Mobs too Scattered




Before I17 and I19, the mobs would stand there, or walk around but stay close to the main spawnpoint. However, since then, they scatter. It's hard enough to find every member of the mobs when they blend in with the environment, but now they can go off on their own, and I have to find them. I am a group at once soloist, I pull them too me and attack and I'm fast that way, set for 54s for 8member teams. I for one don't like them spread out so far I have to spend extra time on them one at a time....especially bosses when I get the Against all odds boost for being near multiple enemies.

My question is .... does anyone else agree with this?






Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
Herd is the word.



Originally Posted by MLEdelen View Post
My question is .... does anyone else agree with this?
A) Haven't noticed what you're talking about. At least not any more than it's always been.

B) Wouldn't care if it did.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Well, I'm testing my new build on my brute, and I have been setting my mishes at +2(x4). The mobs for the most part are rather grouped together, with a few stragglers. You might want to check your mish settings for that.

Plus, herding is the answer to some of the scattered mobs. Some mobs won't be herded, like snipers and the like.

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I agree with the OP completely. Something has changed when I18/GR was implemented. A mission that I intimately familiar with now has some of the mob wandering off into the next spawn, and my settings are default: 1/+0.
And they wander off with a little schoolgirl walk, short fast steps. It's hilarious to watch, if it wasn't frustrating at the same time.



You are correct that recently the mob AI changed and they start to roam after a set period of time once they spawn. If you are attacking groups in "the world", you will have a harder time as it is difficult to be the one spawning new groups.

On missions this should be less of a problem, as you should be attacking groups almost as soon as they spawn (not giving them time to start spreading out).



Originally Posted by Partsman View Post
I agree with the OP completely. Something has changed when I18/GR was implemented. A mission that I intimately familiar with now has some of the mob wandering off into the next spawn, and my settings are default: 1/+0.
And they wander off with a little schoolgirl walk, short fast steps. It's hilarious to watch, if it wasn't frustrating at the same time.
i agree that mob behavior has changed, but i actually like the change. Yes, it makes it a bit harder to wipe out a spawn with one AoE, but their behavior seems more natural when they do that and it makes it easier to thin the group a bit at lower levels, especially when a particularly annoying mob wanders far enough to not alert the rest and can be pulled for easy disposal.

Admittedly it can also make farming a bit less efficient. Somehow i don't think the Devs will find that a compelling argument for reverting the AI.

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Originally Posted by Blacjac84 View Post
Some mobs won't be herded, like snipers and the like.
All mobs can be herded, you just need to break line of sight and they will come running up to you.

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Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
All mobs can be herded, you just need to break line of sight and they will come running up to you.
Snipers can't be herded, they have a self immobilize so they do not move from their spawn point. The only way to move them is to knockback them.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.



Originally Posted by Blacjac84 View Post
Plus, herding is the answer to some of the scattered mobs. Some mobs won't be herded, like snipers and the like.
I've probably encountered like 7 Snipers tops in my 4 years of playing



Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
I've probably encountered like 7 Snipers tops in my 4 years of playing
I take it you don't face Nemesis or Crey much? Snipers are a somewhat common LT spawn in those two groups... I typically see at least a couple of them spawn in a given mission.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.



It is morally wrong not to use knockback attacks on snipers if you have them.

I haven't noticed this change on the tip missions I've done. But in general, I am for it. In my ideal world, all mobs would have agendas of their own and not just stand around in convenient little clumps of all roughly the same composition. I've tried some AE missions with scads of patrols, and they're more fun for me.

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Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
I take it you don't face Nemesis or Crey much? Snipers are a somewhat common LT spawn in those two groups... I typically see at least a couple of them spawn in a given mission.
And the Nemesis sniper range is ridiculous. I'm talking especially about the Tirailleurs.



Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
Snipers can't be herded, they have a self immobilize so they do not move from their spawn point. The only way to move them is to knockback them.
Holy crap... I always wondered why I could never get them to follow me!

Thank you, Champion.



I've noticed the change. It's vaguely annoying only in the sense it makes it less convenient to jump in and AoE stuff to death. That suggests to me the change was fully intentional, and thus very unlikely to ever go away.

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Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
I take it you don't face Nemesis or Crey much? Snipers are a somewhat common LT spawn in those two groups... I typically see at least a couple of them spawn in a given mission.
Not that common at 50.

Just today I ran a few Nemesis tip missions and one of them had 2 snipers.



I have seen a bit more of this recently but frankly I sort of like it. It's much more realistic than at every spawn pawn finding 3 minions or 1 minion/1 Lieutenant standing there pounding their fist into their palm while they wait to be beaten up. Now they roam a little and you have to work a bit more to find them.

Sorry I like it so I don't see the problem.

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�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



I've mostly only noticed this on outdoor maps, as indoor maps tend to rein them in a little bit. The roam distance is a bit ridiculous, however, as mobs in the same group can be REALLY far apart. As in out of snipe range from each other. On the one hand, it makes the outdoor map a little more interesting. On the other, it's a little weird for people in a group together to be so far apart.

So not sure where I sit on this. Not sure how much it really affects play, either. Seems kind of like it would just be better to have more patrols to mimic this effect, but that's my two cents.

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It is normally not a problem for me, on most of my characters, but it is giving my low-level stalker fits. I solo a lot with him in the AE, and I know just how far to push him and what he can handle. Now, instead of those 2 +1 minions and a Lt., he is now facing that plus an additional wandering +2 Lt. from the next mob. I somehow cope...

Not saying it is a bad thing, just agreeing with the OP that something has changed with the mob AI, either intentionally or not. I DO believe that the "little school-girl" walk IS unintentional, but it is fun to watch big, tough guys like the Lost walking around, taking baby steps. The only thing missing are the plaid schoolgirl skirts...

Edit: Oh, and I noticed this with the Rikti monkeys last night in Crey's Folly, while farming them for my aura mission. As soon as they became visible to my hovering blaster, they started to spread out.



Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
I've probably encountered like 7 Snipers tops in my 4 years of playing
I faced over 7 of them last night in a single nemenis mission.

Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
Not that common at 50.

Just today I ran a few Nemesis tip missions and one of them had 2 snipers.
That makes the 7 sound very low for 4 years unless you activatily avoid nemenis.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Dunno if the spawns were odd at the time or what (number of years back), but at one point in a nemesis mish, there were ~2 snipers per mob... didn't find it too problematic until one specific room in the lab tileset.... the room with the ramp up to the center platform with the raised walkway around it (usually 2 spawns on the platform, 4 on the walkway, and one or two on the ground behind the platform).

In retrospect, knowing the spawning tendency for the map up to that point should have been reason enough to not storm the center platform with my blaster. I ended up drawing the attention of every single sniper in the room (and a fair number of those jagger bots).

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