Discussion: One game, one global server access




Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
So you're volunteering the time, effort and money it'll take to implement a "fairer" system?

Didn't think so.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Were the US database smaller than the EU one? It probably still would have been.

Also, the policy has NOT been enacted yet. And, due to the outcry, it is being reconsidered.

I don't see the relevance my financial means have to this debate. It would just be as cost effective to give yankess a NA prefix rather than EU players an EU prefix.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Again, they are looking at other options right now, as it has been impressed upon them how sensitive people are to the issue.

So cut them some slack.
I will cut them some slack when I am convinced that they are taking players legitimate concerns seriously rather than just mouthing platitudes



Originally Posted by Mechafang View Post
I don't see the relevance my financial means have to this debate. It would just be as cost effective to give yankess a NA prefix rather than EU players an EU prefix.
Yeah... not so much. Unless you know specifically what custom db is used for account authentication by the game you're just assuming.
As Arcanaville posted in another thread on this topic:
Here's the far more likely possibility.

There are two account databases, one for the EU servers and one for the NA servers. This makes sense since at one time the EU servers were actually in Europe, and if the authentication server for those servers were in the US an internet disruption could cause the EU servers to be impossible to log into, even if they were otherwise reachable and functional.

NCSoft has decided not to operate two different authentication servers any more, and are collapsing them. Unfortunately, both server login name and global handle are not just required to be unique, they are designated as keys in the database. EU is being exported and imported into the NA server, because there are less EU records. The EU records are being checked against the NA records and when global handle or account name collide, the EU records are being modified before importing. This cannot happen in reverse because the NA records are already in the database, and key fields cannot be changed in the NA records without a special process occurring. They can be changed in the EU records because those records are being exported and then imported. To change the NA records, the NA record would have to be specifically changed by special process. This would take significantly more time and effort**.

I don't know if it *is* like this, but this should come as no surprise to any dba out there. This is so obvious that anyone not taking this possibility into account cannot possibly have a background that makes their technical suggestions credible.
So i take it with a grain of salt when you post:
I will cut them some slack when I am convinced that they are taking players legitimate concerns seriously rather than just mouthing platitudes
Uh-huh. Luckily technical issues involving database structures has NOTHING to do with their decision because that would involve real world technical limitations and costs rather than merely being a sudden whim to wave their fannies at a segment of the playerbase while "mouthing platitudes", amirite?

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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
wave their fannies at a segment of the playerbase ?
If they were to actually wave their "fannies" I imagine a substantial proportion of the EU playerbase would be satisfied.



Originally Posted by Shadowe View Post
I will point out, though, that the legislation does not make any bones about where individuals " treated less favourably than [they] treats or would treat others" are actually based. As such, yes, the English legislature is in a position whereby if a company offers different (and less favourable terms) to someone (or many someones) in England compared to the terms for the same service that they offer anyone anywhere else in the world, that company is in breach of the Equality Act 2010.
The legislation doesn't specify that because its presumed: English courts do not have jurisdiction over people outside of its territory nor of conduct that occurs outside of its territory.

However, Part 2 Chapter 1 of the act specifically lists the protected characteristics that the act protects from arbitrary discrimination as defined in the act. Those characteristics are age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and religious belief, sex (gender), and sexual orientation. The act further refines the term "race" to refer to color, nationality, and ethnic or national origins.

Neither the account name change nor the global handle change explicitly target any particular color, nationality, or ethnicity. It treats all persons with accounts on that system identically, and in particular does not distinguish between nationality. The act doesn't specify continental location as a protected characteristic.

The act also creates an exception for indirect discrimination, which the renaming system would theoretically be. It states that a provision or practice is discriminatory if it cannot be shown to be a "proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim." It does not have to be "fair" as people on the forums have been defining fair. It only has to be shown to be aimed at a legitimate purpose, and the practice must not be excessive. Merging the authentication systems is a legitimate aim. Changing the EU accounts that collide is a proportionate means of achieving that aim.

The merge therefore fails to implicate one of the specified protected characteristics, and fails the definition of indirect discrimination as defined within the act.

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I've got a decision to make. Go back to my EU account, which has more veteran rewards and a lot of event badge (and passport) but will have to rebuy Going Rogue and several Superboosters and won't get the "unbroken subscription reward" thing.

Or just stick with my American account.

