Discussion: One game, one global server access




One thing I'd like to see us concentrate more on is the idea that the players themselves might help our EU friends. Not only can we contact the holders of the global for you, but some of us would be willing to give up globals too.

For example, I won't give up my Jordan Yen global at all, but my second account doesn't matter to me nearly as much. When the merge happens, please feel free to PM me anytime. I, and many others like me, would be happy to help.

It's the kind of community we have after all



Now that is an EXCELLENT idea.

I know that I would appreciate it if the US Shadowe were contacted on my behalf and asked to change his global if he is willing to do so at the time the merge happens.

If not, then I'm not overly bothered, but it would be nice.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



just for the record here....

Discrimination is a word.

It has a dictionary definition, go look it up. Sometimes it does 'refer' to matters of racial or ethnic discrimination, but that's not what the word itself means. Hence why we add the words Racial or Ethnic.

When I brought up discrimination earlier it was as a word. At it's basic level the word discrimination means....

"treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit"

I just grabbed that snippet from Dictionary.com

Or from Oxford English....

"the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people"

And yes before you go look and come back it does then say "especially on the grounds of race , age, or sex" but it doesn't say EXCLUSIVELY on the grounds of etc....

So using as a word. And using those definitions..... it ABSOLUTELY is the right word to use in this instance.

We as a COX playerbase are split into 3 groups. Those that have EU accounts, those that have US accounts, and those who have both.

A decision has been made, whatever the criteria, that affects one of these groups more than the others. So like definition 1, we're being treated as a group, rather than as an individual.

Hence why we don't like it. Hence why we are using the word Discrimination.

Notice when I quoted MLK in a much earlier post I didn't post anything about the racial message he was trying to send. Just the "Aren't we all created Equal" bit. Because as paying COX customers should we all be treated equally?

The Veterancy method proposed bases it's criteria on the Individual, because everyone will have a different length of service. Hence it's NON discriminatory.

Now I agree also that to drag up EULA's and courts and laws etc is silly as to be honest nobody is going to even try to take this to court, it probably wouldn't stand up and it is to be honest just a game we're talking about.

And whatever happens I'll still be playing and won't be kicking up a stink in the European courts. LOL

Blueside Level 50's.... Knightingale (Def), Rogue Elevenex (Blast), Lady Rogue (Scrap), Mr Infinity (Tank), Miss Infinity (Troller), Knight.Shade (WS), Knight.Bringer (PB)
Redside Level 50's... Colonel Rogue (Brute), Sergeant Domino (Stalk), F411-OUT (Dom)
Next Project: Psiryn Psi/Psi Cor Global Handle is @Knightingale



Just asking on the off chance that its possible, though I seriously doubt that it is; could we not have a system where the person who has held the global handle for the longest time gets to keep it and the later claimer is the one amended instead? That way although the US servers still have a clear advantage due to the later start of EU servers, there is at least a chance of EU people keeping their contested handles.



Originally Posted by Knightingale View Post
just for the record here....

Discrimination is a word.

It has a dictionary definition, go look it up. Sometimes it does 'refer' to matters of racial or ethnic discrimination, but that's not what the word itself means. Hence why we add the words Racial or Ethnic.

When I brought up discrimination earlier it was as a word. At it's basic level the word discrimination means....

"treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit"

I just grabbed that snippet from Dictionary.com

Or from Oxford English....

"the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people"

And yes before you go look and come back it does then say "especially on the grounds of race , age, or sex" but it doesn't say EXCLUSIVELY on the grounds of etc....

So using as a word. And using those definitions..... it ABSOLUTELY is the right word to use in this instance.

We as a COX playerbase are split into 3 groups. Those that have EU accounts, those that have US accounts, and those who have both.

A decision has been made, whatever the criteria, that affects one of these groups more than the others. So like definition 1, we're being treated as a group, rather than as an individual.

