'Fantastic Four' death: Human Torch dies




Well on Tuesday Marvel finally did it. =( Human torch dies in issue 587.
I liked the human torch wish they would have killed off mister Fantastic instead. Well how long do you all think hell be dead for?
List of reborn heros:
Jean grey
Captain America
Green Arrow
Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
Donna Troy
and on and on
im guessing 3 to 5 years....

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



13 to 38 months (i.e., he'll return in issue 600 or issue 625)

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Sucks for anyone who didn't want the issue spoiled.



He will return in time for the reboot movie.



Death just means so little in comics. How am I supposed to get emotional about marketing hype?

The ONE comic resurrection that I could swallow easily is that of Jean Grey because of the mythos that is the Phoenix. Having said that, I thought the issues of the X-men where the team went through literally years (real time) of mourning and adjustment were so interesting and had so many layers of depth that it is unfortunate that she did come back.

I know the media is jumping all over the Torch dying, but really? I am surprised when time has proven that nobody stays dead.

I would actually protest one of the FF dying more than any group because of their history and the fact that they are the "FF" and not just "The Avengers" where replacement makes sense. I don't have a protest, though, when I know he will be back.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



Originally Posted by High_Jinks View Post
Sucks for anyone who didn't want the issue spoiled.
"Oh no! Someone who routinely rights super villains and puts their life in danger all the time died! How shocking!"

Pft. He'll be back. It's impossible to get emotional about super heroes dying these days. If they're well liked, they're coming back. Never fails. Especially since we're talking about the Fantastic Four. A team that's build heavily around that family-slash-team close knit dynamic. The writers would sooner hang themselves then permanently piss off fans.

I still love 'em, but seriously. They should learn by now that hitting that reset button kills any drama.



I'd put it at about.. oh, a year or so.
Then I'll bet the Pheonix Force decides for whatever reason to see life through the eyes of a man for a while, resurrects him, and then eventually leaves him, more or less none the worse for wear.



Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
The ONE comic resurrection that I could swallow easily is that of Jean Grey because of the mythos that is the Phoenix.
Ironically, Jean's last death seems to have stuck. She's been gone for a good 6+ years, and no sign of a return yet.



He'll probably find out he's some descendant of The Phoenix.



Death in the modern age of comics is nothing but a joke, and pretty much a very bad and/or lazy form of story telling. That said, he'll be back probably within a years time.

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Originally Posted by Warp_Factor View Post
Ironically, Jean's last death seems to have stuck. She's been gone for a good 6+ years, and no sign of a return yet.
I actually stopped reading most comics (*GASP*) because it just became so convoluted and everything was a retcon that I just was over it. I didn't know Jean has been dead so long (GOOD FOR THEM! ATTABOY), but I have no doubts she will be back after some time.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



The Flash was dead for 23 years. I think that's pretty good for a comic.

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Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
The Flash was dead for 23 years. I think that's pretty good for a comic.
True enough. And Hal Jordan was dead for quite some time. Now if we could just keep the dead, dead.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
I actually stopped reading most comics (*GASP*) because it just became so convoluted and everything was a retcon that I just was over it.
Fair point, but if you really like the comics medium I'd suggest skipping the Big 2 and checking out some of the really good work some of the independents and smaller publishers are putting out. I still enjoy some of Marvel and DC's stuff, but most of the stuff that's really clicked with me in the last few years has been by other publishers, or creator owned and controlled stuff on Marvel's Icon imprint. There's a lot of really good work out there that's free of the problems a lot of readers have with Marvel and DC, and most of it isn't selling half as well as it deserves.



I don't really mind a writer reviving their meal ticket. It's been going on for a long time, Sherlock Holmes being a notable example.

That being said, don't make a big to-do about it in a comic book these days unless dead means Sir No Longer Appearing In This Comic, Ever Again.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
The Flash was dead for 23 years. I think that's pretty good for a comic.
As far as I was concerned, that was actually the best... I really felt that Wally West grew into the role of Flash very nicely.

I think that DC made a mistake bringing Barry back, actually.

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Originally Posted by Eisenzahn View Post
DC has historically been better about this. They're far more likely to pass the name and costume on to a new person with the same or similar powers than to bring the original back.
See, I'm all for legacy characters. They don't have to cancel their comic, they get to keep their trademarked or whatever name and the death can still have impact so long as the replacement isn't a carbon copy of the original.



Originally Posted by Eisenzahn View Post
Agreed... but it sometimes gets weird if some members of a major team are more tied to a single civilian identity than others. I think it's safe to say, no matter how many times Bruce Wayne may appear to have passed the cape along to someone else, he'll be back as Batman before a couple years pass. And likewise, there will never be another Superman. But how many Green Lanterns have the two of them been teammates with by now?
Batman Beyond, he actually does retire. 'Course, it took him breaking his number one personal rule to do it as well as being near handicapped, but hey. Even Batman has limits. (Though I don't think that's in the comic book continuity...)

Isn't Superman effectively immortal by now? I mean, he's survived this long with kryptonite being as common as dirt in the DCU. Plus surviving however many magic-based villains he's dealt with.



Originally Posted by Eisenzahn View Post
DC has historically been better about this. They're far more likely to pass the name and costume on to a new person with the same or similar powers than to bring the original back. But they get just as bad a reputation for it as Marvel because the Death of Superman was the single most high profile example of a revolving door afterlife in comics.
I think that's only true if you ignore the last 10 years of comics, and/or if you assume that resurrecting a character is automatically bad no matter how well executed it is. DC's practically had a revolving door to the afterlife between Darkest Night and the results of Superboy's "reality punch" in Infinite Crisis, whereas Marvel has at least created some meaningful and high quality stories with their resurrections of Bucky, Steve Rogers and the Asgardians. That's not to say that Marvel is innocent in this area or has a better track record overall than DC, just that I think you're giving DC a bit of a free pass for the last decade of comics and ignoring the really good stories Marvel has put out around resurrected characters.



Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
Well on Tuesday Marvel finally did it. =( Human torch dies in issue 587.
I liked the human torch wish they would have killed off mister Fantastic instead. Well how long do you all think hell be dead for?
List of reborn heros:
Jean grey
Captain America
Green Arrow
Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
Donna Troy
and on and on
im guessing 3 to 5 years....
So…. ummm… does that meant H.E.R.B.I.E. will replace him? ….



Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
Well on Tuesday Marvel finally did it. =( Human torch dies in issue 587.
I liked the human torch wish they would have killed off mister Fantastic instead. Well how long do you all think hell be dead for?
List of reborn heros:
Jean grey
Captain America
Green Arrow
Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
Donna Troy
and on and on
im guessing 3 to 5 years....
*Thwacks Puppeh* thanks for putting SPOILERS in the thread title.

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Originally Posted by DJ_Shecky View Post
*Thwacks Puppeh* thanks for putting SPOILERS in the thread title.
oww.. hey it was in the news before i said it,,,,,

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Originally Posted by High_Jinks View Post
Sucks for anyone who didn't want the issue spoiled.
((I read the issue in question and believe me -- this stinker was spoiled before it hit stores.

It seems that instead of putting out good new stories featuring classic characters, all the Big 2 can do now is recycle old ideas, and when that doesn't pan out, kill off a character to generate some buzz. I know editorial is to blame, but it makes their writers look really bad. Morrison is the only one who has done something interesting with a character's "death".

And yeah, bringing back Barry Allen was a mistake. Wally was a much more vibrant character. Also, bringing back the LSH as adults? Not a good thing. It makes them Bo-ring.))