Very Best Farmer?



Posted influ before screenshot mission complete influ after

Actally 2.64 is my influ per minute with bosses, i didn't change the numbers from time to total exp so my claim about hero stats being wrong was a mistake.

But from his video his best time with bosses was 3:27 and mine was 3:36 yes his was 9 seconds faster. My Elec/fire/soul isn't an Elec/fire/Mu which I was stateing was faster, but I don't have Mu on my brute i guess you can claim SS/fire/Mu is faster than Elec/Fire based off numbers alone. You still can't finish that map with the rules in 4 minutes and i'll give my influ to a 3rd party to hold.



damn, i must be doing something wrong, cause on fuzzy kitten im hitting anywhere from 4:15 to 4:30



Any chance someone could tell me the name of that map, not the mish, the map?



Originally Posted by MeiLiLan View Post
damn, i must be doing something wrong, cause on fuzzy kitten im hitting anywhere from 4:15 to 4:30
what you using?

and map number is posted by lobstor? at top of page i believe.



The mish number tells me what mish is being used, but seeing as I run a ss/elec that isn't all that useful. What would be useful would be knowing what the map name is, or what map category it is found under.



Originally Posted by iMidget Perfection View Post
what you using?
ss/fa/mu - im not completely done, missing 4 lotg but still, i do have the 1 tier spiritual so far



T3 is the biggest boost and T4 is great but wont help out SS that much but u'll notice it.

You got toons with reward merits? if you got 100 merits on 4 toons that 4 LoGT's in 2 days with 160million.



Really midget you times are pretty good for having electric as your primary. Have you thought about trying out mu for the sake of fences and ball lightening. I know gloom is superb but that immobilize in fences keeps the critters from dispersing as much.

Chuck I'm with you on what map, although getting the boxes and clickies in one area is a mystery to me.



I want to see times that blow mine out of the water but i haven't seen any yet, i know if i got Mu ill be having the same numbers if not higher.. granted ill lose 3.75 recharge (



Completed it in 3:06 for 3.02 mil inf/min. There were 2 enemies left when I clicked the glowie, one of them dying in Burn. That's a good time for me, usually 10 or 15 seconds longer.

If I have the respecs available, I may temporarily try out Mu Mastery to see what I could do with it.




Originally Posted by Fiery-Enforcer View Post

Completed it in 3:06 for 3.02 mil inf/min. There were 2 enemies left when I clicked the glowie, one of them dying in Burn. That's a good time for me, usually 10 or 15 seconds longer.

If I have the respecs available, I may temporarily try out Mu Mastery to see what I could do with it.
So you earned ~9.4M influence in that run, correct? Was this with bosses, or without?

Hazel Black - Mind/Psi D
Stephanie Winters - Nightwidow
Jacqui Frost - Cold/Ice D
Jacqui Embers - Fire/Kin C
Simone Templar - Fire/MM B
Mallory Woods - Kin/Rad D
Sanguine Melody - Grav/Sonic C
Fumina Hara - Plant/Storm C
Nutmeg - Warshade
Lauren Wu



I didn't check the before and after inf numbers, but that sounds about right. And that was with bosses.




Nihilii says:
"How many different maps and different builds must we record on exactly to "show the same effort"? More importantly, *why* should we do that? What's in it for us? I obviously can't speak for everyone, but I think it's safe to say many here have great knowledge of the game and a good understanding of the different builds, and won't learn much if anything from this topic ; and if I wanted to teach people and be rewarded with ungratefulness, arrogance and childish insults, I'd be a highschool teacher - I'd even get a paycheck for it."

--If you don't want to participate in the thread, move along? If you have things to say, say it. Simple? It's the random snide remarks that don't benefit the discussion which derail the conversation, and iMidget isn't an exception to that...but he's trying to make it right, it would seem. On top of that, you obviously feel superior to most folks involved in this discussion at least, despite your veiled efforts to toss out a passing compliment to the masses, if you're convinced you're "teaching" "ungrateful, arrogant children" ....--

"Take a SS/Fire and Claws/Fire. Run them both through an ambush map. Now run them both through an oldschool map (i.e. demon farm, BM map). You're going to see wide differences, because the Claws/Fire benefit a lot more than the SS/Fire from mobs being close together, due to lower radius on its attacks."

--I get that, and that's a valid point. However, considering every mission mentioned or posted so far in this thread with times/benches are AE ambush missions, I'm going to go ahead and toss that in the "irrelevant pile" again. Nitpicking having to click two doors to go into a map and start the timer vs hitting the ground running right in the mob? Silly sauce. When the ambushes triggers are hit, you're target-saturated in seconds... --

If you're talking about the very best farmer, the only metric that matters is how fast can you go - or how much influence per kills per time you make. Asking for specific rules, be it a map choice or something else, is silly at best. The only thing that matters is the end result.

