I give in - Inventions knockback protection

Adeon Hawkwood



I give up. Knockback is TOO annoying even for me to deal with. I thought I could deal with it by taking Hover and such, but far too many things have far too much knockback far too frequently, and it's starting to make Fiery Aura and Dark Armour unplayably annoying. I didn't delete a level 50 Fire/Fire/Flame Blaster so that I could remake her as ANOTHER character I didn't want to play, after all.

So I come begging for forgiveness and asking what one might look for in terms of Inventions to fix this. Many people have touted those "special" Set Inventions enhancements that have Knockback protection, but what exactly are they? Here's what I know so far:

A cursory search of ParagonWiki revealed three enhancements - Blessing of the Zephyr (the "BOTZ" I still snicker at), Karma and Stadfast Protection. Two points to make here: 1) Are there others I'm forgetting about and 2) Which of these are easiest to get and make without turning this into a multi-character project? That's including getting the recipe AND getting the salvage.

I noticed "BotZ" is obtainable via Alignment Merits (listed at 2) or "a whole lot of" Reward Merits, while the other two are not purchasable via Alignment Merits but cost 75 Reward Merits a piece, which shouldn't be all that much considering I have a grand total of four characters that need these and a grand total of ~50 who can help get them.

Furthermore, "BotZ" appears in level 50 format, which is very pleasing to the eye for someone who insists all of his enhancements be level 50, whereas both of the other two only show up for Defence and Resistance, respectively. And why is Steadfast Protection unique while Karma is not? Is there something inherently BETTER about knockback protection put in resistance-based powers over defence-based ones that necessitates this? Pure curiosity here.

Finally, all three are listed as "Global," but will these really work for the character at all times even if I, say, slap a "BotZ" on Sprint, or will I have to sprint all the time? The characters in question are universally Hoverers, so Hover might be the right place for it, but the question remains - how global are these things?

tl;dr version:
1. What knockback protection enhancements are there?
2. Which ones are the easiest to get for Fire and Dark armours?
3. Will they work even if the toggles they're put in are disabled?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



While I can not speak for Dark Armor or Fire Melee, I can say that I slot Steadfast Protection: KB protection and BOTZ KB protection on EVERY toon I roll. They are invaluable and do provide protection even if the power in which they are slotted is turned off. The recipes are resonably cheap at WWs.



The Steadfast KB protection IO isn't unique. However, the 3%def/res IO in the same set is.



If you're desperate, Kinetic Crash also has knockback protection as a set bonus for slotting four of its enhancements. Fury of the Gladiator and Gladiator's Armor both have knockback protection for three enhancements, and it's not really worth mentioning Gladiator's Javelin since it requires five. :P



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I give up. Knockback is TOO annoying even for me to deal with. I thought I could deal with it by taking Hover and such, but far too many things have far too much knockback far too frequently, and it's starting to make Fiery Aura and Dark Armour unplayably annoying. I didn't delete a level 50 Fire/Fire/Flame Blaster so that I could remake her as ANOTHER character I didn't want to play, after all.

So I come begging for forgiveness and asking what one might look for in terms of Inventions to fix this. Many people have touted those "special" Set Inventions enhancements that have Knockback protection, but what exactly are they? Here's what I know so far:

A cursory search of ParagonWiki revealed three enhancements - Blessing of the Zephyr (the "BOTZ" I still snicker at), Karma and Stadfast Protection. Two points to make here: 1) Are there others I'm forgetting about and 2) Which of these are easiest to get and make without turning this into a multi-character project? That's including getting the recipe AND getting the salvage.

I noticed "BotZ" is obtainable via Alignment Merits (listed at 2) or "a whole lot of" Reward Merits, while the other two are not purchasable via Alignment Merits but cost 75 Reward Merits a piece, which shouldn't be all that much considering I have a grand total of four characters that need these and a grand total of ~50 who can help get them.

Furthermore, "BotZ" appears in level 50 format, which is very pleasing to the eye for someone who insists all of his enhancements be level 50, whereas both of the other two only show up for Defence and Resistance, respectively. And why is Steadfast Protection unique while Karma is not? Is there something inherently BETTER about knockback protection put in resistance-based powers over defence-based ones that necessitates this? Pure curiosity here.

Finally, all three are listed as "Global," but will these really work for the character at all times even if I, say, slap a "BotZ" on Sprint, or will I have to sprint all the time? The characters in question are universally Hoverers, so Hover might be the right place for it, but the question remains - how global are these things?

tl;dr version:
1. What knockback protection enhancements are there?
2. Which ones are the easiest to get for Fire and Dark armours?
3. Will they work even if the toggles they're put in are disabled?
The 3 KB IOs are the BoTZ, the steadfast, and the karma. BoTZ and Karma are probably the most common and easiest to slot, as there are a lot of powers that can slot universal travel, and defense. Steadfast can only be slotted in resistance powers, but that means that fire armor and dark armor can slot them pretty easily.

