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  1. Let me say that my time and experiences on CoH, in general, and Justice, in particular, have been immensely rewarding. In a very large part, that has been due to the wonderful people who are a big part of the Justice community, and I'd like to thank all of you for your many kindnesses over the years.

    If only we had been able to get those Orbital Mind-Control Lasers on-line in time ...
  2. <To the tune of "The Patriot Game":>

    Come all you young heroes, and list while I sing
    The hunger for badges is a terrible thing
    Each badge fuels a craving for more of the same
    And drives us to spend all our time in the game

    My name is Smofzilla, since Issue Sixteen
    I’ve traveled all over the Paragon scene,
    Laboring hard, each new task force to tame,
    And questing for trinkets to add to my name.

    It’s nearly two years since I gathered my first.
    We love to debate over which is the worst.
    I’ve dabbled in Villainy, more to my shame,
    For the sake of those badges that come with the blame.

    My home is on Justice, they all know me there.
    But questing for badges, I’ll go anywhere!
    Whenever another badge I can claim
    My grief and frustration vanish like flame.

    So now here I am, and my money’s all spent.
    Another new issue NCSoft has sent.
    I’m caught in the mix between triumph and pain
    As I’m back in hunt for badges to gain.
  3. What do those of us running Mac clients do to contribute to diagnosis and correction of this problem? I crash roughly 2-4 times _per trial_.
  4. Tried to initiate the Tina Mac story arc as a solo in Oroborous and, after accepting the mission and being exemplared to 45, clicked on the Pillar of Flame and Ice.

    Imagine my surprise when I was told "The crystal doesn't know where to send you." (Or words to that effect.) Got the same message when clicking on Aspect of the Pillar and trying to teleport to the mission contact. Quit and restarted -- identical results.

    Support eventually completed the first mission, which allowed me to go through the rest of the arc, but figured someone might appreciate it if I reported the matter.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quatermain View Post
    Pretty sure the raid duration timer caps well before all bombs are planted, to the point you are at the max by planting enough to spawn ukon, and then defeating him. Outside of quickly getting credit for the bomb badge and for kicks, I'm not real sure why you would want to do it all the time.
    I don't think you'd actually enjoy accelerated progress toward the badge, since you have to quit the team to set the bomb. In fact, it seems like overall progress would be slowed. (On a 32-person raid, using standard tactics, 32 person-bomb credits are earned for 4 bombs. On a 32-person raid, using 18/18 tactics, only 18 person-bomb credits are issued.)

    Or am I missing something?
  6. I saw this, and it was happening when I used <CMD>-<TAB> to switch out of, and then back into, the game. Generally, going back out of, then into, the game will clear the condition. Even more successfully if you use the mouse, rather than the keyboard, to re-enter.