--So how can you compare builds with any frame of reference if there isn't a standardized mechanic to measure results? You just said times can vary greatly running from mob to mob in the older drop farms so the influ/min metric would get way out of wack. Hmm..I know...use a standard map where everyone is bunched in tight, one that everyone can access in that room with the big green portal...and have everyone use the same map. Eliminate mission availability, mob travel time and radius woes.--



It's truly sad how bad you're trying to twist my words as to turn this thing personal. I'll ignore all the obvious misinterpretations of my position and address the things that actually relate somewhat to the main topic.

Clicking two doors, having to run 80 feet, having to destroy/release 3 objects/hostages rather than 2 is a good 15-20 seconds waste of time. When we're discussing runs that last 2 or 3 minutes, that's a significant portion of the total time. There's little point caring about numbers at all if you're going to write off a 10% difference as "irrelevant".

The only frame of reference needed to compare builds is inf (from kills) per time. I never said times can vary greatly running from mob to mob in older farms. I said there is a wide performance difference between some combos on one setup compared to another, due to different radius on attacks. The point of that, which I thought was obvious enough, was to say radius does matter, and so using an inefficient AE ambush map where mobs aren't as tightly bunched up in other, better farms will yield distorted results with some combos not performing as well as they actually can, and others performing just as well and looking better than they should in comparison.

In the end, here's a quick tip for you : if you don't want me to answer, stop bagging on me for not answering. Also, try not to blatantly distort my words.



It's truly said how direct comparisons and responses to your statements can be disregarded when shown from another perspective, too.

Clicking two doors, running 80ft and then starting a timer to get a gauge for speed doesn't require you to shift how you farm all the time. You're acting like someone is forcing you to use this for the rest of your CoX life....when rather, it's just putting up some information for others to compare with in a similar context.

Fair enough on travel time vs the radius of an attack, I see that wasn't the point you were trying to make. However, AE mish with ambushes = saturated radius/targets anyway. Moot point again....since target cap is target cap, and the ambushes arrive in seconds.

In the end, here's a quick tip for you: I didn't say don't answer requests, I commented on what you said and offered up another perspective. ...Quoting someone doesn't distort their words, it gives a basis for contrast and reference.

One last freebie since we're tossing those out (thanks for reaffirming your position on your high horse with the tone of your response) Trying to manipulate our conversation with negative connotations constantly is what makes this pointless. Ease up on the ego a bit, it'll help communications.

To each their own Nihilli, I'll let the folks that are contributing to the thread in a positive manner get back to the topic and quit wasting thread space bickering with you. Thanks for the lively discussion, though.



Hehe TheXor and not using quotes.

Efficiently running the AE mission, especially considering the times given can differ just a couple seconds to a whole minute just by controlling you inspirations use. With all due respect though, running the frontload mission under 4 minutes is pretty impressive at +4/x8 with or without bosses.



I wouldn't listen to the guy anymore. He wont even win a 4 easy billion by doing a mission that would take him less than 4 minutes. The only reasoning he said he wont is cause I wouldn't give 4 billion to a 3rd party which i said i would now. So fail sauce, but on the good side i'm running that front loader more and getting better tatics to run faster alrdy droped 5-8 seconds on an AVG and respecing into mu today to test it out. taking out a apoc set and putting in a posi with extra dmg proc.



Has anyone tested different difficulty's and seen if +4/x8 is really the best to be at?



respeced into Mu epic, cost me 3.75 recharge total and 500million but I did take out a set of Apoc's so maybe the 500million worth it. Once i'm done leveling two new toons i'll go back to soul, but i'm going to start running frontloading get down a solid tatic and post my screenshots later in the week. keep it breezy



Originally Posted by Chuckles07 View Post
Has anyone tested different difficulty's and seen if +4/x8 is really the best to be at?
Pretty sure we already know it's not. Generally its +2/x8 or +3/x8 if you are level shifted. But it all depends on what your toon is capable of. Honesty i dont understand why everyone insists on running at +4 all of a sudden.

"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal




+4 is good for PLing. i usually run +2 for farming though.



Doing front loader mission right now with bosses, just ran it in 3:05ish - 1 boss, will post pics once done PLing a toon to 50..



Originally Posted by ultrawatt View Post
Pretty sure we already know it's not. Generally its +2/x8 or +3/x8 if you are level shifted. But it all depends on what your toon is capable of. Honesty i dont understand why everyone insists on running at +4 all of a sudden.
If you're level shifted +4/x8 yields the best inf/minute.




Originally Posted by iMidget Perfection View Post
T3 is the biggest boost and T4 is great but wont help out SS that much but u'll notice it.
Just wondering why do you think the T-3 Alpha is a better boost than the T-4.

Jets L50 eLx3 Blaster (1300 Badges) @Jets or @Jets Too
L50 Stalker, 4-Tankers, 3-Scrappers, 2-Dominators, 2-Arachnos, 3-Brutes, Blaster, 4-Controllers, Defender



I think they're saying that the T3 boost is the major one that makes a big difference because of the level shift, while going up to T4 doesn't make much of a difference.
