Message: Access to the path is denied.
ParamName: NULL
Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
TargetSite: System.Object CheckForExceptionAndReturnResult()
HelpLink: NULL
Source: _Launcher

StackTrace Information Details:
at System.IO.FileSystemInfo.set_Attributes(FileAttrib utes value)
at NC.Utilities.FileUtilities.IsLocked(FileInfo file)
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupApplier.CheckForFileLocked(Str ing filename)
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupApplier.QueueTargetFileForRepa ir(String relativePath, String targetFilename, String expectedHash, Int64 expectedLength)
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupApplier.QueueTargetFileForRepa ir(String relativePath, String expectedHash, Int64 expectedLength)
at NC.Patcher.FileOperationUnchanged.PreCommit()
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupApplier.PreCommit(FileOperatio nException[]& exceptions)
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupApplier.Apply()
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupOperationPerformer.Perform()
at NC.Patcher.PatchApplier.PerformApplicationSteps(Fi leGroupApplicationSettings applicationSettings)
at NC.Patcher.PatchApplier.InternalApplyManifest(Mani festApplicationInfo manifestInfo, IList`1 propertiesFiles, PropertyBag otherProperties, Boolean isResume)
at NC.Patcher.PatchApplier.InternalApplyPatch(PatchAp plicationInfo patchInfo, IList`1 propertiesFiles, PropertyBag otherProperties)
<--Saving Stack Frame-->
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
at NC.Patcher.PatchApplier.ApplyPatch(PatchApplicatio nInfo patchInfo, IList`1 propertiesFiles, PropertyBag otherProperties)
at NC.Patcher.Patcher.InternalApplyPatch(PatchApplica tionInfo patchInfo, IList`1 propertiesFiles, PropertyBag otherProperties)
at NC.Patcher.Patcher.InternalApplyPatches(PatchAppli cationInfo[] patches)
at NC.Patcher.Patcher.DownloadAndApplyPatches(Downloa dablePatchApplicationInfo[] patches)
at NC.Patcher.Patcher.InternalRepair(Int32 maxNumPatchesToApply, Boolean updateToLatestFirst)
<--Saving Stack Frame-->
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
at NC.Patcher.BasePatcher.Repair(Int32 maxNumPatchesToApply, Boolean updateToLatestFirst)
at NC.Patcher.CompositePatcher.InternalRepair(Int32 maxNumPatchesToApply, Boolean updateToLatestFirst)
<--Saving Stack Frame-->
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
at NC.Patcher.BasePatcher.Repair(Int32 maxNumPatchesToApply, Boolean updateToLatestFirst)
at NC.Patcher.CompositePatcher.InternalRepair(Int32 maxNumPatchesToApply, Boolean updateToLatestFirst)

2011-04-26 18:06:57.0069 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.0069 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.1785 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Updating to the latest version. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.1785 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Repairing. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.2253 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.2253 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-26 18:06:57.2253 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp5933.tmp" .
2011-04-26 18:06:57.2877 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-26 18:06:57.2877 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-26 18:06:57.2877 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-26 18:06:57.2877 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp5933.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:57.2877 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-26 18:06:57.2877 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.3033 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.3033 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.3033 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-26 18:06:57.3033 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp5992.tmp" .
2011-04-26 18:06:57.3813 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-26 18:06:57.3813 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-26 18:06:57.3813 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-26 18:06:57.3813 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp5992.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:57.3813 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-26 18:06:57.3813 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.3969 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.3969 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-26 18:06:57.3969 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp59E1.tmp" .
2011-04-26 18:06:57.4905 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-26 18:06:57.4905 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-26 18:06:57.4905 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-26 18:06:57.4905 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp59E1.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:57.4905 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-26 18:06:57.4905 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.5061 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finding the repair patch. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.5061 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finding the repair patch. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.5061 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 40%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.5217 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.5217 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.5217 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-26 18:06:57.5217 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp5A6E.tmp" .
2011-04-26 18:06:57.5997 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-26 18:06:57.5997 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-26 18:06:57.5997 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-26 18:06:57.5997 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp5A6E.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:57.5997 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-26 18:06:57.5997 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.5997 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.5997 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-26 18:06:57.5997 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp5ABD.tmp" .
2011-04-26 18:06:57.6933 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-26 18:06:57.6933 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-26 18:06:57.6933 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-26 18:06:57.6933 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp5ABD.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:57.6933 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-26 18:06:57.6933 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.7089 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finding the repair patch. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.7089 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finding the repair patch. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.7089 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 80%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.7557 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Downloading and applying 1 patch(es). : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.7557 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Downloading 1 patch(es). : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.7557 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.8025 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Downloading 1 files. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.8025 : 12 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : 3200 bytes.
2011-04-26 18:06:57.8025 : 12 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: Downloading (Pri:Foreground) from " atch" to "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Rep air.ncpatch".
2011-04-26 18:06:57.8025 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Downloading file 1/1: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Repair.ncp atch. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.8025 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining existing file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Repair.ncp atch : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.8181 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.8181 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.8181 : 12 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: File hash and length match. This file has already been downloaded.
2011-04-26 18:06:57.8181 : 12 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: File already downloaded: " atch"
2011-04-26 18:06:57.8181 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining existing file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Repair.ncp atch : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.8649 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Downloading file 1/1: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Repair.ncp atch. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.8961 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Downloading 1 files. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.8961 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.8961 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Downloading 1 patch(es). : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.9741 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying 1 patch(es). : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.9741 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.9897 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.9897 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting patch manifest. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:57.9897 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Repair\Pat chManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.0053 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Repair\Pat chManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.0053 : 12 : Info : Unrar (stderr): CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Repair\Pat chManifest.xml - use current password ?
2011-04-26 18:06:58.0053 : 12 : Info : Unrar: Extracting CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Repair\Pat chManifest.xml
2011-04-26 18:06:58.0209 : 12 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 18:06:58.0209 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Repair\Pat chManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.0209 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Repair\Pat chManifest.xml : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.0209 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting patch manifest. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.0365 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Repair. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.0365 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting patch files. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.0365 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting all files : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.0521 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Repair\Pat chManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.0521 : 12 : Info : Unrar (stderr): CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Repair\Pat chManifest.xml - use current password ?
2011-04-26 18:06:58.0521 : 12 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1 .0_Repair\PatchManifest.xml
2011-04-26 18:06:58.0521 : 12 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 18:06:58.0521 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Repair\Pat chManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.0677 : 12 : Info : Unrar: Creating C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1 .0_Repair\ProductFiles
2011-04-26 18:06:58.0677 : 12 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 18:06:58.0989 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting all files : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.1145 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting patch files. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.1301 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.1301 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Performing 1 application step(s). : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.1457 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.1457 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining patch. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.3173 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining patch. : () : 98%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.3797 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying file group: ProductFiles. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.3797 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Updating files. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.3953 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: cider\eula-eu-de.html. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.3953 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: cider\eula-eu-de.html. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.3953 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\cider\eula-eu-de.html' Expected Hash = '74BAC17727F532D734AED4A060EF239B' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:58.3953 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.3953 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.3953 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:58.3953 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: cider\eula-eu-de.html. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4109 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: cider\eula-eu-de.html. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4109 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4109 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4109 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texts.pigg' Expected Hash = '6D31EC4E44D4261B6A336C494A169F17' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4109 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4109 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4265 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = 6D31EC4E44D4261B6A336C494A169F17, Actual hash = 9C9BF7C928F905289D748623561E1EEC
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4265 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4265 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4265 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texWorldCZ.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4265 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texWorldCZ.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4265 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texWorldCZ.pigg' Expected Hash = 'A7E565C18668709F84B2D74B8C4807DA' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4265 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4265 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4421 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4421 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texWorldCZ.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4421 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texWorldCZ.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4421 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundVMusic3.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4421 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundVMusic3.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4421 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\soundVMusic3.pigg' Expected Hash = '3012021CACFBCB56DF6AA8A03C0A6C42' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4421 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4421 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4421 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4577 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundVMusic3.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4577 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundVMusic3.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4577 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4577 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4577 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texPlayers2.pigg' Expected Hash = '19667AFC1F44B4EFE3B427470FA98A4B' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4577 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4577 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4577 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = 19667AFC1F44B4EFE3B427470FA98A4B, Actual hash = B49891BDAD4277E267441B5C90249F29
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4577 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4733 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4733 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\sound1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4733 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\sound1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4733 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\sound1.pigg' Expected Hash = 'D413F469DEE8352AD04F83FEFFB89C4E' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4733 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4733 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4733 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4733 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\sound1.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.4889 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\sound1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5357 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texVWorld1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5357 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texVWorld1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5357 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texVWorld1.pigg' Expected Hash = 'C4098E4136C7EFB374D63B6D0BB243C3' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5357 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5513 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5513 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5513 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texVWorld1.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5513 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texVWorld1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5513 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: cider\eula-eu-fr.html. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5513 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: cider\eula-eu-fr.html. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5513 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\cider\eula-eu-fr.html' Expected Hash = '6FE9CD04DCA88FF8633812A2C959A61D' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5513 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5669 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5669 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5669 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: cider\eula-eu-fr.html. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5669 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: cider\eula-eu-fr.html. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5669 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: cider\eula-eu-en.html. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5669 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: cider\eula-eu-en.html. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5669 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\cider\eula-eu-en.html' Expected Hash = '66ACCB07EBBFFD709DB3D1DF656A0418' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5669 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5669 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5825 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5825 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: cider\eula-eu-en.html. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5825 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: cider\eula-eu-en.html. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5825 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: uninstall.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5825 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: uninstall.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5825 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\uninstall.exe' Expected Hash = 'C3742F5D0C5DD55CFB801B8DF3D27FBF' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5825 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5825 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5981 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5981 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: uninstall.exe. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5981 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: uninstall.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5981 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5981 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5981 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsCities2.pigg' Expected Hash = '36B3976E9EAF786172C17EF19A617ECC' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5981 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5981 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.5981 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = 36B3976E9EAF786172C17EF19A617ECC, Actual hash = 6765465919813051318073640E1173C4
2011-04-26 18:06:58.6137 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.6137 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.6605 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.6605 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.6605 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\soundV1.pigg' Expected Hash = '3F4AB0E679E539619B8DECBA12DF70FC' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:58.6605 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.6605 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.6605 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:58.6761 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundV1.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.6761 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.6761 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.6761 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.6761 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsMisc.pigg' Expected Hash = '207EA6A3725E4D26975D2589AD19DEDA' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:58.6761 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.6761 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.6917 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = 207EA6A3725E4D26975D2589AD19DEDA, Actual hash = 01B51F4457586D418553612F7964E112
2011-04-26 18:06:58.6917 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.6917 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.6917 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texVWorldBases2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.6917 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texVWorldBases2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.6917 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texVWorldBases2.pigg' Expected Hash = '128AB0B3195106385DE088A0DC2F2718' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:58.6917 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.7073 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.7073 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:58.7073 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texVWorldBases2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.7073 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texVWorldBases2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.7541 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texEnemies.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.7541 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texEnemies.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.7541 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texEnemies.pigg' Expected Hash = '8E2C75D08449A3BF6002FCD2DAD584C4' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:58.7541 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.7697 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.7697 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:58.7697 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texEnemies.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.7697 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texEnemies.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.7697 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: nxcooking.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.7853 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: nxcooking.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.7853 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\nxcooking.dll' Expected Hash = '1CA9D1701A5F80AE1ED29AEBAEF3C6D9' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:58.7853 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.7853 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.7853 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:58.7853 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: nxcooking.dll. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.7853 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: nxcooking.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.8477 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundV6.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.8477 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundV6.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.8477 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\soundV6.pigg' Expected Hash = '26039A27A355321BDDAF7F7744041E32' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:58.8477 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.8477 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.8477 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:58.8477 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundV6.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.8633 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundV6.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.8633 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\sound.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.8633 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\sound.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.8633 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\sound.pigg' Expected Hash = '4FB81339D04008EF14252753763FA2B0' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:58.8633 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.8633 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.8633 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = 4FB81339D04008EF14252753763FA2B0, Actual hash = B0300D35CA4B4D23DE6813510113D008
2011-04-26 18:06:58.8789 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\sound.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.8789 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\sound.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.8789 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundVMusic5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.8789 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundVMusic5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.8789 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\soundVMusic5.pigg' Expected Hash = '6ACADAC2523360B8C66FCDB65135DEBA' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:58.8789 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.8945 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.8945 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:58.8945 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundVMusic5.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.8945 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundVMusic5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.9413 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texVWorldBases1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.9569 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texVWorldBases1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.9569 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texVWorldBases1.pigg' Expected Hash = '1E2B142EFB29CACA0B7FCFA50F219369' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:58.9569 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.9569 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.9569 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:58.9569 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texVWorldBases1.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.9569 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texVWorldBases1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.9569 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: client.chksum. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.9725 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: client.chksum. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.9725 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\client.chksum' Expected Hash = 'DF5AFFABB52C560FF3F418562840B5AC' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:58.9725 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.9725 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.9725 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = DF5AFFABB52C560FF3F418562840B5AC, Actual hash = 7747B63D47AED9846856867577F5B465
2011-04-26 18:06:58.9725 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: client.chksum. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:58.9725 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: client.chksum. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.0193 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.0349 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.0349 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of He




