WW's reasoning for no weather. Disagree!

Adeon Hawkwood



Weather would be awesome in COH. Imagine a raging thunderstorm, then a storm troller starts his/her powers!



I for one would welcome weather! It would greatly add to the immersion! I would enjoy it's subtle and ubiquitous feel added of the game world. The game looks spiffy and wonderful and feels plastic and fake. I say make this pretend world we all enjoy and spend time being good, evil, and now indifferent have the emotional impact of an alternate dimension not that of a plastic play thing picked up at the five and dime for the amusement of a five year old.

For those who have less modern GUP's or who dislike the effects it is easy enough to add an option to disable weather on your computer.

Of course should I have to choose to have the weather right away or, say, 20 bright shiny new tiles for each set I would have to go for the new map pieces first. I have, however, wanted weather since before issue one. I loved the first time I journeyed into DA and found the dark and scary fog within.



Originally Posted by Titaniuma View Post
Weather would be awesome in COH. Imagine a raging thunderstorm, then a storm troller starts his/her powers!
Yes, I have, and it was a wonderful imagining.



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
Hey, folks. Here's the actual quote:

"I’ve never been a huge fan of weather for the sake of weather and I’ve said “not on my watch” in the past, but if there is a compelling gameplay reason to do it, not just because it’s cool, I’d reconsider. So far, no one’s come up with one, but I’m open to ideas."

Note that this is a far cry from "solid no." As with all things, we'll look at the priorities of the project at hand and introduce new tricks when they make sense. Cheers.

Still when I heard "The Coming Storm", I really got my hopes up.

I mean, I had given up on Power/Weapon customization; never expected fitness to go inherent.

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



But where do you stop, once weather comes in. I now want Natural Disasters. I want my hurricanes, tornado, earthquakes, tsunami, Blizzards (well maybe not that one ), volcanoes, floods!!!!

Wait a second, we have a volcanoe, and a zone destroyed by an earthquake. What do you say now DEVS.....what do you say now.

Seriously, I want to jumb into the middle of a tornado and invert it like Superman did in Superman 3....so epic.



Originally Posted by _Zep_ View Post
I for one would welcome weather! It would greatly add to the immersion! I would enjoy it's subtle and ubiquitous feel added of the game world. The game looks spiffy and wonderful and feels plastic and fake. I say make this pretend world we all enjoy and spend time being good, evil, and now indifferent have the emotional impact of an alternate dimension not that of a plastic play thing picked up at the five and dime for the amusement of a five year old.

For those who have less modern GUP's or who dislike the effects it is easy enough to add an option to disable weather on your computer.

Of course should I have to choose to have the weather right away or, say, 20 bright shiny new tiles for each set I would have to go for the new map pieces first. I have, however, wanted weather since before issue one. I loved the first time I journeyed into DA and found the dark and scary fog within.
Well, for immersion sake, then perception would likely have to be halved. Rain/snow/fog always decreases visibility. Not to mention, AT's with physical weapons, will likely have a -ToHit. I mean, it can't be that easy to maintain a grip on your Broadsword when it's pouring down rain.

Oh, and that Stalker Hide? *pfth* just look for the rain hitting nothing in midair.



Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
Well, for immersion sake, then perception would likely have to be halved. Rain/snow/fog always decreases visibility. Not to mention, AT's with physical weapons, will likely have a -ToHit. I mean, it can't be that easy to maintain a grip on your Broadsword when it's pouring down rain.

Oh, and that Stalker Hide? *pfth* just look for the rain hitting nothing in midair.
And don't forget Electric characters. Using their powers in a downpour might not be the smartest idea.



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
If I ever win the lottery, I'll make it. Only then though, because as cool as these details are--- as much as I'd want them--- I don't have much faith in the general player public to appreciate it enough to pay off the effort needed to develop it. It'll be my money pit... but I'll love every moment of it. The devs here could very well have the same passion for those kinds of ideas, but they're working with someone else's money, so I forgive them for being more careful with how its spent.
You're right about that... a lot of the things you mentioned are in Ryzom, and while that's pretty much the most immersive, game-changing MMO environment out there, almost no one played it and the game itself wasn't that great.

I really hold out hope for an MMO with an actual changing world though... just seasons would be nice.



Originally Posted by Titaniuma View Post
Weather would be awesome in COH. Imagine a raging thunderstorm, then a storm troller starts his/her powers!
What would be really cool is if a a Storm controllers powers kicked off a storm in the zone.


"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



I'm actually fine with her comment, but I should also disclose I live in Rhode Island in RL.

