Would a DPS meter be something we want in CoX?

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I've never understood this idea of measuring DPS so strictly and min-maxing everything.

I've seen players with huge DPS potential and excellent builds accidentally jump too far over a boss, land behind a crate, then need to run back around the crate to get back on target before they can even begin attacking.

Similarly, I've been on "weak" teams that have comprised of 8 positive-sounding, dedicated people who play through missions for 2 hours straight. I've then been on teams with a potentially "strong" Brute leader who laughs at the first "weak" team, does more damage solo than that entire team combined, but takes 10 minute breaks every 20 minutes for a smoke or whatever, leaving him with a far lower true DPS than the "weaklings".

There is so much more to performance than build or DPS. I've been on LRSF teams that easily had the DSP to complete the final mission but fell about simply due to low morale or people quitting unexpectedly. I've also been on LRSF teams that on paper should have no chance of winning but through clever planning, good organisation and liberal use of inpsirations have won anyways. Heck, I've beaten the LRSF on a team of *3* regular players, where we absolutely refused to give up; but failed on full teams who took one bad wipe and called it a day.

There shouldn't be a DPS meter. The only meter CoH could use is a coolness meter

The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
yeah... can you imagine if another game we both played had a DPS meter? Can you imagine how hard it would have been to find gal or brick drivers? Can you imagine the difficulty in getting anybody to class as an adv. engy or adv. hack? Everybody would be going Uni-Max and diving for gunning spots.

No thanks.
Always glad to meet another planetside player.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Ummm, ouch, Dechs.

I'm meh on a DPS meters. I've seen them used entirely negatively elsewhere, so I certainly do not want them here (even if the numbers for it could be kept private).

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory




DPS Meter good, bad or indifferent?

I beleive it is really a case of it depends...

Since I enjoy benchmarking my alts' performance, would love to be able how their DPS stacks against each other against a variety of foes.

Long I seen the contention by many a Tanker that they do poor damage, which I disagree with, I think my Tankers can keep up with Blasters quite well, while I really think Defender's damage is especially too low.

Having the means to measure "Solo" DPS would be an excellent way to benchmark and actually dispell many myths by replacing them with documented fact.

Group DPS, not sure there is value in that, outside of ego stroking the melee class mainly. Also not sure if it could potentially boomerang among players by creating friction... "You stupid Defender, buff me now! I demand it! its your fault my DPS dropped! You are a support AT, your job is to keep me buffed, so "I" can defeat the mobs!"

We already have plenty of the above, not sure a team "eye on the sky" dps monitor would make things much worse.

With regards to my melee and buffs, I have the common sense to make my ATs self sufficient (and this is extremely easy to do with melee ATs), thus I do not have to demand other players to "serve me", my attitude is one "if you buff me, you have my gratitude" but I never demand any buff or even heal (thats why green inpirations were created for, also there is a pool power to aid in this case, and IOs which increase regen as well).

I support a personal DPS so we can data mine our own performance, since I solo as much as I team, I really would like to impartially benchmark my Alt's DPS, after all, it is the kill that completes the mission.




Originally Posted by srmalloy View Post
And DPS is, of course, the only measure of your effectiveness as part of your team.

I've been grinding my Elec/Elec Dominator to 50, and have been running a disproportionate number of ITFs in the process. I discovered that I'd been playing her wrong for maximum effectiveness. I'd been throwing my Gremlins and Voltaic Sentinel into fights, then hanging back and using my ranged attacks. But I discovered that this is suboptimal; once the tank has aggro, I want to be right in behind the tank so Conductive Aura covers as many of the grouped mobs as possible firing off my attacks -- the Minotaurs and Cyclopes are much less annoying when they're standing there at 0 End wondering where it went.

Do I do any more damage this way? No. By the gauge of DPS, I'm not any more effective as part of the team. Am I contributing more to the team? Absolutely; even though I don't have any heals, everyone else on the team isn't taking as much damage, because the mobs aren't able to use most of their attacks. So there are a lot of factors that make up 'effectiveness on a team', and DPS isn't a particularly good gauge of it.
Stop complicating my game!