2011-04-26 18:06:59.6589 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\sound5.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.6589 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\sound5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.6745 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\playerFemHuge.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.6745 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\playerFemHuge.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.6745 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\playerFemHuge.pigg' Expected Hash = 'FBCA7A4DC4F629198CEAD1D26047AA95' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:59.6745 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.6745 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.6745 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:59.6745 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\playerFemHuge.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.6745 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\playerFemHuge.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.7525 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundPowers.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.7525 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundPowers.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.7525 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\soundPowers.pigg' Expected Hash = '268768ABB225FF37413578CB3D09F68C' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:59.7525 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.7525 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.7525 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:59.7681 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundPowers.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.7681 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundPowers.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.7681 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texGui2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.7681 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texGui2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.7681 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texGui2.pigg' Expected Hash = '1295F26027179E6A15DE4CD938940AC1' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:59.7681 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.7681 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.7837 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:59.7837 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texGui2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.7837 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texGui2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.7837 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.7837 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.7837 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsMissions.pigg' Expected Hash = 'C35A5C5A0CB73D51BA8D8956782B347B' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:59.7837 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.7993 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.7993 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = C35A5C5A0CB73D51BA8D8956782B347B, Actual hash = 481365D7EE412C85246E28284DD4B2CD
2011-04-26 18:06:59.7993 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.7993 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.7993 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texEnemies5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.7993 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texEnemies5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.7993 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texEnemies5.pigg' Expected Hash = '893D4AB1A202DC1FB653C5BD03185EC8' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:59.7993 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.8149 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.8149 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:59.8149 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texEnemies5.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.8149 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texEnemies5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.8149 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texVWorld2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.8149 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texVWorld2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.8149 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texVWorld2.pigg' Expected Hash = 'AB486532BE52B3EB251B70FD62180E89' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:59.8149 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.8305 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.8305 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:59.8305 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texVWorld2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.8305 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texVWorld2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.8773 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\sound3.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.8773 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\sound3.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.8773 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\sound3.pigg' Expected Hash = 'CC4F2346BAF8B341A2B15C9576FAA4D2' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:59.8773 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.8929 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.8929 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:06:59.8929 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\sound3.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.8929 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\sound3.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.8929 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.8929 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.8929 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\player.pigg' Expected Hash = '3C3EE6AD44E05B74B593B72531BFF318' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:59.9085 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.9085 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.9085 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = 3C3EE6AD44E05B74B593B72531BFF318, Actual hash = DCF83E4D69D79CC863C47838C8297912
2011-04-26 18:06:59.9085 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.9085 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.9709 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: version.ini. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.9709 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: version.ini. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.9709 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\version.ini' Expected Hash = 'F912316F9981A818DD835234D2C06B2B' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:59.9709 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.9709 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.9709 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = F912316F9981A818DD835234D2C06B2B, Actual hash = 8920D939D7478D516D0818A84A07EC94
2011-04-26 18:06:59.9709 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: version.ini. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.9865 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: version.ini. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.9865 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: crashrpt.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.9865 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: crashrpt.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:06:59.9865 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\crashrpt.dll' Expected Hash = 'B4180B61B083086469488A7B8923F816' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:06:59.9865 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.0021 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.0021 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:07:00.0021 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: crashrpt.dll. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.0021 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: crashrpt.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.0021 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\mapsHazards.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.0021 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\mapsHazards.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.0021 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsHazards.pigg' Expected Hash = 'B7457E3269CFAEFB5E4275A6137D7352' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:00.0021 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.0177 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.0177 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:07:00.0177 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\mapsHazards.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.0177 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\mapsHazards.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.0645 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.0645 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.0645 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\soundV2.pigg' Expected Hash = '02A1DD19FCBF8D8841191495670FDEDE' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:00.0645 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.0801 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.0801 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:07:00.0801 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundV2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.0801 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.0801 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundV4.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.0801 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundV4.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.0801 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\soundV4.pigg' Expected Hash = '2F8A2B70EB9E3A0DBDB3F4A6698158D3' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:00.0801 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.0957 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.0957 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:07:00.0957 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundV4.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.0957 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundV4.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.0957 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundVMusic1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.1113 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundVMusic1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.1113 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\soundVMusic1.pigg' Expected Hash = '21C7A9C47A1B395F5C51704E67DB880F' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:00.1113 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.1113 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.1113 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:07:00.1113 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundVMusic1.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.1113 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundVMusic1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.1113 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texEnemies4.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.1269 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texEnemies4.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.1269 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texEnemies4.pigg' Expected Hash = 'B778B44CFA2CAB40B5CE2603BCF9C5AE' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:00.1269 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.1269 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.1269 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:07:00.1269 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texEnemies4.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.1269 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texEnemies4.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.1893 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.1893 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.1893 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\geomV1.pigg' Expected Hash = 'E8BE8B55B83C1F5480FD473CD04BEEF5' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:00.1893 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.1893 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.1893 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = E8BE8B55B83C1F5480FD473CD04BEEF5, Actual hash = 3E727B62FE6ECA3C5F5DFA0C284DDF62
2011-04-26 18:07:00.1893 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.2049 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.2049 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.2049 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.2049 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\cityofheroes.exe' Expected Hash = '101E7BD8524BD7E6AF82B189FCE97BF4' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:00.2049 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.2049 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.2049 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = 101E7BD8524BD7E6AF82B189FCE97BF4, Actual hash = DC6A2C43E737927A14545C0E064E171E
2011-04-26 18:07:00.2205 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.2205 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.2205 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Updating files. : () : 68%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.2205 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying file group: ProductFiles. : () : 22%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.2205 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 25%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.2205 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Performing 1 application step(s). : () : 25%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.2205 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 25%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.2673 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Repair. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.2673 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.2673 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.3453 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying 1 patch(es). : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.3765 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Updating to the latest version. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.4077 : 1 : Error : Error occurred while repairing:

Summary For :
--> MachineName: LANGSTON-PC
--> TimeStamp: 4/26/2011 11:07:00 PM
--> FullName: NC.Logging, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
--> AppDomainName: StubDomain
--> WindowsIdentity: Langston-PC\Langston

Exception Information Details:
Exception Type: System.ArgumentException
Message: Access to the path is denied.
ParamName: NULL
Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
TargetSite: System.Object CheckForExceptionAndReturnResult()
HelpLink: NULL
Source: _Launcher

StackTrace Information Details:
at System.IO.FileSystemInfo.set_Attributes(FileAttrib utes value)
at NC.Utilities.FileUtilities.IsLocked(FileInfo file)
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupApplier.CheckForFileLocked(Str ing filename)
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupApplier.QueueTargetFileForRepa ir(String relativePath, String targetFilename, String expectedHash, Int64 expectedLength)
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupApplier.QueueTargetFileForRepa ir(String relativePath, String expectedHash, Int64 expectedLength)
at NC.Patcher.FileOperationUnchanged.PreCommit()
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupApplier.PreCommit(FileOperatio nException[]& exceptions)
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupApplier.Apply()
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupOperationPerformer.Perform()
at NC.Patcher.PatchApplier.PerformApplicationSteps(Fi leGroupApplicationSettings applicationSettings)
at NC.Patcher.PatchApplier.InternalApplyManifest(Mani festApplicationInfo manifestInfo, IList`1 propertiesFiles, PropertyBag otherProperties, Boolean isResume)
at NC.Patcher.PatchApplier.InternalApplyPatch(PatchAp plicationInfo patchInfo, IList`1 propertiesFiles, PropertyBag otherProperties)
<--Saving Stack Frame-->
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
at NC.Patcher.PatchApplier.ApplyPatch(PatchApplicatio nInfo patchInfo, IList`1 propertiesFiles, PropertyBag otherProperties)
at NC.Patcher.Patcher.InternalApplyPatch(PatchApplica tionInfo patchInfo, IList`1 propertiesFiles, PropertyBag otherProperties)
at NC.Patcher.Patcher.InternalApplyPatches(PatchAppli cationInfo[] patches)
at NC.Patcher.Patcher.DownloadAndApplyPatches(Downloa dablePatchApplicationInfo[] patches)
at NC.Patcher.Patcher.InternalRepair(Int32 maxNumPatchesToApply, Boolean updateToLatestFirst)
<--Saving Stack Frame-->
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
at NC.Patcher.BasePatcher.Repair(Int32 maxNumPatchesToApply, Boolean updateToLatestFirst)
at NC.Patcher.CompositePatcher.InternalRepair(Int32 maxNumPatchesToApply, Boolean updateToLatestFirst)
<--Saving Stack Frame-->
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
at NC.Patcher.BasePatcher.Repair(Int32 maxNumPatchesToApply, Boolean updateToLatestFirst)
at NC.Patcher.CompositePatcher.InternalRepair(Int32 maxNumPatchesToApply, Boolean updateToLatestFirst)

2011-04-26 18:07:00.4077 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.4077 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:00.4077 : 1 : Error : Creating ErrorState

Summary For :
--> MachineName: LANGSTON-PC
--> TimeStamp: 4/26/2011 11:07:00 PM
--> FullName: NC.Logging, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
--> AppDomainName: StubDomain
--> WindowsIdentity: Langston-PC\Langston

Exception Information Details:
Exception Type: System.ArgumentException
Message: Access to the path is denied.
ParamName: NULL
Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
TargetSite: System.Object CheckForExceptionAndReturnResult()
HelpLink: NULL
Source: _Launcher

StackTrace Information Details:
at System.IO.FileSystemInfo.set_Attributes(FileAttrib utes value)
at NC.Utilities.FileUtilities.IsLocked(FileInfo file)
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupApplier.CheckForFileLocked(Str ing filename)
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupApplier.QueueTargetFileForRepa ir(String relativePath, String targetFilename, String expectedHash, Int64 expectedLength)
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupApplier.QueueTargetFileForRepa ir(String relativePath, String expectedHash, Int64 expectedLength)
at NC.Patcher.FileOperationUnchanged.PreCommit()
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupApplier.PreCommit(FileOperatio nException[]& exceptions)
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupApplier.Apply()
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupOperationPerformer.Perform()
at NC.Patcher.PatchApplier.PerformApplicationSteps(Fi leGroupApplicationSettings applicationSettings)
at NC.Patcher.PatchApplier.InternalApplyManifest(Mani festApplicationInfo manifestInfo, IList`1 propertiesFiles, PropertyBag otherProperties, Boolean isResume)
at NC.Patcher.PatchApplier.InternalApplyPatch(PatchAp plicationInfo patchInfo, IList`1 propertiesFiles, PropertyBag otherProperties)
<--Saving Stack Frame-->
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
at NC.Patcher.PatchApplier.ApplyPatch(PatchApplicatio nInfo patchInfo, IList`1 propertiesFiles, PropertyBag otherProperties)
at NC.Patcher.Patcher.InternalApplyPatch(PatchApplica tionInfo patchInfo, IList`1 propertiesFiles, PropertyBag otherProperties)
at NC.Patcher.Patcher.InternalApplyPatches(PatchAppli cationInfo[] patches)
at NC.Patcher.Patcher.DownloadAndApplyPatches(Downloa dablePatchApplicationInfo[] patches)
at NC.Patcher.Patcher.InternalRepair(Int32 maxNumPatchesToApply, Boolean updateToLatestFirst)
<--Saving Stack Frame-->
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
at NC.Patcher.BasePatcher.Repair(Int32 maxNumPatchesToApply, Boolean updateToLatestFirst)
at NC.Patcher.CompositePatcher.InternalRepair(Int32 maxNumPatchesToApply, Boolean updateToLatestFirst)
<--Saving Stack Frame-->
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
at NC.Patcher.BasePatcher.Repair(Int32 maxNumPatchesToApply, Boolean updateToLatestFirst)
at NC.Patcher.CompositePatcher.InternalRepair(Int32 maxNumPatchesToApply, Boolean updateToLatestFirst)