Hence why we don't like it. Hence why we are using the word Discrimination.

Notice when I quoted MLK in a much earlier post I didn't post anything about the racial message he was trying to send. Just the "Aren't we all created Equal" bit. Because as paying COX customers should we all be treated equally?

The Veterancy method proposed bases it's criteria on the Individual, because everyone will have a different length of service. Hence it's NON discriminatory.

Now I agree also that to drag up EULA's and courts and laws etc is silly as to be honest nobody is going to even try to take this to court, it probably wouldn't stand up and it is to be honest just a game we're talking about.

And whatever happens I'll still be playing and won't be kicking up a stink in the European courts. LOL

The problem is, personal merit is a complete non-issue here. NCSoft/Paragon don't know you outside of very basic account information. So making a personal-merit judgment is beyond them.

Also, you've conveniently neglected some of the additional usages for "discrimination".

From Oxford
2 recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another:discrimination between right and wrong young children have difficulties in making fine discriminations
From Dictionary.com
the power of making fine distinctions; discriminating judgment: She chose the colors with great discrimination.
From Merriam-Webster
the quality or power of finely distinguishing
And to qualify as the other type of discrimination, one would have to somehow prove that they harbored some malicious intent towards their EU subscribers. Their stated criteria here had nothing of "Screw the EU". It was simple math. The population on the EU side was smaller and it was faster, cheaper, and easier to implement it this way.

Also, their responses thus far have indicated that they ARE sympathetic to the concerns raised and are willing, if it's reasonable and possible, to alter their plans.

As such, proving discriminatory (in the negative connotation) is going to be a real tough sell.

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I see alot of people mentioning why someone from the EU is bothered by losing their global and that the EU will get an extra 11 servers where as the NA only get 4 to compensate. What they are failing to see is you already had11 servers to our 4 for 7 years and since then we have made our bed and for most are laying in it quite comfortably.

I was not one that wanted a merged list, and never screamed high and low about it, I was one that screamed high and low that Going Rogue was not going to hit shelves in the EU.
This was my way to increase our server population, not a server merge. Our shelves in the EU are populated by other MMO games and we have nothing that screams play CoX over here.

Now NCsoft missed that boat and in compensation we get a merged server list, fine I thought maybe this will increase our population, but then we get hit with the NCsoft baseball bat yet again and told don't get over excited here, this isn't a merge after all. All we are doing is letting you onto to out main server list and you got to pay for it, pay for it with your Global name.

I am now one that is very much dead set against being shipped over, and would like to thank NCsoft for their offer but No thanks, I would like to stay as we are please.

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
The problem is, personal merit is a complete non-issue here. NCSoft/Paragon don't know you outside of very basic account information. So making a personal-merit judgment is beyond them.

Also, you've conveniently neglected some of the additional usages for "discrimination".

From Oxford

From Dictionary.com

From Merriam-Webster

And to qualify as the other type of discrimination, one would have to somehow prove that they harbored some malicious intent towards their EU subscribers. Their stated criteria here had nothing of "Screw the EU". It was simple math. The population on the EU side was smaller and it was faster, cheaper, and easier to implement it this way.

Also, their responses thus far have indicated that they ARE sympathetic to the concerns raised and are willing, if it's reasonable and possible, to alter their plans.

As such, proving discriminatory (in the negative connotation) is going to be a real tough sell.
He hasn't "Neglected" anything.

Knightinggale has clearly stated the use of the term in the manner in which he meant it to be taken.

I'm pretty sure I could go through peoples posts with a fine tooth comb and come up with differing definitions of the words they use but this doesn't mean that that's what they meant in the context of their post.

As for simple math? Not at all. If my name conflicts with someone with the same name on an NA account then that's 1 for 1. If 100 names conflict then that's 100 EU names with 100 NA names. In other words, how can it effect a larger or lesser amount of people?

Even if it's the same person with the same name on two accounts (one on EU and the other on NA) that's STILL 1 for 1.

