Fun with Apex

Adeon Hawkwood



This week has resulted in a lot of folks who have never run the Apex TF giving it a shot and a particularly funny thing happened on one run I was on this week.

Going in to the last mission the team leader was going over the strategy since we hade a few who had never run it. Another member on the team popped up and said something to this effect:

"Durring the Battle Maiden fight you will see blue circles on the ground. Make sure you get inside those ASAP. They give you a huge recovery bonus and BM has mean end reduction in her attacks."

This was a good natured team, and many jokes had been made up to this point, so luckily the ones who knew better kept their mouth shut, including the team leader. Well, obviously many deaths followed and after a few minutes the newbies figured it out. No one was angry about it and we all had a good laugh.

Any other amusing WST stories out there?



I discovered a brand new rule in team recruiting.

Apparently there is a NO StalkerS (we're allowed to have one) rule that I was unaware of.

So there I was in RWZ looking for an Apex team. Someone was recruiting so I send them a tell and get "Sorry we already have a Stalker on the team." Needless to say I was quite boggled about it. and responded "Since when is having more damage on the team a bad thing unless your lacking in other areas?"

Naturally I never heard back from them. Unfortunatley I actually forgot to make a player note for them. Went ahead and helped a Mastermind with the Honoree mission from Ramiel and made a new friend though.

So remember everyone NO StalkerS (we're allowed to have one)



While doing multiple Sister Psyches and Apexes for the Assist Badge, I was flabbergasted at all the responses such as, "Can you use a Blaster?" "Is a Widow OK?" etc...

Sheesh. Maybe people think that Apex is like a LRSF, but to be concerned over AT make-up on a Sister Psyche?!

I changed my recruiting calls to add: "... All ATs welcome."

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"All ATs welcome" has always been my motto regardless of what I'm doing. If I really feel that a certain AT is necessary, I will switch if necessary to fill that hole. Otherwise I feel anything can be made to work with the tools you're given.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
While doing multiple Sister Psyches and Apexes for the Assist Badge, I was flabbergasted at all the responses such as, "Can you use a Blaster?" "Is a Widow OK?" etc...

Sheesh. Maybe people think that Apex is like a LRSF, but to be concerned over AT make-up on a Sister Psyche?!

I changed my recruiting calls to add: "... All ATs welcome."
Heh, I had the inverse on an ITF a few days ago. Someone wanted to know exactly what powersets I had on the team before joining. When I told him I had no clue (people hadn't zoned in yet) he asked to at least know what powersets the Tank had. I told him I didn't even know if there was a Tank on the team (see previous comment) and never heard from him again .



Fill last spot with a warshade.
Receive surprise ambush cysts with the clockwork.



erm, only a classic...sorry would rather have a invul tank instead of a invul brute..guys seriously..

sometimes i wish i had a faceplanting place on my desk.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
While doing multiple Sister Psyches and Apexes for the Assist Badge, I was flabbergasted at all the responses such as, "Can you use a Blaster?" "Is a Widow OK?" etc...

Sheesh. Maybe people think that Apex is like a LRSF, but to be concerned over AT make-up on a Sister Psyche?!

I changed my recruiting calls to add: "... All ATs welcome."

I always find this hysterical. Let's see recently I did an ITF.. No Tank or Brute at all but the Scrappers amd Blasters we had generated enough damage to overwhelm anything we faced and the Controllers locked down everything including Rommi. To give you an idea of how hard we struggled in mission three we took out Romulus, Requim and the Phallanx Generator all at the same time and no one died. Uh huh we NEED a Tank on that for sure.

Did a LGFT where the Brute quit on us before mission one ended (apparently he was assuming we were doing a SPEED RUN and was highly upset in tells with the leader when we had the nerve to actually save Penny in Mission one and defeat the Clockwork king instead of letting her die.. OH Heavens! LOL). As we continued on we lost one controller and a scrapper so by the time we hit Hami we were down to 5. Even I figured we'd fail but we managed to polish off the Mitos and Hami and then breezed through Honoree and Hro' Dtohz. I won't say it wasn't a bit of an effort but we didn't just give up and we succeeded.

The "To succeed we must have .. 1 Tank for Aggros, 1 Defender to heal 1 or 2 controlled to hold, buff or debuff and LOTS AND LOTS of damage" that we still see at times amazes me after 7 years of teams proving that just isn't true with THIS MMO.

I didn't do a lot of Apex TFs this week. All my Incarnates have the Notices they need to make very rares but a few still needed Shards so I have been doing a lot of ITFs, a couple LGTF and a few STFs. I did do 5 Apex and four were successful.. three were even Master or runs and several of my characters now have that badge.. One already had the Master of but two more joined her.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
While doing multiple Sister Psyches and Apexes for the Assist Badge, I was flabbergasted at all the responses such as, "Can you use a Blaster?" "Is a Widow OK?" etc...

Sheesh. Maybe people think that Apex is like a LRSF, but to be concerned over AT make-up on a Sister Psyche?!