2011-04-26 18:07:09.9549 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:09.9549 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.0953 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Updating to the latest version. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.0953 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Repairing. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.1421 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.1421 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-26 18:07:10.1421 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp8BBE.tmp" .
2011-04-26 18:07:10.2201 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-26 18:07:10.2201 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-26 18:07:10.2201 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-26 18:07:10.2201 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp8BBE.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:10.2201 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-26 18:07:10.2201 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.2201 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.2357 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.2357 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-26 18:07:10.2357 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp8C0D.tmp" .
2011-04-26 18:07:10.3137 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-26 18:07:10.3137 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-26 18:07:10.3137 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-26 18:07:10.3293 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp8C0D.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:10.3293 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-26 18:07:10.3293 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.3293 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.3293 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-26 18:07:10.3293 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp8C7B.tmp" .
2011-04-26 18:07:10.4073 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-26 18:07:10.4073 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-26 18:07:10.4229 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-26 18:07:10.4229 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp8C7B.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:10.4229 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-26 18:07:10.4229 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.4385 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finding the repair patch. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.4385 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finding the repair patch. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.4385 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 40%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.4385 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.4385 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.4385 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-26 18:07:10.4385 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp8CE9.tmp" .
2011-04-26 18:07:10.5165 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-26 18:07:10.5165 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-26 18:07:10.5165 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-26 18:07:10.5165 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp8CE9.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:10.5165 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-26 18:07:10.5165 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.5165 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.5165 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-26 18:07:10.5165 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp8D38.tmp" .
2011-04-26 18:07:10.6257 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-26 18:07:10.6257 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-26 18:07:10.6257 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-26 18:07:10.6257 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp8D38.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:10.6257 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-26 18:07:10.6257 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.6413 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finding the repair patch. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.6413 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finding the repair patch. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.6413 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 80%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.6881 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Downloading and applying 1 patch(es). : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.6881 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Downloading 1 patch(es). : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.6881 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.7349 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Downloading 1 files. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.7349 : 8 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : 3200 bytes.
2011-04-26 18:07:10.7349 : 8 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: Downloading (Pri:Foreground) from " atch" to "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Rep air.ncpatch".
2011-04-26 18:07:10.7349 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Downloading file 1/1: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Repair.ncp atch. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.7349 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining existing file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Repair.ncp atch : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.7505 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.7505 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.7505 : 8 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: File hash and length match. This file has already been downloaded.
2011-04-26 18:07:10.7505 : 8 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: File already downloaded: " atch"
2011-04-26 18:07:10.7505 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining existing file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Repair.ncp atch : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.7973 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Downloading file 1/1: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Repair.ncp atch. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.8285 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Downloading 1 files. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.8285 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.8285 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Downloading 1 patch(es). : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.9065 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying 1 patch(es). : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.9221 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.9221 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.9221 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting patch manifest. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.9221 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Repair\Pat chManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.9377 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Repair\Pat chManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.9377 : 8 : Info : Unrar (stderr): CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Repair\Pat chManifest.xml - use current password ?
2011-04-26 18:07:10.9377 : 8 : Info : Unrar: Extracting CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Repair\Pat chManifest.xml
2011-04-26 18:07:10.9377 : 8 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 18:07:10.9377 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Repair\Pat chManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.9377 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Repair\Pat chManifest.xml : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.9377 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting patch manifest. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.9533 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Repair. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.9533 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting patch files. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.9533 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting all files : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.9845 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Repair\Pat chManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.9845 : 8 : Info : Unrar (stderr): CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Repair\Pat chManifest.xml - use current password ?
2011-04-26 18:07:10.9845 : 8 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1 .0_Repair\PatchManifest.xml
2011-04-26 18:07:10.9845 : 8 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 18:07:10.9845 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1.0_Repair\Pat chManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:10.9845 : 8 : Info : Unrar: Creating C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104210057.1 .0_Repair\ProductFiles
2011-04-26 18:07:10.9845 : 8 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-26 18:07:11.0313 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting all files : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.0313 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting patch files. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.0469 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.0625 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Performing 1 application step(s). : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.0625 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.0625 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining patch. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.2809 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining patch. : () : 98%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.3589 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying file group: ProductFiles. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.3589 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Updating files. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.3589 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: cider\eula-eu-de.html. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.3589 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: cider\eula-eu-de.html. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.3589 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\cider\eula-eu-de.html' Expected Hash = '74BAC17727F532D734AED4A060EF239B' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:11.3745 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.3745 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.3745 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:07:11.3745 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: cider\eula-eu-de.html. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.3745 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: cider\eula-eu-de.html. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.3901 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.3901 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.3901 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texts.pigg' Expected Hash = '6D31EC4E44D4261B6A336C494A169F17' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:11.3901 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.3901 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.3901 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = 6D31EC4E44D4261B6A336C494A169F17, Actual hash = 9C9BF7C928F905289D748623561E1EEC
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4057 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4057 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4057 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texWorldCZ.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4057 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texWorldCZ.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4057 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texWorldCZ.pigg' Expected Hash = 'A7E565C18668709F84B2D74B8C4807DA' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4057 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4213 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4213 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4213 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texWorldCZ.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4213 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texWorldCZ.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4213 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundVMusic3.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4369 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundVMusic3.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4369 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\soundVMusic3.pigg' Expected Hash = '3012021CACFBCB56DF6AA8A03C0A6C42' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4369 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4369 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4369 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4525 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundVMusic3.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4525 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundVMusic3.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4525 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4525 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4525 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texPlayers2.pigg' Expected Hash = '19667AFC1F44B4EFE3B427470FA98A4B' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4681 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4681 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4681 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = 19667AFC1F44B4EFE3B427470FA98A4B, Actual hash = B49891BDAD4277E267441B5C90249F29
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4837 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4837 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4837 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\sound1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4837 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\sound1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4837 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\sound1.pigg' Expected Hash = 'D413F469DEE8352AD04F83FEFFB89C4E' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4993 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4993 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4993 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:07:11.4993 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\sound1.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.5149 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\sound1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.5773 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texVWorld1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.5773 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texVWorld1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.5773 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texVWorld1.pigg' Expected Hash = 'C4098E4136C7EFB374D63B6D0BB243C3' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:11.5773 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.5773 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.5773 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:07:11.5773 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texVWorld1.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.5929 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texVWorld1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.5929 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: cider\eula-eu-fr.html. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.5929 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: cider\eula-eu-fr.html. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.5929 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\cider\eula-eu-fr.html' Expected Hash = '6FE9CD04DCA88FF8633812A2C959A61D' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:11.5929 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.6085 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.6085 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:07:11.6085 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: cider\eula-eu-fr.html. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.6085 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: cider\eula-eu-fr.html. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.6085 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: cider\eula-eu-en.html. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.6085 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: cider\eula-eu-en.html. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.6085 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\cider\eula-eu-en.html' Expected Hash = '66ACCB07EBBFFD709DB3D1DF656A0418' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:11.6085 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.6241 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.6241 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:07:11.6241 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: cider\eula-eu-en.html. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.6241 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: cider\eula-eu-en.html. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.6241 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: uninstall.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.6241 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: uninstall.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.6241 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\uninstall.exe' Expected Hash = 'C3742F5D0C5DD55CFB801B8DF3D27FBF' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:11.6241 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.6397 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.6397 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:07:11.6397 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: uninstall.exe. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.6397 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: uninstall.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.6397 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.6397 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.6397 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsCities2.pigg' Expected Hash = '36B3976E9EAF786172C17EF19A617ECC' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:11.6397 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.6553 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.6553 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = 36B3976E9EAF786172C17EF19A617ECC, Actual hash = 6765465919813051318073640E1173C4
2011-04-26 18:07:11.6553 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.6553 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.7021 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.7021 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.7021 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\soundV1.pigg' Expected Hash = '3F4AB0E679E539619B8DECBA12DF70FC' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:11.7021 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.7177 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.7177 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:07:11.7177 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundV1.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.7177 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.7177 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.7177 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.7177 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsMisc.pigg' Expected Hash = '207EA6A3725E4D26975D2589AD19DEDA' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:11.7333 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.7333 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.7333 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = 207EA6A3725E4D26975D2589AD19DEDA, Actual hash = 01B51F4457586D418553612F7964E112
2011-04-26 18:07:11.7333 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.7333 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.7489 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texVWorldBases2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.7489 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texVWorldBases2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.7489 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texVWorldBases2.pigg' Expected Hash = '128AB0B3195106385DE088A0DC2F2718' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:11.7489 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.7489 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.7489 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:07:11.7489 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texVWorldBases2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.7489 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texVWorldBases2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.8113 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texEnemies.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.8113 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texEnemies.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.8113 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texEnemies.pigg' Expected Hash = '8E2C75D08449A3BF6002FCD2DAD584C4' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:11.8113 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.8113 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.8113 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:07:11.8113 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texEnemies.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.8269 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texEnemies.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.8269 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: nxcooking.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.8269 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: nxcooking.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.8269 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\nxcooking.dll' Expected Hash = '1CA9D1701A5F80AE1ED29AEBAEF3C6D9' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:11.8269 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.8425 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.8425 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:07:11.8425 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: nxcooking.dll. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.8425 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: nxcooking.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.8893 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundV6.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.8893 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundV6.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.8893 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\soundV6.pigg' Expected Hash = '26039A27A355321BDDAF7F7744041E32' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:11.8893 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.9049 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.9049 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:07:11.9049 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundV6.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.9049 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundV6.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.9049 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\sound.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.9205 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\sound.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.9205 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\sound.pigg' Expected Hash = '4FB81339D04008EF14252753763FA2B0' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:11.9205 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.9205 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.9205 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = 4FB81339D04008EF14252753763FA2B0, Actual hash = B0300D35CA4B4D23DE6813510113D008
2011-04-26 18:07:11.9205 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\sound.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.9205 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\sound.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.9361 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundVMusic5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.9361 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundVMusic5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.9361 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\soundVMusic5.pigg' Expected Hash = '6ACADAC2523360B8C66FCDB65135DEBA' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:11.9361 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.9361 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.9361 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:07:11.9361 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundVMusic5.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.9361 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundVMusic5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.9985 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texVWorldBases1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.9985 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texVWorldBases1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:11.9985 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texVWorldBases1.pigg' Expected Hash = '1E2B142EFB29CACA0B7FCFA50F219369' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:11.9985 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.0141 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.0141 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:07:12.0141 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texVWorldBases1.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.0141 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texVWorldBases1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.0141 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: client.chksum. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.0141 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: client.chksum. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.0141 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\client.chksum' Expected Hash = 'DF5AFFABB52C560FF3F418562840B5AC' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:12.0297 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.0297 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.0297 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = DF5AFFABB52C560FF3F418562840B5AC, Actual hash = 7747B63D47AED9846856867577F5B465
2011-04-26 18:07:12.0297 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: client.chksum. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.0297 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: client.chksum. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.0765 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.0765 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.0765 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg' Expected Hash = 'C1F6CFAB5F34BA59DDA5D8368CE0A69E' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:12.0765 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.0921 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.0921 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = C1F6CFAB5F34BA59DDA5D8368CE0A69E, Actual hash = A5292BA44F2EDDD336958BF4F417BF73
2011-04-26 18:07:12.0921 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.0921 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.0921 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: physxcore.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.1077 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: physxcore.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.1077 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\physxcore.dll' Expected Hash = 'D8C349C37AA410E0F6E9E8316FE93DF9' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:12.1077 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.1077 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.1077 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:07:12.1077 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: physxcore.dll. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.1077 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: physxcore.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.1701 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundVMusic7.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.1701 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundVMusic7.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.1701 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\soundVMusic7.pigg' Expected Hash = '0851F64B691413CB728033ACEFF6F280' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:12.1701 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.1857 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.1857 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:07:12.1857 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\soundVMusic7.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.1857 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\soundVMusic7.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.1857 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texEnemies2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.1857 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texEnemies2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.1857 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texEnemies2.pigg' Expected Hash = 'DC7277930D7D04259B2465F8EAF4940E' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:12.1857 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.2013 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.2013 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:07:12.2013 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texEnemies2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.2013 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texEnemies2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.2013 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texVWorld.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.2013 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texVWorld.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.2013 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texVWorld.pigg' Expected Hash = '57253313EB33E53AD3E2F51549878479' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:12.2013 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.2169 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.2169 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:07:12.2169 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texVWorld.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.2169 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texVWorld.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.2169 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texWorld.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.2169 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texWorld.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.2169 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texWorld.pigg' Expected Hash = 'DA0442BA1E29A2F03151BC45CA0A0E0D' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:12.2169 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.2325 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.2325 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:07:12.2325 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texWorld.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.2325 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texWorld.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.2325 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: cggl.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.2325 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: cggl.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.2325 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\cggl.dll' Expected Hash = '7652657FA392FB9418CCF309145DD7B4' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:12.2325 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.2481 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.2481 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:07:12.2481 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: cggl.dll. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.2481 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: cggl.dll. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.2949 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texWorldBuildings.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.2949 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\texWorldBuildings.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.2949 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texWorldBuildings.pigg' Expected Hash = '048FC1CC12A76765B8B19CD55A801A31' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:12.2949 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.3105 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.3105 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:07:12.3105 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\texWorldBuildings.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.3105 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\texWorldBuildings.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.3105 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\sound4.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.3105 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\sound4.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.3105 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\sound4.pigg' Expected Hash = '55A75D31D29CFA74F0B5B7D869D6F2F1' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:12.3261 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.3261 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.3261 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-26 18:07:12.3261 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\sound4.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.3261 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\sound4.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.3417 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file contents: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.3417 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying file: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.3417 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\geomBC.pigg' Expected Hash = '981DC939EB6E3A1F30C90686ACD9FF8E' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-26 18:07:12.3417 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.3417 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07:12.3417 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: Length matches, but the hash does not. Expected Hash = 981DC939EB6E3A1F30C90686ACD9FF8E, Actual hash = 469116F7FFCDB5011BC95975AB72F443
2011-04-26 18:07:12.3417 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying file: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-26 18:07



