Discussion: The Animal Pack is now available!

Adam Maqil



For some reason when I try to apply the Animal Fur texture to things like chest or legs or hands or feet it keeps putting monstrous fur on it instead. What's going on? Is this a known bug? Is there anything I can do to fix it?

Did somebody say "Eggs?"

Weasel X-01 - Lvl 50 Assault/Dev Blaster
Red Fox Assassin - Lvl 50 Claws/Ninjitsu Stalker



PSA: Anyone who is buying this pack with a credit card different than their usual account payment method will want to go back and check their account payment details after they have completed their purchase.

I used a pre-paid visa to purchase a pack for my husband in November. At no time did I touch his account payment information, but the NCSoft store apparently decided it needed to replace the account-stored card information with this now useless card info. We found this out on Feb 19th, when he tried to log in and was told his account was not active (and hadn't been for four days).

Normally a lapse wouldn't matter, but given the current "loyalty" promotion going on (that my husband is now considered not eligible for), due to a bug in NCSoft's system, - which they will not take responsibility for - it's a big deal if you happen to have a renewal period in the next couple of months. Accidentally charging a six-month or year term to the wrong card, however, could substantially matter if you're careful with your budget and what goes where.

So check.

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Cende, I'm sure you can put in a trouble ticket for that and still get eligibility, so long as it wasn't inactive for a longer period.



I approve.

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Chalk me up as another one who can't buy it because their store apparently can't handle this many people at once (And by this time it really should be able to, this has happened with EVERY booster pack and they really should've done something about it by now) and also as another one annoyed by not being able to put animal fur on normal hands and feet.

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?



Originally Posted by Weasel_X View Post
For some reason when I try to apply the Animal Fur texture to things like chest or legs or hands or feet it keeps putting monstrous fur on it instead. What's going on? Is this a known bug? Is there anything I can do to fix it?
That's not a bug, Animal Fur IS Monstrous Fur. It's just that you can add details to Animal Fur like you can with Tights, while Monstrous Fur you can't.

I sit in my zen of not being able to do anything right while simultaniously not being able to do anything wrong. Om. -CuppaJo
It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.



One small request...

Please add the new emotes to the list of emotes under quick chat.


"I saw my advantage and took it. That's what heroes do." - Homer Simpson.



Originally Posted by Hallowed View Post
Cende, I'm sure you can put in a trouble ticket for that and still get eligibility, so long as it wasn't inactive for a longer period.
He called NCSoft customer disservice and they flat out told him that because the account was inactive for "so long" without a credit card attached, it was ineligible (four days, all of which was during a work week. Thanks, guys). They also said that the replacement of the card on file was "not [their] problem" and that we should have checked earlier (why? we had it on auto-renew and never changed it).

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Saddly, the same problems with store goes on and on?

When will they stop that stupid IP blocking?

I have used the same credit card since I started playing.
I have the annual plan.
I have losts of credit balance on my CC account.
I use it world-wide.

Except on the NCSOFT STORE.

I am getting really frustrated and angry with this.

** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.



The parts all look neat, but you're going to have to revisit the necks on these heads at some point. There's entirely too much clipping going on. The bird head is especially ugly about the clipping, which drastically limits costume options.

Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball



I don't like the monstorous feet for the wolf form. It just doesn't look right. I see the picture on the PlayNC website and it shows wolf feet but in game all i see are the three toed feet we've always had. Is it just me or am I looking in the wrong spot for them?



Originally Posted by Dr_Graviton View Post
Love the pack although I have very little need for a lot of the animal themed parts, the Beast run is worth it on its own hehe.

However I did notice a spelling mistake - the 'Arctic Wolf' head is spelt ARTIC Wolf surprised that one slipped through QA
Sorry chum, it's Arctic. A common spelling error though.



Originally Posted by ViolentPassion View Post
I don't like the monstorous feet for the wolf form. It just doesn't look right. I see the picture on the PlayNC website and it shows wolf feet but in game all i see are the three toed feet we've always had. Is it just me or am I looking in the wrong spot for them?
the feet they have on the wolf are actually the 'Cat Feet' not the monstrous.



Originally Posted by Tidbit View Post
Would love to purchase it. I keep getting a message that they can't accept my order at this time and if I continue to have this problem to visit a retailer. Don't know that I can go into a Game Stop and ask for the Animal Pack . I will try again again later.
I planned on purchasing this, and would love to purchase it, but I can't get past the Confirm Purchase screen. I've tried three times now to buy this and I keep getting the "We can't process your order, please try again later or come back tomorrow."

Guess I'll try again when I get home.
I had the same issue with one of my bank cards, the same one I pay my mothly with, but I found out what the issue is, it's your cookie settings. change your browser to allow ALL cookies and it works fine, then change it back to what ever you had it set for.