So, whether you take it as it being person for person or account for account, it's still the same number of people being effected.

I personally think the VET way is the best way. If someone in America has the same global name as me then of COURSE I'll be gutted but, hey! They thought of it first

A Fishy Tale: Arc ID: 334602
Co-Leader of the CREE
http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=254005 when I can be bothered.



And there was me thinking 1 Fish was bad enough, I didn't even dare consider there being 2

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt



Originally Posted by Jordan_Yen View Post
One thing I'd like to see us concentrate more on is the idea that the players themselves might help our EU friends. Not only can we contact the holders of the global for you, but some of us would be willing to give up globals too.

For example, I won't give up my Jordan Yen global at all, but my second account doesn't matter to me nearly as much. When the merge happens, please feel free to PM me anytime. I, and many others like me, would be happy to help.

It's the kind of community we have after all
I'd love if you could talk to NA @Q. for me and see if they're around and if they're even open to change their global name. I tried, but trial accounts aren't allowed tells. (which is silly!) I'm happy to have the reply over a PM here, so we don't spam the open thread with private requests.

The Corporation means BUSINESS!



Originally Posted by Knightingale View Post
just for the record here....

Discrimination is a word.

It has a dictionary definition, go look it up. Sometimes it does 'refer' to matters of racial or ethnic discrimination, but that's not what the word itself means. Hence why we add the words Racial or Ethnic.
Yes, discrimination is a word. It applies to all sorts of situations, many highly justified. Indeed, the solution that's generally been preferred by the posters in this thread calls for discriminating against newer or less active players and in favor of longer-active players. Yes, that is just as much "discrimination" as "in a conflict, the EU player loses out". In a vacuum, most people in the thread consider shafting newer/less active players more just (or less unjust) than shafting EU players. Add the costs and time and safety concerns of simpler existing codes, the balance will change for some.

The reason I object to the term discrimination in this case is twofold. First, it was raised in conjunction with a law with the suggestion that what NC was doing was illegal, which is silly. Second, even with that out of the way, when people use the word "discrimination" they usually mean it in a perjorative way, the decision is being made for emotional mean reasons, a.k.a. as "the devs hate us" (or in this case, it's the suits doing the hating). Which I would also describe as silly.

I don't think the people making the decisions gave sufficient consideration to the importance of the social aspects (particularly with global names). I believe they made a mistake because they didn't think through all the ramifications, and are making a mistake in not taking the hit to deal with those ramifications. But they aren't doing it because they're stupid, or because they hate EU customers.

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Originally Posted by RiggsMcClane View Post
Anyway, your point is moot every time you accept the user agreement before you enter the game.
Aaaactually, the User Agreement itself has this to say about the matter:

Originally Posted by User Agreement in EU client
This Agreement and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law. [snippety] If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be struck and the remaining provisions shall be enforced.

Still @Shadow Kitty

"I became Archvillain before Statesman nerfed himself!"



Sorry, but everything that you have made inside CoX is considered property of NCsoft as well.

They are also allowed to change, rename and delete said content whenever they want.



Originally Posted by Shadowe View Post
Just because it's of interest to me (I honestly don't care if this is "discrimination" or not): There are possibly grounds for considering this discrimination under the Equality Act 2010.

As defined in the act, Nationality is a part of race, and is a protected characteristic.

The act defines direct discrimination, including (but not limited to): A person (A) discriminates against another (B) if, because of a protected characteristic, A treats B less favourably than A treats or would treat others.

Under the Provisions of Service portion of the act (which includes public and private sector services, which is what NCSoft does): A service-provider (A) must not, in providing the service, discriminate against a person (B)—

(a)as to the terms on which A provides the service to B;
(b)by terminating the provision of the service to B;
(c)by subjecting B to any other detriment.