Probably the latter but it certainly would be nice to get those badges/rewards transferred



Originally Posted by Mechafang View Post
This global name change policy has clearly demonstrated that EU Players are considered second class.

This policy would never be enacted if it was to the detriment of NA players rather than EU.

I'm personally not very attached to my global name but even so, the way in which global name clashes are to be handled leaves a bitter taste.
Do you actually believe NCSoft, a Korean company, cares more about North American people than Europeans? NCSoft, a Korean company, folded the tents of the Korean expansion of City of Heroes when it failed to attract enough players, without a second glance backward. If it were North American players and servers being merged into the more popular European version of City of Heroes, NCSoft would have not blinked an eye in changing the less popular NA players and preserving the state of the more numerous EU players.

You can bet if there were three hundred thousand subscribers in India right now both the NA and the EU players would be getting merged into their server farm and we'd all have to learn to advertise the ITF in Hindi.

Also, Atlas Park would be even more bizarre than it has ever been.

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Originally Posted by Xyzandra_NA View Post
I've got a decision to make. Go back to my EU account, which has more veteran rewards and a lot of event badge (and passport) but will have to rebuy Going Rogue and several Superboosters and won't get the "unbroken subscription reward" thing.

Or just stick with my American account.

Probably the latter but it certainly would be nice to get those badges/rewards transferred
Given the fact that this is a one time deal, I think it is reasonable for the devs to expend effort to figure out if there is a reasonable way for EU players to merge NA and EU accounts if they own both. Of course, I'm going to want a way to earn passport in exchange, but that's a small price to pay.

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Originally Posted by Mechafang View Post
I will cut them some slack when I am convinced that they are taking players legitimate concerns seriously rather than just mouthing platitudes
Perhaps, but at the end of the day, if they've taken players' concerns seriously and decided that the implementation as stated IS the best way to go, will you still assume all they actually did was mouth platitudes? Sounds as if you've already decided.

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Originally Posted by Knightingale View Post
I don't remember anyone bringing race into it?! I know we were talking about discrimination but I don't remember race being mentioned as a deciding factor in who gets the global name.
Then you should try following the discussion that you're quoting part of.

Originally Posted by toffy
I would also like to point out that the EU have an EU anti discrimination law (Council Directive 2000/43/EC of 29 June 2000 implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of racial or ethnic origin : also called the "Race Directive”)

Therefore my question is as we (ie EU players) are been discrimination on are racial origin, does that mean NCsoft will be in contradiction with EU law??
Plus all you've really done is reinforced the point that it's the EU accounts who are being shafted. So thanks for that.
Well der. Facts are facts.
If posters didnt want to spew hyperbolic rubbish about being discrimated about on basis on racial origin, then perhaps the obvious wouldnt need to be stated.
Though I would have to consider that you're trying to be offended if restating the basic facts bothers you.

Yes there will always be a handful of peeps who play in the US on EU accounts and vice versa, but they'll be a huge minority (if that makes sense). Personally I know a few people who once created US accounts to start playing the game but are now EU side since the game launched here. I don't know of any Americans who play over on the EU servers but I'm sure there are a few. But predominantly the reason still falls to geographical discrimination..... which was the point all along.
No, my point all along was that Toffy in claiming it was discrimination based on racial origin was crap.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by Bloodspeaker View Post
Perhaps, but at the end of the day, if they've taken players' concerns seriously and decided that the implementation as stated IS the best way to go, will you still assume all they actually did was mouth platitudes? Sounds as if you've already decided.
I take them at their word that they've seriously discussed it. Part of the discussion, though, is going to be "OK, we've got code that is written, works great on our test bench and all we have to do is give the order to do it. And talking to the programmer, he says we'll need to do a lot more testing if we're not only adding the EU records but also modifying the NA records as we go - concerns about race conditions and such."

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Originally Posted by Toffy View Post
You miss my point I'm not on about racial discrimation, i'm on about the act that cover all form of discrimation, it just happens to go by the title EU Racial Equality Directive (2000/43/EC). I'm sure you can find a copy on the internet to look at if you want to view it. do warn you it's a long and boring read.

But yes your above example about still discrimation,

If you were in the EU playing a US account, you wouldn't be affected. No as you don't have an EU account and can not be effect by the merge.

If you were in the US playing an EU account, you would be affected. If someone has the same Global name on the US server then yes you would.

