Full Green Lantern trailer up!




Originally Posted by Eisregen_NA View Post
But then again, there's only one true GL and it's neither of the above.
Somehow I don't think we can expect an Alan Scott Green Lantern movie any time soon.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
For those of us who missed the GL train, care to tell us what that might be?
Pieface. It's in the Wiki link I posted. In reference to Eskimo Pie.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



Hm, looks interesting. Can't say I'm crazy about the costume, though.



The reason the very glowing, near cartoon like effects, and costumes don't bother me is that they are not truly physical even in the comic. The mask, and the costume are all energy constructs of the ring, and the glow makes sense.

I think the movie is going to be good, and Hal in this is no different than in the Cartoon New Frontier, or in GL first flight. In the comic, the older and wiser Hal is a bit more serious, but in the beginning he wasn't. Even in the early comics he wasn't, it wasn't until the writers started using GL and GA for political statements in the late 60s and early 70s that GL took a more serious shift.

The civilian world has always viewed fighter pilots as cocky and larger than life. So, the writers portrayed him that way. Take a look at The Right Stuff or Top Gun to see the same thing. The former would even be in the correct era for the early GL comics.

All in all, I think the trailer was good. I think the movie will be good too.

Edit: Watched it again, many of the effects (like the ships) have a polished effect as good as any CG I have seen.

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Am I the only one that doesn't ever remember Hal Jordan having a problem with being fearless? The whole line about "Green Lanterns are supposed to be fearless, and I'm not", made no sense to me as far as Hal Jordan's character in the comics.



I'll see it in the theater. That's the highest praise that I can give a movie in terms of anticipation of seeing it since I VERY rarely pay money to see them in the theater.




Originally Posted by ShadowSkill View Post
Am I the only one that doesn't ever remember Hal Jordan having a problem with being fearless? The whole line about "Green Lanterns are supposed to be fearless, and I'm not", made no sense to me as far as Hal Jordan's character in the comics.
True. It was only in recent years that Hal figured out that he had any kind of fear at all. Always in the past, he was fearless to the point that he could shrug off Scarecrow gas and laugh at stuff that frightened Superman.

So that's something I'm a bit concerned about.



There is so much Win in this trailer!!!



I will say the same thing that I said on another board...Its what 11/18/2010? This movie isnt out until July 2011 so there is still over 8 months to add special affects to this movie....

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I re-watched this in HD. The effects seem better, but I still don't like the way the mask is lit in the scene where he's showing his friend the suit. However, it does look better in other shots so it's possible the advertising company used the older footage for that.



Originally Posted by 2short2care View Post
Thanks, he is ugly.

*says in little kid voice* Maybe it's a tumor.
*says in Arnold accent* It's not a tumor.
*says again in little kid voice* Maybe it is.
*yells in Arnold accent* IT'S NOT A TUMOR!

Yeah I read about him on wikipedia and I know it's not a tumor, I just couldn't resist.
I'm a tumor, I'm a tumor...oh oh oh I'm a tumor



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I just read that, it was pretty lame. His complaints were all based on similarities with other movies, and it makes me wonder if he has ever read a comic.
I'll admit I was never a GL fan, but comic based movie always get my attention.

However, this trailer doesn't stand out in any way that would draw me to the theater.

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Can't say I'm all that interested in this. Part of that is due to me not being all that interested in Green Lantern, but another part is due to the blandness of that trailer. I'm getting a Fantastic Four and Ghost Rider feeling from it and that's not a good thing.

Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!



Originally Posted by Agonus View Post
Can't really say I agree with the trailer review. Okay, so the movie -seems- to be taking a couple nods from Iron Man (which is a good thing, even if Jordan is NOT Stark) and some other trailers, so what? This is Hollywood, originality is rather rare.
And, contrary to popular belief, extremely difficult to create. Consider how many movies are out in existence today. Even with the number of remakes/rehashes/whathaveyou, just about every kind of story plot, character, scenery and camera style has been done numerous times. To criticize this movie for being unoriginal would be like criticizing a guy for looking like Howard Stern. There are so many people born every day... It was bound to happen eventually.

As an artist, I can tell you this with 100% certainty: Originality is an illusion. Anything you create or do is going to be somewhat similar to something that's be made or done before.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I just read that, it was pretty lame. His complaints were all based on similarities with other movies, and it makes me wonder if he has ever read a comic.
"Let's take a closer look at the Green Lantern trailer and its similarities to every other superhero movie."

Well, that was his point, not to say I agree with everything he wrote.

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