To truly capture RI winters, you would want all of PC looking exactly like that X-mas zone, which would be a pain in the but to play in, it would maybe be popular at first, but I should also add, winter weather here CAN start as early as Oct and your not safe from it until April or so, so the winter effects would get old real quick as it does with RL New Englanders, ( with WW being Canadian I'm sure she understands this, and is perhaps a factor why she is in CA), While it does rain here, you don't actually see a lot of Thunder Storms here, not like when I lived in Atlanta. I know people here, who would be freaked out by the amount of thunder and lightning you see elsewhere.

And just to add something else on a related subject, RI in real life is to huge degree a City-State, that is you have Providence and much if the rest of the state, as well as parts of MA are its subburbs, with only Newport maybe qualifying as a seperate community MAYBE.
My point is, Paragon City would have to be some sort of alternate Providence which started off in a slightly different part of the state.



And god forbid, with the Dev's sense of humor, they would maybe duplicate the Winter of '78 in PC as a special event for a week or so( incidently to truly capture winter effects, there would also need to be a global slow debuff going on as well)



Turns out I did misrepresent WWs statement a bit, as Noble pointed out. It was unintentional, wasn't trying to put words in her mouth. I'll edit the original post to be more accurate. Typing from 2 day old memory fail.

Glad this topic sparked good conversation, though! One thing I'd be absolutely against would be weather having a beneficial or detrimental effect on powers.



Originally Posted by Neogumbercules View Post
Turns out I did misrepresent WWs statement a bit, as Noble pointed out. It was unintentional, wasn't trying to put words in her mouth. I'll edit the original post to be more accurate. Typing from 2 day old memory fail.

Glad this topic sparked good conversation, though! One thing I'd be absolutely against would be weather having a beneficial or detrimental effect on powers.
truthfully, if you wanted to emulate weather here, you would need to debuff perception and as well as have a slow debuff. Not to mention snow hiding gears and other critters and slick spots. As far as special NPC's, I could see band of renagade snow plow drivers with a Giant Snow Plow. Trust me it would get old fast, and I'm sure WW knows this, having lived in area that sees its share of snow. As a concept zone, I wouldn't have anything against a cold climate zone.

One thing she could do to make PC more like RI, is to add more donut shops, its impossible to go more than a mile or so w/o seeing one here( well excluding highway of course, and even then, there is one usually near each exit.)



I find the lack of variable weather snaps me out of the game as much as the fact my character can't lie down, or can only eat donuts and hot dogs.

ie not at all.

I can think of plenty of things that would be a better use of dev time than weather.

(To say nothing of the immersion break it would cause to Storm Summoners to not be bale to influence it...)



I don't care about the weather. I don't even notice if it is day or night in Paragon City.

And I would really hate for weather to affect my powers.



I think a weather system would be neat--though in no way should it be a priority over anything currently in the works.



I loved the very 1st winter event, except for all the people who WL PLed. But with all the water areas turned to ice, it was fun fighting on that.

@Killerhurtz & @Killerhurtz 2 of Justice

Arc ID# 95628 What If...#1 The 'Hurtz' Family



I agree that weather would add a lot to immersion. It would also contribute to the mood of potential missions. Want to give a mission in the AE that extra gloomy "oomph" to imply something tragic is coming? Rainstorm. Want to create a sense of bleak emptiness? Snow scattered on the ground. Bam.

BUT, I want to call out people who ascribe war witch's response to "laziness". I get so sick of people saying "laziness" is any motivation for game developers to not do anything. Game devs that produce products have to work REALLY HARD to be competitive. You want an example of a team being lazy, look at the devs of Duke Nukem Forever, or the original team that was supposed to develop STO. Devs that produce games put in 50+ hours in a week pretty commonly. They may not feel -your- pet idea is worth the time spent, but calling them lazy is just disrespectful and rude.

And adding another idea to the OP's list: Incarnates with weather control could actually -change the weather- in instances. (obviously this would be too much trouble in city zones, but in instances, it could be seriously cool.)

Jason Heavensrun
Swift : Freedom Server
Check out my first Architect Arc, "Bring Up the Sun", arc #339507, and let me know what you think!



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
Hey, folks. Here's the actual quote:

"I’ve never been a huge fan of weather for the sake of weather and I’ve said “not on my watch” in the past, but if there is a compelling gameplay reason to do it, not just because it’s cool, I’d reconsider. So far, no one’s come up with one, but I’m open to ideas."