"Kick from team."

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



For this game a DPS meter would absolutely kill it. GL getting a team if you're not all purpled up. Enjoy doing stuff solo because you're not 'uber'. Even if you're a debuffer or a buffer you'd not get teams because your DPS is in the lower part of the game. I play because it's fun, and if I got kicked from teams for not doing 'optimal' DPS, then something's wrong. Heck, I use my most powerful moves sometimes on minions with 10% health. Why? Because it's cool. Nothing like using Eagle's Claw on a Rikti Monkey

ATs to 50 - TA/A Def, Nrg/Nrg Blaster, EM/EA Brute, WS,ELM/ELA Stalker



Originally Posted by IAmTheRad View Post
For this game a DPS meter would absolutely kill it. GL getting a team if you're not all purpled up. Enjoy doing stuff solo because you're not 'uber'. Even if you're a debuffer or a buffer you'd not get teams because your DPS is in the lower part of the game. I play because it's fun, and if I got kicked from teams for not doing 'optimal' DPS, then something's wrong. Heck, I use my most powerful moves sometimes on minions with 10% health. Why? Because it's cool. Nothing like using Eagle's Claw on a Rikti Monkey
Once again, if Mr. Minion is struggling to stand, I'm going to Knockout Blow his sorry face into next week.

I actually like the idea of a PERSONAL meter, but not one to be used by a team leader to monitor everyone. Just last night I ran an ITF with my Ill/Kin, 2 other controllers, a plant dom, an Invul tank, 2 Blasters and a Corr.

Mr. Tank and the Electric Controller weren't doing a whole lot of damage.

Then again, neither were the Romans, since they were totally sapped and getting beat on by 7 ranged dynamos.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Damage style meters were horrible things added to other MMORPGs. I've been back for a few months and I'd leave and never return if they added them to the game. Simple as that.



Gotta say a HUGE no for DPS meters... they just encourage the wrong kind of thinking, overall... particularly for this game.

In some games where damage is king, they're less crappy, but here, where even a scrapper can apply minor but significant mezzes and debuffs to a target that would escape the DPS metric... well, the results would be useless.

If anything, following a DPS rating system would just lead to LESS effective teams.

Personally, I'm just waiting for the MMO that ditches the whole idea of "spam damage as much as possible" combat play. One where you read your opponent, find a weakness, work to expand on that weakness via feints, positioning strikes, a few minor injuries, even faking your own weaknesses to lead the enemy on, all to get a momentary opportunity for a more debilitating strike. DPS would be out the window.



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
One where you read your opponent, find a weakness, work to expand on that weakness via feints, positioning strikes, a few minor injuries, even faking your own weaknesses to lead the enemy on, all to get a momentary opportunity for a more debilitating strike.
... Surveillance?


My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



I know exactly how the DPS meter should work. You get into a fight and open up the DPS meter window and it says.... "YOUR KICKING ***!"

Anything else would be more harmful then good. Now I'm all for numbers and stuff but there is just too much going on in a fight to make just knowing you DPS useful. Plus I agree with other posters that it would just get exploited by all the lost WoW people who are here to use to complain about others in game. No sir, no thank you much.

'If Champions Online is what "CoH was supposed to be", I'm glad that I have what I have rather than "what it was supposed to be".' - The Alt oholic
"I solo'd Hamidon...but I also totally cheated." - Back Alley Brawler
"It is still early. Someone is going to get stabbed tonight I can feel it." - Ishmael (said in Jello Shooters chat)



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
... Surveillance?

in part. If you think how a good sparring match goes, its rarely the battle of attrition that a hit point meter indicates.... its a matter of sizing up your opponent, finding an opening, trying to get them to overcommit themselves so you can take advantage of that opening, then hitting with what can often be a fight-defining shot or two. A few of those, and the fight's over. At the same time, you're trying to telegraph false weaknesses and keep him from making such a successful maneuver on you.