Which nationality are you claiming is being discriminated against under the Act? I know the legal system in the US has issues, but if the British system would honor a claim of discrimination against everyone in the country I need to tune in to Law and Order UK more.

The problem with all legal arguments for discrimination is that even if you were to accept the notion that EU City of Heroes players are a protected class of person, in every country CoX operates NCSoft is not specifically discriminating against any one group of people over another which means there isn't a local claim of discrimination possible, and even within the EU as a whole there is still no discrimination against any subset of EU citizens.

If you can find a law that states a private company must treat Europeans as a group identically to US and other citizens, and a jurisdiction that can apply that law to NCSoft, then you might have grounds for a claim. You'd almost certainly still lose, but you'd at least have legal grounds to make the claim in the first place.

The irony about all of these pseudo-legal claims of discrimination is that they are actually counter-productive to their own cause. So long as NCSoft changes *all* EU accounts that create a collision, its *impossible* to run afoul of any EU discrimination law. However if they change *some* but not *all* EU accounts with a collision, then the precise manner in which they do that *can* subject them to a discrimination claim in theory. They'd still be crackpot claims, but legally viable crackpot claims. These same arguments claiming NCSoft is discriminating against EU players can easily be turned to claiming that changing them based on, say, veteran status is a form of discrimination because it potentially targets the economically disadvantaged because they are less likely to have long term sustained subscriptions. Or using a first-come first-change global system discriminates against the employed. Or using any complex system discriminates against the elderly, who could be more easily confused by such a system.

These are all, I should emphasize, silly assertions. However, they have stronger merit than the claim of ethnic or national discrimination because they actually have one property the EU-wide claim does not have. It actually *mentions* a *subset* class of person being discriminated against. The EU-wide claim is essentially claiming that the class of person being discriminated against, within the jurisdiction being discussed, is everyone.

However unfair or unwise the NCSoft change might or might not be is a customer service issue. It is not a legal issue. Pressing the legal issue cannot help, but it can backfire. No one is going to find a law that says a Korean company has to treat US and other citizens no differently than EU citizens when it comes to a server merge. But I wouldn't bet against someone finding a law that on paper says changing by veteran status is legally questionable. I wouldn't actually take that bet.

There is a notion that the best way to advocate is to throw the kitchen sink at the issue, hoping that something sticks. There is no cost for deploying a losing argument. That's false. Advocacy often falls victim to its weakest argument.

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Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
Sorry, but everything that you have made inside CoX is considered property of NCsoft as well.

They are also allowed to change, rename and delete said content whenever they want.
And when you vote a polition in to lead a country they can also run said country however they chose within constraints.

Doesn't mean that they should go against what a large majority of the population DOESN'T clearly want even though they have the right too

A Fishy Tale: Arc ID: 334602
Co-Leader of the CREE
http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=254005 when I can be bothered.



In this case any discrimination claim would probably be more based on the concept of Ethnic Origin - i.e. European. It is illegal to unfairly discriminate against a person or identiable group of persons on the grounds covered by the act.

There is also another potential legal pitfall in regards changing the account name as this has the risk of inadvertantly granting access to on user's account to a different user.
Take the example
Player A has a Eu account with account name Account
Player B has a NA account with account name Account
By chance both have chosen the same password - not as unlikely as you may think
Now following the proposed change
Player A's account is renamed to EuAccount
However player A is unaware of this change and logs in to what he believes is his account instead he ends up in player B's account and could adversely affect it - either by deleting existing characters or by inappropriate actions causing player B to be banned.
Now whilst it would currently be possible for player A to do this by logging on to the US servers half of the security battle is not making the account name known and such an action would be more likely to be a deliberate action on the part of player A and as such we should expect NCSoft to investigate and take appropriate action. By making this change NCSoft increases the risk of this happening by accident and I very much doubt if the US player B would be particularly impressed to find all his characters deleted or himself banned due to no fault of his own.

