Most Overhyped Power Set Combos?

Aaron Islander



Originally Posted by The_Ringer View Post
Since this is an opinion poll, and since a couple of sets I find quite fun and useful have already been mentioned, I will reveal that I strongly dislike Electric Melee/Shield Armor. FOTM and unfun.
It is perfect for what it suppose to all aoe all the time the two button farmer. It is not over hyped if built right is down right awesome now the unfun part while can not argue either way that is a style preference. Plus elec/sd runs way behind dm/ad and fire/sd

Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50
Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50
Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50
Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50;Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA



See, I think the term "hype" has lost all meaning for me at this point.

There are plenty of AT/power set combinations that can solo 8-man spawns/AVs/pylon/GMs/whatever, and there are plenty that can't yet are still fantastic in a group. Hype is subjective.

It's why the standard "wise man" answer to the question "What is the ideal team composition" is "Me and 7 competent players." After reading through all this, the question of hype seems may as well be "Which bear is best?"*

Find the build that accomodates your preferred playstyle and don't worry about what other folks are enjoying.

*Black bear.

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.



Originally Posted by The_Ringer View Post
See, I think the term "hype" has lost all meaning for me at this point.

There are plenty of AT/power set combinations that can solo 8-man spawns/AVs/pylon/GMs/whatever, and there are plenty that can't yet are still fantastic in a group. Hype is subjective.

It's why the standard "wise man" answer to the question "What is the ideal team composition" is "Me and 7 competent players." After reading through all this, the question of hype seems may as well be "Which bear is best?"*

Find the build that accomodates your preferred playstyle and don't worry about what other folks are enjoying.

*Black bear.
*still awaiting the prefered playstyle build*


BrandX Future Staff Fighter
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The problem with overhyped sets is that now I feel "bad"* for making an Elec/SD scrapper the other night. I just thought Electric Melee fit her concept and Shield gave me a nice place to stick a costume emblem. I didn't know it was a dirty overhyped FOTM build, I swear!

*Ok, not too bad. I still intend on playing her.



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
The problem with overhyped sets is that now I feel "bad"* for making an Elec/SD scrapper the other night. I just thought Electric Melee fit her concept and Shield gave me a nice place to stick a costume emblem. I didn't know it was a dirty overhyped FOTM build, I swear!

*Ok, not too bad. I still intend on playing her.
Ignore people who cry FOTM.

For one thing, it's been popular longer than a month.

For another, effective is effective - people are free to create their unique and beautiful snowflake, but their cries of FOTM shouldn't deter you from playing what you want.

Being awesome will be an incidental benefit.




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Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
This. Healers that don't attack and just set healing aura on auto.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Elc /shield is not as good as it was when i first made my brute , i dont think u can call it a FotM its been around for a while now , my brute has survived all the nerfs from the critter acc buff ,to the decreased sheild charge damage ,to the fury /damage cap nerf an shango is still uber and IMO that cant be called" over hyped "
there are not many things you can make that completly unheard of an if its good others will prolly follow suit
i dont see many /sonic toons but as soon as someone rolls a gem then it will be called a FotM "check out my build for a fire/sonic corruptor " fire/ soni corruptors are over powerd " dont nerf my fire sonic corr " an so on .



Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
Shield Defense. The way some people go on about it you'd think all the other armor sets ceased to exist the day Shields got added to the game.
That is because the end game high dollar investment build makes other sets look lack luster. If you want to fight AV solo as a scrapper shield will put you on top with a large investment; /sr can do it cheaper and quite while. If you want to be a top dog in pylon testing you go shield.

Shield deserves all the hype it gets if it is built correctly it is great fun and powerful.

The issue is most people in game have no clue on how to build their toons and how to leverage io's etc

Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50
Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50
Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50
Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50;Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
The problem with overhyped sets is that now I feel "bad"* for making an Elec/SD scrapper the other night. I just thought Electric Melee fit her concept and Shield gave me a nice place to stick a costume emblem. I didn't know it was a dirty overhyped FOTM build, I swear!

*Ok, not too bad. I still intend on playing her.
You don't have to feel bad for making what you want to play with .
some people like to feel smart by dissing popular opinion. what ever is "in"
either they liked it first and now they are way over it, or they never liked it in the first place an every one else is a sheep for doing it . you cant win with those types . you can be on the bandwagon wit a fotm build pwning every mish. or you can be on the sideline when they dont let you join the team wit a crappy power set combo



Originally Posted by Redd Rumm View Post
You don't have to feel bad for making what you want to play with .
some people like to feel smart by dissing popular opinion. what ever is "in"
either they liked it first and now they are way over it, or they never liked it in the first place an every one else is a sheep for doing it . you cant win with those types . you can be on the bandwagon wit a fotm build pwning every mish. or you can be on the sideline when they dont let you join the team wit a crappy power set combo
Yep, I'm gonna give that last spot to the awesomely build DM/SD because it is awesome. Sorry MA/SR Scrapper, you can't join my team because your combo is less awesome than the other guy's. Also, I am such a complete **** that even I wouldn't want to team with me.

