WB to Reboot Buffy the Vampire Slayer




Looks like Warner Bros is rebooting the popular series into a movie..

Atlas Entertainment announced today it is rebooting the beloved franchise, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, with Warner Bros. Pictures. Atlas' Charles Roven and Steve Alexander will produce the feature film alongside Doug Davison and Roy Lee of Vertigo Entertainment (The Ring, How to Train Your Dragon, The Departed). Whit Anderson is writing the script.
My comment is WHY? guess it's cause I never cared for the series but loved the original movie. It was funny as hell. I don't begrudge those who love the series, more power to ya, I just couldn't get into it, that's all.



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Kristy Swanson is eagerly waiting by her phone.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Seriously, I do not understand the movie people who come up with these ideas!

New Buffy without the same cast, actors and, most importantly, Joss Whedon?

Epic Fail on so many levels.

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No good will come from this.

They are better off making the occasional TV or Theatrical movie with the old cast, or at least as much of the old cast that wants to return.

But at least it shouldn't be as bad as the Hulk Returns TV Movie.......OOOOOODDDDIIIIINNNNNN!



They should wait until the generations that originally saw Buffy on TV are at least so old and senile that they can't remember the show.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online

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Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
They should wait until the generations that originally saw Buffy on TV are at least so old and senile that they can't remember the show.
Some of us are already old and sensual!

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Thinking about this now, it's coming across as...

"Oh no, we are about to end the Harry Potter franchise, we've got nothing to replace it and aren't sure if the DC Comics stuff will sell enough, what can we do!! Hey, Vampires are popular, lets bring back Buffy but without paying a fortune to Whedon and the cast!! Make it cheap. Make a billions dollars on it, EPIC WIN!!"

Daft thing is, if they paid the money for getting Whedon and Gellar and co back for it, it's would be so freaking huge at the cinema!

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I'm eagerly waiting for the series with enough gumption to re-boot ITSELF in its first episode!

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Anybody following Season 8? I've tried, but it's just not working for me.



Originally Posted by Coin View Post
Thinking about this now, it's coming across as...

"Oh no, we are about to end the Harry Potter franchise, we've got nothing to replace it and aren't sure if the DC Comics stuff will sell enough, what can we do!! Hey, Vampires are popular, lets bring back Buffy but without paying a fortune to Whedon and the cast!! Make it cheap. Make a billions dollars on it, EPIC WIN!!"

Daft thing is, if they paid the money for getting Whedon and Gellar and co back for it, it's would be so freaking huge at the cinema!
Well here's hoping there are many pop culture jokes and shots at sparkling vampires in it.

"I thought I read that Vampires sparkle in the daylight?"
"OH Xander, puhlease! That is just bad fiction!"



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Originally Posted by myskatz View Post
My comment is WHY? guess it's cause I never cared for the series but loved the original movie. It was funny as hell.
Because Kids Today are going to love the gritty reboot that has even less of Joss Whedon's input than the ultimately filmed version of his screenplay! Plus, as producer Charles Roven observes, "There is an active fan base eagerly awaiting this character's return to the big screen"!

(That's my best approximation for the toy train of thought running through the producers' tiny little minds.)



Originally Posted by Coin View Post
New Buffy without the same cast, actors and, most importantly, Joss Whedon?
The original cast included Kristy Swanson, Hillary Swank, Rutger Hauer, Paul "Pee Wee Herman" Reubens, Luke Perry and Donald Sutherland. Those actors are all a bit long in the tooth for the original concept now, so it would require a new cast.

But I agree with your sentiment: why remake a movie that was only made 18 years ago? I would guess that's why Whedon is not involved.



Originally Posted by Coin View Post
Daft thing is, if they paid the money for getting Whedon and Gellar and co back for it, it's would be so freaking huge at the cinema!
in the same way that Serenity made gobs of money, or that folks flocked in droves to watch Dollhouse? Whedon's name will only bring in so many fans, and will end up alienating a lot of others.



I loved the show and the only reason I liked the movie was because of the remains of Joss' dialogue. Ergo, I have nothing but contempt for this project.

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-Eleanor Roosevelt

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As someone who didn't give a rat's *** about the original series and is generally more bored than anything else by Whedon...

...I still think it's a dumb move. If they did a continuation with a completely different setup, or a parallel story of sorts that leaves the TV series untouched or irrelevant and simply picks up on the basic principles, sure. But a reboot of something that was reasonably popular in its time so soon after puts a lot of pressure on the creative team. It really seems like a coin toss. Even if well-executed it could fail because of expectations heaped upon it.