Dark Tower. SL50 Stone/Stone Tanker
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Originally Posted by Dark_Tower View Post
I had the same issue with one of my bank cards, the same one I pay my mothly with, but I found out what the issue is, it's your cookie settings. change your browser to allow ALL cookies and it works fine, then change it back to what ever you had it set for.
Didn't change anything for me, same error message in both Firefox and IE with all cookies allowed and with my normal settings.

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?



Originally Posted by Rebel_Scum View Post
Didn't change anything for me, same error message in both Firefox and IE with all cookies allowed and with my normal settings.
Then I'm not sure what the issue is, other then the mostly known fact that you can't buy more then one pack per 24 hours unless your buying it with paypal.

Dark Tower. SL50 Stone/Stone Tanker
Founder The Freedom Phalanx Reserve
An Infinity Top 25 Super Group
Founded January 4th 2006



Originally Posted by KianaZero View Post
That's not a bug, Animal Fur IS Monstrous Fur. It's just that you can add details to Animal Fur like you can with Tights, while Monstrous Fur you can't.
And Animal Fur doesn't use skin colour.


This pack is okay. The Gray Wolf head should have been customizable for two colours rather than forced gray. The Animal Fur should have been available for more boot/glove options. There should have been a couple of patterns for the bird and minotaur heads. There are a decided lack of feathers to accompany the bird head. And the Beast Run seems a bit half-*****.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



I have bought this on my main and my sister's account. I will get it for my second acccount tomorrow.

I know some not see any reason to buy it because it is for beasts mainly all I can see is that I never though I would use the wedding pack, but I do all the time. Lots of great pieces means more option for all the things I have gotten.

So good job Paragon Studios! You fixed my Savage Wolfman toon from looking like he has pig tusks.

BTW, Animals we could have used: Bears, Primates (monkies, apes) Crocodilians and Rodents! Who doesn't want to play a wererat?



So, I just went and actually made a paypal account in the hopes that it might let me buy it that way. No such luck, still just "We're sorry, but we are unable to accept your order at this time. Please try again later or tomorrow. If you continue to have problems, you may wish to visit one of our retail partners." So either I'm doing something horribly wrong, or NCSoft just really doesn't want my money today.

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?



Originally Posted by Decaf View Post
Planned on purchasing this, would love to purchase it, however I can't get past not having the animal fur for "normal" hands and feet. It just looks ridiculous on heeled boots. I see person after person has posted this issue already on the test server feedback thread. Don't get me wrong, what has been done has been done well but for those of us who still want an animal look without using the monstrous lower body it's a damning omission.
I bought it, but finding this out was a REAL downer. What was done was done well, and that's great and all, and I hope for it to get added to the pack at some future point. I mostly bought it to support further development. I had a few ideas rattling around to use it with, but without those options, it killed anything I was considering.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
I bought it, but finding this out was a REAL downer. What was done was done well, and that's great and all, and I hope for it to get added to the pack at some future point. I mostly bought it to support further development. I had a few ideas rattling around to use it with, but without those options, it killed anything I was considering.
Yeah, I'm in the same bus... I've been fighting for the beast pack FOREVER and the options they gave us are nice, but SO limited.

Why can't we use the ears we already had available to us on the new heads?

Why is the scaling customization SO limited on the new heads?

Where is the NECK on my wolf head and why is it so tiny? Give your werewolf any muscles at all and she becomes a pinhead! Why can't I make the head bigger than standard, only smaller?

Why are the cat feet STILL not cat PAWS, but instead have exposed claws just like all the other monster feet?

Where are the extra feathers for bird people besides having a bird head? How about a feathery shoulder fringe like the fur collar, feathery-patterned gloves and tights?

It's nice, and I certainly bought it, but... yeah. I'm underwhelmed and sad because I know they tend not to ever go back and add more to stuff they consider "finished," besides the fact it took us like 6 years just to get these.



I agree, the parts are nice and all, but severly limited. Cannot be combined at all well with other bits, and way to many "missing" options. Like animal fur on flat boots. the diff monster paws/feet on regular legs. And generall more patterns on the new stuff etc. The ears as mentioned, the new should go with the old stuff, and the old stuff with the new heads.

Too many missing combinations.

Everyone is someone elses weirdo.



got the pack. love it. I am pleased cause i got a few cat and wolf chars, who finally look the way they are supposed to do. I think the wolf head look better on an athelic build, but with some play on the scales of the head it does look passable.

I am sorry to hear not everything which is expected can be in there. But there are so many animals in the animal kingdom that no matter what the devs did they would dissappoint a lot of people.

I love animal run: it looks great.

i am a satisfied customer thanks for the pack devs.