HUMOR: You know you play CoH/V too much when,....




Originally Posted by War Witch View Post
You've decoded the Praetorian Clockwork and have created your own dictionary. of my friends actually did this.

Wild Streak - Lv. 50(+3) Beast Mastery/Sonic Resonance Mastermind, Amnesty - Lv. 50 Staff Fighting/Dark Armor Stalker


Posted turn 32 and think it's time you finally got a pet. hear someone refer to Superman as "the defender of truth, justice and the American way" and your first impulse is to correct them: "No, he's the tanker of truth, justice and the American way". honestly think you can outrun cars on the street. make your monthly budget, and the very first expense you consider is that 15 bucks.

AE Arcs: #10482 N00b Rescue Duty, #164100 The Four Treasures of the Tuatha De Dannan



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
I got nothin'.

Never been very good at this sort of thing.

When Steelclaw can't make a list.



Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
When you equate Smarties with Inspirations.
I lol'd!!

Wash: "I've been under fire before. Well ... I've been in a fire. Actually, I was fired. I can handle myself."



Fine... since it won't die I may as well help it live...

* You hear someone mention the plural of a certain naughty bit and immediately think they're a fellow player.

* You hear a WWII story of how the Germans stormed the front line riding tanks and wonder if they were on their shoulders or piggy-back.

* You read a newspaper article about something called a Public Defender and think he must get on ALL the PUGs.

* You take a vacation to New York City and, upon seeing the Statue of Liberty, your first thought is "Pffft... Only ONE?"

* You start referring to your teen-age son's room as Boomtown.

* When your wife mentions your next Anniversary and asks what you'd like to do during it you answer "Play, of course!" before realizing she meant Wedding Anniversary.

* When the Groundhog sees its shadow you think "awesome! One more month of the Winter Event!"

* You go to see your brand new nephew in the hospital, and upon seeing how homely he is, immediately start setting traps for Snaptooth.

* Your wife starts killing her own spiders because she's tired of you screaming "We shall thwart thee Lord Recluse!" and attempting to organize the family into a task force.

* They turn your electricity off after your fourth attempt to pay the bill with influence.

* At your divorce hearing you tell the judge "I was a vigilante when I did that, but I'm back to being full hero... I swear! Check my info window!"

* At your divorce hearing you tell the judge "Ignored her for four years? Listen man, I saved the world 1,394 times during those four years! Don't you think that makes her complaints just a LITTLE on the selfish side?"

* You can make a list of jokes about CoH/V on just about any subject... practically at will... in your sleep... with your frontal lobe tied behind your back.

* You don't remember important personal or family history by dates anymore. "Yeah, he was a great baby. We had him around Issue 10. Tell ya, man, if he was crying I could hold him in my arms while I played. One Rikti Invasion was enough to put him right back to sleep."

* Your kids want to go trick or treating but you won't let them go until you make sure the kids they're going with have the right ATs for survivability.

* Your eight year old son wants to go trick or treating as Batman this year and you punish him by making him wear a blue unitard with "GENERIC 0005461265" on the chest.

* During the long time period between the end of the Spring Event and the beginning of the Halloween Event you refuse to acknowledge any holidays... even the one with the fireworks.

* Your wife managed to get you to watch the first few episodes of Lost with her but eventually stopped insisting due to your constant screams of "Nemesis! It's so OBVIOUS!"

* In the middle of the night you have woken up cuddled next to your television set muttering "one mission... c'mon.. just one mission. I always liked you more than Radio..."

* You don't surf for pron on the internet anymore.. but you DO spend a lot of time in the costume creator.

* You use a cable modem, which means it's a shared resource with your neighbors so will slow down when they're all on the net... you read the notice about double xp weekend.. and the day of the event the front page of the paper reads "Mass Modem Heist Puzzles Neighborhood!"

* You wrote a fanfic about you at a pottery wheel with Ghost Widow standing behind you.

* When your wife gets pregnant she spends an entire day on Paragon Wiki getting all the names of characters from the game to make a list to compare your "suggestions" against.

* You adopt two cats and name them Stefan and Marcus. You're very disappointed when they get along just fine.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
CoH has actually increased my awareness of historical plaques where I live and in places I've traveled because I stop to read them when I can now.
Same here. I never really used to notice them, or care about them much. But now, every time I cross the bridge to get to my car I make sure to read the plaque.

