Have you ever rolled a toon ONLY because you thought of a cool name?

Adeon Hawkwood



I've rolled many toons just because I thought of a cool name, with no regard to their backstory or concept, and barely any regard to their archetype. Has anybody else done this?



Yes I too have a severe case of altoholism.

I was relieved of my previous position for telling the truth. Now I make my living translating the lies of other men.
Global:@Ex Iferis



If I come up with what I think is a cool name, I have to come up with a concept or at least AT+Powersets before I hitthe character creator.

Otherwise, it just feels like name-squatting.



I used to, but I ran out of cool names a looooooong time ago.


Alt-itis is such a curse.




"Deliverance Payne" -Mum had a sense of humor.

I'm keeping the char as a placeholder until I can figure out hat to actually do with it.



Yes !

Achtung Baby, not my first character, but my first level 50, is the first to come to my mind.
And some others as well.



I do this constantly.



I created a character with the name "Mirai", just so I could have the name on one of the servers. But Mental Blast/Devices isn't working out for me. Hopefully I'll come up with a good use for the name in the game someday.

Normally I come up with a name that I think is appropriate for the powersets I pick.



There've been times I've daydreamt fun names for characters out of the blue.
But for this game when I actually go to create a character I usually follow this order of creation:

1) Decide what AT/powerset I want to try.
2) Think of a name for it.
3) Think up a vague background for it (i.e. enough to nail an origin for it).
4) Create a costume and power color scheme for it.
5) Play it for like 10 levels or so to see if I like it or not.
6) If I keep it then write up a real bio for it once a have a "feel" for it.

But I figure whatever works is good. Sometimes I don't even follow my own "rules" for it.
Sometimes I'll think of a vague concept first (normally step 3) then figure out an AT/powerset and name that would fit it.
It's all good.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



I do this all the time. Or did until I ran out of character slots on Virtue.

I'm so tickled to find an awesome name available on Virtue* that it's almost always a catalyst for making a character. Although the name itself is usually enough to spark some concept of AT, powers and general look even if I don't have a biography ready to go.

*This isn't to spark another naming debate. Suffice to say "awesome name in my sole opinion using my sole criteria".



Just for a name, no. But I always have a few longstanding concepts handy to put to a good name if I happen to come up with it and find it free. For instance, just yesterday, I managed to snag "Attack" on Victory, despite being sure it would be taken, and I'm more than prepared to put a concept and character into the name.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Angryellow View Post
I've rolled many toons just because I thought of a cool name, with no regard to their backstory or concept, and barely any regard to their archetype. Has anybody else done this?
Well, 'Captain Freem' came from the April Fool's post so he had to be a blaster.
Someone suggested I make a shield tank named Ironshield, so I did.
'Hand to Hand Wombat' was too long, so I went with 'Unarmed Wombat'. Either way, the name suggested martial arts.
'Fidgety Girl' didn't automatically suggest an AT or powersets. I went with electricity and worked an exploding espresso machine into the story.

So yes, I've created characters just on the basis of the name, but the name usually suggests further character details.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Sure, all the time. A few (how "cool" the name is may be debatable):

Alting. And also Alting (alternative spelling w/capital I).
Wallstreet Brawler (more refined than the Back Alley counterpart)
Rocker Girl (for a /stone brute)
Quantum Butterfly (grav/storm troller, of course)
Midieval Crisis (multiple personality knight, created for the "Midlevel Crisis" SG)
Double Donkey Motel (stalker)
The Amish Assassin (also stalker)
The Rouge Spy (kicked out of her organization for wearing too much makeup)
Harlequin Romance (carnival of shadows-style toon)

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



All the time, in fact most of my alts over the last 3 years have been because of this. Come up with a clever name, figure out the rest as you go. Regrettably, given my sense of humor, most of the names lend themselves to masterminds.

"Can play" is not a binary. It's a float.
There are some pretty low values of "can play" out there.

The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off



I had a name in mind to use at some stage, Epic McPhail.

I rolled a warshade, hoping to get some inspiration from the random costume button. I got a bunny with a pink and blue kilt and some other ridiculous features, and a little tidying up later I had my Epic McPhail.

Standup chameleon was another name (and obvious costume that went with it) that I just attached to the next toon I made after I thought of it.

I heard the album Baron von Tollbooth and the Chrome Nun, and that was two more reasonably obvious costumes to make.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Night Moves begged for a toon after I heard Bob Segar one day:
She was a black-haired beauty with big dark eyes
And points all her own sitting way up high
Way up firm and high

Got to happen! I am RATICUS!

Marine Corpse:
After President Obama calling corpsmen CORPSE men - it had to be done.

A blaster naturally.

Yeah, I am an altaholic.



I come up with characters when just a name comes to me.

I come up with characters when there's a powerset combo I want.

I come up with characters when there's a costume idea I have.

Usually I reserve making the character until 2 out of 3 of the above come to me at once, but when something particularly good (to me) comes along, I go right ahead and make it.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Yes. Most recent was last week. A friend needed to get a VG invite for an alt and I didn't have a villain on that server. So I cranked up the character creator, grabbed the "Mad Scientist" generic costume and when I got to the ID screen I threw down "Science Mule" in the name field.

I loaded up Mercy Island, got the invite, and then invite my friend's alt. And he said "that's a great name, you should do something with it". I deleted the character, but I've since made a new Science Mule, and I'm working on a backstory.

Global name: @k26dp



Alot of my higher level characters had their name thought of first.

I usually get a name in my head and think my way through the creator and come out with characters I'm happy with and enjoy.

Unfortunatly nowadays most of the good names I think of are already taken



Most of my character names are puns or jokes of some kind, so I will often roll up a character just because I thought the name was funny . . . I have tons of low level characters I don't play, but keep because I liked the name.

One example: When the first Iron Man movie was about to come out, I made an "Irony Man," a guy stuck in a set of powered armor that doesn't work . . . which is why he is an MA/SR scrapper. (The colors are white, blue and green, not even close to the Marvel character.)

Sometimes I'll make several characters based upon the same pun concept, then play the one or two I like the best. When Shield came out, I made a BS/Shield named "Bull Shield." Made a tank named "Shield Happens." Made another scrapper named "Shield for Brains." When the Electric sets came out, I made a few characters with the name, "Ohm Depot." (He is dressed in an orange vest -- I've gotten a lot of comments about him.) Then I made an Plant/Elec Dominator named "Ohm and Garden." And an Elec/Fire Dom named "Ohm Cooking."

Some concepts just jump out . . . As soon as I could, I made a DP Blaster who looked as close to a Skunk as I could, and named him "Pepe LePewPew."

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



As a placeholder name for an just announced powerset? Yes.

To sit on a cool name that I think I might have an idea for at some point assuming the devs will eventually proliferate powersets. Yes.



Originally Posted by Angryellow View Post
I've rolled many toons just because I thought of a cool name, with no regard to their backstory or concept, and barely any regard to their archetype. Has anybody else done this?
On more then one occasion I have. Some examples:

Therm O'Dynamic
Bow Chicka Bow Wow
Pyra Painda
Willie Whompem
Krispy Kremator
Deja Thorax
Feisty Fawn

I do take their powers and sometimes backstory into account though. But I still will frequently come up with the name first.