Very Best Farmer?




Originally Posted by Fiery-Enforcer View Post
Regardless, Claws/Fire is better than Elec/SD for ambush farming. Next...

Also, while 2.7/min is good, you should really calculate that at the end of the run rather than only 1 minute in as it usually fluctuates a bit throughout. Looking at that screenshot made me laugh thinking about when you said attack radius didn't matter.
At no time did I actually refute the claim that a claw/fa brute is the 2nd best brute farmer.

imidget had made a claim regarding a fire/fire scrapper and I was refuting that point and making that statement that an elec/SD scrapper is the scrapper that would come close to the effectiveness of a ss/fa brute. Scrappers do have an large and significant advantage over brutes with both elec/SD due to pet based nukes (LR and SC) being damaged capped at 400%, to the brutes detriment, with their higher damage cap bonus and need to be at it to compete with scrapper damage. Thus by virtue of their higher base damage, scrapper LR and SC both do significantly more damage. Many people, of course, know this already and if you are one of them, good for you.

I do agree that any posting of numbers should have a set start/end time. With the best example so far being: beginning with the opening of the door and ending with the click of a glowie, the total number of tickets gained from the run should also be disclosed. A build such as elec/ can get massive spikes which would cause significant distortion of numbers if not averaged over the entire run. I have a sinking feeling that any disclosure of numbers in this forum will also have to be released with the full video showing the run with hero stats running in order to be credible.

There also seems to be a misconception about what "quantify" means.

A quote from a recent post:
"I would quantify the Elec/SD vs Claws/FA though. While I don't know how they'd perform on a conventional farm map, on an AE farm the Claws/FA will blow away the Elec/SD. This is because Elec/SD has awesome burst damage, but once they're blown SC/LR they've just got patron AoEs and lolThunder Strike to do damage. On an AE farm where you're constantly target saturated, the less damaging but far faster recharging AoEs of Claws are much better."

At first they go off and say they are going to "quantify" something, then they give a statement with absolutely no numbers in it.



Originally Posted by _23X_ View Post
ran this map a few time and got 176 kills just clearing the first floor each time. the ambush map I normally run gets me 270 and that is just clearing the ambush waves not the whole first floor. wonder what the difference is? does the map change the size of the ambush waves ?
You got me, let me know if you figure it out.
I did notice that that mission does *feel* like it has slightly less kills than the normal one I run, but I was still getting about the same inf/tix/etc. I just added a pure farming (veng) build to that brute, so I'll give it another go tonight and pay attention to kill count (which is not a stat I've ever watch before -I just clear the room, click glowie, out).

Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata



Please excuse my ignorance in the last page, I was simplely put in my two sense about who the fastest farmer was. I stated that is was a fire/fire/fire Scrapper, but after knowing about no taunt in BA and running away from burn I take back that statement. 2nd best I said was fire/fire/fire brute, I still have believe this is faster than elec/fire/Mu brutes, but now these people felt like attacking me instead of explaining to me why, so I rather just show them the staight up facts that my non-fully speced Elec/fire/Soul brute can out farm their SS/Fire/Mu brutes AE speced. I also said Elec/fire/mu was 3rd and SS/fire/Mu was 4th.

I would really like to see someone esles screen shots, i'll be using a different map and i'll show you the end results with higher numbers. In fire cybor farm if your at DMG cap you 1 shot all minions and 2 shot all LTs with LR/burn combo. Which makes it so they have to run from one side of the map to you giving worse results, but thoughout that map I was getting 2.54-2.74 the whole time. PS that's still the best map i've used for EXP farming based and it's going to have less resets due to more mobs, it's still my favorite map to run with, over 200 resets and counting. I don't ticket farm, just EXP.

When did you start your timmer, after inspiration poped? I don't recall my influ per minute going down past 2.40 mil so one of us most be lieing. I provided proof, you haven't and i'll being show more with complete missions since that's whats requested.



Originally Posted by iMidget Perfection View Post
When did you start your timmer, after inspiration poped? I don't recall my influ per minute going down past 2.40 mil so one of us most be lieing. I provided proof, you haven't and i'll being show more with complete missions since that's whats requested.
I always start my timer right when i finish loading the map, so running to the mob and "set up" is counted.

"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal




All I'm saying is given your time, those inf/minute gains are impossible, unless you're magically killing more mobs in the same time. I've done a few runs and counted the inf gain each time, which was between 8.2-8.3 mil.




Keep in mind the larger AoE hitting 16 people at once I have, and it's up every 18-20 seconds which does 250-400+ dmg to 54s. Are you doing the fire cybor map that has 999+ votes cause fire cybor more exp AE mission has less mobs in it.



Originally Posted by iMidget Perfection View Post
Keep in mind the larger AoE hitting 16 people at once I have, and it's up every 18-20 seconds which does 250-400+ dmg to 54s. Are you doing the fire cybor map that has 999+ votes cause fire cybor more exp AE mission has less mobs in it.
Sounds to me like he was.

I think what he is saying is that the amount of total inf you are saying you are getting isn't right.

Edit: just ran that crappy cyborg farm again. Made sure i got everything on the floor and i got a total of 6.5mil inf, im in SG mode.