It would be much better to as you have already said prevent the creation of account names or globals which match anyone else on either current server farm - and that really should have been done BEFORE making this announcement. That way there is no increase in the number of affected accounts.

In the case of conflicts betwwen accounts on the same global account grant a rename which can be applied to any account on the same gloabl account for both globalname and account name - If it isn't used before the merge change both.

After that give preference to Active full accounts first Inactive trial accounts last - to be honest I don't know which way I'd go between inactive full and active trial - probably go for the inactive full to keep it - the active trial can become an active full after all.
If both are inactive or both trial come the merge change both.

That should handle the vast majority of problem conflicts - I'd suggest if the number remaining is small after that contact both - either may wish to change anyway - if there is still a conflict after that base it on veteran time at the end of the day it is the fairest means.

In the end this merge is something that many player myself included want to see happening there are a number of benifits - access to a larger number of servers being the major one especially for many EU players, however there are others and I suspect players particularly from the Montreal are might swell the population of Vigilance. We recognise that there are issues with name conflicts what we have a problem with is the way in which these conflicts are being addressed.
Most of us will accept these changes even if we aren't happy but that doesn't excuse taking actions which alienate a significant proportion of the player base especially when they are delivered as au fait d'accomplis.

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
... Sniiiiip.
Thanks, Arcana. That's pretty much the flaw I saw with it, also. I did point out that I considered it "possible grounds", and that it perhaps merited discussion, not that I think there is any actual legal basis for a discrimination suit to be levied.

I will point out, though, that the legislation does not make any bones about where individuals " treated less favourably than [they] treats or would treat others" are actually based. As such, yes, the English legislature is in a position whereby if a company offers different (and less favourable terms) to someone (or many someones) in England compared to the terms for the same service that they offer anyone anywhere else in the world, that company is in breach of the Equality Act 2010.

The other point against it as a possible argument is that NCSoft do not prevent players based in England from purchasing US accounts. They therefore do offer equal terms to people in England, but people in England may choose to forego that option and purchase an EU account instead. The argument against this point is that the instant the server lists are merged, those terms must become identical and not offer any specific advantage or favourable terms to either NA or EU account holders. The argument of many on these boards is that they are offering advantageous terms to NA subscribers, by virtue of the knowledge that they will not undergo a forced change of "community identity" as a result of the change, whereas the EU subscribers are not being offered parity.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Originally Posted by The_Fish View Post
He hasn't "Neglected" anything.
If you say so.

Knightinggale has clearly stated the use of the term in the manner in which he meant it to be taken.
Just as I pointed out that there's a usage of the term lacking the sinister connotations.

As for simple math? Not at all. If my name conflicts with someone with the same name on an NA account then that's 1 for 1. If 100 names conflict then that's 100 EU names with 100 NA names. In other words, how can it effect a larger or lesser amount of people?
You evidently missed the rest of the argument about the labor and time involved apparently. Those factor in as well.

So, whether you take it as it being person for person or account for account, it's still the same number of people being effected.
But in the default case (your "screw the EU scenario"), there's only one, SMALLER database that needs to be reworked and incorporated. Rather than two, with some sort of metadata filtering going on for decisions between collisions. Less time, less work. The math is still quite simple there.

I personally think the VET way is the best way. If someone in America has the same global name as me then of COURSE I'll be gutted but, hey! They thought of it first
I agree. As I've stated previously, my preference would be a system working thus:

Active vs Inactive/Demo = Active Wins
Inactive vs Demo = Double Lose
Active vs Active = Seniority

I'm merely objecting to the the cry of "discrimination" (in the negative connotation). It's fairly evident that nothing of the sort is taking place here.

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Originally Posted by The_Fish View Post
And when you vote a polition in to lead a country they can also run said country however they chose within constraints.

Doesn't mean that they should go against what a large majority of the population DOESN'T clearly want even though they have the right too

Yep. Welcome to the real world.