You are still be discrimation on where which server you log onto, which is cover in the above EU directive.

Something like amount of vet time gain as people have mention would not be discrimation as you ca not say where the people would be affected, as it would be over both server, thus both sets of players are been treat equality.
Yes it discrimiation (of a sort). So is basing it on vet time, using such a wide defination of the term.

Its not discrimation based on racial origin which you earlier claimed.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Oh, if any EU tells my global asking me to change it to keep thiers, I'd be fine with it.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The legislation doesn't specify that because its presumed: English courts do not have jurisdiction over people outside of its territory nor of conduct that occurs outside of its territory.
As has been pointed out numerous times the EULA for EU players forma a legal contract and is based on English Law and any remedy on that falls under the jurisdiction of the English court system - the two parties involved being the player(s) and NCSoft Europe. The NA EULA is irrelevant in this case - i.e in this you are 100% WRONG

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
However, Part 2 Chapter 1 of the act specifically lists the protected characteristics that the act protects from arbitrary discrimination as defined in the act. Those characteristics are age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and religious belief, sex (gender), and sexual orientation. The act further refines the term "race" to refer to color, nationality, and ethnic or national origins.

Neither the account name change nor the global handle change explicitly target any particular color, nationality, or ethnicity. It treats all persons with accounts on that system identically, and in particular does not distinguish between nationality. The act doesn't specify continental location as a protected characteristic.

The act also creates an exception for indirect discrimination, which the renaming system would theoretically be. It states that a provision or practice is discriminatory if it cannot be shown to be a "proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim." It does not have to be "fair" as people on the forums have been defining fair. It only has to be shown to be aimed at a legitimate purpose, and the practice must not be excessive. Merging the authentication systems is a legitimate aim. Changing the EU accounts that collide is a proportionate means of achieving that aim.

The merge therefore fails to implicate one of the specified protected characteristics, and fails the definition of indirect discrimination as defined within the act.
As to whether the definition of European would be designated to be either relating to Nationality or Ethnicity would be a matter for the courts to decide if matters were to reach such a stage that would be determined on the basis of what a "reasonable person would deem to be reasonable" - the definition of reasonable also being defined under that same basis - you clearly believe it would not - I and several others also clearly believe it would - Ethnicity relate to where a person or group of peoples ancestors originate - this is not necessarily related to race, colour or nationality as we currently see them and there is case lore indicating that groupings of people falling outwith those parameters are indeed covered.

In practice NCSoft would probably have to prove that this was as you say proportionate and that is far from easy where renaming either party would be equally easy as would renaming both - the latter being inherently fair. NCSoft have already shown that they have previously merged two systems - namely the forums where the same issues as to regional identity were involved. In that case they chose to rename both and then allow the players to request renames later. The courts are administered by laypeople in general and you would need to consider whether they would understand why they would regard the two situations as being any different. At the end of the day it is desirable to avoid any risk of litigation especially where issues are unclear - the only ones to win if things reach that stage are the lawyers.

What I expect NCSoft will do on this is to ask their legal department for advice and are likely to be told that whether they would win or lose such a case it would be an expensive matter and marketing should understand that risking getting involved with court cases with a substantial number of paying customers is not good business practice where alternatives exist.

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Originally Posted by Gaia View Post
In practice NCSoft would probably have to prove
Yes. Guilty until proven innocent. The claim of "discrimination" throws the burden of proof on its head. The accusation is the proof that the accused acted with evil intent to harm others.

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Originally Posted by GadgetDon View Post
Yes. Guilty until proven innocent. The claim of "discrimination" throws the burden of proof on its head. The accusation is the proof that the accused acted with evil intent to harm others.
Any action would be most likely to be a civil matter as opposed to a criminal one and as such the party claiming would need to show that they had suffered loss or show that the action was offensive. Once that had been done then the party who the action is against would need to show that such actions were necessary, reasonable and proportionate - Guilt or innocence has nothing to do with it those relate to criminal law - if the courts decided that it was done maliciously or negligently where a duty of care existed then the court could choose to pursue a criminal action in addition to any civil case - in practice I very much doubt such a situation would arise.
Things are also changing such that a third party becoming aware of discriminatory actions may also be able to lodge a claim where they regard themselves as offended even if the discrimination does not directly target them - I dread to think where that will lead if it gets passed.