None of the KB IOs are unique. Your looking at the steadfast resistance/+def IO, which gives 3% def, and is unique, but the steadfast that gives KB protection is not.

Just about any of those IOs go between 5 million, and 50 million inf, depending on level (lower levels IOs are worth more, due to them working at lower levels) but they are ALL ALWAYS active, assuming you are within 3 levels of the IO (even if you don't actually have the power its supposed to be in.. its still active) but getting them via reward merits would probably be the easiest route, especially if you want a lower level IO (say, level 10 or so)

hope that answers your questions.



Originally Posted by Rianeva View Post
The Steadfast KB protection IO isn't unique. However, the 3%def/res IO in the same set is.
My bad. I saw wrong. So they're interchangeable, then. Good to know. I'll look into that. Thanks

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Yeah I'd recommend 2 Steadfast KB protection IO's if you can fit them in, 2 is enough to cover pretty much anything except being hit by a Fake Nemesis's force bolt.



In addition to the three you mentioned, there's at least one set, Kinetic Crash (for knockback powers) that also grants Knockback protection if you slot a few in a power, though that means your powers will be doing more knockback (which you may or may not want for a melee set), provided you have any powers that can take them anyway.

With regard to the big 3, lower levels are actually better than higher ones, since they work like set bonuses, the lower the level of the enhancement, the lower you can exemp and still use it. If you're buying them with Merits or A-Merits, best to go low. They don't have any aspects that are enhanced by being a higher level. Since they work like set bonuses, they also protect you even when the powers they're slotted in aren't running or available.

For Fire and Dark Armors specifically, the Steadfast protection one will be the easiest to find a space for. I'm pretty sure those aren't unique, I know I have at least one Fire Armor tank that uses two of them. A Steadfast would go great in Temperature Protection. You can also stick a Karma in Combat Jumping, since you'll probably want that for Immobilize protection (or, if you're using Dark Armor, in Cloak of Darkness). For the BOTZ, consider sticking 'em in the Veteran Sprint powers that you will otherwise never use, more than likely.

As a reference to effectiveness, just one -4 Knockback invention will prevent about 90% of what you're hit with in the game. Two of them will turn even the nastiest knockback effects (e.g., Fake Nemesis staves) into knockdown, and three will pretty much ensure you never lose your balance again.



Glad to see you entering the modern age Sam.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



You can slap a BotZ in your travel power, so you don't have to use up a slot in one of your toggles for it. The Karma and Steadfast -KB IOs don't actually enhance the resistance or defense of the power they're in. The BotZ doesn't enhance travel speed either, but if you have Super Jump or Super Speed the base speed should be good enough. BotZ can't go in Sprint.

Each of these enhancements gives 4 points of KB protection, which should be good enough for most things at lower levels, but post-40 you'll probably want two. With two you should be good against pretty much everything except Mary, Fake Nemesisises, RWZ pylons, some AVs/EBs and probably some Longbow bosses.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Weren't you giving Satanic Hamster your Purple drops? Selling even one Purple IO would get you enough Inf to buy a dozen or more -knockback IOs. Since you don't like to play with the Market, just have him return the favor by acquiring and crafting all the -knockback IOs that you need. This way you won't have to think too much about it and can just treat it as another enhancement.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
1. What knockback protection enhancements are there?
The three you listed are the main ones. There are however a few other options:
1. Acrobatics (in the Leaping Pool) gives Kb Protection
2. Two sets (Kinetic Crash and Fury of the Gladiator) give knockback protection as a set bonus.

That being said the three you listed are generally the options that have the least impact on the build.

2. Which ones are the easiest to get for Fire and Dark armours?
This is dependent on two factors: how much you want to spend and where you have a spare slot.

BotZ is generally the most expensive on the market (especially if you go for a level 10 version, see below) but has the advantage of going in a travel power which if you slot it in a travel power you weren't planning to slot anyway can save you a slot.

Steadfast Protection and Karma are normally about the same price on the market (I think karma is a little bit cheaper on average but it's been a while since I checked). A character with Fire Armor or Dark Armor could easily use either of them. Both sets have resistance powers that allow you to slot a Steadfast Protection (at the cost of a slot) or can fit Karma in a pool power (CJ and Hover being obvious choices) or Cloak of Darkness for Dark Armor.

If you're planning to take Hover or Combat Jumping for your build anyway then a Karma in that is probably the best option. If not then either spend an extra slot to add a Steadfast to one of your shields or save up for a BotZ in your travel power.

3. Will they work even if the toggles they're put in are disabled?
They are global IOs. What that means is that they work even if the power is turned off but stop working if you exemplar more than 3 levels below the level of the IO.

What that means is that if you get a level 50 BotZ IO you will lose knockback protection whenever you exemplar down. Therefore most people try to get level 10 knockback protection IOs so that they are always on. Level 10s are, consequently, more expensive on the market since the majority of the stock are purchased with merits.



A couple of points:

1. I don't intend to exemplar. Ever for any reason under any circumstances. HATE doing it, and the more I can make my build incapable of exemplaring, the more excuse I'll have not to do it. For this reason, a level 50 BotZ is the perfect excuse.


