Would a DPS meter be something we want in CoX?

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I would love to see a DPS meter. Any tool that helps me flag tools that I don't want to play with, is a tool I can use. Because just like the "omgz we haf play on 8x8 4 most expeez" *********, people that rely on a DPS meter to form teams are people I won't team with.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



I'd love to have a DPS meter for my OWN dps, it would be helpful in optimizing attack chains.

I don't think the game needs the drama that comes with being able to see everyone else's DPS, though.



We already have a simple DPS meter built into the game: Hit the enemy. If it falls down you did enough. If it doesn't you need to do more to it

Anything in addition to what we have now doesn't add to the game IMO

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Wildwind View Post
I'd love to have a DPS meter for my OWN dps, it would be helpful in optimizing attack chains.

I don't think the game needs the drama that comes with being able to see everyone else's DPS, though.
This, pretty much.



i thnk the only thing this game could use is a similar feature like in hero stats thats players could turn on to use if they choose...

The feature i am refering to is the timers...

In herostats the program tells you how long something is going to take to recharge and counts down...and tells oyu how long something is going to last and counts down...

Those htings have been way to invaluable to me when i use specific powers....like for figuring out when i can use a rez power or how much longer until vengence is ready again...or how long until my assassin strike is ready to be used again....

Yes the nifty growing button is ok....but just doesnt tell me too much.....and then there is the fact that some powers look like they are reayd when they are not...as the buttons will sometimes recharge too fast.

And hte other usage is for powers like moment of glory and overcharge and unstoppable...i relly like knowing when exactly i need to get the heck out of there....i realize the powers blink before they end....but i like to know if i have enough time to take on that next group or if i should sit and wait.

As for the DPS...eh....useful i suppose.....i used the hero stats version to figure out i was doing less damage then last year ona character....but then go figure.....not really a real thing needed in my opinion.



Is there a way to log in-game chat, other than private, to a text file?

I'd work on a log parser myself, but I'd prefer not to delve into memory scanning.



I'd like to see a personal DPS meter. For my own goals I think it would be great. Seeing others' dps though, not so much.