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
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It would be harder for NCSoft, to prove their innocence, since they region/ip lock their shop wouldn't it? So a person from Europe is outright forced to buy the EU version of the game, unless they are net savvy enough to bypass NCSoft's system.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Gaia View Post
As has been pointed out numerous times the EULA for EU players forma a legal contract and is based on English Law and any remedy on that falls under the jurisdiction of the English court system - the two parties involved being the player(s) and NCSoft Europe. The NA EULA is irrelevant in this case - i.e in this you are 100% WRONG
Put it this way.

Let them try to enforce a decision over servers residing on American soil, owned by a Korean company. Meanwhile, NCSoft Europe can do little more than wring its hands and point fingers.

In short: Good luck with that.

In practice NCSoft would probably have to prove that this was as you say proportionate and that is far from easy where renaming either party would be equally easy as would renaming both - the latter being inherently fair. NCSoft have already shown that they have previously merged two systems - namely the forums where the same issues as to regional identity were involved. In that case they chose to rename both and then allow the players to request renames later. The courts are administered by laypeople in general and you would need to consider whether they would understand why they would regard the two situations as being any different. At the end of the day it is desirable to avoid any risk of litigation especially where issues are unclear - the only ones to win if things reach that stage are the lawyers.
Prove? You mean like citing all the extra work and man-hours that needed to be put in to shepherd and arbitrate renames and name disputes on both sides of the pond?

This time they chose to deal cut out the name disputes and simply deal with renames.

They may also have a technological reason why manipulating both databases is less than desirable.

What I expect NCSoft will do on this is to ask their legal department for advice and are likely to be told that whether they would win or lose such a case it would be an expensive matter and marketing should understand that risking getting involved with court cases with a substantial number of paying customers is not good business practice where alternatives exist.
Translation. Give in to extortionate demands or be sued.

Yeah. Great options.

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Originally Posted by Mechafang View Post
I don't see the relevance my financial means have to this debate. It would just be as cost effective to give yankess a NA prefix rather than EU players an EU prefix.
Depends on the size of the database and what is being altered besides merely the global name.

I will cut them some slack when I am convinced that they are taking players legitimate concerns seriously rather than just mouthing platitudes

So...WHAT? You want them to invite you to NorCal, Austin or Seoul and let you in on the strategy sessions?

You've been with the game this long, and seen some of the actions taken in response to player feedback by what is acknowledged as one of the most accessible and responsive development crews extant. Yet you're still gonna DOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM?

If you're this locked in stone about it, I'm not even going to try reasoning with you. I've got better things to do than headbutt monoliths.

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Originally Posted by Gaia View Post
Rumours! Zwillinger has stated it will happen 4 pages ago
Well, I didn't want to be TOO positive and get labeled an NCSoft butt-monkey.

Besides, look at all the enjoyment some of these people are getting out of the perception of being "persecuted".

Let's not ruin their fun!

It also assumes you haven't already used your global chat rename.
You HONESTLY think NCSoft is going to let people go without the ability to change after this simply because they've already used it once?

Give these guys at least a LITTLE credit.

Personally I'm not overly concerned about the global chat name - I'd actually prefer the one on my inactive US/EU Test accounts over my active EU account - they are different and I don't expect it to be affected but would definitely prefer the account rename apply to my US rather than EU account - those share the same account name so will be affected.
Wish I knew what to tell you about that. We're still months out here. This was literally announced days ago. Give them a chance to formulate a plan that doesn't have half of Europe going up in flames.

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Originally Posted by Gaia View Post
As has been pointed out numerous times the EULA for EU players forma a legal contract and is based on English Law and any remedy on that falls under the jurisdiction of the English court system - the two parties involved being the player(s) and NCSoft Europe. The NA EULA is irrelevant in this case - i.e in this you are 100% WRONG
In this case, you are 100% CONFUSED. I said nothing about the NA EULA. I responded to Shadowe who said that the English statute doesn't say its limited to only discrimination that occurs within England itself. I said it doesn't say that because it doesn't have to: all laws in England only affect the jurisdiction in England. The EULA between an English player and the EU company NCSoft does business as *is* within the jurisdiction of England. But the terms between NCSoft and anyone outside of England fall outside its jurisdiction. English law cannot dictate what those can be.

