Buying the same comic more than once




This just happened to me yesterday, Friday, and it's happened a few times before. I don't do this intentionally, its completely by accident. This probably wouldn't happen if I opened a pull box, but I don't have a problem hunting around the shop and paying full market price.

Has this happened to any of you? Or am I just unlucky? =p



Ya, I've done it several times. Mostly when I didn't get around to reading the previously bought issues, then buying the same issue the next week.



Heck I know once I organize my huge backlog of comics and start reading avidly again I will find a few duplicates that will likely be Ebay'd.



Yeah, I've done that before. Luckily I realized it in the car and was able to pop back in the store and just swap for the correct one. Alternate covers throw me off like that.



I've had people buy me comics I already had as gifts, but that's not really the same as doing it myself is it? I never forget what I've already bought, so I don't do this myself.



I've bought the hardback of a graphic novel, and then a few months later bought the paperback version, not remembering that I had it already until I finished reading it and figured out why the story was so familiar....

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



My wife and I have both done that a few times. With 47 alternate covers for every issue of every comic, it's to be expected. I suppose we should just be happy the shelves don't collapse under all that weight.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




I was a sucker in the late 80s for alternate covers during the great comic book investment boom. I gave up buying comics in the early 90s.

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I had 6 or 8 copies of Xforce #1.

There was an image comic that I bought 3 copies of the number 1. Can't remember the name of the Artist or the comic but he did this amazing Moon Knight for 6 or 7 issues and then took off for image. He also took forever to get the first issue published.



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
I've bought the hardback of a graphic novel, and then a few months later bought the paperback version, not remembering that I had it already until I finished reading it and figured out why the story was so familiar....
I've done that, too. I generally get confused when the two different printings of the same book have different covers.

I've done it on purpose a couple times when they've released premier hardback editions with more stuff in it, like concept sketches and interviews. I think Squadron Supreme was like that and I switched over to the giant hardback versions of Invincible after buying the first few TPBs, so there was some duplication there.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



i've bought a few duplicates from time to time. either because i didn't realize the comic i was picking up was a reprint, or because i'd completely forgotten whether or not i'd picked up a particular issue of a given title. it happens a lot less these days since i started just 'storing' issues of mini series in my pick up folder. i mostly clear out my pick folder every week, but im allowed to pull a couple comics and leave them there until i have the cash. so ive been using it to stock mini series, limited series, etc and then grabbing the lot when the whole thing is out.

though i tend to ignore this for the larger events, or if the mini series is going to end up longer than 8 issues. tends to cut back on dupes. wouldn't mind replacing a lot of my back catalog with trades though.



I usually get the alternative covers for Zenescope titles I pull (roughly 2 for each issue). Also I decided for Neonomicon to try to get the 4 covers they come out with in the limited four issue series cause they are amazingly well done.



I had this happen recently. I somehow ended up with 2 copies of Steve Rogers: Super Soldier #1 (of 4), one copy of #2 and no #3. I still don't know how I managed that. I won't buy #4 until I have #3, but I keep forgetting to look for it.



Funny Story. I don't read comics too regularly, I love them but it's never been something I had the time and money, or space to devote to.

Still I pick up Gi Joe Comics fairly regularly, it's the one I will read. Back when Devil's Due were doing the Gi Joe run, (It might have been Image before Devil's Due split off actually.) There was issue #20, "The Silent Issue". No dialog but it was one epic battle between Snake Eyes an Storm Shadow. All of the comic stores in my area sold out of it and I just had a hole between I19 and I21 in my comics for about 2 years. Then I moved to Southern Oregon and found the issue in this cool little comic shop that had a back room with thousands of old comics. (Original 1982 Gi Joe comics etc.)

Less than a week after I got the issue for myself my friend gave it to me as a birthday gift, he knew I was missing it and tracked a copy down for me. So for 2 years I wanted it couldn't find it and then less than a week after I found it I got a second copy. I still have both copies, some where.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker