WB to Reboot Buffy the Vampire Slayer




Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
Awe, that don't count! everyone was singing and dancing!

Heck, that song almost fills me with man-glee.

"America is about speed. Hot, nasty, bad-[censored] speed."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

...brought to you by Carl's Jr.



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
First off, I love that song. It was my favorite musical number from that episode. I bought season 6 of Buffy jsut for that episode.

Spike wasn't Emo. Spike had moments of being emotional. There's a difference

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
First off, I love that song. It was my favorite musical number from that episode. I bought season 6 of Buffy jsut for that episode.

Spike wasn't Emo. Spike had moments of being emotional. There's a difference
I think a lot of folks abuse the term "emo." To me "emo" would be causing unnecessary drama, which is different than reacting to a situation accordingly.

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I'm pretty sure I've even seen entire episodes where Spike did nothing but pine over Buffy. In a very unmanly way. I've no idea when exactly that was in continuity, mind you.

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Winston Churchill



Originally Posted by Eisregen_NA View Post
I'm pretty sure I've even seen entire episodes where Spike did nothing but pine over Buffy. In a very unmanly way. I've no idea when exactly that was in continuity, mind you.
Was it with Robot Buffy in substitute? That sort of unhealthy way?

Or right before he left to get his soul back, and one of the reasons he left to get his soul back?

Or the few episodes after he got his soul back, and was going through the guilt of everything he's done?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I really haven't got a clue. Back in the day while I was still in college, I was working security on the weekends to keep myself afloat. After some really nice cartoons they'd eventually show Buffy on the telly. Which still beat watching informercials, so I'd watch it. I just remember random bits here and there.

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Winston Churchill



Well regardless of Spike's and even Angel's occasional "emo" tendencies I think Buffy at its worse was still a 1000x more acceptable and enjoyable than something like Twilight.

I have my misgivings about any Buffy without Whedon actually being any good in general. But what I fear more than it simply not being good is that the people behind this reboot may be thinking they want to jump on the Twilight bandwagon and decided to dust-off/retool Buffy into a some kind of cookie-cutter Twilight clone just to try cash in on the whole "tweener sparkle vamp" fad.

A bad rip-off of Buffy I could almost tolerate in the grand scheme of things.
A Buffy that's been totally reworked into an obvious Twilight clone would be a seriously epic fail.

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I mean the Main Star Sucks in everything but being in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I love the TV Show but hated the Movie.

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Originally Posted by Knight_Marshal View Post
I can't wish people who are passionate about my little myth ill. I can, however, take this time to announce that I'm making a Batman movie. Because there's a franchise that truly needs updating. So look for The Dark Knight Rises Way Earlier Than That Other One And Also More Cheaply And In Toronto, rebooting into a theater near you.

Leave me to my pain! Sincerely, Joss Whedon.
I lol'd. Dude has such a great sense of humor.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Well regardless of Spike's and even Angel's occasional "emo" tendencies I think Buffy at its worse was still a 1000x more acceptable and enjoyable than something like Twilight.
Absolutely. I have watched the first two Twilight movies because I wanted to see what all the hype and hate was about and my agreement with you isn't even because of any Twilight hate because I didn't hate it. I just didn't like it from a few standpoints.

And over the course of its seasons Buffy was a very good show. And Angel was a good spin off.

I have my misgivings about any Buffy without Whedon actually being any good in general. But what I fear more than it simply not being good is that the people behind this reboot may be thinking they want to jump on the Twilight bandwagon and decided to dust-off/retool Buffy into a some kind of cookie-cutter Twilight clone just to try cash in on the whole "tweener sparkle vamp" fad.

A bad rip-off of Buffy I could almost tolerate in the grand scheme of things.
A Buffy that's been totally reworked into an obvious Twilight clone would be a seriously epic fail.
For me the bad part of Twilight is I really cannot connect to the characters. I was able to connect to characters in the Buffy movie and series in many ways even when it was rather silly at times but after the first two Twilight movies I really don't find myself caring what happens to the characters and wondering where the hero is to take down the bad vampires? Werewolves on a reservation just don't cut it for me.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



My thought is, without Joss Whedon's writing, it just won't be Buffy.

However, now I'm curious to know the difference between Joss's original script for the Buffy tVS movie, and what we saw.

I actually enjoyed the movie, but I enjoyed it for it's humor.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Rock_Crag View Post
I lol'd. Dude has such a great sense of humor.
Seriously, his response to the whole thing was awesome.

He's fighting with Nathan Fillion for the title of Torgo's man crush.

"America is about speed. Hot, nasty, bad-[censored] speed."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

...brought to you by Carl's Jr.



As long as it has a hot chick wielding pointy weapons i'll give it a watch. But I'm a very discerning viewer.