Smallville 10/8/10 200th episode




Please let him fly tonight. PLEAAAASSSEE!!!



I have to say, if's plot summary for tonight's episode is accurate I'm going to be severely disappointed. Of course being severely disappointed by Smallville is nothing new.

"Tell my tale to those who ask. Tell it truly, the ill deeds along with the good and let me be judged accordingly. The rest is silence." -- Dinobot



I'm just hoping that new "suit" he had at the end of the last one doesn't make an appearance. God it was awful. >.>



Originally Posted by Gaderath View Post
I'm just hoping that new "suit" he had at the end of the last one doesn't make an appearance. God it was awful. >.>
It wasnt awful, if any other hero used it in the series we would probably like it. Its just like when they started to mess with his uniform when they killed him and brought back the multiple supermen and the krytonian style costumes and stuff, it wasnt superman. In honestly superman probably has one of the worst costumes in modern comic books, its just one of the most iconic and you cant mess with it alot or people rage.



This show is still on?



Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
In honestly superman probably has one of the worst costumes in modern comic books, its just one of the most iconic and you cant mess with it alot or people rage.
They rage, because they like it I don't think its bad at all, let alone worst.



Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
In honestly superman probably has one of the worst costumes in modern comic books,
hrm... allow me to rebut...



I am so happy to have seen supergirl wearing the original costume with the skirt and not shorts. I'm glad the anti-skirt + flying people didn't win this time. She also wore shorts and pants later in the episode but it was nice to see that they will be following supergirls traditional costume as well.

Now if only clark would put on the suit...

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well, Green Arrow "pulled an Iron Man" ... Desaad has an S&M night club ... Supergirl is back in action ... Darkseid keeps quoteing tidbit's of the Anti-Life equation ... and Brainiac returns next week ... awesome episode



Well... That clinches it. Everyone is getting a mind wipe by the end of this series.



Can't say I'm a fan of their version of Darkseid. I shouldn't be surprised but after last season I'd had hopes. Seems like it's Doomsday all over again.

"Tell my tale to those who ask. Tell it truly, the ill deeds along with the good and let me be judged accordingly. The rest is silence." -- Dinobot



Hmm it almost seems like they're reading from Buffy's playbook with an all-knowing ultimate evil that can possess/pose as people as the big bad of the season. Unfortunately, they borrowed Smokey from Lost to be Darkseid and are basing too much on Clark's self-doubt and fears, which he's never free from, even when he becomes Superman.

Also, I was disappointed with Lois' reaction to Kara coming out as Supergirl and her view on superheroes in general.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



Originally Posted by Wayfarer View Post
Seems like it's Doomsday all over again.
It is. And I called it on the first episode of the season. It makes me... both proud and disappointed.

The actor was good, though. Just a shame he wasn't wearing 3 tons of special FX make-up, and written as an Alien ambassador who's publicly criticizing the heroes for not being as open and honest as he.



Originally Posted by Rock_Crag View Post
It is. And I called it on the first episode of the season. It makes me... both proud and disappointed.

The actor was good, though. Just a shame he wasn't wearing 3 tons of special FX make-up, and written as an Alien ambassador who's publicly criticizing the heroes for not being as open and honest as he.
It's a shame they had to turn him into the villain of the week instead of letting Godfrey continue to speak out against the heroes throughout the season. We could have seen him interact with some of the other New Gods as they came into the light.

I'm hoping we'll get to see some of the good New Gods like Scott Free, Barda, and Orion. Hell, I'm hoping we'll see some New Gods that aren't just being possessed by Darkseid or something. They could build it up to an Apokolips vs Justice League/New Gods free-for-all.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
I'm hoping we'll get to see some of the good New Gods like Scott Free, Barda, and Orion. Hell, I'm hoping we'll see some New Gods that aren't just being possessed by Darkseid or something. They could build it up to an Apokolips vs Justice League/New Gods free-for-all.
yeah, that's a talent/capability far beyond the capacity of the folks currently drafting Smallville. the worst part is it seems like they're borrowing way too much crap from Morrison's spin on the New Gods.



