Seriously, Virtue?

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Rikis View Post
I too haven't encountered that either. Hell, even when I form my own PuG Apex/Tin Mage TFs, I don't mention the Alpha slot and have only had one person join without it. He even pointed it out to me by asking if he needed the alpha slot, and I told him yes and a boost. His response? "Oh ok, didn't know. Let me bring my other char". Twice I've been on Apex TFs where there was one person without a boost. The first time, it was a Mastermind, so it was no big deal, their pets still spawn at 50 and their secondary is buff/debuff. The other time though, it was a Tanker. Both times we succeeded.
Now do the Apex or Tin Mage TFs with 1 Alpha Boost Slotted, and the rest at -4 Levels.

Yes, a team of four who can complete Tin Mage and Apex, can thusly complete the TFs with 4 unslotted

But many won't want to risk the failure.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



so not trying to get off topic... but...

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
I did it back on hard mode when you needed 50 mag of hold with nothing but my tanker's app hold on the team. For a successful master of run, no less.
Wow... for one, there is no way in **** that a a tank with one hold and no others on the team could do that .... Two, if you are talking about a particular master run, one that happened during the the bug, I WAS a controller on your team, and I think there was atleast 1 other? and it was a successful master run.

Issue 24 PPM Calculator // The Great Makeover: The Vindicators



Anything is possible. Its just really, really hard.



Originally Posted by ShadowWings View Post
Anything is possible. Its just really, really hard.
Mag 3 hold recharging at like 9 secs (and thats with a lot of rech which I know his tank doesn't have) lasting ooo 20secish? It takes -atleast-17 applications (assuming its his dark/fire, and oppressive doesn't stack, meaning no other attacks) and then you have to take in consideration resistance to the holds and a BUNCH of other stuff.

So I don't see it happening in hardly any situtation, would have to be some serious debuffing and buffing to make it happen, or even if it can.

Issue 24 PPM Calculator // The Great Makeover: The Vindicators



Originally Posted by Arkyaeon View Post
Wow... for one, there is no way in **** that a a tank with one hold and no others on the team could do that .... Two, if you are talking about a particular master run, one that happened during the the bug, I WAS a controller on your team, and I think there was atleast 1 other? and it was a successful master run.
Let me address these points in reverse.

2) Yours was not the only MoLGTF I've run during the bug.
1) I'm not saying my tank held the Mitos. I'm saying there's no way in hell that with only my hold on the team that the mitos were held, but we put out enough damage to kill them despite that.

Is it easier with holds? Yeah.
Is it impossible without them? Not remotely.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



((Stuff like this is why I just don't do task forces (tasks force? task forci?) Most of them take a lot of planning and time. Everybody who forms teams to run them has his/her own method of doing so and I wouldn't be offended if they asked me specifics about my characters' powers. But I've started so many and dropped out in the middle because of the length of time it takes to complete them that I just quit bothering: I don't want to waste people's effort because I'm unable to finish. Maybe it's for that reason that I can see why someone organizing a TF team would ask specific questions about AT's, powersets, and even if prospective teammates have enough time to commit.))



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
((Stuff like this is why I just don't do task forces (tasks force? task forci?) Most of them take a lot of planning and time. Everybody who forms teams to run them has his/her own method of doing so and I wouldn't be offended if they asked me specifics about my characters' powers. But I've started so many and dropped out in the middle because of the length of time it takes to complete them that I just quit bothering: I don't want to waste people's effort because I'm unable to finish. Maybe it's for that reason that I can see why someone organizing a TF team would ask specific questions about AT's, powersets, and even if prospective teammates have enough time to commit.))
I run random, bring anything you want ITFs all the time, with 50-90mins being the run times.

That doesn't seem to bad.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I run random, bring anything you want ITFs all the time, with 50-90mins being the run times.

That doesn't seem to bad.
Yeah... with very few exceptions, everything I run is first come first serve of any AT. LGTF is the only one that comes to mind that I don't. (Other than Tin Mage and Apex, but I don't actually *lead* those... I let others handle THAT headache.)



Yeah, for the CoP, I'd say that would be *recommended*, but I'd never say that Alpha would be required for people running on a non-Alpha TF, and maybe not even then. And yes, I've run on PuGs with all kinds of stuff...all brute/scrappers? Yep. No heals? Yep. The tank being a massively IO'd blaster? Yep.

I can see preferences being made for certain types, especially when the majority aren't IO'd and with really good power selections. But heck, I even had fun on a colossally failed alpha TF on day 1 when my party thought that you had to have the Alpha slot unlocked and didn't need the slot FILLED. It was fun, and I actually felt like I was fighting a truly impressive, dangerous enemy for the first time in about 40 levels.

The only time I'd say there should be a requirement at the signup, would be if it is needed to complete a mission due to gimmickry. Like the LG Hami mish.

The worst I've seen, was someone getting his drawers all bunched up because of the leader's power choices (which were sub-optimal, but hardly BAD). He quit the group, and then we went and found a non-jackwagon player and went on to ALMOST do a MoITF with a PuG group (we got separated on the shadow cyst mission, and a Minotaur and Cyclops and a couple dozen of their friends said "Hi" to me).

*thinks of what RP fun it would be to have a few nearly helpless people in the non-AV parts of a Alpha-TF, while 1-2 alpha'd people showed off their epic power*



Originally Posted by Patteroast View Post
Ah. No, I've run Lady Grey maybe two dozen times, and never held the green mitos. Just killed them. The only time I can remember not being able to complete the TF because of that mission was when it was broken for a while.
Prior to the break, the mitos self-held, but because their more visible powers were set to ignore holds, nobody realized it. After things were fixed, the mitos need a mag 10 hold -- if you've got a controller or dominator on your team, the mitos will be held as a side effect of the their attack chain.