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This global name change policy has clearly demonstrated that EU Players are considered second class.

This policy would never be enacted if it was to the detriment of NA players rather than EU.

I'm personally not very attached to my global name but even so, the way in which global name clashes are to be handled leaves a bitter taste.



My advice to those unhappy -

Focus on the "happy customers both keep paying money and encourage others to join the game" strategy. From a system management point, they think they've got solid reasons for what they did (and the worst part is - they do). Show that there are other reasons that are more important, that make it a better choice for NC Soft to go the extra mile to use the veteran status.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



Got a response from support regarding removal of expired trial account. This ofcourse was not possible, then again my query wasnt read, cause i was assured i can always change my password whenever i want...

Funny that the word password wasnt even IN my question.

So trying to get it escelated.

Since this announcement i havent played CoH, i am not planning to quit, and ill prolly come back to playing regulary, but atm the sour taste in my mouth, just makes me not want to logon. Really hoping SOME comprimise is made, but to be honest, i expect nothing to change.

ps: the new login security is the most stupid idea on ncsoft site ever. It offers practically no extra security, only hassle. And i work with securing computer networks and data storage. Then again this is an NCSOFT issue not a CoH/paragon studios issue.

Everyone is someone elses weirdo.



Originally Posted by Mechafang View Post
This global name change policy has clearly demonstrated that EU Players are considered second class.
So you're volunteering the time, effort and money it'll take to implement a "fairer" system?

Didn't think so.

This policy would never be enacted if it was to the detriment of NA players rather than EU.
Were the US database smaller than the EU one? It probably still would have been.

Also, the policy has NOT been enacted yet. And, due to the outcry, it is being reconsidered.

I'm personally not very attached to my global name but even so, the way in which global name clashes are to be handled leaves a bitter taste.
Again, they are looking at other options right now, as it has been impressed upon them how sensitive people are to the issue.

So cut them some slack.

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Originally Posted by Random_Rolle View Post
Got a response from support regarding removal of expired trial account. This ofcourse was not possible, then again my query wasnt read, cause i was assured i can always change my password whenever i want...

Funny that the word password wasnt even IN my question.

So trying to get it escelated.

Since this announcement i havent played CoH, i am not planning to quit, and ill prolly come back to playing regulary, but atm the sour taste in my mouth, just makes me not want to logon. Really hoping SOME comprimise is made, but to be honest, i expect nothing to change.
Regarding the trial account, there are some rumors of a reactivation weekend which will give you the opportunity to go in and alter the global on that account so it doesn't conflict.

ps: the new login security is the most stupid idea on ncsoft site ever. It offers practically no extra security, only hassle. And i work with securing computer networks and data storage. Then again this is an NCSOFT issue not a CoH/paragon studios issue.
Agreed. Don't even get me started on the verification.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Regarding the trial account, there are some rumors of a reactivation weekend which will give you the opportunity to go in and alter the global on that account so it doesn't conflict.

Agreed. Don't even get me started on the verification.
Rumours! Zwillinger has stated it will happen 4 pages ago

Yes that helps alleviate the problem with the global chat handle - assuming of course you don't pick one thats already on the NA servers and no-one else picks one that conflicts with your EU account either. It still doesn't address the renaming of the account name as we cannot change that. It also assumes you haven't already used your global chat rename.
Personally I'm not overly concerned about the global chat name - I'd actually prefer the one on my inactive US/EU Test accounts over my active EU account - they are different and I don't expect it to be affected but would definitely prefer the account rename apply to my US rather than EU account - those share the same account name so will be affected.

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
So you're volunteering the time, effort and money it'll take to implement a "fairer" system?
You could argue that paying 150% more* for 4/11th of the amount of servers for six years would be volunteering at least the money for the fairer system.

* True, that's temporary and because the euro currently is a stronger currency than the dollar, but still.

Still @Shadow Kitty

"I became Archvillain before Statesman nerfed himself!"