City of Heroes PAX East Panel 2011: Issue 20 and Q&A
11:50 is where they show the new map for the Hamidon's lair under Praetoria City - and it certainly looks pretty unique.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Of course he is. He has that trademark Nemesis spiky hair.
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right
![]() |
I wonder if Nemesis himself is an Incarnate? Or maybe he became one later on, and that was part of his transformation into Silos?
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
The Q&A parts 1, 2, and 3 of 4 are now uploaded and posted on the first post.
Globals: @Nurse Midnight, @Red Kabuto, @Zeronos
Twitter: @NurseMidnight
Golden Age Heroes
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.
Thanks for uploading those.
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Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

Part 4 of the Q&A has been uploaded. You're welcome!
Globals: @Nurse Midnight, @Red Kabuto, @Zeronos
Twitter: @NurseMidnight
Golden Age Heroes
Costume parts unlocked via the Incarnate system sounds interesting - maybe that's how the IDF uniforms are going to be given out?
Like they might either be unlocked for completeing a Trial, like the Roman armor on the ITF, or be purchasable with the new merits, like Vanguard costume parts.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Costume parts unlocked via the Incarnate system sounds interesting - maybe that's how the IDF uniforms are going to be given out?
Like they might either be unlocked for completeing a Trial, like the Roman armor on the ITF, or be purchasable with the new merits, like Vanguard costume parts. |
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
That was very good of you to record and upload.
I am surprised someone didn't ask about the ability to customize the Lore pets
If by "interesting" you mean "really terrible idea" then yes. Locking costume parts to 35+ is already bad enough, but locking them to post-50 is a pretty bad move. If they do this at all (they shouldn't), it should be limited to an insanely microscopic amount of costume parts. Please just give us the rest as part of regular content.

That was very good of you to record and upload.
I am surprised someone didn't ask about the ability to customize the Lore pets ![]() |
And I agree. Very surprised.
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Okay, DJ Zero's an Incarnate, I can accept that (god forbid anyone become awesomely powerful without the Well), but he's FAVORED by it?
That just seems... well... Contradictory, I mean DJ Zero's about as inert as most gases, why would the Well favor him?
Also, Incarnate unlocked costume pieces? HORRIBLE!
Just horrible! What were the Devs thinking?! Why are they doing this?!
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Costume parts unlocked via the Incarnate system sounds interesting - maybe that's how the IDF uniforms are going to be given out?
Like they might either be unlocked for completeing a Trial, like the Roman armor on the ITF, or be purchasable with the new merits, like Vanguard costume parts. |
What video and what time marker is that?
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Okay, DJ Zero's an Incarnate, I can accept that (god forbid anyone become awesomely powerful without the Well), but he's FAVORED by it?
That just seems... well... Contradictory, I mean DJ Zero's about as inert as most gases, why would the Well favor him? Also, Incarnate unlocked costume pieces? HORRIBLE! Just horrible! What were the Devs thinking?! Why are they doing this?! |
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Okay, DJ Zero's an Incarnate, I can accept that (god forbid anyone become awesomely powerful without the Well), but he's FAVORED by it?
That just seems... well... Contradictory, I mean DJ Zero's about as inert as most gases, why would the Well favor him? Also, Incarnate unlocked costume pieces? HORRIBLE! Just horrible! What were the Devs thinking?! Why are they doing this?! |
"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."
If I had to guess, they did it to give folks something to aspire to other than the sense of accomplishment for doing the Incarnate content. There are people who will never get some Vet bonuses because they may never be able to play the game long enough. Me I accept that there are certain rewards that I may never attain because of the content involved in getting them.
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If you mean in relation to the costume pieces, then I would note that I'm actually against Vet reward costume pieces too. Not only have those locked some people from very cool costumes and themes (my samurai was not able to have his armor for a LOOOOOOOOOOONG time), but it also means that Devs can't revisit the themes (outside of wings) for fear of angering people who waited for the Veteran rewards. (Frankly, I say open up all vet reward costume unlocks to all players and have the vet reward be a butt load of costume change tokens)
"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Globals: @Nurse Midnight, @Red Kabuto, @Zeronos
Twitter: @NurseMidnight
Golden Age Heroes
My friend and I did at the meet and greet actually. Second Measure said that it would take a VERY long time to do that and their resources would all be focused on that, so we wouldn't get any new things at all if that happened. He said that there are more Lore summons coming when the Incarnate trees expand.

Hey everyone, here's the Issue 20 section of the PAX East 2011 CoH Panel that I recorded. The first part of the panel was an intro to CoH for the masses that weren't familiar with it. This part is the meat and potatoes of the Panel with all the new stuff we'll be seeing soon. A note for part 1, I had to adjust my camera quick so it's a short one, so there's a slight delay between 1 and 2. Also with 3 to 4 I ran out of memory on my camera so I switched to my iphone quickly. I hope everyone likes these. Enjoy!
Issue 20 Part
Q&A Part 1:
Q&A Part 2:
Q&A Part 3:
Q&A Part 4:
Demo of Incarnate Powers by @Dr. Reverend and I in ICON:
A thing I missed recording was DJ Zero's an Incarnate. Also, I'm sorry for the shaky camera at times, I didn't have a tripod with me and my arm was getting cramped at times.
Globals: @Nurse Midnight, @Red Kabuto, @Zeronos
Twitter: @NurseMidnight
Golden Age Heroes