I changed my recruiting calls to add: "... All ATs welcome."
I think it might be party down to the vague word of mouth about how it's more challenging than a lot of the other TFs.

I ran one this evening on Victory with 4 players who'd never done it before - and the only thing we failed at was the Mo badge.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



To me, people asking for specific ATs in a LRSF are no more or no less funny than people asking for specific ATs in a Sister Psyche.



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
To me, people asking for specific ATs in a LRSF are no more or no less funny than people asking for specific ATs in a Sister Psyche.

The way I see it. Everything in this game can be done with pretty much any mix of ATs, but some powersets make it easier.

@Sparky Jenkins || Freedom Server | Union Server
Main Hero: Inferno Sparky - Fire/Fire Blaster
Main Villain: Kerry Astrid - Fire/Cold Corruptor



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
To me, people asking for specific ATs in a LRSF are no more or no less funny than people asking for specific ATs in a Sister Psyche.

My best Apex this week (also my best ever) was with a half-PuG consisting of 3 blasters, 3 brutes (me'n my brothers), a tanker and a kin defender. No shields or debuffs. We cleared the last mission in under 5 minutes. Total time was 22 minutes and 22 seconds.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



You're (Wanted_NA) most certainly correct.

On the other hand, at some point you have to ask : how easy exactly does it have to be?

More often than not, the difference between having the "right" ATs or not is the difference between a very easy TF and a merely easy one, or a completion time of 20 minutes against a completion time of 30 minutes (which, admittedly, can be big for people who have limited playtime... If that benefit wasn't nullified by sitting around for 15 minutes during recruiting to get the "right" ATs).

There's one thing I'll give build elitists, it's the Barracuda SF. I did fail it a few times on groups of 4-5 people when we came without defenders or masterminds. Reichsman is tremendously hard to kill if you don't have the unphasing temp power or massive debuffs/damage.

Other than that... Meh!



Originally Posted by Wanted_NA View Post
The way I see it. Everything in this game can be done with pretty much any mix of ATs, but some powersets make it easier.
Nope. The forums have shown me that it's impossible to solo Trap Door and Apex is a cruel joke by the devs. Stuff is hard

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
You're (Wanted_NA) most certainly correct.

On the other hand, at some point you have to ask : how easy exactly does it have to be?

More often than not, the difference between having the "right" ATs or not is the difference between a very easy TF and a merely easy one, or a completion time of 20 minutes against a completion time of 30 minutes (which, admittedly, can be big for people who have limited playtime... If that benefit wasn't nullified by sitting around for 15 minutes during recruiting to get the "right" ATs).

There's one thing I'll give build elitists, it's the Barracuda SF. I did fail it a few times on groups of 4-5 people when we came without defenders or masterminds. Reichsman is tremendously hard to kill if you don't have the unphasing temp power or massive debuffs/damage.

Other than that... Meh!
I agree there. Especially the bolded part. However, personally if I have people on the team where 5 or 10 minutes might mean they won't be able to finish with us unless we finish super fast I usually tell them we probably won't make it...even if we do end up nailing it in the alloted time. Personally, when I'm doing a "speed" TF I don't aim for record times. A speed TF (To me) means skipping what we don't need and going directly for our goals..doesn't have to be done in shortest possible time. However..depending on how the team make ends up, I may aim for that if I see a great potential in the team. Funnily enough, some of my best TF times just happened with no specific team planning.

Whenever I'm recruiting for a TF my broadcasts are usually something like "Room for # on X TF, pst for invite. [buff/debuff/damage] would be nice."

I hardly ever turn people down because of their AT. Except possibly on LGTF when we have no melee/ranged/holds and need it for the Hami mission.

On the other hand, at some point you have to ask : how easy exactly does it have to be?
Just enough to not be frustrating IMO. For example, an STF with no meatshield (Tank/Brute/Scrapper/Phantom army/Something with a Taunt and a Jetpack and can take at least one shot from LR's Energy attack) can be done, but Recluse will most probably be a gigantic pain in the rear. Or a Kahn TF with no -resist/Regen debuffs. Sure it's possible, but Reichsman will take a loooooong time to kill. Other than that, I have "preferences", but usually not married to something specific.

@Sparky Jenkins || Freedom Server | Union Server
Main Hero: Inferno Sparky - Fire/Fire Blaster
Main Villain: Kerry Astrid - Fire/Cold Corruptor



Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
Nope. The forums have shown me that it's impossible to solo Trap Door and Apex is a cruel joke by the devs. Stuff is hard
Lol, yep.

