Where are the Villains?




I am currently on Vertue server and I do very much enjoy the groups I have had, but it seems that most of those groups seem to happen on the blue side.

The Red side seems devoid of life. I play at all hours of the day, so It cant just be time issues, but low level villain teams seem sparce, and even mid level or high level seems so very quiet.

Villains generaly like working alone, and my villains are on a Super Villain Group, but it just seems like the most we can wrack up in a team is 3 people at most.

I dont know if this is because of the Going Rogue expansion, but I hear people talking about moving to the blue side with their villains because there are simply more people on the blue side.

Maybe I am completely off base here, but even I have been contemplating moving my villains back over to the hero side, but for RP purposes Im having definately second thoughts about doing that only because one is insanely evil and the other is just a money grubbing con artist looking for wealth and power.

Is the Blue side just more fun?



Villain at's are more solo oriented. Blue side pretty much have to team. Personally I find red side more fun because I don't have to put up with nonsense.



No, the blue-side isn't more fun, except, perhaps, on a personal level. Some people just can't be evil. I play both sides on Champion server and both seem fairly active to me. Might just be the server you're on.



Also, my heroes, even with combined trains, seem to be spending most of their time running from one zone to another. Or they have a kill 20 zone mobs mission. I think I've done more kill 20 missions to level 20, than I did to get to 50 on my villain. Redside is almost all door missions so you'll see way more people blueside.



Originally Posted by MrMechanical View Post
Some people just can't be evil.
I still think this is a dumb rationale. If people's personal morals dictated what they are willing to do in a video game, games like Grand Theft Auto and Manhunt (to cite some examples) wouldn't be as popular as they are.

Saying "I can't be evil, so I won't play a villain character." is like an actor turning down a role because they wouldn't behave that way in real life. It isn't YOU doing those things, it's not like you suddenly become a horrible person in real life because you did some bad things in a completely fictional digital environment.

Saying "I don't play villainside because I don't like the story arcs there." or "I don't play villainside because I don't like teh ATs I can start over there." is a lot more reasonable than saying "I don't play villainside because I'm a good person and I would never do those things."

There are a number of valid reasons to not want to play villainside. Avoiding it because you think doing bad things in a video game reflects on your real personality is not one of them. Sure, a lot of people probably do avoid villainside for that exact reason, but if that is their only reason, then they are, in my opinion, idiots.

*Sits back and waits for Golden Girl to come along and tell me I'm wrong, and that playing a villain in a game does make you a bad person*

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



*shrug* when I log into my Virtue vills I can get on a team easily. It is, as it has always been, knowing who is out there - coalition, globals, VG/SG, what have you.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
I still think this is a dumb rationale. If people's personal morals dictated what they are willing to do in a video game, games like Grand Theft Auto and Manhunt (to cite some examples) wouldn't be as popular as they are.

Saying "I can't be evil, so I won't play a villain character." is like an actor turning down a role because they wouldn't behave that way in real life. It isn't YOU doing those things, it's not like you suddenly become a horrible person in real life because you did some bad things in a completely fictional digital environment.

Saying "I don't play villainside because I don't like the story arcs there." or "I don't play villainside because I don't like teh ATs I can start over there." is a lot more reasonable than saying "I don't play villainside because I'm a good person and I would never do those things."

There are a number of valid reasons to not want to play villainside. Avoiding it because you think doing bad things in a video game reflects on your real personality is not one of them. Sure, a lot of people probably do avoid villainside for that exact reason, but if that is their only reason, then they are, in my opinion, idiots.

*Sits back and waits for Golden Girl to come along and tell me I'm wrong, and that playing a villain in a game does make you a bad person*
I have been playing with the same group of guys for years. One of them has felt uncomfortable going Red-side, so we didn't go red-side. (I have 19 level 50s, and only one of them is Red-side, a MM I mostly soloed.) He just doesn't like being a villain. He doesn't like the feel of being a bad guy. And he is not an "idiot."

No, playing a villain does not make you a bad person, but some people are uncomfortable with pretending to be a bad person. You might consider such persons "overly sensative" maybe, but not "idiots."

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
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Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
I still think this is a dumb rationale. If people's personal morals dictated what they are willing to do in a video game, games like Grand Theft Auto and Manhunt (to cite some examples) wouldn't be as popular as they are.
While I do agree with most of your points, I also see it more like this:

When I come up with a character concept for a game called City of Heroes, most of them tend to be more heroic in nature. Certainly, the other half of the game is called City of Villains, but the base game is still regarded, in my mind at least, as City of Heroes. As such, the majority of my characters would never be evil. It's just not how I see them. Certainly, if I want them to get a patron pool, or some badge over on villain-side, I might take them over there briefly, but for most of their career they will be hero-side.