During the time when the mitos were broken, I was on a team that killed them successfully. It took a half-tray of red inspirations per mito to generate the DPS, but we managed it.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
do u heal
I get this when I play my defender. I just reply with "I'm a Rad." If they don't know what that is, it tells me everything I need to know.

�Let there be truth, happiness, and waffles�
-Vagabond, Dark Lord & Avatar of Gnarr
The Justiciars



Today, I got called a troll because I ignored a person who had an Empathy defender with exactly one attack (that likely never got used).

Did you know that ignoring someone you don't want to associate with is imposing your opinions on them and trying to irritate them into responding to you? Because I didn't.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
I didn't want to believe it until it happened to me.

Apparently, people are being kicked from teams/denied teams for not having an unlocked, slotted Alpha Slot.

Seriously? Where did the elitist jackwagons that decided to instate this bull@#$% come from? Did we get a migration from Freedumb? It's not even for the two Alpha-exclusive TF's, either; people are getting booted and denied from regular teams.

It's not like you can't run regular crap without the Alpha. Furthermore, the Alpha isn't a massively game-changing enhancement. At least, it doesn't have that potential at present.

Anyone else had this happen? Myself and about 8 of my global buddies have seen/experienced it so far.
Sadly, there are elitists everywhere.



Originally Posted by MondoCool View Post
Today, I got called a troll because I ignored a person who had an Empathy defender with exactly one attack (that likely never got used).

Did you know that ignoring someone you don't want to associate with is imposing your opinions on them and trying to irritate them into responding to you? Because I didn't.
Was it an Emp/Archery Defender?

I saw one running around at level 50 with just Snap Shot once, and I was all, to myself of course, "WHY?! WHY?! At least pick up Rain of Arrows! COME ON!!!"

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Was it an Emp/Archery Defender?

I saw one running around at level 50 with just Snap Shot once, and I was all, to myself of course, "WHY?! WHY?! At least pick up Rain of Arrows! COME ON!!!"
Yes, it was.



I've been kicked from teams for not having the badge in City Hall next to the SG registrar.



I haven't run into this specific problem before, lacking any 50s, but I've dealt with similar on occasion. Though it was usually a case of "Sorry, we have plenty of damage dealers/tanks" when I offered to join up, not getting booted after I joined.

My personal policy is just to accept whoever responds in the order they reply. Sometimes I'll add on to my request that we could "Use a controller/defender" or the like, but it's little more then a suggestion. I've seen teams of six Scrappers that could make it through any challenge without much difficulty, after all.

Though I have ignored players who couldn't type a halfway legible request to join the team. Mostly because I've had enough experiences of those types of players also being jerks.

But yeah. They don't want you on the team? Go find someone who doesn't have their head up their butt.



People without an unlocked Alpha slot getting kicked from teams running the Apex or Tin Mage Incarnate TF is regrettable but justifiable.
People without an unlocked Alpha slot getting kicked from teams running ANYTHING else is very sad and smacks of unbridled elitism.

I've yet to see it happen but it doesn't absolutely surprise me. There are still people out there who use things like Vet badges as a discriminator as to whether a person is allowed to stay on a team or not. It's unfortunate but MMO elitism has always reared its ugly head anyway it can. The best we can do is to try to not be guilty of it ourselves to keep it to an absolute minimum.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



There's been a fairly protracted case of NewShinyBabies flooding the servers, with Freedom and Virtue being the hardest hit; those are the two which I can count on to be in the red almost every time I log in. NewShinyBabies really water down the player base with folks who bring with them mentalities from other MMOs, or just a "Keep up with the hypothetical Joneses or you suck" mindset. Since the Monkey Farm got nuked right around the same time as i19 hit, you've got a lot of those Babies passing their time getting their power-gamer on with Incarnate stuff. All these little tidbits add up to things like what is mentioned in the OP.

This is why I don't PuG (unless someone reads the Tag in my little search box; I love when that happens) right now; I'm all about meeting new players, but I apply the same filter to that as I do to meeting new people in RL.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
People without an unlocked Alpha slot getting kicked from teams running ANYTHING else is very sad and smacks of unbridled elitism.
Perhaps we just post the Global names of the few jackwagons that do, so we can all just /ignore them and be done with it.

'nuff said.

My New Rig : Geforce 580 GTX, Core i7 950 @ 3.20 Ghz, 24GB RAM, 240GB SSD for OS, 60GB SSD for swap = Heaven.



Originally Posted by Space_Cop View Post
Perhaps we just post the Global names of the few jackwagons that do, so we can all just /ignore them and be done with it.

'nuff said.
A profoundly terrible idea.



Originally Posted by Space_Cop View Post
Perhaps we just post the Global names of the few jackwagons that do, so we can all just /ignore them and be done with it.

'nuff said.
Whoever posts the names will likely get reprimanded and possibly banned.



Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
Whoever posts the names will likely get reprimanded and possibly banned.
As they should be. There's a fine line between preemptive /ignore-ing and trolling. Posting names and saying 'these guys are ********, block them' falls pretty clearly on the trolling side.

EDIT: Hm, I was not aware that term was considered censor worthy. My apologies for using it.



Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
I've been kicked from teams for not having the badge in City Hall next to the SG registrar.
What on earth was the justification for using THAT as a measure of team-mate-worthiness?



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
What on earth was the justification for using THAT as a measure of team-mate-worthiness?
I suppose it means they're unpatriotic.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!