Shellhead loses Favreau.




Looks like 'third times not the charm'

I guess he had too good a time on Cowboys and Aliens and it reminded him of life outside all-things Marvel™.

Thanks for the masterpiece that was the first film Jon.



NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaa aaaaaagggghhhhhkkkhgghhh!



20 mins ago via that Twitter-thingy™;

Originally Posted by Jon Favreau
It's true, I'm directing Magic Kingdom, not Iron Man 3. I've had a great run with Marvel and wish them the best.



IIRC, him and Marvel disagreed on the handling of their movies. I think it was how the whole Avengers thing was forcing it's way into the Iron Man movies and he wanted it more his thing. There was no way for him to know what certain things he could, or couldn't plan for in terms of IM3 just because Avengers hasn't even been written yet.



Magic Kingdom, I'd imagine, is the Disney movie I heard that wil lbe about the theme park. So moving from Iron Man to that is like moving from one sister to another. It's under the same umbrella!

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
IIRC, him and Marvel disagreed on the handling of their movies.
Historically Marvel's ideas of how to handle their own properties do not inspire confidence in this moviegoer.

I will, however, look forward to Big John's next directorial endeavor.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Oh well...

No Happy Hogan in the #3. Not that it's a big loss. I think though Favreau must of worked in the over use of Happy in #2 'cause he must of been thinking he wasn't gonna do #3.

Such is life.

Thank you for the time...

@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

Arc 5299: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem Updated!! 09/15/09



Originally Posted by Tymers_Realm View Post
Oh well...

No Happy Hogan in the #3. Not that it's a big loss. I think though Favreau must of worked in the over use of Happy in #2 'cause he must of been thinking he wasn't gonna do #3.

Such is life.

Thank you for the time...
He might still make an appearance. He said he wasn't directing, they might ask still make a cameo which he can probably squeeze in. Ultimately it would be nice if he stuck around but the show must go on.

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Historically Marvel's ideas of how to handle their own properties do not inspire confidence in this moviegoer.

I will, however, look forward to Big John's next directorial endeavor.
ill miss Favreau on the third film, but it makes me wonder who they'll try to bring in as his replacement. as for Marvel's track record, their actual influence hasn't exactly been all that great until they got Marvel Entertainment up and going. if the current couple of Marvel movies are any indication of their direct input, then ill respectfully disagree about their ideas not 'xactly inspiring confidence.



Originally Posted by BafflingBeerMan View Post
Magic Kingdom, I'd imagine, is the Disney movie I heard that wil lbe about the theme park. So moving from Iron Man to that is like moving from one sister to another. It's under the same umbrella!
Magic Kingdom is indeed the movie about the Disney park coming to life at night. It is basically going to be Disney's Night at the Museum.



It's said that Robert Downey's contract gives him approval over who the director will be, so if true then he might be able to arrange things to get Favreau back once more details about Avengers and IM 3 are worked out.



Originally Posted by Lastjustice View Post
He might still make an appearance. He said he wasn't directing, they might ask still make a cameo which he can probably squeeze in. Ultimately it would be nice if he stuck around but the show must go on.
Well we can hope for this still

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
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I am always impressed with his work. I hope IM3 replaces him with a good director.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Its disapointing but it might not be such a bad thing. IM2 wasn't bad I just didn't get enough hot Iron Man action. Hopefully the next guy will get the actiony bits right.



I liked him as an actor first and then warmed to him instantly as a director. It'll be a shame to lose him from the franchise.

Knowing our luck Marvel will bring in Brett Ratner for IM3...

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -




Favreau was the ideal choice as director. After seeing Zathura, I was stoked when I head Jon was taking this on. Aside from Joss Whedon, I can't think of anyone offhand who has the perfect combination of humor and geek cred to do this movie. I wouldn't mind seeing Nimrod Antal do #3. Not because of Predators but because of Armored. If you haven't seen it, you really should. It's a great caper-thriller.

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I hear Brett Ratner is available.

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