"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal




Originally Posted by Lobster View Post
I did notice that that mission does *feel* like it has slightly less kills than the normal one I run, but I was still getting about the same inf/tix/etc.
It does have less dudes.

"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal




I was using the hall of fame one with with 999+ votes. And that 8.2 mil inf was with no bosses, just so there's no confusion.




Originally Posted by ultrawatt View Post
It does have less dudes.
Does it give you the same or lower returns as the standard? I need to run some more #s later this week when I get some time, but the two runs I actually tracked, it was returning the same or better #s than the other version... I need to start tracking kills too, I guess.

Maybe my runs were just a fluke.

Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata



Midget what's your time for #482818?

Lobster - I dig your build, its cheap, aside from the Ag's, majority of it drops from the bronze reward pool. I'm curious though as to how hover affects your burn?

And is Fire (other) the two level AE that either Ultrawatt or fiery built? I can't recall but I remember it being listed about 15 pages back. Frankly the fire (other) and fuzzy's are my two favs. I've tried to duplicate the missions in case someone tells, I'd have a backup but haven't found it.

Sad thing is, without these AE missions, I'd probably had cancelled my 4 acct. subs.



Originally Posted by BeastMan View Post
Midget what's your time for #482818?

Lobster - I dig your build, its cheap, aside from the Ag's, majority of it drops from the bronze reward pool. I'm curious though as to how hover affects your burn?

And is Fire (other) the two level AE that either Ultrawatt or fiery built? I can't recall but I remember it being listed about 15 pages back. Frankly the fire (other) and fuzzy's are my two favs. I've tried to duplicate the missions in case someone tells, I'd have a backup but haven't found it.

Sad thing is, without these AE missions, I'd probably had cancelled my 4 acct. subs.
Thanks! Hover just was in there for an LoTG, but I never got around to getting one. Also, if I have a slot at 49 I tend to take hover for random utility (mitos is LGTF, etc.), so it turns up in the majority of my builds.

I respecced to a more expensive, farm oriented build, and it doesn't seem to have boosted my speeds much... so no reason not to go with my cheap build if anyone needs one .

Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata



Here is the map was requesting for my time, ran it 3 times and this was one of my best, timer was started when entered the mission. 2:15-2:20 seem to be when the mission was complete. In this picture there was 3 left over becuase I was tried of losing .1 million influ cause runners.. There was higher points in influ throughout the mission but as requested this is the end of the mission. 2.5mil per minute. is a very easy upload site for pics. If you want to compare times for who's toon is faster post pics not times.



So i've seen your SS/fire/Mu's saying your doing 2.6-3.0million influ per minute with no pics of anything for proof.
Our videos, screenshots and numbers aren't proof, but yours are? Again, interesting logic there.

Nihilii why don't you show us your numbers since you seem to be an expert or do the challange you said you could do with ease? i'll even make it 4 minutes still 4 billion influ bet.
Pointing out how wrong you are does not make me an expert. I consider myself average. Some of my numbers were already shown pages ago, which you would know if you actually read the topic. Even with the handicap that is recording at 30 FPS (turning out to be 15-20 due to graphic lag), I was still comfortably around 2.8m per minute.

As for the bet, for the third or fourth time, with you unwilling to give the money to a neutral third party, I'm 100% sure you would run away never to be seen again after I won. Stop issueing "challenges" if you're going to be a chicken that won't commit to his word.

it *is* nice to get actual data, and to see challenges to the folks that keep forum PVPing with you and don't bother to show the same effort by doing the same with their toons. Regardless of whether or not a map is the most "efficient" is irrelevant for doing comparisons. A standardized map at +999/"Hall of Fame" is something most know and can be an effective benchmark utility.
How many different maps and different builds must we record on exactly to "show the same effort"? More importantly, *why* should we do that? What's in it for us? I obviously can't speak for everyone, but I think it's safe to say many here have great knowledge of the game and a good understanding of the different builds, and won't learn much if anything from this topic ; and if I wanted to teach people and be rewarded with ungratefulness, arrogance and childish insults, I'd be a highschool teacher - I'd even get a paycheck for it.

As far as I'm concerned, every new person popping in and going "omgz stop the presses ss/fire/mu isn't the best farm build" is just pointless spam. Much more interesting to discuss were the post-levelshift numbers back when it was new, or the different ticket uses people have.

Regardless of whether or not a map is the most "efficient" is irrelevant for doing comparisons. A standardized map at +999/"Hall of Fame" is something most know and can be an effective benchmark utility.
It is very relevant.

Take a SS/Fire and Claws/Fire. Run them both through an ambush map. Now run them both through an oldschool map (i.e. demon farm, BM map). You're going to see wide differences, because the Claws/Fire benefit a lot more than the SS/Fire from mobs being close together, due to lower radius on its attacks.

If you're talking about the very best farmer, the only metric that matters is how fast can you go - or how much influence per kills per time you make. Asking for specific rules, be it a map choice or something else, is silly at best. The only thing that matters is the end result.