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Winston Churchill



Originally Posted by Veritech View Post
in the same way that Serenity made gobs of money, or that folks flocked in droves to watch Dollhouse? Whedon's name will only bring in so many fans, and will end up alienating a lot of others.
Do we really need to get into a debate about how the TV networks have treated Joss Whedon's shows and it's effects on how well they did?

The difference here is that the Buffy show was incredibly popular at the time, ran for 7 seasons and had a 5 season spin off, not to mention a whole raft of extended universe stuff out there still selling. It's got a very big fanbase that are devoted to the man and they are the people that this should be aimed at.

Besides, Serenity may not have made much money but it's been very critically acclaimed, as was the Firefly series. He didn't get picked to direct the Avengers movie, arguably the biggest movie ever to come out of the Marvel stable in their movie history, for his good looks after all

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Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
The original cast included Kristy Swanson, Hillary Swank, Rutger Hauer, Paul "Pee Wee Herman" Reubens, Luke Perry and Donald Sutherland. Those actors are all a bit long in the tooth for the original concept now, so it would require a new cast.

But I agree with your sentiment: why remake a movie that was only made 18 years ago? I would guess that's why Whedon is not involved.
I think it's the reboot aspect that's annoying the fans. The storyline was ended with a perfect setup for a continuation with a whole new cast and storyline, especially in light of the Season 8 comics. Rebooting it is just unneccesary. In fact, doing a new cast with maybe one or two guest appearances from the originals to handover would almost make it Buffy: The Next Generation, in a way and would have been a perfect jumping on point for the new fans.

Especially if Whedon was writing and/or directing it

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Not that I disagree with you Coin that Whedon's name is not a kiss of death (it isn't), but it is hard to see that a Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie will be a hit based on the audience of the old TV show. It was popular, for being on the 5th networks (The WB and UPN), but being popular there means 6 or 7 million viewers, not nearly 20 million that a Big 4 show might pull in. It was a critical darling, but not really that widely popular. Add in the fact that the show ended what, nearly a decade ago? The fanbase now and its money-spending impact is probably at the same level as Firefly's was when Serenity came out.

I don't think a BtVS movie, even one with the old cast and crew, would fare that much better than the Serenity movie nowadays. It's been too long and still too niche.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Hmm, fair point, BBM. I'm in the EU so don't really get to see how the US networks work and what sort of fanbase you get as a result. In the UK a series usually gets shown in the correct order wiht the characters developing correctly, as opposed to what Fox did to Firefly, so the fans tend to get a show better here, in a way. It's difficult to see how large a fan base is in the US and I guess that's what the US movie makers go by.

I still think it's a ludicrous idea though and it's going to have to be whole new levels of awesome for the Buffy fans to like it

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I agree that Joss isn't the kiss of death for a project, more like Fox Network is the kiss of death for Joss.

A Buffy: New Generation idea would be far better then hitting the reboot button.

As for Serenity: with the recent release of the Shepard's Tale comic, it's safe to say that the flame of the firefly is all but extinguished.



Which reminds me, can someone PM with spoilers of The Shephard's Tale?

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Originally Posted by Coin View Post
"Oh no, we are about to end the Harry Potter franchise
We should start a pool betting on how long it will take them to reboot Harry Potter.

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Originally Posted by BafflingBeerMan View Post
Which reminds me, can someone PM with spoilers of The Shephard's Tale?

It starts off with his being mortally wounded in the Serenity movie and then we get assorted flashbacks of the main bullet points of his life.

He was kid named Henry Evans that ran away from home due to a drunk/abusive dad and became a street criminal and was topping the wanted charts of the fledgling alliance.

After nearly getting arrested he decides to join the resistance and years later he is a Browncoat heading to a meeting after beating up some alliance troops with ease. He offers to become a covert op for the Browncoats and a cyber eye is used to replace his left eye so that everything he sees/hears is beamed to the resistance. He is told to get a new identity by any means and sees a kid fresh off a space ship and kills him. His ID says he is Derrial Book and he takes that name.

He is shown being drummed out of the alliance for planning an operation that was totally routed by the Browncoats, discharged without investigation, stripped of rank and instead of leaving by shuttle he is dumped into an escape pod. He staggers away wounded.

Years after that he is drunk and thrown out into the mud and gets kicked back into the mud by an alliance goon. Later as he stares at a bowl of soup he finds religion (read the comic for the explanation of that) and joins the church.

Years after that he decides it's time to leave and spread the word and that is when he meets Kaylee and boards Serenity.

So he goes from street punk to criminal, well trained martial artist assassin, to Browncoat, to infiltrating the alliance, to being discharged without investigation for the incident, to finding religion.

It's worth a read, the art work was ok at best.

The only thing is that since he was discharged without investigation and his files were "swept under the rug", how would that make the Alliance so quickly react after scanning his ID card in the episode when he was shot?