Jet Packs FTW!
It's been bought up many times (along with quivers and scabbards). There are apparently issues with making them so that they look good and as such it's unknown if we will ever get them. People want thema nd the devs know that, it just comes down to can they figure out a way to do it that looks good.
It's been bought up many times (along with quivers and scabbards). There are apparently issues with making them so that they look good and as such it's unknown if we will ever get them. People want thema nd the devs know that, it just comes down to can they figure out a way to do it that looks good.
If you've ever noticed how the few backpack temp powers look like they are embedded in the back of very large/huge characters, that's the problem.
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
Rabble! Rabble! Rabble!
Now! Now! Now!
Steampunk! Steampunk! Steampunk!
I would also LOVE to see the scabbard for the legacy broadsword.
From some of the hints they've been giving, I think something steampunk-ish might be coming after the animal booster
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
It's been brought up before, yes, but as far as I'm concerned, it never hurts to bring a good idea up again. And again and again.
However, if you wish to do so, I'd suggest using David Nakayama's All Things Art thread, as that's what it was made for.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.

GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
The worst part about the forums logging me out is that it unignores Golden Girl until I relog.
As for "making jetpacks look good," that is a crap reason. We have several jetpacks in the game this instant. Its not like its some unknown, new art that has to be made up, we have jetpacks NOW. It seems plain to me that the rationale is not that the art department is going "ZOMG WE CANT MAKE A JETPACK LOOK GOOD, *bursts into tears*!!!!!" it is that for whatever reason they are completely uninterested in creating permanent jetpacks.
As such I find being told "be patient now, children!" both stupid and insulting, people have been waiting six years for jetpacks and I don't know about you, waiting six years is more than long enough.
I'm not even interested in jetpacks, I just know when its been more than long enough, and now is it. We are not getting them, its time to face facts.
I'd be happy if we could permanently buy the alt-colored Goldbricker jetpack for a onetime fee.
My COX Fanfiction:
Blue's Assembled Story Links
I'm just curious as to why they can't use the same anchor point they use for wings.
As for "making jetpacks look good," that is a crap reason. We have several jetpacks in the game this instant. Its not like its some unknown, new art that has to be made up, we have jetpacks NOW. It seems plain to me that the rationale is not that the art department is going "ZOMG WE CANT MAKE A JETPACK LOOK GOOD, *bursts into tears*!!!!!" it is that for whatever reason they are completely uninterested in creating permanent jetpacks.
So adding the current ones as permanent pieces would result in them not looking good for at least some portion of characters.
Actually the reason permanent jetpacks wouldn't look good already applies to the temporary jetpacks. If you use the current temp jetpacks on certain characters (primarily ones with the "huge" bodytype or who have their physique on the high end of the scale it tends to imbed itself in their back. If they put them in like that as stnadard costume pieces the same thing would apply.
So adding the current ones as permanent pieces would result in them not looking good for at least some portion of characters. |
As far as them looking good on everyone, we have stuff in the game now that looks stupid on some body sizes and types: see: trenchcoats. That's never stopped anyone before.
I just find one of our resident trolls faux-sweetly cooing "Be patient now, my restless little children! Soon!" over an issue that has BEEN an issue almost since the launch of the game, to be both annoying and fatuous. Like people have not been patient! Pah-LEASE.
Bet ya once we do get back parts they'll be part of a booster pack.
Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!
I'm sure this one has been brought up before but they need to add backpacks/jet packs to the back option. I could see it being incompatible with wearing capes but I think that makes sense too, a jet pack + cape = flaming cape. I just know I've made some steampunk characters, that I wanted to fly, and wanted to have a "Rocketeer" style jet packs. We have jet boots, we have jet pack temp. powers, why not jet packs, with tintable jets and maybe different style jets. Like a sci-fi style energy pulse, flames, etc. There should definitely be a steam punk and/or 1950's tech one, a high tech one, and then a modern one that looks like something that could actually be made. I think it would be an awesome addition to the game.