The game becomes a matter of weighing buffs and debuffs against both yourself and the foe... some of your attacks leave you open for counterattack (a self debuff of sorts) so you weigh your maneuvers carefully-- trying to get your foe to debuff himself in the way you need to land that critical blow. Other powers can conceal your own defensive stats... at a cost... so you try to deceive your foe as he seeks to deceive you. The surveillance, countersurveillance, and constant reevaluation goes on through the whole battle.

Of course, AI would be HELL.



Originally Posted by IAmTheRad View Post
For this game a DPS meter would absolutely kill it. GL getting a team if you're not all purpled up. Enjoy doing stuff solo because you're not 'uber'. Even if you're a debuffer or a buffer you'd not get teams because your DPS is in the lower part of the game. I play because it's fun, and if I got kicked from teams for not doing 'optimal' DPS, then something's wrong. Heck, I use my most powerful moves sometimes on minions with 10% health. Why? Because it's cool. Nothing like using Eagle's Claw on a Rikti Monkey
While I agree that a DPS meter would not be particularly useful in this game I really have to question the assumptions made in this post. You're basically assuming that teams would pass on buffers/debuffers due to them not having "optimal" DPS. While it is true that their DPS is lower I think most players realize that the buffs/debuffs they bring more than outweigh their lower base damage.

I can believe that people would discriminate between characters of the same AT based on DPS but I have a hard time they'd drop a defender for a blaster because the blaster does more DPS.



Originally Posted by IAmTheRad View Post
For this game a DPS meter would absolutely kill it. GL getting a team if you're not all purpled up. Enjoy doing stuff solo because you're not 'uber'. Even if you're a debuffer or a buffer you'd not get teams because your DPS is in the lower part of the game. I play because it's fun, and if I got kicked from teams for not doing 'optimal' DPS, then something's wrong. Heck, I use my most powerful moves sometimes on minions with 10% health. Why? Because it's cool. Nothing like using Eagle's Claw on a Rikti Monkey
I tend to find punting them across the map with cranekick or using nova in a mob of them to be more satisfying hehe. Monkeys raining down everywhere!

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



It would be funny to see how much damage/healing you do at the end of a TF, like a Result chart or something. Like how much damage you've taken, etc.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by XFUNK View Post
Why not add the dps meter to the practice dummies in RWZ?
This is a good idea, don't loose track of it. Adding a couple of meters would be a good thing. It would provide an in-game way to sort out attack chains and figure out how much of various debuffs or other effects you're layering on ("how long does it take me to layer on a Mag 12 Hold" for instance). It could become a 'training room' that gave you some real feedback.

I agree that an actual DPS meter, particularly one visible to other players, is probably a bad idea. But XFUNK's idea is different and better.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
While I agree that a DPS meter would not be particularly useful in this game I really have to question the assumptions made in this post. You're basically assuming that teams would pass on buffers/debuffers due to them not having "optimal" DPS. While it is true that their DPS is lower I think most players realize that the buffs/debuffs they bring more than outweigh their lower base damage.

I can believe that people would discriminate between characters of the same AT based on DPS but I have a hard time they'd drop a defender for a blaster because the blaster does more DPS.
My experience in other games: you have a "support character", soon everyone knows how much dps your archetype should be able to do while "supporting". (this goes for tanks too)
Soon, there are community agreed upon dps standards that everyone is judged on (no matter what type of character one plays) and the numbers go higher and higher into retarded numbers. Believe me, it can ruin games for a lot of people.



Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
I tend to find punting them across the map with cranekick or using nova in a mob of them to be more satisfying hehe. Monkeys raining down everywhere!


Straight up.



