Do all my 50s DESERVE to become Incarnates?
If they get the job done, doesn't matter, sanity is optional when world saving.
I'm basically taking only 1 of my 6 level 50's Incarnate BUT I'm probably going to focus on getting her the very rare slot in each of them.
So, Incarnates are the best of the best. We are talking iconic figures here, fantastically super powered folks like Statesman, Lord Recluse, etc. The best of the best. I have a bunch of noble and/or super-evil characters who are qualified to go that next step and become the best of the best.
But then again, I'm looking at my list and wondering if some of the following really deserve going to that next level. Like: Emu Kid, a AR/fire blaster who is the teenage son of a mutant crime fighter who saddled him with stupid useless wings and who burns himself in order to feel alive. Or Noob Cow, a Mind/Kin troller who was a bovine with mad cow disease before scientists tried to cure her with Superadyne. As two examples. Don't get me wrong, they are Incarnate now, but I wonder if when a meteor is about to hit the planet, are these the folks you want to be in control of saving us all? ![]() |
Ooh, a sarcasm detector. Oh, that's a *real* useful invention.
Did Trapdoor deserve to be an Incarnate?
Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP
Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

The thing is, something is behind the driving force of getting a whole army of incarnates for whatever reason. The real question should be, why are so many incarnated needed? (and no, I don't think an invasion by an alien scientist counts)
Yomo, their names alone mean they deserve to be incarnates. Well done.
This question is about as arbitrary as asking whether a character "deserves" to reach level 47, or whether a character "deserves" to have a travel power. It's all part of game progression. You progress as far as you feel makes sense.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
This question is about as arbitrary as asking whether a character "deserves" to reach level 47, or whether a character "deserves" to have a travel power. It's all part of game progression. You progress as far as you feel makes sense.
I have 5 50's. 3 have gotten at least the Uncommon Alpha, and I've decided that only One of these will continue the Incarnate Road and become my 'Superman'. She'll max out on everything that becomes available. This is because of concept *and* time constraints.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
A better question is "Do all of my 50's have TIME to become Incarnates?"
I've got Alpha unlocked on most of my 50's but as for actually crafting boosts to put in those slots, or progressing to higher tiers of Alpha, or unlocking and slotting and progressing other Incarnate abilities... there are only so many hours in the day, ya know?
I'm sticking to one or two for now.
"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick
"Deserve's got nothing to do with it."
Are you in the right place, at the right time? Is a destiny unfolding around you, all unnoticed? When the world teeters on the edge of the doom, one person can determine whether it stands or falls--yes, even if that person is a self-loathing bird boy or transmogrified cow.
Look at the Incarnates already in the world. How did they merit their status?
- Marcus Cole was an arrogant thief, effectively crippled by damaged lungs, when he became an Incarnate.
- Stephan Richter was a brutal thug, reasonably strong and clever, but hardly superhuman.
- Hero 1 was a rough and tumble bloke from the streets of London, showing no real signs of his fae ancestry, until a watery tart lobbed a sword at him.
- Hamidon Pasalima was a mad scientist who turned to dark magic because his science alone wouldn't get him what he wanted. Honestly, given that he was a genius mad scientist before Incarnation, he was probably the most "worthy" of the lot.
Do they sound like people who would go on to shape the fate of the world? Ultimately, your character's fate is up to you. If you don't believe a Glorious Destiny (which, as Mercedes Lackey has pointed out, usually involves a Glorious Funeral) is in the cards for the character, don't pursue Incarnation for them.
For that matter, you could decide that Incarnation has nothing to do with destiny, glorious or otherwise, and treat Incarnation as simply a natural growth of the character's own power--in that case, it hardly matters whether they deserve it or not.
The Way of the Corruptor (Arc ID 49834): Hey villains! Do something for yourself for a change--like twisting the elements to your will. All that's standing in your way are a few secret societies...and Champions of the four elements.
Thanks for saving the planet, Wendy and Marvin!
Ooh, a sarcasm detector. Oh, that's a *real* useful invention.