@Sparky Jenkins || Freedom Server | Union Server
Main Hero: Inferno Sparky - Fire/Fire Blaster
Main Villain: Kerry Astrid - Fire/Cold Corruptor



Yeah, when I build a TF team I try and keep a "come one, come whatever" attitude. If we 'need' something, I'll usually just grab one of my own toons that fit the bill, so whoever wants the [badge/reward/drops] can without being turned down because they 'don't fit the team'. I like oddball teams; they make it fun.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Originally Posted by Wanted_NA View Post
I agree there. Especially the bolded part. However, personally if I have people on the team where 5 or 10 minutes might mean they won't be able to finish with us unless we finish super fast I usually tell them we probably won't make it...even if we do end up nailing it in the alloted time. Personally, when I'm doing a "speed" TF I don't aim for record times. A speed TF (To me) means skipping what we don't need and going directly for our goals..doesn't have to be done in shortest possible time. However..depending on how the team make ends up, I may aim for that if I see a great potential in the team. Funnily enough, some of my best TF times just happened with no specific team planning.

Whenever I'm recruiting for a TF my broadcasts are usually something like "Room for # on X TF, pst for invite. [buff/debuff/damage] would be nice."

I hardly ever turn people down because of their AT. Except possibly on LGTF when we have no melee/ranged/holds and need it for the Hami mission.

Just enough to not be frustrating IMO. For example, an STF with no meatshield (Tank/Brute/Scrapper/Phantom army/Something with a Taunt and a Jetpack and can take at least one shot from LR's Energy attack) can be done, but Recluse will most probably be a gigantic pain in the rear. Or a Kahn TF with no -resist/Regen debuffs. Sure it's possible, but Reichsman will take a loooooong time to kill. Other than that, I have "preferences", but usually not married to something specific.
Reminds me of last night on a STF...

3 Blasters, 1 Scrapper (me), 1 Stalker, 1 Tanker, 1 Brute, and the last one to join a /FF Defender.

The Tankers says they can switch to an EMP or a Rad/Sonic, and I say "up to them, I can keep Recluse taunted [Confront]" so they go, "Okay, I'll grab my EMP to keep you alive."

Which I replied, "Well don't base it off that, I'll survive it just fine. Go for the RAD then to melt the AVs more."

"Are you sure you can survive."


"You sure?"

Needless to say, I love Hover + Confront And our team just melted those Towers! 4 Towers down in less than 5 mins.

Not that we didn't have some deaths on the 4 AVs coming at once, but even then we put them down nice and quickly

And I love using Confront on GW, keeping my distance as she follows me, and the team being mostly range just put her down.

When people ask me what should I bring, I usually reply, "Whatever you'll have fun with" (as I did with this team), Sometimes I'll say "Well, we lack buffs/debuffs/controls, but bring whatever you'll enjoy playing."

Maybe people are just to afraid to fail.

As for Apex. I think the funnest part about this Apex WST, has been seeing "Speed Apex forming" which usually means "we save 5 to 10 minutes on our time"


Other than the one Speed Apex I joined, every one of them was 28-40 minutes (except for one when we had someone mapserve or go afk in a mission, and we waited long enough to boot them and get a time of just over 60mins) and everyone one of them a Masters (even with no real plan to go for Masters when formed).

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
I discovered a brand new rule in team recruiting.

Apparently there is a NO StalkerS (we're allowed to have one) rule that I was unaware of.

So there I was in RWZ looking for an Apex team. Someone was recruiting so I send them a tell and get "Sorry we already have a Stalker on the team." Needless to say I was quite boggled about it. and responded "Since when is having more damage on the team a bad thing unless your lacking in other areas?"

Naturally I never heard back from them. Unfortunatley I actually forgot to make a player note for them. Went ahead and helped a Mastermind with the Honoree mission from Ramiel and made a new friend though.

So remember everyone NO StalkerS (we're allowed to have one)
I formed one with 2 Stalkers! :O I didn't know of this rule!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



This only tempts me to make an All-Stalker SF.



Originally Posted by SpaceNut View Post
Best game of pass-the-aggro ever.
Mobs would be locked in fear to bother with agro.

And if they actually coordinated, what mobs?



My requirements for a TF: 7 other players (or less, depending on the TF and my mood)

AT requirements: It absolutely HAS to be one of the 14 ATs the game allows.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
This only tempts me to make an All-Stalker SF.
Romulus: ... Why is everyone out there just dying? Hm. I must remain vigilant.


Romulus: AAUUGH! You vile fools, I will--

*eight placates*

Romulus: --What? Where did they go?! WHERE ARE YOU?!


Romulus: SON OF HERMES THAT SMARTS! I'll kill you all--


Romulus: ... GOD DAMMIT!

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



We managed an MoATF with a very poorly composed team. Three scrappers (one of which had no alpha slot), three tanks, one controller, and one mastermind (whose internet was such that his uptime was all of five minutes). We still showed Battle Maiden what for. Honestly, that fight was nowhere near as terrifying as I had imagined. And I was quite happily going toe to toe with several War Works.

Necrobond - 50 BS/Inv Scrapper made in I1
Rickar - 50 Bots/FF Mastermind
Anti-Muon - 42 Warshade
Ivory Sicarius - 45 Crab Spider

Aber ja, nat�rlich Hans nass ist, er steht unter einem Wasserfall.