Originally Posted by Bonyfinger View Post
My experience in other games: you have a "support character", soon everyone knows how much dps your archetype should be able to do while "supporting". (this goes for tanks too)
Soon, there are community agreed upon dps standards that everyone is judged on (no matter what type of character one plays) and the numbers go higher and higher into retarded numbers. Believe me, it can ruin games for a lot of people.
Maybe, the problem I have with imagining that happening here is that support ATs are so ridiculously overpowered. I could see a DPS meter causing more discrimination against particular support power sets (particularly the ones that don't provide strong +dam or -res) but I don't see it causing people to pass over support ATs for an extra Blaster or Scrapper. Stack 8 support ATs with a -20% resistance debuff (which quite a few sets have) and the total team DPS would be higher than 8 Blasters.



I'm a fan of meters. I'd like them even for CoH. I'd like people to know how much damage my blaster is doing so I don't feel like dead weight for lacking debuffs.




I'm going to have to disagree with the idea based on the fact that, IMO, for the game to grow we need to move away from experience being earned solely through inflicting damage. In a world of superpowers, holds and buffs/debuffs should be just as effective at defeating without a damage component.


"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



I like having a DPS / Performance meter. I find it very useful for maxing out my personal use of powers and abilities. I like having hard numbers to see and look at.

I also very much agree with the fears about elitism, E-Peen-ism and Jerkishness that may well and likely would result from having a 'performance' tool handy.

One big shortcoming of DPS type meters is they are very one dimensional. So it says 'Your a STUD you big number uber blaster you' and doesn't mention the part of the DPS from freezing rain, speed boost (etc).

*IF* the DPS meter could sort out Buff numbers, EG your DPS is 500, 150 of which was due to buffs A, B, C, from players X, Y Z.

And for Buff/Debuffers Your effective DPS is: XXX due to buffs, YYY due to debuffs.

Lastly there would need to be a 'Heal' listing or HPS.

I would want to see each person reported on the DPS meter with Real DPS, Effective DPS (with buffs/debuffs), Buff DPS and Heal/Mitagation HPS scores with breakdowns.

I could really see this being a bit to broad and in-depth to be workable though. It would still also lead to elitism and people being build/IO/Alpha police.

The other option I see as more workable, if have a DPS, (de)Buff effectiveness, and mitigation score and make it viewable for self only. Like netgraph and FPS are now.



Even with very detailed meters that cover all forms of damage and support numbers... you'll have an Earth shattering amount of Epeen-waving and judgment rain down upon the community. You must understand that the lowest common denominator (in this case, the Epeen folks) will dominate the community in game and on the forums.

Then, the people that just play (and never read the forums and such) will start to see in chat and teams that #### is the minimum for this or that. This is terribly demoralizing and will have a very negative impact on teaming, and will also lead to people quitting the game in disgust because their (insert archetype) isn't doing as much as so-in-so's character does. Seriously, this is a very bad thing.

Understand that the non-Epeen people have been playing and steam-rolling things just like always, but suddenly with meters in the game they will not be contributing enough and will be called out. Soon people will be yelled at in random teams because they couldn't steamroll (insert TF) in X number of minutes and it's all because the tank didn't do enough DPS or the Defender didn't "heal" enough. Again, this is a very bad thing.



With the importance placed on buffs and debuffs in this game I don't think a DPS meter would be particularly effective in measuring personal DPS. There are just far more factors involved in team play than simple 'DPS', or even 'HPS'.

Now, a group meter that shows DPS, HPS, and the effectiveness of other buffs and shows the contribution of each member towards these numbers... that could be effective. And before you say anything, I think it could be done using the chat log for hit rolls. . . . but the whole debuff/buff thing would still go unnoticed for the most part and lead to a lot of drama. I think it could be done, but I don't know that it would be good for the game.



A meter that you, and only you can see is acceptable. As long as it doesn't carry over into everyone seeing it, and that it's optional. As long as it's transparent and I can still play the game.

The way of making it a team only thing I think is a bad idea. The people on a team could figure out their DPS beforehand, then when you join if you're not pulling their weight, off the team you go. It's just going to lead to drama.

ATs to 50 - TA/A Def, Nrg/Nrg Blaster, EM/EA Brute, WS,ELM/ELA Stalker