I think that a lot of people play this game to be heroic, and so make more heroes. The corollary to that is actually a game like Grand Theft Auto, where you play it to be villainous for the most part, so you don't mind doing evil things.

Certainly, everyone is entitled to their own opinion on this, just wanted to throw out another point of view.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
*shrug* when I log into my Virtue vills I can get on a team easily. It is, as it has always been, knowing who is out there - coalition, globals, VG/SG, what have you.

Also the people in my sg/vg have been starting lowbies on blueside hittin 20, doin tips and goin to redside and joinin the vg there.

Personally I don't like blueside I think the low level content is a yawn fest and I like the arcs better on red.While I'll probably bounce back and forth now to take the av's/gm's down on both sides and collect the badges all my at's are villains and will remain so.



global channels are clutch. i used to wonder where everyone was... then I joined a few global channles. and now Im like... hey would some of you STFU.. IM already teamed...



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Saying "I don't play villainside because I don't like the story arcs there." or "I don't play villainside because I don't like teh ATs I can start over there." is a lot more reasonable than saying "I don't play villainside because I'm a good person and I would never do those things."
How about "I don't like the story arcs villainside because most are written for an evil character, and I don't enjoy playing evil characters"?

Character index



Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
I have been playing with the same group of guys for years. One of them has felt uncomfortable going Red-side, so we didn't go red-side. (I have 19 level 50s, and only one of them is Red-side, a MM I mostly soloed.) He just doesn't like being a villain. He doesn't like the feel of being a bad guy. And he is not an "idiot."

No, playing a villain does not make you a bad person, but some people are uncomfortable with pretending to be a bad person. You might consider such persons "overly sensative" maybe, but not "idiots."
Not saying he, in particular, is one.

The ones I feel are idiots are the ones that believe that if they play an evil character, it automatically means they are an evil person in real life.

There is a difference between just not enjoying playing characters like that, and believing that if you do it somehow reflects on your real life morality. The latter are the ones I think are being silly about it.

Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
While I do agree with most of your points, I also see it more like this:

When I come up with a character concept for a game called City of Heroes, most of them tend to be more heroic in nature. Certainly, the other half of the game is called City of Villains, but the base game is still regarded, in my mind at least, as City of Heroes. As such, the majority of my characters would never be evil. It's just not how I see them. Certainly, if I want them to get a patron pool, or some badge over on villain-side, I might take them over there briefly, but for most of their career they will be hero-side.

I think that a lot of people play this game to be heroic, and so make more heroes. The corollary to that is actually a game like Grand Theft Auto, where you play it to be villainous for the most part, so you don't mind doing evil things.

Certainly, everyone is entitled to their own opinion on this, just wanted to throw out another point of view.
And I appreciate other viewpoints. That is why I made a point of stressing that it is my opinion, and not necessarily something that is universally true.

Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
How about "I don't like the story arcs villainside because most are written for an evil character, and I don't enjoy playing evil characters"?
As I said in response to Local Man:

There is a difference between not enjoying playing an evil character, and believing that playing one means you are evil.

The first I can respect, as it is a personal preference, just like my opinion on the matter.

The second is a pretty silly way of going through life. If everyone thought like that, television and movies would end up being pretty boring because no one would be willing to play villainous characters.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



I love playing villains, and since GR came out, I've been playing more of them (mostly because they can be Rogues now). I just hate hate HATE the Rogue Isles. The atmosphere is just... bleh.



Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
He just doesn't like being a villain. He doesn't like the feel of being a bad guy. And he is not an "idiot."
my cure for that is to look at the "villain" as more of a vigilante, since with the exception of the bank jobs the missions are pretty much identical to the Blue side...



Originally Posted by SuperFerret View Post
I love playing villains, and since GR came out, I've been playing more of them (mostly because they can be Rogues now). I just hate hate HATE the Rogue Isles. The atmosphere is just... bleh.
Im the opposite, I dislike playing villains, but love the atmosphere of the rogue islands :P



Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
I am currently on Vertue server and I do very much enjoy the groups I have had, but it seems that most of those groups seem to happen on the blue side.