So i did the same map you did and I did it in 2:18 seconds from start to end not killing 3 people on 54x8 no bosses, but clearly in my pic you see the influ per minute. but in your vid you can't see influ per minute and your run no matter how you time it took longer than 2:18 and your saying that you got 2.68M a minute? So your doubting my numbers? why dont you show a pic of some of your numbers?

Where are these screen shots?

And yet again, make up some excuses to show that you can farm better but you wont cause it's a waste of your time? Hey guys, did you know I can farm any map in less than 1 minute with my stone/ice tanker. but i'll never provide proof, cause it's a waste of my time and to show that I can is childish.

Also what's the title of this forum page? Very Best farmer? I would think saying SS/fire/mu is not the best would be the point of this, maybe we should talk about pvp.

Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
Gave that farm a go while recording - SS/Fire/Mu, +4/x8, coming with a tray full of red insps, cheaper build than the one ultrawatt posted.

Time from first hit to glowie click was 3:33, influence at start 119,325k, at end 128,840k, giving me 2.68M inf per minute. Video link. Should be up in half a hour from the moment I posted this, according to that website.



I farmed with bosses. That information was plainly stated on the video. You can see the influence before and after right on the video.

I'm not doubting your numbers. I never ever said that, implied that or hinted at that in any way, shape or form. Your numbers are low average and there's no reason to doubt these.

How can you ask for pics when you can already see the information you're asking for? Can you not do basic arithmetics or something?
Do you want me to take a picture of the video and post it? Would that make it better for you?
Do you want me to run you through the calculations?

What's your excuse for not willing to give the bet influence to a third party?

Last chance for you to post something sensible - after that, I'm done with you.




I don't understand your post.

I viewed the video you're comparing ... the poster was running with bosses (as opposed to your run without), and it clearly showed beginning and ending influence. The poster in question did generate 2.68M in influence per minute.

You, on the other hand, generated 2.5M in influence per minute. And I think you for your pics - informative discussion.

So you basically just proved to everyone out there that yes, SS/Fire/Mu IS better than the build you ran, by a factor of approximately .18M influence per minute. Nice data point to have, thanks for participating in testing.

Originally Posted by iMidget Perfection View Post
So i did the same map you did and I did it in 2:18 seconds from start to end not killing 3 people on 54x8 no bosses, but clearly in my pic you see the influ per minute. but in your vid you can't see influ per minute and your run no matter how you time it took longer than 2:18 and your saying that you got 2.68M a minute? So your doubting my numbers? why dont you show a pic of some of your numbers?

Where are these screen shots?

And yet again, make up some excuses to show that you can farm better but you wont cause it's a waste of your time? Hey guys, did you know I can farm any map in less than 1 minute with my stone/ice tanker. but i'll never provide proof, cause it's a waste of my time and to show that I can is childish.

Also what's the title of this forum page? Very Best farmer? I would think saying SS/fire/mu is not the best would be the point of this, maybe we should talk about pvp.



What do you all think about Fire/SD/Fire scrappers?

I think mine does a very good job at farming mobs but I've never taken the time to measure my inf/min, etc. Perhaps I'll download herostats and give it a go. What maps/arcs should I using to test?



I don't see any proof of numbers anywhere. just typing out what the numbers are. ill run the same mission with bosses within the next day posting the numbers. sorry I didn't see that it was with bosses.



I don't see any proof of numbers anywhere.
As already said, by two different posters:

That information was plainly stated on the video. You can see the influence before and after right on the video.
I viewed the video you're comparing ... the poster was running with bosses (as opposed to your run without), and it clearly showed beginning and ending influence. The poster in question did generate 2.68M in influence per minute.
You either refuse to read posts you're replying to, or you aren't smart enough to understand what you read. Regardless of the reason, communication is obviously impossible in these circumstances.

So long.



Started timer when entered the mission.

Same map with bosses start influ 174,715,361 end was 184,804,405 and this is without killing the last minion that had 15% health and no revives left. So that's 10,089,044 total from that map. 10,089,044 / 3.36 (time) gives me 3,002,691 a minute. but wait in the picture it shows 2.63 million a minute. Hero stats is wrong when it displays for current time, so my 2.63 is actauly over 3million. meaning i farm faster then you.



Originally Posted by iMidget Perfection View Post
Started timer when entered the mission.

Same map with bosses start influ 174,715,361 end was 184,804,405 and this is without killing the last minion that had 15% health and no revives left. So that's 10,089,044 total from that map. 10,089,044 / 3.36 (time) gives me 3,002,691 a minute. but wait in the picture it shows 2.63 million a minute. Hero stats is wrong when it displays for current time, so my 2.63 is actauly over 3million. meaning i farm faster then you.
No offense and I'm looking at this objectively...but what proof do you have regarding your beginning and ending inf? It's pretty silly to claim Herostats is wrong without supporting the claim with factual evidence and not just your word.



Cause my influ start and finish is the same as his in the same mission, but i think i have just alittle bit less.



Originally Posted by iMidget Perfection View Post
Cause my influ start and finish is the same as his in the same mission, but i think i have just alittle bit less.

Um, what proof do you have herostats is incorrect?



i'll do 1 last run showing all 3 numbers before, during and after.