What is going on here? I am new player, wanted to play that game, couse I tried it and liked it, second day can't update, it gives error, repair didn't work. I am reinstalling it. If that don't work, I will post again. Oh and something else...
Fix now please, couse is no free game, we pay...



Ok I reinstall the game, it gave me an error, at some point, I press retry 3 times works ok now. Prolly reinstall resolve it .



Not sure if this thread is still used for collecting information but here's mine. My Windows is in Swedish so pardon the gibberish:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6002]
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. Med ensamrätt.
Server: UnKnown
Icke-auktoritärt svar: (non-authoritative answer)


And here's the log:

2011-04-27 15:37:34.6769 : 1 : Info : Rolling the log files...
2011-04-27 15:37:34.7237 : 1 : Info : Starting:
C:\Program Files\NCSoft\Launcher\_Launcher.exeC:\Program Files\NCSoft\Launcher\NCLauncher.exe /LaunchGame=CityOfHeroes
Full assembly name: _Launcher, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2011-04-27 15:37:34.7237 : 1 : Info : Windows version: 6.0.6002.131072 (Vista)
2011-04-27 15:37:34.7237 : 1 : Info : Starting _Launcher...
2011-04-27 15:37:34.7237 : 1 : Info : --- Parsing Command Line ---
2011-04-27 15:37:34.7393 : 1 : Info : --- Command Line Parsed---
2011-04-27 15:37:34.7393 : 1 : Info : --- Setting Up Application Data ---
2011-04-27 15:37:34.7549 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Launcher App ---
2011-04-27 15:37:34.7549 : 1 : Info : --- Creating User Mutex ---
2011-04-27 15:37:34.7705 : 1 : Info : --- Setting up IPC Channel ---
2011-04-27 15:37:34.7705 : 1 : Info : --- Not Still Running, Setting Up IPC ---
2011-04-27 15:37:34.7705 : 1 : Info : --- Attemping Register IPC ---
2011-04-27 15:37:34.7705 : 1 : Info : --- Handle First Instance ---
2011-04-27 15:37:34.8017 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Configuration Group ---
2011-04-27 15:37:34.8485 : 1 : Info : --- Initalizing Language And Region ---
2011-04-27 15:37:34.8641 : 1 : Info : --- Creating Splash Screen ---
2011-04-27 15:37:35.2073 : 1 : Info : --- First Run Initialization ---
2011-04-27 15:37:35.2073 : 1 : Info : --- Update Self ---
2011-04-27 15:37:35.2853 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-27 15:37:35.3009 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-27 15:37:35.3009 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-27 15:37:35.3165 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Figge\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpF316.tmp ".
2011-04-27 15:37:35.7533 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-27 15:37:35.7533 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-27 15:37:35.7533 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 2 =
2011-04-27 15:37:35.7533 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 3 =
2011-04-27 15:37:35.7533 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-27 15:37:35.7533 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Figge\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpF316.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-27 15:37:35.7533 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-27 15:37:35.7533 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-27 15:37:35.7689 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-27 15:37:35.7689 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-04-27 15:37:35.7689 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-27 15:37:36.2213 : 1 : Info : --- Evaluating Registry ---
2011-04-27 15:37:36.7049 : 1 : Info : --- Creating LauncherApplication ---
2011-04-27 15:37:36.7049 : 1 : Info : --- LauncherApplication Run ---
2011-04-27 15:37:38.1089 : 1 : Info : Getting Pathch Server for GameID: CityOfHeroes
2011-04-27 15:37:38.2805 : 1 : Info : Getting Pathch Server for GameID: CoHBeta
2011-04-27 15:37:38.5613 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition CheckForUpdates.
2011-04-27 15:37:38.5613 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition - 0 other operations are currently taking up low bandwidth.
2011-04-27 15:37:38.5769 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition CheckForUpdates.
2011-04-27 15:37:38.5769 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition - 1 other operations are currently taking up low bandwidth.
2011-04-27 15:37:38.5769 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-27 15:37:38.5769 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-27 15:37:38.5769 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-27 15:37:38.5769 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Figge\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpFFF3.tmp ".
2011-04-27 15:37:38.5769 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-27 15:37:38.5769 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-27 15:37:38.5769 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-27 15:37:38.5769 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Figge\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpFFF4.tmp ".
2011-04-27 15:37:39.4193 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-27 15:37:39.4193 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-27 15:37:39.4193 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-27 15:37:39.4193 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Figge\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpFFF3.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-27 15:37:39.4193 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-27 15:37:39.4193 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-27 15:37:39.4193 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-27 15:37:39.4193 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-04-27 15:37:39.4193 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-27 15:37:39.6689 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition Run.
2011-04-27 15:37:39.6689 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-27 15:37:39.6689 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-27 15:37:39.6689 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-27 15:37:39.6689 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-27 15:37:39.6689 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Figge\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp439.tmp" .
2011-04-27 15:37:39.7001 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-27 15:37:39.7001 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-27 15:37:39.7001 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-27 15:37:39.7001 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Figge\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpFFF4.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-27 15:37:39.7001 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-27 15:37:39.7001 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-27 15:37:39.7001 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-27 15:37:39.7157 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-04-27 15:37:39.7157 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-27 15:37:39.7157 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Figge\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp469.tmp" .
2011-04-27 15:37:39.8561 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-27 15:37:39.8561 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-27 15:37:39.8561 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-27 15:37:39.8561 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Figge\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp439.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-27 15:37:39.8561 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-27 15:37:39.8561 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-27 15:37:39.8561 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-27 15:37:39.8561 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-04-27 15:37:39.8561 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-27 15:37:40.2305 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-27 15:37:40.2305 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-27 15:37:40.2305 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-27 15:37:40.2305 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Figge\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp469.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-27 15:37:40.2305 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-27 15:37:40.2305 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-04-27 15:37:40.2305 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finding the minimum number of patches to apply. : () : 0%
2011-04-27 15:37:40.2305 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finding the minimum number of patches to apply. : () : 0%
2011-04-27 15:37:40.2305 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 80%
2011-04-27 15:37:40.2305 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-27 15:37:40.6673 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-04-27 15:37:40.6673 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-04-27 15:37:40.7609 : 1 : Info : Checking DirectX Version : 9.0c Or Higher (C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll - 6.0.6002.18005)
2011-04-27 15:37:40.7609 : 1 : Info : System meets DirectX reqs.
2011-04-27 15:37:42.0713 : 1 : Info : --- Closing Splash Screen ---
2011-04-27 15:37:42.0713 : 1 : Info : Exiting with code: 0

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



Can we get some help over here? The first error I get is this:

"Cannot create a file when that file already exists."