The Red side seems devoid of life. I play at all hours of the day, so It cant just be time issues, but low level villain teams seem sparce, and even mid level or high level seems so very quiet.
Short version: If you want a team, don't ASK for a team, ask people to join you. Works every time.

The key thing is that I have found the people who play villain-side are much less likely to start a group. Blueside you'll see a couple people post "level 20 XXX looking for team!" and after the second or third person says they need a team, someone will stepup and start it. Redside, I have seen the same six people all asking for a team for 30 minutes non-stop, none of them offering to start one. Sometimes it gets really pathetic.

If you say you are looking for a team, Redside, you are likely to be screwed and not likely to get one. If you say you are starting a team, you might not always get 8 people immediately, but you will get people.

Also, learn to use the teaming tools. Don't broadcast, use the find teammembers and start with the people who are looking for anything.

Best zones for teaming Redside:
Cap au Diable
Sharkhead Isle
Grandville is a distant third

As of this post (but it changes so look down in the virtue server forum for the up to date list) list of active teaming channels:
Virtue TFs 2010
Virtue LFG Alpha

Virtue runs heroside hami raids on Saturdays, Villain on Sundays. There are always multiple runs, they are announced in the above channels. Cape Radio runs Mothership raids and other cool events regularly also.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Eh, many people do things that can be interpreted as evil (minor or otherwise) on a consistant basis. Telling a lie, however benign. Writing off more than you should on tax returns. Running a stop sign. Staying quiet when a cashier gives you more change than they should. The examples are endless. This is why I find the whole "I can't be evil" ideology rather delusional. Such thinking only proves that some people have such high opinion of themselves that they can't face the reality. Now I'm not saying these people can't also do good but in reality, human nature is a mixed bag. In terms of good and evil, there are very few people (if any at all) that can actually succeed in adhering to only one particular side exclusively.

Anyways, I'm certainly not immune to doing certain things that can be interpreted as evil but at least I can admit it. I guess that's why I'm a villain player.



Thanks for all the help. I dont mind forming my own teams, thats not so much an issue, I just like being evil with other evil folks.

I am a rather new player, and enjoy all AT types and love rping both heroes and villains, and while I like the content of both so far, I just happen to like my villain much better. I play her as a rogue though, always looking for wealth and power...cuz shes greedy.

Maybe I will switch her back over to the side of good for a little so I can play more of her as opposed to some of my other creations that are less fun.

But on the overall, Ill just stick it out and form my own teams.



Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
Thanks for all the help. I dont mind forming my own teams, thats not so much an issue, I just like being evil with other evil folks.

I am a rather new player, and enjoy all AT types and love rping both heroes and villains, and while I like the content of both so far, I just happen to like my villain much better. I play her as a rogue though, always looking for wealth and power...cuz shes greedy.

Maybe I will switch her back over to the side of good for a little so I can play more of her as opposed to some of my other creations that are less fun.

But on the overall, Ill just stick it out and form my own teams.
Well, just stay Rogue. i have a rather mercenary SoA who has gone Rogue and will be staying that way and a villain who went Hero at the first opportunity and will mostly stay hero. (Although i have been debating going back to villain long enough to get PPPs.) i also have several heroes that will be going Vigilante, and one or two might even go full villain.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
I still think this is a dumb rationale. If people's personal morals dictated what they are willing to do in a video game, games like Grand Theft Auto and Manhunt (to cite some examples) wouldn't be as popular as they are.
Those games appeal to a different crowd. They're far less aimed at the roleplayer in us than MMOs are. I think the immersion level in an MMO makes it much harder for some people to distance from what their character is doing in the game.

I think another part of it comes from the comic book theme. The villains usually lose in the comics. It's kinda like cops and robbers as a kid. Nobody wanted to play the robber because the bad guy always loses.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



My toon is a troller, but melee and I made her a bad girl.

I think that the problem with the villains side is that Im always resueing people...which I should be kidnapping...for monitary purposes. Or avenging things, which seems more like an anti hero thing, and by the nine hells, even Arachnos soldiers attack me on sight. So I cant be that bad...even though I want to be.

How do you get patron power pools, if the patrons guards hate you?

That aside, I think both can be fun, but Im finding people in blue SG's focused around RP generaly are more busy...or populated.

But then again now that I think of it, rarely are there are Super villian group who lasts long.

I guess heroes are supposed to win eventually and villains are doomed to change rosters more that geriatric folk change undergarments.



I say a large number of people here make new redsiders at once, team together etc and help revive it. I remeber 4 years ago when red side would have lots of people at fort darwin and so forth.