Seriously, Virtue?

Adeon Hawkwood



"Smacks of elitism" Heh. Not that that isn't true, but it makes me laugh all the same. If you're terrified to attempt a Task Force (short of the alpha slot ones anyway) without special requirements for who you invite to your team, you, my friend, are the opposite of elite.

The elite player knows they can run the TF with whoever else shows up. ^_^

I mostly join TFs with Multiple Girl II, and while they're almost always simple Freedom Phalanx TFs or Hess, Moonfire, Katie, Shadow Shards TFs sometimes ITF... never once has MG required any particular AT or powerset from anyone.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
What on earth was the justification for using THAT as a measure of team-mate-worthiness?
They said I was an 'AE-baby' even though the only AE badges I had were the ones that are given you on all characters once you earn them on one character.



I have only been kicked from a team one time in two years. For not joining someone's super group. Virtue has always been kind to me.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
People without an unlocked Alpha slot getting kicked from teams running ANYTHING else is very sad and smacks of unbridled elitism.
Well what also is sad about it is that these "tasks" existed when the Alpha slot was never even thought of. Yet people still passed through them and have had the badges to prove it for years.

If someone needs their Alpha slot filled to beat the ITF... they should go play WoW or something.



Only ever been kicked for mocking the team leader when he told me to stop using Seeds of Confusion and start using Spirit Tree.



Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
They said I was an 'AE-baby' even though the only AE badges I had were the ones that are given you on all characters once you earn them on one character.
Wow, that's crazy. I have several characters who don't have that badge simply because they never happened to pass over that spot in city hall.



My only removal I can think of occurred on Pinnacle. That was an interesting story but this isn't Pinnacle.



Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
They said I was an 'AE-baby' even though the only AE badges I had were the ones that are given you on all characters once you earn them on one character.
Man, they'd hate me. Very few of my characters have that badge, because I *gasp* start in Galaxy.

Also, the Alpha slot doesn't have benefits nearly good enough (especially compared to IO builds) to justify even considering kicking people from a non-Incarnate TF, I chuckle every time people refer to TFs in general as some gruelling test of player skill that is unparalleled in the rest of the game (I finished Sister Psyche. I'm 1337, yo.), all level 38+ /Archery Defenders without Rain of Arrows should be facekicked unless they have a very very very very good reason, and my experience suggests Dechs probably has a darn good idea about how the LGTF works. Think that covers everything.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by MondoCool View Post
Today, I got called a troll because I ignored a person who had an Empathy defender with exactly one attack (that likely never got used).

Did you know that ignoring someone you don't want to associate with is imposing your opinions on them and trying to irritate them into responding to you? Because I didn't.
Oh, you mean the one in Atlas Park who was holding a costume contest, that you were participating in until right when they said they were going to announce the finalists and then you went off, in broadcast, to the effect of "Screw this, I am not going to be in a contest held by some idiot healer who is too stupid to take more than one attack". And then continuing on in broadcast on your little rant insulting them and once again trying to tell everyone how best to play "The Game According to Mondo"?

Then when people told you to stop acting like a "******", you got on your defensive martyr troll high horse by repeating, "Who is the ******, the person who expresses their opinion or the ****** who insults them for it?"... conveniently ignoring the fact that you were indeed insulting their opinion and play choices first?

Or was this yet another time?

Gee, can't imagine why you were called a troll...

"Life is what happens when you are making other plans"



Originally Posted by Fomsie View Post
Oh, you mean the one in Atlas Park who was holding a costume contest, that you were participating in until right when they said they were going to announce the finalists and then you went off, in broadcast, to the effect of "Screw this, I am not going to be in a contest held by some idiot healer who is too stupid to take more than one attack". And then continuing on in broadcast on your little rant insulting them and once again trying to tell everyone how best to play "The Game According to Mondo"?

Then when people told you to stop acting like a "******", you got on your defensive martyr troll high horse by repeating, "Who is the ******, the person who expresses their opinion or the ****** who insults them for it?"... conveniently ignoring the fact that you were indeed insulting their opinion and play choices first?

Or was this yet another time?

Gee, can't imagine why you were called a troll...
You must be new to Mondo. Grains of salt required.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Fomsie View Post
Oh, you mean the one in Atlas Park who was holding a costume contest, that you were participating in until right when they said they were going to announce the finalists and then you went off, in broadcast, to the effect of "Screw this, I am not going to be in a contest held by some idiot healer who is too stupid to take more than one attack". And then continuing on in broadcast on your little rant insulting them and once again trying to tell everyone how best to play "The Game According to Mondo"?

Then when people told you to stop acting like a "******", you got on your defensive martyr troll high horse by repeating, "Who is the ******, the person who expresses their opinion or the ****** who insults them for it?"... conveniently ignoring the fact that you were indeed insulting their opinion and play choices first?

Or was this yet another time?

Gee, can't imagine why you were called a troll...

I don't get it... I have an Emp Defender where one of his builds only has 1 maybe 2 attack powers. He's a support swiss army knife with that build. What's the big fricken deal? LOL

My New Rig : Geforce 580 GTX, Core i7 950 @ 3.20 Ghz, 24GB RAM, 240GB SSD for OS, 60GB SSD for swap = Heaven.



Originally Posted by Fomsie View Post
Oh, you mean the one in Atlas Park who was holding a costume contest, that you were participating in until right when they said they were going to announce the finalists and then you went off, in broadcast, to the effect of "Screw this, I am not going to be in a contest held by some idiot healer who is too stupid to take more than one attack". And then continuing on in broadcast on your little rant insulting them and once again trying to tell everyone how best to play "The Game According to Mondo"?

Then when people told you to stop acting like a "******", you got on your defensive martyr troll high horse by repeating, "Who is the ******, the person who expresses their opinion or the ****** who insults them for it?"... conveniently ignoring the fact that you were indeed insulting their opinion and play choices first?

Or was this yet another time?

Gee, can't imagine why you were called a troll...
I was running back and forth between missions during that ****storm, it was actually pretty funny. Especially when I started facetiously mocking a tank for having ranged attacks and making outrageous, obviously-fake claims... and people seemed to believe me.



A well IO'd 50, specially a tank, shouldn't need an alpha to contribute on any task force/ team. I could tank most any AV before the alphas, I can do it now. Still can't killem though they heal and regen almost as fast as I do.

Jack Wolfe Prototype Super Tank, over 25 million in damage taken in the service of others
My 360 hates me and writes about it
Jack's X-Box's Blog
I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. ---Og Mandino---



Originally Posted by DrJackWolfe View Post
A well IO'd 50, specially a tank, shouldn't need an alpha to contribute on any task force/ team. I could tank most any AV before the alphas, I can do it now. Still can't killem though they heal and regen almost as fast as I do.
Jack, Jack, Jack...

PM me your build. With a large enough investment and some patience, you should be able to solo one. We'll put that in the realm of possible for you.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
Jack, Jack, Jack...

PM me your build. With a large enough investment and some patience, you should be able to solo one. We'll put that in the realm of possible for you.
I'm not big on numbers so I'll try to figure out an easy way to extract it. Damage output is good, not great. To be fair I run + 2 x8 when I solo( though that gets boring) and haven't tried to take out a 50 AV in forever. Keep thinking if I'd chosen EM all those years ago I'd be a nerf bat candidate.

Jack Wolfe Prototype Super Tank, over 25 million in damage taken in the service of others
My 360 hates me and writes about it
Jack's X-Box's Blog
I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. ---Og Mandino---