2011-04-28 15:51:09.6783 : 16 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : 2510 bytes.
2011-04-28 15:51:09.6939 : 16 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\Launcher\Config\Default\InstallManife sts\CityOfHeroes.xml".
2011-04-28 15:51:10.0371 : 16 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-28 15:51:10.0371 : 16 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-28 15:51:10.0371 : 16 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-28 15:51:10.0371 : 16 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\Launcher\Config\Default\InstallManife sts\CityOfHeroes.xml' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = 2510
2011-04-28 15:51:10.0371 : 16 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length matches, and there is no hash to test against.
2011-04-28 15:51:10.0371 : 16 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.0371 : 16 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.0527 : 16 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.0527 : 16 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-28 15:51:10.0527 : 16 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpC05A.tmp" .
2011-04-28 15:51:10.1307 : 16 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-28 15:51:10.1307 : 16 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-28 15:51:10.1307 : 16 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-28 15:51:10.1307 : 16 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpC05A.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-28 15:51:10.1307 : 16 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-28 15:51:10.1307 : 16 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.1463 : 16 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.1463 : 16 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.1463 : 16 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-28 15:51:10.1463 : 16 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpC0C9.tmp" .
2011-04-28 15:51:10.3803 : 16 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-28 15:51:10.3803 : 16 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-28 15:51:10.3803 : 16 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-28 15:51:10.3803 : 16 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpC0C9.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-28 15:51:10.3803 : 16 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-28 15:51:10.3803 : 16 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.3959 : 16 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finding the minimum number of patches to apply. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.3959 : 16 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finding the minimum number of patches to apply. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.3959 : 16 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 80%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.3959 : 16 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.3959 : 16 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.4895 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.4895 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.4895 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Updating to the latest version. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.4895 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Updating to the latest version. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.4895 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for interrupted patch. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.5051 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for interrupted patch. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.5051 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.5051 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.5051 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-28 15:51:10.5051 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpC230.tmp" .
2011-04-28 15:51:10.5987 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-28 15:51:10.5987 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-28 15:51:10.5987 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-28 15:51:10.5987 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpC230.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-28 15:51:10.5987 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-28 15:51:10.5987 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.5987 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.5987 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.5987 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-04-28 15:51:10.5987 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpC28F.tmp" .
2011-04-28 15:51:10.6899 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-04-28 15:51:10.6899 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-04-28 15:51:10.6899 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-04-28 15:51:10.6899 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Langston\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpC28F.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-04-28 15:51:10.6899 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-04-28 15:51:10.6899 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.6899 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finding the minimum number of patches to apply. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.6899 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finding the minimum number of patches to apply. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.6899 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 80%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.6899 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.7299 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Downloading and applying 1 patch(es). : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.7299 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Downloading 1 patch(es). : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.7299 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.7699 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Downloading 1 files. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.7699 : 8 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : 80621593 bytes.
2011-04-28 15:51:10.7699 : 8 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: Downloading (Pri:Foreground) from " 04210057.1.0.ncpatch" to "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To20 10.201104210057.1.0.ncpatch".
2011-04-28 15:51:10.7799 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Downloading file 1/1: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0.ncpatch. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.7799 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining existing file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0.ncpatch : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:10.7799 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:11.0883 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:11.1039 : 8 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: File hash and length match. This file has already been downloaded.
2011-04-28 15:51:11.1039 : 8 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: File already downloaded: " 04210057.1.0.ncpatch"
2011-04-28 15:51:11.1039 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining existing file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0.ncpatch : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:11.1351 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Downloading file 1/1: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0.ncpatch. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:11.1819 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Downloading 1 files. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:11.1819 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:11.1819 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Downloading 1 patch(es). : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:11.2599 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying 1 patch(es). : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:11.2599 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:11.2599 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:11.2599 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting patch manifest. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:11.2599 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\PatchManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:11.2755 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\PatchManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:11.2755 : 8 : Info : Unrar (stderr): CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\PatchManifest.xml - use current password ?
2011-04-28 15:51:11.2755 : 8 : Info : Unrar: Extracting CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\PatchManifest.xml
2011-04-28 15:51:11.2755 : 8 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-28 15:51:11.2755 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\PatchManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:11.2755 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\PatchManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:11.2755 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting patch manifest. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:11.2911 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:11.2911 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting patch files. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:11.2911 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting all files : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:11.3379 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\PatchManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:11.3379 : 8 : Info : Unrar (stderr): CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\PatchManifest.xml - use current password ?
2011-04-28 15:51:11.3379 : 8 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\PatchManifest.xml
2011-04-28 15:51:11.3379 : 8 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-28 15:51:11.3535 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\PatchManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:11.3535 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\bin.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:11.3535 : 8 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\bin.p igg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-28 15:51:12.7887 : 8 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-28 15:51:12.7887 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\bin.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : (CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.201 104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\bin.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A) : 75%
2011-04-28 15:51:12.8355 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\cityofheroes.exe.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:12.8355 : 8 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\cityofheroe s.exe.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-28 15:51:12.9915 : 8 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-28 15:51:12.9915 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\cityofheroes.exe.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:12.9915 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\client.chksum.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:12.9915 : 8 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\client.chks um.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-28 15:51:12.9915 : 8 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-28 15:51:13.0071 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\client.chksum.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:13.0539 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geom.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:13.0539 : 8 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geom. pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-28 15:51:13.0539 : 8 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-28 15:51:13.0539 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geom.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:13.0695 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomBC.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:13.0695 : 8 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomB C.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-28 15:51:13.1007 : 8 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-28 15:51:13.1007 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomBC.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:13.1475 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomV1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:13.1475 : 8 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomV 1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-28 15:51:13.1787 : 8 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-28 15:51:13.1787 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomV1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:13.1787 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomV2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:13.1943 : 8 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomV 2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-28 15:51:13.1943 : 8 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-28 15:51:13.1943 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomV2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:13.2411 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsCities1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:13.2411 : 8 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsC ities1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-28 15:51:13.2567 : 8 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-28 15:51:13.2567 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsCities1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:13.3035 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsCities2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:13.3035 : 8 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsC ities2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-28 15:51:13.3503 : 8 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-28 15:51:13.3503 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsCities2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:13.3503 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsMisc.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:13.3503 : 8 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsM isc.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-28 15:51:13.5063 : 8 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-28 15:51:13.5063 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsMisc.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:13.5531 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:13.5531 : 8 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsM issions.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-28 15:51:13.9275 : 8 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-28 15:51:13.9275 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:13.9275 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\misc.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:13.9275 : 8 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\misc. pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-28 15:51:13.9275 : 8 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-28 15:51:13.9275 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\misc.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:13.9743 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\player.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:13.9743 : 8 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\playe r.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-28 15:51:14.1147 : 8 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-28 15:51:14.1147 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\player.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:14.1303 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\sound.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:14.1303 : 8 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\sound .pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-28 15:51:14.7075 : 8 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-28 15:51:14.7075 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\sound.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:14.7543 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\sound2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:14.7543 : 8 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\sound 2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-28 15:51:14.7543 : 8 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-28 15:51:14.7543 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\sound2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:14.8011 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\sound5.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:14.8011 : 8 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\sound 5.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-28 15:51:14.8167 : 8 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-28 15:51:14.8323 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\sound5.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:14.8323 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg .X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:14.8323 : 8 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texFx GuiItems.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-28 15:51:14.9103 : 8 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-28 15:51:14.9103 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg .X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:14.9727 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texGui1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:14.9727 : 8 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texGu i1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-28 15:51:15.0039 : 8 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-28 15:51:15.0039 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texGui1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.0195 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texMaps.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.0195 : 8 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texMa ps.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-28 15:51:15.0351 : 8 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-28 15:51:15.0351 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texMaps.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.0819 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texMisc.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.0819 : 8 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texMi sc.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-28 15:51:15.0975 : 8 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-28 15:51:15.0975 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texMisc.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.1443 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texPlayers2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.1443 : 8 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texPl ayers2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-28 15:51:15.1443 : 8 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-28 15:51:15.1599 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texPlayers2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.1599 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texts.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.1599 : 8 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texts .pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-28 15:51:15.1599 : 8 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-28 15:51:15.1755 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texts.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.2067 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\version.ini.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.2067 : 8 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1 .0To2010.201104210057.1.0\ProductFiles\version.ini .X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-04-28 15:51:15.2223 : 8 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-04-28 15:51:15.2223 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2010.201104142136.1.0To2010.2011 04210057.1.0\ProductFiles\version.ini.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.2223 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting all files : () : 88%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.2223 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting patch files. : () : 88%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.2847 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.2847 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Performing 1 application step(s). : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.2847 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.2847 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining patch. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.4251 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining patch. : () : 95%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.4719 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying file group: ProductFiles. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.4719 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Updating files. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.4719 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: version.ini. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.4719 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: version.ini.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.4719 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\version.ini.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = 'F912316F9981A818DD835234D2C06B2B' Expected Length = 41
2011-04-28 15:51:15.4875 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.4875 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.4875 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-28 15:51:15.4875 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: version.ini.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.4875 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: version.ini. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.4875 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.4875 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.4875 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.8151 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.8151 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.8151 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.8151 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\player.pigg' Expected Hash = '3C3EE6AD44E05B74B593B72531BFF318' Expected Length = 86932296
2011-04-28 15:51:15.8151 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.8151 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.8151 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-28 15:51:15.8151 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.8307 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.8619 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.8775 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.8775 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.9243 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.9243 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.9243 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.9243 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsMissions.pigg' Expected Hash = 'C35A5C5A0CB73D51BA8D8956782B347B' Expected Length = 133835927
2011-04-28 15:51:15.9399 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.9399 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.9399 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-28 15:51:15.9399 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.9399 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.9867 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.9867 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:15.9867 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.0335 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.0335 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.0335 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.0335 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texPlayers2.pigg' Expected Hash = '19667AFC1F44B4EFE3B427470FA98A4B' Expected Length = 20700648
2011-04-28 15:51:16.0491 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.0491 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.0491 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-28 15:51:16.0491 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.0491 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.0959 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.0959 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.0959 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.1583 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.1583 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.1583 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.1583 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsCities2.pigg' Expected Hash = '36B3976E9EAF786172C17EF19A617ECC' Expected Length = 3443726
2011-04-28 15:51:16.1583 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.1583 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.1583 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-28 15:51:16.1583 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.1739 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.2051 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texMaps.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.2207 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\texMaps.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.2207 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.2675 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.2675 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\texMaps.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.2675 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\texMaps.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.2675 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texMaps.pigg' Expected Hash = 'B1A5D8070EFC32C5D344FFFFE51DC635' Expected Length = 94448983
2011-04-28 15:51:16.2675 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.2675 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.2675 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-28 15:51:16.2831 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\texMaps.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.2831 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texMaps.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.3299 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.3299 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.3299 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.3767 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.3767 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.3767 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.3767 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\geom.pigg' Expected Hash = '746BFD9C1DF1552A186F7AFB839F0B66' Expected Length = 168196216
2011-04-28 15:51:16.3767 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.3923 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.3923 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-28 15:51:16.3923 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.3923 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.4391 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\sound.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.4391 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\sound.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.4391 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.4859 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.4859 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\sound.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.4859 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\sound.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.4859 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\sound.pigg' Expected Hash = '4FB81339D04008EF14252753763FA2B0' Expected Length = 581493053
2011-04-28 15:51:16.5015 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.5015 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.5015 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-28 15:51:16.5015 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\sound.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.5015 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\sound.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.5483 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.5483 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\texMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.5483 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.5951 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.5951 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\texMisc.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.5951 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\texMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.5951 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texMisc.pigg' Expected Hash = '934D7DF756663863F779C5851FCC7682' Expected Length = 315995659
2011-04-28 15:51:16.6107 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.6107 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.6107 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-28 15:51:16.6107 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\texMisc.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.6107 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.6575 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.6575 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.6575 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.7043 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.7043 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.7043 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.7043 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\geomBC.pigg' Expected Hash = '981DC939EB6E3A1F30C90686ACD9FF8E' Expected Length = 129022775
2011-04-28 15:51:16.7043 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.7199 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.7199 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-28 15:51:16.7199 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.7199 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.7667 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.7667 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.7667 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.8759 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.8759 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.8759 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.8759 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\cityofheroes.exe' Expected Hash = '101E7BD8524BD7E6AF82B189FCE97BF4' Expected Length = 8622080
2011-04-28 15:51:16.8759 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.8759 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.8759 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-28 15:51:16.8759 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.8759 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.9227 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.9227 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.9383 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.9695 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.9695 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.9695 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.9695 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texts.pigg' Expected Hash = '6D31EC4E44D4261B6A336C494A169F17' Expected Length = 1281730
2011-04-28 15:51:16.9851 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.9851 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.9851 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-28 15:51:16.9851 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:16.9851 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.0319 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texGui1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.0319 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\texGui1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.0319 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.0787 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.0787 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\texGui1.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.0943 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\texGui1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.0943 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texGui1.pigg' Expected Hash = '39C8CA5FBA15C2F676259895EF9C1C44' Expected Length = 63720199
2011-04-28 15:51:17.0943 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.0943 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.0943 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-28 15:51:17.0943 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\texGui1.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.0943 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texGui1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.1411 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\bin.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.1411 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\bin.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.1411 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.2035 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.2035 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\bin.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.2191 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\bin.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.2191 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\bin.pigg' Expected Hash = 'CEBFAFA95663FFFC93D61DE5160F0C93' Expected Length = 41274567
2011-04-28 15:51:17.2191 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.2191 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.2191 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-28 15:51:17.2191 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\bin.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.2191 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\bin.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.2659 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.2815 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.2815 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.3127 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.3127 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.3283 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.3283 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsMisc.pigg' Expected Hash = '207EA6A3725E4D26975D2589AD19DEDA' Expected Length = 27461923
2011-04-28 15:51:17.3283 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.3283 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.3283 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-28 15:51:17.3283 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.3283 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\mapsMisc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.3751 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.3751 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.3907 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.4369 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.4379 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.4429 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.4439 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg' Expected Hash = 'C1F6CFAB5F34BA59DDA5D8368CE0A69E' Expected Length = 52903280
2011-04-28 15:51:17.4469 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.4499 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.4509 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-28 15:51:17.4529 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.4559 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.5039 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\misc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.5069 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\misc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.5089 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.5609 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.5619 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\misc.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.5649 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\misc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.5649 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\misc.pigg' Expected Hash = 'A83F7232819C086F2ADA09452EE4FB14' Expected Length = 1149959
2011-04-28 15:51:17.5669 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.5699 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.5709 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-28 15:51:17.5729 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\misc.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.5769 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\misc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.6239 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\sound5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.6269 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\sound5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.6279 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.6709 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.6719 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\sound5.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.6759 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\sound5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.6759 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\sound5.pigg' Expected Hash = '6CE450B9B304B7A809D7259F0E0AA3F6' Expected Length = 70174454
2011-04-28 15:51:17.6779 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.6809 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.6819 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-28 15:51:17.6839 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\sound5.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.6859 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\sound5.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.7319 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\sound2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.7359 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\sound2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.7369 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.7799 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.7809 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\sound2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.7849 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\sound2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.7849 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\sound2.pigg' Expected Hash = '33C1CE31A6A2784347FDC0FFDDB4C17E' Expected Length = 117833742
2011-04-28 15:51:17.7869 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.7899 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.7909 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-28 15:51:17.7929 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\sound2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.7949 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\sound2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.8419 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\mapsCities1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.8459 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\mapsCities1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.8469 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.8929 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.8939 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\mapsCities1.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.8989 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\mapsCities1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.8989 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsCities1.pigg' Expected Hash = 'C4DFA6DF943DD7D74B7BBCF75B57C249' Expected Length = 2902421
2011-04-28 15:51:17.9009 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.9039 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.9049 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-28 15:51:17.9069 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\mapsCities1.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.9089 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\mapsCities1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.9539 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: client.chksum. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.9579 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: client.chksum.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.9579 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\client.chksum.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = 'DF5AFFABB52C560FF3F418562840B5AC' Expected Length = 7987
2011-04-28 15:51:17.9599 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.9619 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.9639 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-28 15:51:17.9649 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: client.chksum.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:17.9679 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: client.chksum. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.0139 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geomV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.0169 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\geomV2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.0169 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\geomV2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '55BC8ED42FCC329971FDAFC07B485434' Expected Length = 50530468
2011-04-28 15:51:18.0189 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.0209 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.0229 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-28 15:51:18.0239 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\geomV2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.0269 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geomV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.0309 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.0339 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\geomV1.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.0339 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\geomV1.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = 'E8BE8B55B83C1F5480FD473CD04BEEF5' Expected Length = 11383146
2011-04-28 15:51:18.0369 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.0399 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.0419 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-28 15:51:18.0429 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\geomV1.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.0459 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.0469 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Updating files. : () : 95%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.0909 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing and verifying changes to files. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.0929 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.0959 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\player.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.0959 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\player.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '3C3EE6AD44E05B74B593B72531BFF318' Expected Length = 86932296
2011-04-28 15:51:18.0959 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: File does not exist: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\player.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D'
2011-04-28 15:51:18.0969 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\player.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.1019 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.1019 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\player.pigg' Expected Hash = '3C3EE6AD44E05B74B593B72531BFF318' Expected Length = 86932296
2011-04-28 15:51:18.1039 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.1059 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.1089 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-28 15:51:18.1099 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.1159 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\player.pigg. : () : 40%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.1429 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.1459 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.1459 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsMissions.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = 'C35A5C5A0CB73D51BA8D8956782B347B' Expected Length = 133835927
2011-04-28 15:51:18.1459 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: File does not exist: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsMissions.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D'
2011-04-28 15:51:18.1469 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.1599 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.1599 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsMissions.pigg' Expected Hash = 'C35A5C5A0CB73D51BA8D8956782B347B' Expected Length = 133835927
2011-04-28 15:51:18.1619 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.1659 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.1689 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-28 15:51:18.1709 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.1749 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 40%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.2439 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.2459 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.2459 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texPlayers2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '19667AFC1F44B4EFE3B427470FA98A4B' Expected Length = 20700648
2011-04-28 15:51:18.2469 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: File does not exist: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texPlayers2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D'
2011-04-28 15:51:18.2489 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.2549 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.2549 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texPlayers2.pigg' Expected Hash = '19667AFC1F44B4EFE3B427470FA98A4B' Expected Length = 20700648
2011-04-28 15:51:18.2639 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.2749 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.2749 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-28 15:51:18.2769 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.2809 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\texPlayers2.pigg. : () : 40%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.3399 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.3429 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.3429 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsCities2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '36B3976E9EAF786172C17EF19A617ECC' Expected Length = 3443726
2011-04-28 15:51:18.3429 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: File does not exist: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsCities2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D'
2011-04-28 15:51:18.3439 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.3490 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.3490 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsCities2.pigg' Expected Hash = '36B3976E9EAF786172C17EF19A617ECC' Expected Length = 3443726
2011-04-28 15:51:18.3510 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.3610 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.3630 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-28 15:51:18.3640 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.3680 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\mapsCities2.pigg. : () : 40%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.4220 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\texMaps.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.4260 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\texMaps.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.4260 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texMaps.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = 'B1A5D8070EFC32C5D344FFFFE51DC635' Expected Length = 94448983
2011-04-28 15:51:18.4260 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: File does not exist: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texMaps.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D'
2011-04-28 15:51:18.4270 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\texMaps.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.4330 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\texMaps.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.4330 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texMaps.pigg' Expected Hash = 'B1A5D8070EFC32C5D344FFFFE51DC635' Expected Length = 94448983
2011-04-28 15:51:18.4350 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.4390 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.4400 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-28 15:51:18.4420 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\texMaps.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.4460 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\texMaps.pigg. : () : 40%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.5130 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.5170 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\geom.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.5170 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\geom.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '746BFD9C1DF1552A186F7AFB839F0B66' Expected Length = 168196216
2011-04-28 15:51:18.5170 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: FAIL: File does not exist: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\geom.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D'
2011-04-28 15:51:18.5180 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\geom.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.5230 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining file: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.5230 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\City of Heroes\piggs\geom.pigg' Expected Hash = '746BFD9C1DF1552A186F7AFB839F0B66' Expected Length = 168196216
2011-04-28 15:51:18.5250 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.5340 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.5360 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-04-28 15:51:18.5380 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining file: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-04-28 15:51:18.5410 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finali