So there you go, a good reason not to roll the latest FOTM. All the ****s will want you on their team.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
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Good thread, lots of good info in here. I will specify a skilled player can make almost any combo in the game seem overpowered simply by understanding their powers and the mob AI behavioral patterns.

My picks are:

Fire/Kin-its good but its good in large part due to skilled players and special builds that make the combo either unfriendly for teaming or so overpowered teaming isnt necessary.

Ill/Rad & all MM's - and simply for my personal pet peeve, the pets do most the damage, you sit around and just manage them. I play a game about super heros to be a super hero not watch something else be super for me....LAME and OVERATED!

Brutes-It pains me to write this as I love them, but with the recent changes to fury they dont feel as smashtastic to me .

/Rad- AM,Heal, 2Toggle Debuffs, Lingering Rad and you get them all early. The set never feels like it grows as you level. After 30 levels of the lame Rad Infection toggle animation I get burned out and move on.

I would argue with I19 and inherent fitness any set that doesn't have enough useful powers and powers that work with fewer slots (such as FF/Cold shields) it hurts the overall combo's efficiency. Dipping into the power pools for fighting/leadership is fun but I think your build suffers if you dont have enough viable powers beyond your cornerstone powers. This is why I think Rad is overhyped.

Finally any set that requires 4 to 5 sets of purples and billions of dollars of IO's is overhyped.



Hmm, this thread is still going?

These past 9 pages sure have included a lot of interesting topics though it is a bit confusing to me. Since I have both the so called "FOTM" builds (Thugs/Traps MM, Plant/Psi Dom, SS/WP Brute, Fire/Kin Corr, etc) as well as off colored builds (Grav/Energy Dom, Fire/DA Brute, MA/Regen Stalker, etc), should I be considered as a bandwagoning lemming or independent thinker?

Ah well, maybe I just don't give a **** about what other people think of my builds and just play the game. Imagine that.



I don't understand EM/SD scrapper as overrated.

If I ask in the forums what is the best overall ST damage scrapper, I will generally get DM/SD. If I ask in the forums what is the best overall AOE damage scrapper, I will generally get EM/SD.

If each of those live up to their expectation, then what is overrated about them? If you want one that does ST and AOE equally well you will probably get an entirely different answer.

I wanted an AOE beast and EM/SD is most definetly that and then some. And btw, after my three AOE's have been fired, I can 3-4 shot most any boss and move on. Bosses are not a problem for me. (for the record, there are some bosses that give me fits, just as there are exceptions for any toon type)

For me, fire/kin ranks up there. I had one for quite awhile. For certain foes, he was superb. For most others, he was just average. But if I was just looking for a farmer then the fire/kin would be the best for that without question. Again, IMO.

Perhaps it comes down to our personal definitions of "Overhyped".



Said a few times, I'll say it again.


Even after all these years, I still cringe when I see Emp/ with every single primary power taken, in addition to the entire Medicine pool. And then they sit in the back with Healing Aura on auto, picking their nose.

But if I'm given a good Empath, I'm in love. I had an Emp/Ice/Psi in my team a long while ago, I think he actually spent more time playing pseudo-controller than needing to heal, but popping off the heals as necessary in addition to buffs. He'd keep the buffs going, hit people with RAs at opportune times (rather than screaming for stacking every time it was needed), stack holds on dangerous targets with Bitter/Freeze Ray/Dominate, and defuse some of the alphas with Hypnosis.

I've had half a mind to raise one myself, but I'm lazy.



Not a powerset combo...

But where the heck did the whole mm's are the tankers of CoV come from?

Do they get taunt? No... The brutes get that. Ok how about defense sets? Nope that's Brtues again and stalkers.

taking an alpha is not tanking.

So did I miss where the dev stated that there plan was for mm's to tank? If I did please link that post please.

Princess Irulan Lvl 50 AR/Dev Blaster
Natasnmad lvl 50 Dark/Psi Defender
Ms. Parker Lvl 50 Warshade
Ghanima Lvl 27 DW/WP Scrapper
Dark Sepulchral Lvl 50 Sonic/Nrg Blaster
Chanima Lvl 38 Sonic/Dev Blaster
All on Infinity



Originally Posted by Aaron Islander View Post
I don't understand EM/SD scrapper as overrated.

If I ask in the forums what is the best overall ST damage scrapper, I will generally get DM/SD. If I ask in the forums what is the best overall AOE damage scrapper, I will generally get EM/SD.

If each of those live up to their expectation, then what is overrated about them? If you want one that does ST and AOE equally well you will probably get an entirely different answer.

I wanted an AOE beast and EM/SD is most definetly that and then some. And btw, after my three AOE's have been fired, I can 3-4 shot most any boss and move on. Bosses are not a problem for me. (for the record, there are some bosses that give me fits, just as there are exceptions for any toon type)

For me, fire/kin ranks up there. I had one for quite awhile. For certain foes, he was superb. For most others, he was just average. But if I was just looking for a farmer then the fire/kin would be the best for that without question. Again, IMO.

Perhaps it comes down to our personal definitions of "Overhyped".
i thought EM only had an AoE in Whirling Hands.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
i thought EM only had an AoE in Whirling Hands.
Electric Melee.