What I expect NCSoft will do on this is to ask their legal department for advice and are likely to be told that whether they would win or lose such a case it would be an expensive matter and marketing should understand that risking getting involved with court cases with a substantial number of paying customers is not good business practice where alternatives exist.
Apparently your definition of the word "likely" is as fluid as your definition of "nationality." This case wouldn't even make it to court to be laughed out of it.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The EULA between an English player and the EU company NCSoft does business as *is* within the jurisdiction of England. But the terms between NCSoft and anyone outside of England fall outside its jurisdiction. English law cannot dictate what those can be.
The EULA between a Swedish player and the EU company NCsoft Europe also do business within the jurisdiction of England. There is no NCsoft Sweden. Despite me living in Sweden, I do business with UK-based NCsoft Europe, under a contract that specifically states that English law applies.

Still @Shadow Kitty

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Originally Posted by Gaia View Post
Any action would be most likely to be a civil matter as opposed to a criminal one and as such the party claiming would need to show that they had suffered loss or show that the action was offensive.
Care to put a financial amount to the loss? Remember you are "losing" a virtual item. So how was this in any way offensive to race, ethnicity, disability, sex, or age?

Might I suggest that you talk to a solicitor before making any baseless claims of discrimination?
Discrimination Law governs the right of individuals not be treated less favourably than others on grounds that include sex, race and disability. It also deals with the duty of public bodies to promote equality.
I'm sure that most solicitors would laugh you out of their offices.

I can also tell you that small claims court will likely toss your suit out. To top it, all NCsoft Europe will have to do is claim technical issues beyond its control (ie a directive from the parent company and them trying to merge databases) and the judge will throw out your case.

Originally Posted by Gaia View Post
Once that had been done then the party who the action is against would need to show that such actions were necessary, reasonable and proportionate - Guilt or innocence has nothing to do with it those relate to criminal law - if the courts decided that it was done maliciously or negligently where a duty of care existed then the court could choose to pursue a criminal action in addition to any civil case - in practice I very much doubt such a situation would arise.
It wouldn't get that far. I doubt that any solicitor would waste their time with this.

Originally Posted by Gaia View Post
Things are also changing such that a third party becoming aware of discriminatory actions may also be able to lodge a claim where they regard themselves as offended even if the discrimination does not directly target them - I dread to think where that will lead if it gets passed.
It would lead to situations like we are dealing with in this thread.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Well, I didn't want to be TOO positive and get labeled an NCSoft butt-monkey.
Check. No more butt-monkey.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Let them try to enforce a decision over servers residing on American soil, owned by a Korean company. Meanwhile, NCSoft Europe can do little more than wring its hands and point fingers.
Seattle-based Microsoft had to pay billion-euro fines to the EU Council and even build a special Explorer-less Euro version of Windows. Nobody buys that version, but it's there and it was enforced by a governing European body onto an American company.

...but seriously, let's drop this legal thread. It's silly. It's not discrimination (but if it were, it would be governed by English law, 'kay), it's just either the cheap solution or the lazy solution that in either case happens to screw as many players as possible and all of them Euros. Even if the solution were to screw NA players, there would be less players screwed, since there are more EU players with NA accounts than NA players with EU accounts.

Still @Shadow Kitty

"I became Archvillain before Statesman nerfed himself!"



Originally Posted by Shadow_Kitty View Post
Seattle-based Microsoft had to pay billion-euro fines to the EU Council and even build a special Explorer-less Euro version of Windows. Nobody buys that version, but it's there and it was enforced by a governing European body onto an American company.

...but seriously, let's drop this legal thread. It's silly. It's not discrimination (but if it were, it would be governed by English law, 'kay), it's just either the cheap solution or the lazy solution that in either case happens to screw as many players as possible and all of them Euros. Even if the solution were to screw NA players, there would be less players screwed, since there are more EU players with NA accounts than NA players with EU accounts.
Explorer-less version of Windows? Surely what program gets used to manage files?

I think you mean "Internet Explorer". There is also a "Windows Media Player" free version of Windows.

But that is under the anti-monopoly rulings, and its offered as an *alternative* to the normal version. The normal version is *not* stopped from being sold in the EU.



Originally Posted by Shadow_Kitty View Post
in either case happens to screw as many players as possible and all of them Euros. Even if the solution were to screw NA players, there would be less players screwed, since there are more EU players with NA accounts than NA players with EU accounts.

So you're trying to say that there are more EU players PERIOD, than there are NA players?

I'd love to know how you came by this little nugget of data...

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