What do those of us running Mac clients do to contribute to diagnosis and correction of this problem? I crash roughly 2-4 times _per trial_.



Well, this is the second week since I started playing this game meaning 2 patches and of course second time is happening. Update is not possible, it keeps given me error "Can't update a file already exist. I did all, nothing is working. Previous week I reinstall game and that fixed it, I will not do this thing every week. If this haven't been fixed by tommorow, I am sorry, but I am quiting and stoping my subscription. I want to play a game not to make the technissian, and staarting endless hours of e-mail my problem. I will not further search what is happening & why, I don't care. Will try tommorow and then goodbye everyone nice knowing you.



My most recent log (of 10):

2011-05-05 18:29:02.3940 : 1 : Info : Rolling the log files...
2011-05-05 18:29:02.4720 : 1 : Info : Starting:
D:\Games\NCSoft\Launcher\_Launcher.exeD:\Games\NCS oft\Launcher\NCLauncher.exe /LaunchGame=CityOfHeroes
Full assembly name: _Launcher, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2011-05-05 18:29:02.4720 : 1 : Info : Windows version: 6.1.7600.0 (Vista)
2011-05-05 18:29:02.4720 : 1 : Info : Starting _Launcher...
2011-05-05 18:29:02.4720 : 1 : Info : --- Parsing Command Line ---
2011-05-05 18:29:02.4876 : 1 : Info : --- Command Line Parsed---
2011-05-05 18:29:02.4876 : 1 : Info : --- Setting Up Application Data ---
2011-05-05 18:29:02.5188 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Launcher App ---
2011-05-05 18:29:02.5188 : 1 : Info : --- Creating User Mutex ---
2011-05-05 18:29:02.5188 : 1 : Info : --- Setting up IPC Channel ---
2011-05-05 18:29:02.5188 : 1 : Info : --- Still Running and not allowing mulitiple copies ---
2011-05-05 18:29:05.8104 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition Run.
2011-05-05 18:29:05.8104 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 18:29:05.8104 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 18:29:05.8104 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 18:29:05.8104 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-05-05 18:29:05.8260 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-05-05 18:29:05.8260 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-05-05 18:29:05.8260 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\eagleman\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp25B9.tmp" .
2011-05-05 18:29:05.9976 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-05-05 18:29:05.9976 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-05-05 18:29:05.9976 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-05-05 18:29:05.9976 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\eagleman\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp25B9.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-05-05 18:29:05.9976 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-05-05 18:29:05.9976 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-05-05 18:29:05.9976 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-05-05 18:29:05.9976 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-05-05 18:29:05.9976 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-05-05 18:29:06.2004 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 18:29:06.2004 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 18:29:06.9960 : 1 : Info : Checking DirectX Version : 9.0c Or Higher (C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll - 6.1.7600.16385)
2011-05-05 18:29:06.9960 : 1 : Info : System meets DirectX reqs.
2011-05-05 18:29:07.8986 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 18:29:07.8986 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 18:34:08.1696 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 18:34:08.1706 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 18:39:08.3306 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 18:39:08.3306 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 18:42:44.9268 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-05-05 18:42:44.9268 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-05-05 18:42:45.0048 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-05-05 18:42:45.0048 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\eagleman\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpA564.tmp" .
2011-05-05 18:42:46.5804 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-05-05 18:42:46.6584 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-05-05 18:42:46.7364 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-05-05 18:42:46.7520 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\eagleman\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpA564.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-05-05 18:42:46.7520 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-05-05 18:42:46.7520 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-05-05 18:42:46.7832 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-05-05 18:42:46.7832 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-05-05 18:42:46.7832 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-05-05 18:42:54.8484 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition Run.
2011-05-05 18:42:54.8484 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 18:42:54.8640 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 18:42:54.8640 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 18:42:54.9576 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-05-05 18:42:54.9732 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-05-05 18:42:54.9732 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-05-05 18:42:54.9732 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\eagleman\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpCC94.tmp" .
2011-05-05 18:42:55.1916 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-05-05 18:42:55.1916 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-05-05 18:42:55.1916 : 12 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-05-05 18:42:55.1916 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\eagleman\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpCC94.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-05-05 18:42:55.1916 : 12 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-05-05 18:42:55.1916 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-05-05 18:42:55.1916 : 12 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-05-05 18:42:55.1916 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-05-05 18:42:55.1916 : 12 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-05-05 18:42:56.0652 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 18:42:56.0652 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 18:42:56.9232 : 1 : Info : Checking DirectX Version : 9.0c Or Higher (C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll - 6.1.7600.16385)
2011-05-05 18:42:56.9232 : 1 : Info : System meets DirectX reqs.
2011-05-05 18:42:57.5940 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 18:42:57.5940 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...