Note that this is a far cry from "solid no." As with all things, we'll look at the priorities of the project at hand and introduce new tricks when they make sense. Cheers.
Ultra mode was added because it was cool.

/end thread

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



The only time I have seen weather effects used effectively in an MMO was in a jungle setting, with a tropical downpour, in a short burst, and it goes back to being sunny again. Something that happens so infrequently, but when it does occur you DO notice it.

And I have to applaud to the poster that mentioned they don't notice the changing of night and day in game. If weather was to be put in CoX ,and it happened frequently, I wouldn't notice it except when I am trying to create a back story, which ironically may limit what setting I can put them in due to weather (eg snowy).



you're just arguing about synoptics now

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Rain -

Snow -
Stay Tuned

Fog -

Effects of Weather -
Stay Tuned (Winter)

Effects of Weather -


Stop with arguing.




Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
Oooh! A red name! *YOINK*

I'm not too bothered about weather effects. Sure, it'd be nice, but not the end of the world if we don't get it.

However, I think we SHOULD most definitely get SEASONAL changes to the city's looks. Leaves falling in the fall, maybe puddles in the ground without actually showing us the rain. Bare trees in winter, a few patches of ice maybe in place of puddles. Blossom in the spring and excessive heat in the summer!

Accompanied, of course, by changes in attire on NPC's and different flavour text from them.

And of course, the really important part... A longer day/night cycle. Doesn't have to be real time, but as it is now, it's WAY too short!

Again, this is all QoL stuff that doesn't add to the combat or anything, but it DOES add to the ambience without actually doing all the complicated weather stuff.

Ooh, and different skies too... Overcast, dark and gloomy, patchy sun, and clear.
I completely agree with this! Ha... I was just about to type something like this There are ways to make better immersion and use of the Ultra Mode abilities without fully create weather effects. And I am sure that it shouldn't be allowed to effect powers AT ALL!

NPC and mob look and behaviour is a no-brainer! That would make the whole of the city sooo cool! And I like the OP 's idea on helping NPC's out on the street. Give a badge for it so it is actually done too.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



As has been pointed out upthread, WW's reasoning doesn't jibe with what is coming in issue 19 in the first mission of the incarnate arc. Weather effects ARE there and do a great deal to create an impressive and exciting ambiance.

Dynamic zone weather it may not be, but it does demonstrate how effective purely aesthetic environmental effects can be. And to echo even more posters thus far, we've already had significant resources spent on purely aesthetic environmental effects including UM's reflections and water effects as well as the introduction of physX particles to the game allowing us to blow mail, leaves, trash and debris about. NONE of these major features have any bearing on how your character performs. But they are indeed cool to look at.



Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
As has been pointed out upthread, WW's reasoning doesn't jibe with what is coming in issue 19 in the first mission of the incarnate arc. Weather effects ARE there and do a great deal to create an impressive and exciting ambiance.

Dynamic zone weather it may not be, but it does demonstrate how effective purely aesthetic environmental effects can be. And to echo even more posters thus far, we've already had significant resources spent on purely aesthetic environmental effects including UM's reflections and water effects as well as the introduction of physX particles to the game allowing us to blow mail, leaves, trash and debris about. NONE of these major features have any bearing on how your character performs. But they are indeed cool to look at.
Hm... I feel a flash of clairvoyance coming on...

Noble Savage will read this post and pass it on to WW. The Devs will put "mission maps with atmospheric weather = great idea, do that more" on their whiteboard. The next big TF/raid they design (probably slated for I23 or so, given how far ahead they work) will specifically have one mission in a snowy area with snow falling and another in, I dunno, the shadow of a volcano with clouds of ash obscuring vision.

Then during some interview or fanmeet, someone will tease that "you know how you asked for more weather effects? well, we heard you. I can't say more right now". Everyone will be super-excited and soon rumors will start that I22 is bringing changing weather effects to zones.

There will be many threads in the forums, with maybe one redname jumping in to clarify "that statement was not made in relation to anything in I22". But people will still be hopeful. Dynamic weather in I23! Finally, after all these years! But it will have been worth the wait, without a doubt!

And the slowly the details of I23 will emerge. And dynamic weather in city zones is not one of them. And eventually it turns out they just meant that some of the missions in the big centerpiece of I23 have atmospheric weather.

And everyone will be really disappointed, from those who will just say "I expected more, somehow" to those who will rage that "the Devs LIED yet again just to string us along and pump more money from us and I'm not giving them another cent!".

...okay, vision over. It may not come to pass. Let's hope it doesn't.

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