So, Incarnates are the best of the best. We are talking iconic figures here, fantastically super powered folks like Statesman, Lord Recluse, etc. The best of the best. I have a bunch of noble and/or super-evil characters who are qualified to go that next step and become the best of the best.
But then again, I'm looking at my list and wondering if some of the following really deserve going to that next level. |
For myself, the question 'Does this character DESERVE to become an Incarnate?' is sort of like the question 'Does this character DESERVE to level past 40?' - it's just the next step in power level, slotting an Alpha enhancement is effectively the same as levelling to 51, so why wouldn't I do it on all my characters?
I've got two on the bottom rung of Incarnates at the moment. Looking at two more to go Incarnate-before I put on the brakes..
When I looked at my toons, I asked myself, so how would it make sense for this or that toon to go the Incarnate route in roleplay. (I am obviously on Virtue.).
Not all of them have made the grade so far. A couple are being held back for RP purposes, the rest are in the 'wait and see' catagory. (Although one got her alpha slot through a fluke..right place at the right time while helping others..)
So, if one of the Incarnates I have turns out to be a 'SuperMurdoc' (think that guy from the ATeam in tights and cape), it won't be through design!
Global is @Mellissandria
I don't have that much art, but I do write stories and I do collect art on
my DA account
So, Incarnates are the best of the best. We are talking iconic figures here, fantastically super powered folks like Statesman, Lord Recluse, etc. The best of the best. I have a bunch of noble and/or super-evil characters who are qualified to go that next step and become the best of the best.
But then again, I'm looking at my list and wondering if some of the following really deserve going to that next level. Like: Emu Kid, a AR/fire blaster who is the teenage son of a mutant crime fighter who saddled him with stupid useless wings and who burns himself in order to feel alive. Or Noob Cow, a Mind/Kin troller who was a bovine with mad cow disease before scientists tried to cure her with Superadyne. As two examples. Don't get me wrong, they are Incarnate now, but I wonder if when a meteor is about to hit the planet, are these the folks you want to be in control of saving us all? ![]() |
Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread
I've got two incarnates so far- the living incarnations of the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges. I figure that the increase in power suits them- they're elders, and are likely to be more powerful, by virtue of training and experience. Of course they're going to be able to tap into reserves of power and perform feats that the younglings can't. (Yet).
My other two 50's are holding off- My level 50 scrapper, Anlek'Toh, is one of the young I mentioned above. She's strong, but she's not going to have the powers of an Elder. And my rogue, Seiglinde Ironwolff would most likely be firmly discouraged from trying to overpower herself at this point. Due to the things she's done in the past, her elders might think she's still not quite to be trusted, and since she is trying to redeem herself, defying her people's elders wouldn't help her case any.
A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!
Check out this thread ::
Character Conception :: Not a God
Check out this thread ::
Character Conception :: Not a God |
To earlier posters, I think there is a huge difference between going from level 40 to 41 and going from non-incarnate to incarnate. A new power for the former (epic even!) versus affecting many/most/all of your powers? It's unfair to make that comparison. Incarnate powers are a quantum ahead.
That said, I was really just looking for an opportunity to post a Marvin and Wendy picture...
Ooh, a sarcasm detector. Oh, that's a *real* useful invention.
So, Incarnates are the best of the best. We are talking iconic figures here, fantastically super powered folks like Statesman, Lord Recluse, etc. The best of the best. I have a bunch of noble and/or super-evil characters who are qualified to go that next step and become the best of the best.
But then again, I'm looking at my list and wondering if some of the following really deserve going to that next level.
Like: Emu Kid, a AR/fire blaster who is the teenage son of a mutant crime fighter who saddled him with stupid useless wings and who burns himself in order to feel alive. Or Noob Cow, a Mind/Kin troller who was a bovine with mad cow disease before scientists tried to cure her with Superadyne. As two examples.
Don't get me wrong, they are Incarnate now, but I wonder if when a meteor is about to hit the planet, are these the folks you want to be in control of saving us all?
Ooh, a sarcasm detector. Oh, that's a *real* useful invention.