This is what I have in the log file WITHOUT any number appended to it... (I also have 10 other files, 000 through 009, not sure if any or all of those are relevant)

2011-05-05 17:02:26.7739 : 1 : Info : Rolling the log files...
2011-05-05 17:02:26.8789 : 1 : Info : Starting: 
C:\Program Files\NCSoft\Launcher\_Launcher.exeC:\Program Files\NCSoft\Launcher\NCLauncher.exe 
Full assembly name: _Launcher, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2011-05-05 17:02:26.8799 : 1 : Info : Windows version: 6.0.6002.131072 (Vista)
2011-05-05 17:02:26.8799 : 1 : Info : Starting _Launcher...
2011-05-05 17:02:26.8809 : 1 : Info : --- Parsing Command Line ---
2011-05-05 17:02:26.8929 : 1 : Info : --- Command Line Parsed---
2011-05-05 17:02:26.8929 : 1 : Info : --- Setting Up Application Data ---
2011-05-05 17:02:26.8949 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Launcher App ---
2011-05-05 17:02:26.8949 : 1 : Info : --- Creating User Mutex ---
2011-05-05 17:02:26.9009 : 1 : Info : --- Setting up IPC Channel ---
2011-05-05 17:02:26.9019 : 1 : Info : --- Still Running and not allowing mulitiple copies ---
2011-05-05 17:02:27.7239 : 1 : Info : Exiting with code: 0
2011-05-05 17:06:06.0289 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 17:06:06.0299 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 17:11:06.1569 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 17:11:06.1579 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 17:16:06.2849 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 17:16:06.2859 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 17:21:06.4139 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 17:21:06.4149 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 17:22:22.2789 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-05-05 17:22:22.2819 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-05-05 17:22:22.2819 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of :  bytes.
2011-05-05 17:22:22.2819 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Cortéz37\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpF83A.tmp".
2011-05-05 17:22:22.5209 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-05-05 17:22:22.5209 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-05-05 17:22:22.5209 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-05-05 17:22:22.5209 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Cortéz37\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpF83A.tmp'  Expected Hash = ''  Expected Length = -1
2011-05-05 17:22:22.5209 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-05-05 17:22:22.5209 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-05-05 17:22:22.5219 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp:  : () : 0%
2011-05-05 17:22:22.5219 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp:  : () : 20%
2011-05-05 17:22:22.5229 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-05-05 17:22:23.4969 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition Run.
2011-05-05 17:22:23.4969 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 17:22:23.5029 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-05-05 17:22:23.5039 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 17:22:23.5039 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 17:22:23.5039 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-05-05 17:22:23.5039 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of :  bytes.
2011-05-05 17:22:23.5039 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Cortéz37\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpFCFB.tmp".
2011-05-05 17:22:23.7109 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 17:22:23.7109 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 17:22:23.8199 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-05-05 17:22:23.8199 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-05-05 17:22:23.8199 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-05-05 17:22:23.8199 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Cortéz37\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpFCFB.tmp'  Expected Hash = ''  Expected Length = -1
2011-05-05 17:22:23.8199 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-05-05 17:22:23.8209 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-05-05 17:22:23.8219 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp:  : () : 0%
2011-05-05 17:22:23.8219 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp:  : () : 20%
2011-05-05 17:22:23.8219 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-05-05 17:22:24.4879 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 17:22:24.4889 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 17:22:24.6529 : 1 : Info : Checking DirectX Version : 9.0c Or Higher (C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll - 6.0.6002.18005)
2011-05-05 17:22:24.6529 : 1 : Info : System meets DirectX reqs.
2011-05-05 17:22:25.5019 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 17:22:25.5019 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 17:27:25.6319 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 17:27:25.6569 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 17:32:25.8059 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 17:32:25.8069 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 17:37:26.0429 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 17:37:26.0429 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 17:37:26.0429 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition CheckForUpdates.
2011-05-05 17:37:26.0429 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition - 0 other operations are currently taking up low bandwidth.
2011-05-05 17:37:26.6939 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-05-05 17:37:26.8049 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-05-05 17:37:26.9489 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 17:37:26.9489 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 17:37:27.0139 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of :  bytes.
2011-05-05 17:37:27.0369 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Cortéz37\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpC598.tmp".
2011-05-05 17:37:27.9229 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-05-05 17:37:27.9229 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-05-05 17:37:28.0239 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-05-05 17:37:28.1199 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Cortéz37\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpC598.tmp'  Expected Hash = ''  Expected Length = -1
2011-05-05 17:37:28.1199 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-05-05 17:37:28.1199 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-05-05 17:37:28.3239 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp:  : () : 0%
2011-05-05 17:37:28.3259 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-05-05 17:37:28.3259 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of :  bytes.
2011-05-05 17:37:28.3259 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Cortéz37\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpCBB1.tmp".
2011-05-05 17:37:28.5149 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-05-05 17:37:28.5149 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-05-05 17:37:28.5569 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-05-05 17:37:28.5579 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Cortéz37\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpCBB1.tmp'  Expected Hash = ''  Expected Length = -1
2011-05-05 17:37:28.5579 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-05-05 17:37:28.5579 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-05-05 17:37:28.6139 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finding the minimum number of patches to apply. : () : 0%
2011-05-05 17:37:28.9059 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finding the minimum number of patches to apply. : () : 0%
2011-05-05 17:37:28.9059 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp:  : () : 40%
2011-05-05 17:37:29.3169 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-05-05 17:37:29.6419 : 1 : Error : Creating ErrorState

Summary For :
--> MachineName: CORTÉZ37-PC
--> TimeStamp: 5/5/2011 9:37:29 PM
--> FullName: NC.Logging, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
--> AppDomainName: StubDomain
--> WindowsIdentity: Cortéz37-PC\Cortéz37

Exception Information Details:
Exception Type: NC.Patcher.UserFriendlyException
ErrorId: PatchPathNotFound
Message: Error Code: 3 (PatchPathNotFound):
There was no way found to patch from version '1850.201007141849.0.0' to version: '2010.201105021815.1.0'.
The patch servers are most likely in the process of being updated.
Please try again in a few minutes.
DetailedMessage:    Error Code: 3 (PatchPathNotFound):
   There was no way found to patch from version '1850.201007141849.0.0' to version: '2010.201105021815.1.0'.
   The patch servers are most likely in the process of being updated.
   Please try again in a few minutes.

Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
TargetSite: System.Object CheckForExceptionAndReturnResult()
HelpLink: NULL
Source: _Launcher

StackTrace Information Details: 
   at NC.Patcher.PatchServerConnectionFlatFile.InternalGetPatchPath(PatcherProductID productID, Version64 fromVersion, Version64 targetVersion, PatchTypes patchType)
<--Saving Stack Frame-->
   at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndReturnResult()
   at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Delegate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
   at NC.Patcher.PatchServerConnectionFlatFile.GetPatchPath(PatcherProductID productID, Version64 fromVersion, Version64 targetVersion, PatchTypes patchType)
   at NC.Patcher.Patcher.GetPatchPathToLatest(PatchServerConnection patchServer)
   at NC.Patcher.Patcher.InternalCheckForPatches()
<--Saving Stack Frame-->
   at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndReturnResult()
   at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Delegate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
   at NC.Patcher.BasePatcher.CheckForPatches()
   at NC.Patcher.CompositePatcher.InternalCheckForPatches()
<--Saving Stack Frame-->
   at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndReturnResult()
   at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Delegate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
   at NC.Patcher.BasePatcher.CheckForPatches()
   at NC.Patcher.CompositePatcher.InternalCheckForPatches()

Exception Information Details:
Exception Type: NC.Patcher.PatchServerException
Message: Could not find a valid list of patches to get from version '1850.201007141849.0.0' to the target version '2010.201105021815.1.0'.
If there is not a single patch from version '1850.201007141849.0.0' to the version '2010.201105021815.1.0', there must be at least a chain of patches that can get from one version to the next.
Also, remember that only a single patch is allowed from every version!
Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
TargetSite: NULL
HelpLink: NULL
Source: NULL

2011-05-05 17:37:29.9909 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 17:37:29.9919 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 17:42:30.1199 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 17:42:30.1199 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 17:47:30.2479 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 17:47:30.2489 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 17:52:30.4079 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 17:52:30.4089 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 17:57:30.5369 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 17:57:30.5379 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 18:02:30.6689 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 18:02:30.6699 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 18:07:30.7949 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 18:07:30.7959 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 18:12:30.9229 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 18:12:30.9239 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 18:17:31.0529 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 18:17:31.0539 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 18:22:31.1819 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 18:22:31.1829 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 18:27:31.3099 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 18:27:31.3109 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 18:32:31.4389 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 18:32:31.4399 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 18:37:31.5679 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 18:37:31.5679 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 18:42:31.6959 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 18:42:31.6969 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 18:47:31.8249 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 18:47:31.8259 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 18:52:32.7909 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 18:52:32.9059 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 18:53:53.7899 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-05-05 18:53:53.8799 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-05-05 18:53:54.3049 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of :  bytes.
2011-05-05 18:53:54.3049 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Cortéz37\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpC4B2.tmp".
2011-05-05 18:53:56.8749 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-05-05 18:53:56.9049 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-05-05 18:53:56.9579 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-05-05 18:53:57.0369 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Cortéz37\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpC4B2.tmp'  Expected Hash = ''  Expected Length = -1
2011-05-05 18:53:57.0369 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-05-05 18:53:57.0369 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-05-05 18:53:57.1579 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp:  : () : 0%
2011-05-05 18:53:57.1579 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp:  : () : 20%
2011-05-05 18:53:57.1969 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-05-05 18:54:07.6159 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition Run.
2011-05-05 18:54:07.6159 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 18:54:08.0839 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 18:54:08.0839 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 18:54:08.1307 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-05-05 18:54:08.1619 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-05-05 18:54:08.1619 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of :  bytes.
2011-05-05 18:54:08.1775 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Cortéz37\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpFCB3.tmp".
2011-05-05 18:54:08.4739 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-05-05 18:54:08.4739 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-05-05 18:54:08.4739 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-05-05 18:54:08.4739 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Cortéz37\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpFCB3.tmp'  Expected Hash = ''  Expected Length = -1
2011-05-05 18:54:08.4739 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-05-05 18:54:08.4739 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-05-05 18:54:08.4895 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp:  : () : 0%
2011-05-05 18:54:08.4895 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp:  : () : 20%
2011-05-05 18:54:08.4895 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-05-05 18:54:09.7687 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 18:54:09.7687 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 18:54:10.5643 : 1 : Info : Checking DirectX Version : 9.0c Or Higher (C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll - 6.0.6002.18005)
2011-05-05 18:54:10.5643 : 1 : Info : System meets DirectX reqs.
2011-05-05 18:54:13.3099 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 18:54:13.3099 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 18:59:13.8553 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 18:59:13.8913 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 19:04:13.9813 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 19:04:13.9813 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 19:09:14.1103 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 19:09:14.1113 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 19:14:14.2383 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 19:14:14.2863 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 19:19:14.3673 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 19:19:14.3683 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 19:24:14.4973 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 19:24:14.4983 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 19:29:14.6253 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 19:29:14.6263 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 19:34:14.7533 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 19:34:14.7543 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 19:39:14.8823 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 19:39:14.8833 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 19:44:15.0113 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 19:44:15.0123 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 19:49:15.1403 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 19:49:15.1413 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 19:54:15.2683 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 19:54:15.2693 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 19:59:15.4133 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 19:59:15.4143 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 20:04:16.3243 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 20:04:16.3503 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 20:09:16.4063 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 20:09:16.4173 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 20:14:16.5393 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 20:14:16.5393 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 20:19:16.6623 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 20:19:16.6633 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 20:24:16.7903 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 20:24:16.7913 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 20:29:16.9203 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 20:29:16.9213 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 20:34:17.3933 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 20:34:17.3933 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 20:39:17.5193 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 20:39:17.5203 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 20:44:17.6483 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 20:44:17.6493 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 20:49:17.7783 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 20:49:17.7793 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 20:54:17.9053 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 20:54:17.9063 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 20:59:18.0353 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 20:59:18.0363 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 21:04:18.1643 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 21:04:18.1643 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 21:09:18.2923 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 21:09:18.2933 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 21:14:18.4213 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 21:14:18.4223 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 21:19:18.5493 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 21:19:18.5503 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 21:24:18.6843 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 21:24:18.6843 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 21:29:18.8103 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 21:29:18.8103 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 21:34:18.9363 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 21:34:18.9373 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 21:39:19.0643 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 21:39:19.0653 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 21:44:19.1933 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 21:44:19.1943 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 21:49:19.3223 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 21:49:19.3233 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 21:54:19.4513 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 21:54:19.4523 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 21:59:19.5803 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 21:59:19.5813 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 22:04:19.7083 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 22:04:19.7313 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 22:09:20.1610 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 22:09:20.1620 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 22:14:20.2890 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 22:14:20.2900 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 22:19:20.4180 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 22:19:20.4190 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 22:24:20.5470 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 22:24:20.5480 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 22:29:20.6760 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 22:29:20.6770 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 22:34:20.8040 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 22:34:20.8050 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 22:39:20.9330 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 22:39:20.9330 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 22:44:21.0620 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 22:44:21.0630 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 22:49:21.1920 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 22:49:21.1930 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 22:54:21.3200 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 22:54:21.3210 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 22:59:21.4480 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 22:59:21.4490 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 23:04:21.5780 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 23:04:21.5790 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 23:09:21.7060 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 23:09:21.7060 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 23:14:21.8340 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 23:14:21.8350 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 23:19:21.9640 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 23:19:21.9640 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 23:24:22.0920 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 23:24:22.0930 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 23:29:22.7050 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 23:29:22.7060 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 23:34:22.8340 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 23:34:22.8350 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 23:39:23.0860 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 23:39:23.0860 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 23:39:23.0980 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition CheckForUpdates.
2011-05-05 23:39:23.0980 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition - 0 other operations are currently taking up low bandwidth.
2011-05-05 23:39:26.4340 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 23:39:26.4350 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 23:39:27.6140 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-05-05 23:39:27.8350 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-05-05 23:39:28.6760 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of :  bytes.
2011-05-05 23:39:28.7080 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Cortéz37\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp580.tmp".
2011-05-05 23:39:35.6550 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-05-05 23:39:35.6550 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-05-05 23:39:35.7590 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-05-05 23:39:35.9240 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Cortéz37\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp580.tmp'  Expected Hash = ''  Expected Length = -1
2011-05-05 23:39:35.9250 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-05-05 23:39:35.9250 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-05-05 23:39:37.8200 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp:  : () : 0%
2011-05-05 23:39:37.8210 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-05-05 23:39:37.8210 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of :  bytes.
2011-05-05 23:39:37.8210 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Cortéz37\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp2CA0.tmp".
2011-05-05 23:39:38.1060 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-05-05 23:39:38.1060 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-05-05 23:39:38.6950 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-05-05 23:39:38.6950 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Cortéz37\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp2CA0.tmp'  Expected Hash = ''  Expected Length = -1
2011-05-05 23:39:38.6950 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-05-05 23:39:38.6950 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-05-05 23:39:38.9190 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finding the minimum number of patches to apply. : () : 0%
2011-05-05 23:39:44.7730 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finding the minimum number of patches to apply. : () : 0%
2011-05-05 23:39:44.7740 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp:  : () : 40%
2011-05-05 23:39:46.1310 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-05-05 23:39:47.1920 : 1 : Error : Creating ErrorState

