God I hope it has some kind of redeeming entertaining value, I going to see this movie tomorrow. From the trailers it looks like a remake of Independence Day.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius
Yeah... I think I'll be using my money to go see Red again before it leaves theaters.
There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
I know some people in the industry, and there's an... interesting story behind this movie.
Apparently, the studio behind this movie is also am FX house, and they had been contracted to do several FOX films, which they half-*****. (Wolverine is one of these films, for a point of reference). The last one they worked on was an alien invasion film that was originally due out this month, called "Invasion LA" or something like that, but the project was held up by the FX house... yes, the production studio for Skyline.
So instead of working on the project they were contractually obligated to work on, they put the money they were supposed to spend on these projects into their own picture, and swiped assets from Invasion LA for it as well, bumping that picture back so it would look like a ripoff of Skyline. Then they get to brag that the only spent ~10 million to make Skyline, but the only reason that's true is because of the "extra" money from their other projects and stolen assets from the film they sabotaged.
Then it apparently sucks anyway.
I remember hearing about that, wow what a ********* move to pull on your clients. I hope this movie bombs now, and as matter fact I think I'll be avoiding it now.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius
It'll teach FOX to make a multi-picture deal with a company, no matter how low their bid is. Even after they saw the work they were doing they weren't able to go to anyone else. Check out Gulliver's Travels with Jack Black, they also did the FX on that, and they're supposed to be TERRIBLE.
The Battle for LA movie looks good though, plus it has Aaron Eckhart and Michelle Rodriguez.
50Soulsunder: DM/Regen Scrapper
50Limitshift: EM/WP Brute
Victoria Nox: Dark/Dark Dominator
And about 5 others that change constantly...
And sadly because of its 10million dollar budget and them pushing all the 'good' parts of the movie in the trailer, it'll still turn a profit due to uninformed people thinking it might be half-decent.
I have zero desire to see this, just the commercials alone scream "crap" to me. Looks like a terrible movie.
Thanks for the headsup... so probably either Unstoppable, Megamind, or Fair Game this weekend.
Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued
"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque
I know some people in the industry, and there's an... interesting story behind this movie.
Apparently, the studio behind this movie is also am FX house, and they had been contracted to do several FOX films, which they half-*****. (Wolverine is one of these films, for a point of reference). The last one they worked on was an alien invasion film that was originally due out this month, called "Invasion LA" or something like that, but the project was held up by the FX house... yes, the production studio for Skyline. So instead of working on the project they were contractually obligated to work on, they put the money they were supposed to spend on these projects into their own picture, and swiped assets from Invasion LA for it as well, bumping that picture back so it would look like a ripoff of Skyline. Then they get to brag that the only spent ~10 million to make Skyline, but the only reason that's true is because of the "extra" money from their other projects and stolen assets from the film they sabotaged. Then it apparently sucks anyway. |
So this would be one of those rare situations when downloading a free torrent of the movie wouldn't actually be piracy because you'd be helping prevent the thieving b***ards from making money off of money they embezzled from someone else?
Was looking forward to this, got a worried when it wasn't screened early by critics. After reading some reviews and just spoiling myself to see what happens I am most definitely skipping it. My Alien Invasion addiction will just have to hold out a little longer and pin all hopes on Battle:Los Angeles. I haven't seen Red yet, maybe I'll give that a whirl instead!
bad part is, i was thinking of checking this out just because "turk" from scrubs was in it.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
true, particularly since it is a non-comic role, so what i like the most about him wouldnt really be on display, but honestly i rarely watch movies, but a little sci-fi junk-food i thought might have been made enjoyable with basically turk and the bartender from haven. though honestly, i have had about as much luck with directors i have liked as actors. everyone has an off day.
By the way, I am convinced Donald Faison sold his soul to the Devil to avoid aging. He looks exactly the same in Clueless, Scrubs, and in trailers for this movie.
"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie
Never see a movie because of the actor. They make bad choices, sometimes just for the paycheck. Always follow the writer and/or director whose work you admire.
And if I'm seeing it because the actress is pretty, then I'm not going to listen to the acting. I'll put on my headphones and wait for her to get undressed.

By the way, I am convinced Donald Faison sold his soul to the Devil to avoid aging. He looks exactly the same in Clueless, Scrubs, and in trailers for this movie.
At the grocery store I overheard one of the stupidest conversations ever not long ago:
Woman looking at Brinkley on a magazine: "It says she's 55! How does she look so good at 55?!"
Second woman: "And how do I get to look like her?"
Ladies, she looks so good at 55 for the same reason she looked good at 45, 35, 25, 15 and 5: good freakin' genes.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Well, Christie Brinkley is coming to the end of her contract with Ol' Scratch, so he needed fresh blood.
At the grocery store I overheard one of the stupidest conversations ever not long ago: Woman looking at Brinkley on a magazine: "It says she's 55! How does she look so good at 55?!" Second woman: "And how do I get to look like her?" Ladies, she looks so good at 55 for the same reason she looked good at 45, 35, 25, 15 and 5: good freakin' genes. |
Well, Christie Brinkley is coming to the end of her contract with Ol' Scratch, so he needed fresh blood.
At the grocery store I overheard one of the stupidest conversations ever not long ago: Woman looking at Brinkley on a magazine: "It says she's 55! How does she look so good at 55?!" Second woman: "And how do I get to look like her?" | getting savaged in reviews. I don't mean like "this movie doesn't quite deliver on its promise" but rather more like comparing it to a lesser SyFy channel Saturday original movie.
I had hopes it at least wouldn't suck. I'll be saving my $12 and maybe catching it on HBO.
Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)