Ghost Rider 2 approved with an apparent caveat
"Part of the budget cut will come from Cage himself, who according to the site has taken a pay cut from $12 million to $7 million to stay involved with the production." |
As for the rest of the budget cuts, they won't necessarily mean less effects. Effects get cheaper over time, and truly these days live action stunts cost more than CGI when it comes to a movie like this. If they reduce the number of live action vehicle stunts, the cost for shooting and insurance would drop a lot.
Here's hoping that means we get a better story? Nahhhh couldnt be.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
I can just hear how that conversation went between Nick and his agent.
- Agent: Dude, you did National Treasure 2.
- Nick: ... point. Tell them I'll be in on Monday.
Well he's still having tax problems so 7 million is better than 0 million. Also he likes the material. I'm expecting a tad less CGI FX and a bit more traditional physical FX.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Tempus unum hominem manet
As long as most of the CG effects are focused squarely on Ghost Rider himself, I'm not too worried about the budget. Honestly, the CGI on the "elemental demon" baddies from the first one were really very unimpressive, and the fights in that arena equally so. A lot of people forget that you don't really need a lot of flashy computer effects for absolutely everything supernatural. Mephisto (yes, I know what they called him in the flick, and I don't care!) in the first one exuded much more menace than the flashier bad guys without ever really doing all that much. Heck, a lot of people forget that Ghost Rider can work just as well against mundane, mortal evil as against the hordes of the underworld.
Dude with a flaming skull for a head? Hell yes, he needs CGI to work. The guys he's fighting, not necessarily. They've already cut out the lame stunt-performer celebrity and love interest angles at this point, so as long as they learned their lesson in how to tell a more solid story around the character, I'm... tentatively hopeful.
There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Part of the budget cut will come from Cage himself, who – according to the site – has taken a pay cut from $12 million to $7 million to stay involved with the production.
I think a certain Mr Cage must of signed a certain contract in blood to get handed this again !, Ghost Rider; Spirit of vengeance huh ! (due 2012) - I mean.. Its not even a proper reboot-happy Marvel Enterpri$e$ venture is it with the same lead ?.
Ghost Rider (and its reboot) might of been / could be interesting had it gone really dark and certificate 15 (or higher), possibly with a tone not unlike Constantine, but lets face it, probably not going to happen with Di$ney in the saddle.
Just when Nick claws back credibility points for Big Daddy in KickAss, he goes backwards to redux this !. >.<
He can actually do darker material like in 8mm, if only he wasn't trying so hard to be a superhero on the silver screen all the time. I mean... he was trying like hell to be Superman when the project was in developmental hell under Tim Burton, and even named his own son Kal-El !. (wth !, thats dedication !).
Unless the cut in budget inspires a great focused screenplay with genuine menace and (personally for me) has a distinct lack of satanic bouffant hairstyle (Jeez, Fonda was ridiculous in that) - I'll be giving this reboot a miss.
Ugh, Cage's acting in the first film was almost as bad as the digital fire effects ...
And now they're cutting the budget in half?
@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.
Give us a decent villain and a R rating, and it will be fine.
I smell direct-to-video.
- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405
For me Cage was just flat out wrong in so many ways to be Johnny.
He is way too old to be believable. He was 42 when filming it for goodness sake.
I'd rather watch him as Big Daddy and the Sorcerer at his current age. I'll see GR 2 but I don't have much hope of liking it all that much.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
I didn't have so much of a problem with Cage as I did with Fonda and the other guy as Blackheart. That was the most wooden acting I've ever seen. It was laughable.
So, barring them casting either of those guys again, this movie may be alright...even with half the money.
Mister Liberty - WP/SS tank
Liberty Machine - Inv/EM tank
Brickhouse Brown - Stone/Stone tank
Infurnace - Fire/Fire scrapper
As long as most of the CG effects are focused squarely on Ghost Rider himself, I'm not too worried about the budget. Honestly, the CGI on the "elemental demon" baddies from the first one were really very unimpressive, and the fights in that arena equally so. A lot of people forget that you don't really need a lot of flashy computer effects for absolutely everything supernatural. Mephisto (yes, I know what they called him in the flick, and I don't care!) in the first one exuded much more menace than the flashier bad guys without ever really doing all that much. Heck, a lot of people forget that Ghost Rider can work just as well against mundane, mortal evil as against the hordes of the underworld.
Maybe this will force them to work on quality instead of just a bunch of crazy effects.
Ghost Rider was one of those movies where I felt like they were so busy trying to blow everyone away with visuals, they forgot to include the movie.
See Also: Clash of the Titans Remake...
"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker
If they go darker, and replace the director with someone who understands that GR is *not* a kid-friendly character, then maybe. Then again, I like Daredevil, finding it a comforting mirror to the "Friendly neighborhood Spiderman".
GR needs to be more damning, less jokes. The directors cut was indeed a dramatic improvement, with the reduced effects.
You know what?, in retrospect I'm actually glad Nick Cage is Ghost Rider. Things could of been worse.
Sooo much worse.
I'm glad this was shortlived. Stick to what you know Burton.. stick to what you know.
Nahhhh couldnt be. |

If they go darker, and replace the director with someone who understands that GR is *not* a kid-friendly character, then maybe. Then again, I like Daredevil, finding it a comforting mirror to the "Friendly neighborhood Spiderman".
GR needs to be more damning, less jokes. The directors cut was indeed a dramatic improvement, with the reduced effects. |
Ghost Rider's story was mainly Blade 1 recycled; tragic, cursed hero having to fight villain who seeks major power up.
You know what?, in retrospect I'm actually glad Nick Cage is Ghost Rider. Things could of been worse.
Sooo much worse. I'm glad this was shortlived. Stick to what you know Burton.. stick to what you know. |
Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2
Wow....was that supposed to be Superman or a character from "The Starlight Express"?
One day your in, the next day you are suffering from glitter poisoning.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
"Heres the good news: Sony has greenlit the second Ghost Rider movie, and Nic Cage will be back as Johnny Blaze. Heres the potentially bad: The movies budget may have been slashed almost in half in order to make it happen.
The Wrap is reporting a rumor that GR2s budget has gone from $135 million to $75 million in order to get the movie the go-ahead from the powers that be (To put that in some kind of context, the original movie cost $110 million in 2007 dollars). Part of the reason may be that Sony is only co-financing the movie (Hyde Park Entertainment is co-funding and taking international distribution as a result), although its equally possible that $135 million was seen as too much of a risk for the sequel to a movie that only made $115 million in the US. Part of the budget cut will come from Cage himself, who according to the site has taken a pay cut from $12 million to $7 million to stay involved with the production.
Sony had no comment when reached."
Ok so GR1 which for the most part I liked didn't quite set the world on fire (no pun intended), the idea of only half the budget is kind of bad given all the fire effects for the Rider and his bike, plus whatever super foes he faces.
However I don't think the bean counters quite realize that GR isn't a character that can be marketed for all age brackets like Spiderman can. Spiderman is for all ages, GR isn't. Ah well.
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