To add my own, it would be when sitting in biology class and looking at a poster of animal cell names, I immediately thought of Hami.

Also, when walking over that bridge to get to my car, think about how much easier life would be if I could just Super Jump over the river.

@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters


Posted See the driveway that needs to be shoveld and you wish you had blazing aura

On Justice
Global @Desi Nova Twitter: @desi_nova Steam: Desi_nova. I don't do Xbox or PS3



You start fantasizing about being a developer.

Originally Posted by War Witch View Post
You've decoded the Praetorian Clockwork and have created your own dictionary.
More like whin you stop needing the dictionary to read it. :P



Originally Posted by Desi_Nova View Post See the driveway that needs to be shoveld and you wish you had blazing aura
True story... I was shoveling my driveway this morning and noticed that the drifts had left some areas practically bare but others under some three feet of snow...

I literally stood there going "Hmm... okay right here is Atlas Park, that area over there is more like Steel Canyon... uh oh... then there's the place at the end of the drive way where the plows stacked up four feet of hard packed snow, ice and sand... yep... Rikti War Zone..."

And besides... you don't want Blazing Aura.. you want to be a Fire Controller with Fire Imps... that way you don't even have to leave the house.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post
Snipe's a bit harsh, aint it? TP Foe, Challenge or Taunt for those of us that like our girls still breathing.
They are still breathing. I'm only "arresting" them.



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post

* Your kids want to go trick or treating but you won't let them go until you make sure the kids they're going with have the right ATs for survivability.

* Your eight year old son wants to go trick or treating as Batman this year and you punish him by making him wear a blue unitard with "GENERIC 0005461265" on the chest.
Alright... as per usual, they were all great... But those two really got to me, haha!

And... I got nothing.
I'm a sane individual who occasionally plays a video game.

*tries to click on "info" to read about you all*

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



yeah but have you ever tried to control Imps? I'd rather just stand there with Blazing aura then try to get Imps to do what I want them to do

On Justice
Global @Desi Nova Twitter: @desi_nova Steam: Desi_nova. I don't do Xbox or PS3



When you kneel down to rest and then you can't rest again for awhile because of the long cooldown period.


Posted are out with your friends and you think about what cool Supergroup names you and your buds can form.

...when you consider your job just a place for you to farm for money...5 days a week...for 8 hours straight...

...when you enter in an elevator with people and before going up in levels you tell everyone, "perma grats to you all."



You meet new people and ask them " Whats your Global?"

You receive a text from your spouse inquiring where you are and you respond, "OMW".



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
* They turn your electricity off after your fourth attempt to pay the bill with influence.
It's your own damn fault for never running in supergroup mode.



Originally Posted by Nogard_T View Post
When your dreams are about being in CoH/V as your main and/or a powerset combo that imposable atm
Cannot remember the dream, but I know i did it!

When you write in your calender "Hami raid" or similar.
(Almost true, since I've arranged quite a few of them now)

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



... when unable to resist the urge to look for Clockwork cogs when driving past a power substation ...

... when getting new ideas to try in the costume creator while watching childhood cartoons from decades ago ...

... when your idea of winding down is an extra hour browsing the CoH forums ...



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
And besides... you don't want Blazing Aura.. you want to be a Fire Controller with Fire Imps... that way you don't even have to leave the house.
What are you talking about? You want BONFIRE. Any snow that isn't defeated outright will be flung out of the way.




You go to put a cup down on a table and miss due to the lack of accuracy



1. All the AV's are Yellow

2. You have collected every issuse of both runs of the City of Hero Comic.

3. Your friends are sick of you explaining your City Character beat their favorite Comic book character. ( "Wait who's Kid Kaos and how can he beat Franklin Richards?!")

4. "Whats WoW?"

5. You have a shrine for every Community Rep thats come and gone.

"When chaos happens... I'll be right in the middle of it."
Let Your Spirit Fly!!!
Kid K



Originally Posted by freewaydoggy View Post
4) You walk around the streets & see the Goldbrickers flying around + other foes taking potshots at you.
Haven't gone looking for Goldbrickers yet, but I have walked past an apartment building at night and caught myself scanning the rooftops for the telltale green glow of a CoT ritual.



You see a red frame around people who annoy you.

Your next character is inspired from a bottle of FlowMax.