Summary For :
--> MachineName: CORTÉZ37-PC
--> TimeStamp: 5/6/2011 3:39:46 AM
--> FullName: NC.Logging, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
--> AppDomainName: StubDomain
--> WindowsIdentity: Cortéz37-PC\Cortéz37

Exception Information Details:
Exception Type: NC.Patcher.UserFriendlyException
ErrorId: PatchPathNotFound
Message: Error Code: 3 (PatchPathNotFound):
There was no way found to patch from version '1850.201007141849.0.0' to version: '2010.201105021815.1.0'.
The patch servers are most likely in the process of being updated.
Please try again in a few minutes.
DetailedMessage:    Error Code: 3 (PatchPathNotFound):
   There was no way found to patch from version '1850.201007141849.0.0' to version: '2010.201105021815.1.0'.
   The patch servers are most likely in the process of being updated.
   Please try again in a few minutes.

Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
TargetSite: System.Object CheckForExceptionAndReturnResult()
HelpLink: NULL
Source: _Launcher

StackTrace Information Details: 
   at NC.Patcher.PatchServerConnectionFlatFile.InternalGetPatchPath(PatcherProductID productID, Version64 fromVersion, Version64 targetVersion, PatchTypes patchType)
<--Saving Stack Frame-->
   at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndReturnResult()
   at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Delegate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
   at NC.Patcher.PatchServerConnectionFlatFile.GetPatchPath(PatcherProductID productID, Version64 fromVersion, Version64 targetVersion, PatchTypes patchType)
   at NC.Patcher.Patcher.GetPatchPathToLatest(PatchServerConnection patchServer)
   at NC.Patcher.Patcher.InternalCheckForPatches()
<--Saving Stack Frame-->
   at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndReturnResult()
   at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Delegate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
   at NC.Patcher.BasePatcher.CheckForPatches()
   at NC.Patcher.CompositePatcher.InternalCheckForPatches()
<--Saving Stack Frame-->
   at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndReturnResult()
   at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Delegate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
   at NC.Patcher.BasePatcher.CheckForPatches()
   at NC.Patcher.CompositePatcher.InternalCheckForPatches()

Exception Information Details:
Exception Type: NC.Patcher.PatchServerException
Message: Could not find a valid list of patches to get from version '1850.201007141849.0.0' to the target version '2010.201105021815.1.0'.
If there is not a single patch from version '1850.201007141849.0.0' to the version '2010.201105021815.1.0', there must be at least a chain of patches that can get from one version to the next.
Also, remember that only a single patch is allowed from every version!
Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
TargetSite: NULL
HelpLink: NULL
Source: NULL

2011-05-05 23:39:47.3220 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 23:39:47.3220 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 23:44:47.3320 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 23:44:47.3330 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 23:49:47.4600 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 23:49:47.4610 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 23:54:47.5900 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 23:54:47.5910 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-05 23:59:47.7190 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-05 23:59:47.7200 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-06 00:04:47.8810 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-06 00:04:47.8820 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-06 00:09:48.0070 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-06 00:09:48.0080 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-06 00:14:48.1360 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-06 00:14:48.1430 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-06 00:19:48.2650 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-06 00:19:48.2660 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-06 00:24:48.3940 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-06 00:24:48.4210 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-05-06 00:29:48.4910 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-05-06 00:29:48.4920 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
This is what I have from running nslookup

Server:  UnKnown

Non-authoritative answer:


This information was gathered directly AFTER a crash... I am not sure if that is relevant information either.



Hi Avatea and crew.

Just a few dumb bottomed question before I provide you with information compiled on the back of this post.

I experience various kinds of crashes, and have installed HiJackThis, COHHelper etc. I also know how to use the command prompt!

Should I send this data:

With COH running or closed?
Following a crash? or when I first sign on?
Can I purge old/all log files so that you get the latest file?
I have read Hyperstrikes post
- should I include that data as well?

If you could get back to me asap with the answers, I will be happy to provide the information you need.


Get away from that computer once in a while!

Opinions are like bottoms, we all have one, and they usually stink.




Heres mine

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Documents and Settings\Mine>nslookup
Server: mymodem
Non-authoritative answer:

C:\Documents and Settings\Mine>

2011-05-18 11:32:53.3750 : 1 : Info : Rolling the log files...
2011-05-18 11:32:53.4375 : 1 : Info : Starting:
C:\Program Files\NCSoft\Launcher\_Launcher.exeC:\Program Files\NCSoft\Launcher\NCLauncher.exe /Minimized
Full assembly name: _Launcher, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2011-05-18 11:32:53.4375 : 1 : Info : Windows version: 5.1.2600.196608 (WinXP)
2011-05-18 11:32:53.4375 : 1 : Info : Starting _Launcher...
2011-05-18 11:32:53.4531 : 1 : Info : --- Parsing Command Line ---
2011-05-18 11:32:53.4687 : 1 : Info : --- Command Line Parsed---
2011-05-18 11:32:53.4687 : 1 : Info : --- Setting Up Application Data ---
2011-05-18 11:32:53.4843 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Launcher App ---
2011-05-18 11:32:53.4843 : 1 : Info : --- Creating User Mutex ---
2011-05-18 11:32:53.5000 : 1 : Info : --- Setting up IPC Channel ---
2011-05-18 11:32:53.5000 : 1 : Info : --- Not Still Running, Setting Up IPC ---
2011-05-18 11:32:53.5000 : 1 : Info : --- Attemping Register IPC ---
2011-05-18 11:32:53.5156 : 1 : Info : --- Handle First Instance ---
2011-05-18 11:32:53.5156 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Configuration Group ---
2011-05-18 11:32:53.5312 : 1 : Info : --- Initalizing Language And Region ---
2011-05-18 11:32:53.5468 : 1 : Info : --- Creating Splash Screen ---
2011-05-18 11:32:53.5468 : 1 : Info : --- First Run Initialization ---
2011-05-18 11:32:53.5468 : 1 : Info : --- Update Self ---
2011-05-18 11:32:53.6562 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-05-18 11:32:53.6718 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-05-18 11:32:53.6875 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-05-18 11:32:53.6875 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Documents and Settings\Mine\Local Settings\Temp\tmp2.tmp".
2011-05-18 11:33:07.2812 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-05-18 11:33:07.2968 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-05-18 11:33:07.2968 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-05-18 11:33:07.2968 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Mine\Local Settings\Temp\tmp2.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-05-18 11:33:07.2968 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-05-18 11:33:07.2968 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-05-18 11:33:07.3125 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-05-18 11:33:07.3125 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-05-18 11:33:07.3593 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-05-18 11:33:07.6562 : 1 : Info : --- Evaluating Registry ---
2011-05-18 11:33:07.9218 : 1 : Info : --- Creating LauncherApplication ---
2011-05-18 11:33:07.9218 : 1 : Info : --- LauncherApplication Run ---
2011-05-18 11:33:20.1562 : 1 : Info : Getting Pathch Server for GameID: CityOfHeroes
2011-05-18 11:33:20.2968 : 1 : Info : Getting Pathch Server for GameID: CoHTest
2011-05-18 11:33:21.8437 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition CheckForUpdates.
2011-05-18 11:33:21.8437 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition - 0 other operations are currently taking up low bandwidth.
2011-05-18 11:33:21.8593 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition CheckForUpdates.
2011-05-18 11:33:21.8593 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition - 1 other operations are currently taking up low bandwidth.
2011-05-18 11:33:21.8750 : 11 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-05-18 11:33:21.8750 : 11 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-05-18 11:33:21.8750 : 11 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-05-18 11:33:21.8906 : 11 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Documents and Settings\Mine\Local Settings\Temp\tmpB.tmp".
2011-05-18 11:33:22.0468 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-05-18 11:33:22.0468 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-05-18 11:33:22.0468 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-05-18 11:33:22.0468 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Documents and Settings\Mine\Local Settings\Temp\tmpC.tmp".
2011-05-18 11:33:22.4531 : 11 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-05-18 11:33:22.4531 : 11 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-05-18 11:33:22.4531 : 11 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-05-18 11:33:22.4531 : 11 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Mine\Local Settings\Temp\tmpB.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-05-18 11:33:22.4531 : 11 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-05-18 11:33:22.4531 : 11 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-05-18 11:33:22.4531 : 11 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-05-18 11:33:22.4531 : 11 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-05-18 11:33:22.4687 : 11 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-05-18 11:33:22.5156 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-05-18 11:33:22.5156 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-05-18 11:33:22.5156 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-05-18 11:33:22.5156 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Mine\Local Settings\Temp\tmpC.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-05-18 11:33:22.5156 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-05-18 11:33:22.5156 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-05-18 11:33:22.5156 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-05-18 11:33:22.5156 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-05-18 11:33:22.5156 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%

Struder 50 Regen/Broadsword Scrapper Kathy Blaze 50 Fire/Fire Brute
Raging Blue 50 Ice/Mace Tank Mrs. Killer 50 Regen/Katana Stalker
Frost face 50 Ice/Ice Blaster Raging Bane 50 All Bane
Raging Will 50 WP/SS TankDemonic-Death 50 SS/WP Brute



Okay, since Today my Game woudnt let me into Ultragraphics, okay i tried repair and after another fail Reinstall with the end that i Crash each time i try open Options/Graphic.

I want to know if that is the failure where i shoud give this Infos ?

Greetings Braddack