Originally Posted by Veritech View Post
yeah, that's a talent/capability far beyond the capacity of the folks currently drafting Smallville. the worst part is it seems like they're borrowing way too much crap from Morrison's spin on the New Gods.
Let's just hope that Darkseid possesses Lana and Clark has to kill her.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



Was it just me, or was the computer graphics in this ep really awful?


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Originally Posted by ObiWan View Post
This show is still on?
Last season.

Apparantly, people really, really like it. It's been on the air longer than any Trek series with enough viewers to justify its production costs to a group of people whose career purpose is to can old and expensive shows.

Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."



Originally Posted by TheBruteSquad View Post
Apparantly, people really, really like it. It's been on the air longer than any Trek series with enough viewers to justify its production costs to a group of people whose career purpose is to can old and expensive shows.
eh, there are enough people that like it. ratings wise it started out fairly strong, but it's fallen to less than a third of those ratings over the last couple seasons, less than even what Enterprise was getting during it's run. but then it's on the CW, so even a low end success is enough to keep the thing going. they don't need the numbers a show would need on a major network to keep a show going.



Originally Posted by NinjaPirate View Post
Was it just me, or was the computer graphics in this ep really awful?

It's not just you. I didn't think they could do worse than Darkseid's smokey entrance... but then I saw that billboard and crane flop around awkwardly... and I laughed.

If something is animated so poorly that it makes people laugh during (what's supposed to be) a serious situation? Yeah, you might want to reconsider some things....



Lois in S&M gear = best episode ever.



Originally Posted by NinjaPirate View Post
Was it just me, or was the computer graphics in this ep really awful?
Well it's a semi successful show on a 2nd string network with less viewers weekly than a repeat of iCarly. We're lucky they don't draw in the special effects with crayon considering that to keep Tom Welling, CW had to make him executive producer of Hellcats as well as Smallville so he could be paid enough not to leave.

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Tempus unum hominem manet



Okay time for a little more thorough analysis of the episode:

  • Wish they had kept Lois in Africa a bit longer to let her get into trouble on a different continent more, and because I read recently that they're going to have Isis in an episode and it would make more sense to have it take place over there
  • The actor playing Godfrey did a good job but the writers stumbled around a bit with their interpretation of Darkseid; they definitely seem to be going for that First from Buffy vibe but the fact that it didn't really fight anyone was made up for by the more deeply cutting words to the characters and there was cannon fodder for its minions to kill
  • I'm not sure they realize that the more involved role of Jor-El is one of the things that really doesn't make a whole lot of sense, and it's even more bewildering when he gets really judgey and punishes Clark in particular cruel ways; it makes me hope that the Fortress programming has been corrupted or something but then again we've already seen that
  • At least they aren't forgetting Chloe and still talk about her, even though it was a stupid way for her to leave, and they finally got around to telling her cousin what happened
  • Even though they haven't given a lot of background to what's going on with them, the Suicide Squad seems like a more interesting plot than the Darkseid thing, so I hope we get to see more of them soon
  • I also hope that we won't be given the New Gods by simply having Darkseid possess people with their names one by one
  • It was pretty weird having Supergirl show up and get all preachy with Clark about his "inner darkness" and such, and disappointing that they didn't make more progress with the flying
  • The Ollie outing was clearly straight out of Iron Man, but let's hope we get some interesting stories out of it

Overall, I'm getting pretty tired of everyone getting on Clark's case for "not being ready" or "having darkness in his heart." It's like at the beginning of the season he was all ready and raring to go, but the universe conspired to totally cockblock him from his destiny. They could have even kept it sort of canon because Superman was just jumping around instead of flying at first, but really they're just stringing people along by making him think it's the going to be the next episode where he suits up/flies.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
  • The Ollie outing was clearly straight out of Iron Man, but let's hope we get some interesting stories out of it
I actually thought about either Ollie or Clark outing themselves. At first, as a solution for Clark. He can be out there in the open, like Super Girl, and we'd be heading in the right direction for him... perhaps have everyone magically hypnotized into not recognizing Clark as 'Superman' later. And then, as a solution for Ollie... to avoid the negative 'outing' by Godfrey and to put a positive spin on it.

But then I realized it was too much like Iron Man and threw the thought away.

Honestly, it should have been Clark. I can't see any real reason for Ollie doing it other than pure drama. Or maybe Chloe showing up to try and fix it for him. She did leave rather abruptly.