2. I like seeing the number 50 on a level 50 build. I like all of my enhancements to say level 50, including BotZ if I go for it, so that's likely what I'll do. I already snagged a level 10 Steadfast Protection thing and I'm on my way to make it now, but I'll swap that out at level 50 (or, more likely, at level 47). Will likely stick it into Temperature Protection.

Question about BotZ: It says it's applicable to travel powers. Is that just Super Jump, Super Speed, Fly and Teleport, or do simpler things like Hover and Sprint work? Because I can just snag my four veteran Sprint powers and kit all four out with BotZ if that's what it comes down to. But can I do that?

And another question: What would I want mag 8 knockback protection for? Aside from specific high-yield bosses, do normal critters get higher mag?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Question about BotZ: It says it's applicable to travel powers. Is that just Super Jump, Super Speed, Fly and Teleport, or do simpler things like Hover and Sprint work? Because I can just snag my four veteran Sprint powers and kit all four out with BotZ if that's what it comes down to. But can I do that?

And another question: What would I want mag 8 knockback protection for? Aside from specific high-yield bosses, do normal critters get higher mag?
Sprint won't take universal travel sets, so no, no BotZ in it. Mostly because it had busted-high defense set bonuses (the set bonuses have since been halved).

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Question about BotZ: It says it's applicable to travel powers. Is that just Super Jump, Super Speed, Fly and Teleport, or do simpler things like Hover and Sprint work? Because I can just snag my four veteran Sprint powers and kit all four out with BotZ if that's what it comes down to. But can I do that?
It works in powers that take Universal Travel enhancements. In addition to the four main Travel powers you can also slot it in Hover, Combat Jumping, Recall Friend, Group Fly and Team Teleport (there are also a few powerset specific powers like Inertial Reduction, I'm just listing the pool powers). You cannot, however, slot it in Sprint. This is a balance issue to prevent people with the veteran sprint powers from being able to slot 4 of them for free (something that would provide a substantial benefit in PvP).

And another question: What would I want mag 8 knockback protection for? Aside from specific high-yield bosses, do normal critters get higher mag?
My general advice is to go for either 4 or 12. A single IO (4 points) protects from most knockback in the game. There aren't many enemies with more than 4 and most of those seem to have more than 8.



So be it. I'm sure I can spare a slot or two in something for BotZ 50. Fly or Hover, we'll see how that goes.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I would go for 12 points, will help you for most of the game. Just 4 points stop most of the KB in the game, 8 doesn't really do much that's why I suggest going for 12.




Originally Posted by Fiery-Enforcer View Post
I would go for 12 points, will help you for most of the game. Just 4 points stop most of the KB in the game, 8 doesn't really do much that's why I suggest going for 12.
I mean more specifically - what can and cannot be stopped with 4, 8 or 12 points? I ask because I don't mind the occasional knockback from a boss or a mass stack of enemies. What I hope to fix is the insulting instances where I'll be juggled endlessly by three ******** with shotguns, or a bunch of Rikti Drones.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
So be it. I'm sure I can spare a slot or two in something for BotZ 50. Fly or Hover, we'll see how that goes.
Hover accepts the Karma Enhancement as well.



I see. But it's just not the same without the enhancement saying it's level 50

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Stick it in Hover. It's the easiest, I find.
Honestly, one slot of 4 points will stop over 85% (ish) of stuff. 8 Points will stop all but about one to two very rare things from KBing you, and you'll certainly avoid that bloody godawful pinball KB I hate, hate, HATE with a passion of burning burnination...

One slot in hover, sorted

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post

1. I don't intend to exemplar. Ever for any reason under any circumstances. HATE doing it, and the more I can make my build incapable of exemplaring, the more excuse I'll have not to do it. For this reason, a level 50 BotZ is the perfect excuse.


2. I like seeing the number 50 on a level 50 build. I like all of my enhancements to say level 50, including BotZ if I go for it, so that's likely what I'll do. I already snagged a level 10 Steadfast Protection thing and I'm on my way to make it now, but I'll swap that out at level 50 (or, more likely, at level 47). Will likely stick it into Temperature Protection.
The only thing I'd have to say I'm anal about is people that are overly anal about stuff. And just knowing you're so particular about such arbitrary things, for whatever reason, really irritates me

Just felt like saying that. >_>



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I see. But it's just not the same without the enhancement saying it's level 50
Well, that attitude needs to change. The only benefit of slotting a level 50 Knockback Protection Enhancement is that you lose access to it at any level under 47.

Wait, that's not a benefit at all. It's just idiocy.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Well, that attitude needs to change. The only benefit of slotting a level 50 Knockback Protection Enhancement is that you lose access to it at any level under 47.

Wait, that's not a benefit at all. It's just idiocy.
Because telling people their playstyle is Wrong makes the world a better place...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Because telling people their playstyle is Wrong makes the world a better place...
The irony in this one's hilarious each and every time it's used. (-: