Rant about Caves




I came up with a rant about cave missions... because it seems like every time I turn around, I have to go through a stupid cave mission to complete my contact mission. And it doesn't matter if it's CoH or CoV, I'm spending more time UNDER the city than IN it.

So here's the article, along with the top five reasons why cave missions are a pain.

"I Hate Caves"

Please feel free to comment or share.

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I don't hate caves.
I dislike them.

I hate Council/5thColumn maps more.
For as bad of a rap that the "layer cake room" has, I actually don't mind it at all.
The "Fish Hatchery/Swimming Pool" Council room, though, I hate, alongside of thier IKEA bunkers.

But this is just opinion though.




I hate the kind of caves you get in Talos and PI. Specifically the long halls. The cake room is sorta fun actually though, but it's the miles of damn corridors that suck sucktastical suckiness.

Especially now with so many MM's running around.

I actually like the kind of caves the Hollows has. Those are plenty wide to maneuver and travel and yet retain the caveness feel.

I truly wish they would replace the former with the latter.

Masterminds annoy everybody, sooner or later. Heck, Masterminds annoy themselves.



Blue caves suck. The rest of them aren't so bad, or at least not so numerous, but blue caves just blow chunks. You can always count on hearing "Ugh, caves" when entering one on a team, and if there are a couple of MMs in there too, it's just compounded. I've been on several teams that all decided "Yeah, let's do another mission instead of futzing around in this cave".

I agree, make them rare maps. Then it'll be more like "Hey, a blue cave! Cool!"



I don't mind blue caves. I don't mind brown caves. I don't mind grey caves.

I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate HATE Arachnoid caves. For some reason, I always become a little disoriented in them.

"Misbegotten Moon"---Fighting stupidity with stupidity.



I hate any map that's pointlessly labyrinthine, including certain cave maps - the mineshaft cave maps, as you call them. There are actually quite a few cave maps I enjoy, like the Cimeroran tombs, and small wide caves (even though they're a bit boring).

But as I see it, the problem is really any map that forces me to take some circuitous route that doesn't serve any game play purpose.

The office maps with the obvious hallways leading to dead ends and small, out of the way doors providing the way forward. The Council maps with the huge, sectioned-off bunker rooms and weird, multi-layered water chambers where the map is actually counterproductive. Lab maps with forking elevator paths and long, time-wasting dead ends. Sewer maps that circle me back to the direction I came from.

I think they all need to be re-done. Every map they've created in the last few years has been great. Very linear, not confusing at all, and mostly logical. The university tutorial map, Cimeroran caves, Midnighter Club, and the Preatorian underground and lab maps. Remake the remaining maps with that same mind set. The most disappointing thing about Praetoria in my opinion was that the office maps were just re-skinned rather than re-done.

My point of view on this is that the game is not a maze game, and even if it were these are not good mazes. There's no point in having anything complicated about the way maps are laid out, except if it serves a specific game play purpose. I shouldn't wander down a hallway and find out it's a dead end - the fun here is not to find my way to the objective, but to actually engage the objective. The map should provide a satisfying story context for the mission, and facilitate leading me to the objective while engaging spawns along the way. If they want to get fancy, I can encounter rooms where the layout plays into the engagement, but until they provide meaningful environmental interaction, which I'm guessing would take some engine work, don't make it complicated or difficult for me to reach the room's spawns.

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Originally Posted by james_joyce View Post
But as I see it, the problem is really any map that forces me to take some circuitous route that doesn't serve any game play purpose.
I'll be happy when all vestiges of the bad old days when the operative theory was to slow down leveling by irritating the players with pointless obstructions have been swept away.

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I hate the blue cave especially. Despite having memorized all the "parts" that make up the map, and generally knowing where I should and shouldn't go, I simply can't get down the twitch button reaction that is needed to move at more than 15mph in those narrow hallways without getting stuck on a small pebble.

At least with the other maps I can generally blaze through them once I got their general construction figured out. But no. Not the caves. They need to be all damn SPECIAL.

Special mention goes to the "Lab" map. There's this random part where the stairway you need to go is in some dark, purple hallway that's like, in the damn wall and I can almost never find it until the map is on FIRE and you have 2 minutes to gtfo.



I dont like the small, claustrophobia inducing paths in the caves. I like the look and feel but its to easy to get stuck in there and its very hard to get an unobstructed view of the fight. If the caves were more open, with larger paths and more room to manuever, but with the same textures they would be much improved in my mind.

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Originally Posted by james_joyce View Post
I hate any map that's pointlessly labyrinthine, including certain cave maps - the mineshaft cave maps, as you call them.
One thing I hate about the old cave maps, being someone who has spent quite a bit of time in natural caves and a few mines, is that the layout makes no logical sense whatsoever. Caves are formed by underground streams wearing down veins of softer rock (or somewhat soluble limestone) and miners dig out tunnels follow the veins of the coal or mineral they are seeking.

The caves in the game though just follow plain random directions and sometimes even give the impression that the stream that carved them suddenly went uphill. While there are mine carts and some tracks to be seen, miners like to make tunnels as straight as possible so that you can get those carts in and out.

Of course realism would make the maps a even more boring and predictable though.



I like caves well enough, but the only room I hate in them is the multi-tier one that's usually the final room. People tend to fall down levels all the time there, and it's hard to find mobs sometime. I usually start working towards the bottom, and then work my way back up, and to the top.



Originally Posted by Crim_the_Cold View Post
I dont like the small, claustrophobia inducing paths in the caves. I like the look and feel but its to easy to get stuck in there and its very hard to get an unobstructed view of the fight. If the caves were more open, with larger paths and more room to manuever, but with the same textures they would be much improved in my mind.
This and james' post above sum up my view nicely.

I actually like the look of the blue caves but they really feel like they were designed for a single player game, not one where you could have eight players on a team and certainly not one with masterminds.

I was surprised when they put the same incredibly tight caves in CoV.



Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
One thing I hate about the old cave maps, being someone who has spent quite a bit of time in natural caves and a few mines, is that the layout makes no logical sense whatsoever. Caves are formed by underground streams wearing down veins of softer rock (or somewhat soluble limestone) and miners dig out tunnels follow the veins of the coal or mineral they are seeking.

The caves in the game though just follow plain random directions and sometimes even give the impression that the stream that carved them suddenly went uphill. While there are mine carts and some tracks to be seen, miners like to make tunnels as straight as possible so that you can get those carts in and out.

Of course realism would make the maps a even more boring and predictable though.
I think part of the implication is that the caves are both manmade and natural, but consider that NOTHING in Paragon or the Rogue Isles follows logic as well. Look at the roads, the city set up, buildings with foot prints small than studio apartments, the layout of the warehouses with truck trailing offloads at impossible places, skyscrapers built over car tunnels, you'd think HP Lovecraft and Salvador Dali got drunk one night and drew up the plans for all the buildings and cityscapes! The sheer chaos goes WELL beyond a place that was simply destroyed and rebuilt by an alien invasion!
Oh, also, inexplicable lava cracks. I'm pretty sure the east coast is volcanically inert.

This is part of why I would love to see a lot of PAragon, the Rogue Isles and several mission maps get tossed out and remade with common sense and real logistics in mind like Praetoria.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
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Originally Posted by james_joyce View Post
Every map they've created in the last few years has been great. Very linear, not confusing at all, and mostly logical.

There's no point in having anything complicated about the way maps are laid out, except if it serves a specific game play purpose.
I could not possibly disagree more. The notion that maps should be simple, brainless, straight corridors from entrance to objective has always been one thing I despise, because it has singlehandedly ruined gaming for me in practically every game. Maps become linear hallways, of which Final Fantasy XIII is the ultimate expression, and branching paths are removed for the sake of removing dead ends.

What we get as a result is the boring as hell, no imagination grey labs of Praetoria, which have no intersections and have no branching paths that go for more than 10 feet. I know that each hallway will only ever lead to a single room, and each room will only ever have one entrance and one exit, and as long as I find a door I didn't come in through, I'm moving forward. Why would I even need to use my map at all?

I hate boring maps most of all, and maps consisting of nothing but long, wide corridors and big empty rooms are the epitome of boring.The pink caves that came with the Shard are a primary example of this, and the Cimeroran caves, which are a remake of the pink caves, are just as bad. The Praetorian grey labs are even worse, just basically consisting of wide hallways and cavernous chambers. And Arachnos bases are just criminal. One long hallway from door to boss with practically nothing in-between. I explode in jubilations every time I find one of those huge, bottomless rooms, because it means something other than hallways, at least.

Blue and brown caves are easily my favourite tileset in the entire game, both because they are non-trivial to traverse and actually require a bit of thought above and beyond pressing forward, but also because they're virtually the only close quarters we have. Variety is what makes this game great, and having narrow, winding caves is variety.

Every time people exposit how maps should be "simple" and "linear," I facepalm out of instinct.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I loathe the Arachnoid caves. Ugh.
The mineshaft caves I can take or leave, though the cake room does tend to drive me a bit wonky.
Troll caves are fine as long as it's not the BOSTON MARATHON TO REACH ATTA cave.
Cimeroran caves are nice too.
But I would throw the devs a party at Tavern on the Green if they ever get rid of the Nazi Fish Farm.


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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I could not possibly disagree more. The notion that maps should be simple, brainless, straight corridors from entrance to objective has always been one thing I despise, because it has singlehandedly ruined gaming for me in practically every game. Maps become linear hallways, of which Final Fantasy XIII is the ultimate expression, and branching paths are removed for the sake of removing dead ends.

What we get as a result is the boring as hell, no imagination grey labs of Praetoria, which have no intersections and have no branching paths that go for more than 10 feet. I know that each hallway will only ever lead to a single room, and each room will only ever have one entrance and one exit, and as long as I find a door I didn't come in through, I'm moving forward. Why would I even need to use my map at all?

I hate boring maps most of all, and maps consisting of nothing but long, wide corridors and big empty rooms are the epitome of boring.The pink caves that came with the Shard are a primary example of this, and the Cimeroran caves, which are a remake of the pink caves, are just as bad. The Praetorian grey labs are even worse, just basically consisting of wide hallways and cavernous chambers. And Arachnos bases are just criminal. One long hallway from door to boss with practically nothing in-between. I explode in jubilations every time I find one of those huge, bottomless rooms, because it means something other than hallways, at least.

Blue and brown caves are easily my favourite tileset in the entire game, both because they are non-trivial to traverse and actually require a bit of thought above and beyond pressing forward, but also because they're virtually the only close quarters we have. Variety is what makes this game great, and having narrow, winding caves is variety.

Every time people exposit how maps should be "simple" and "linear," I facepalm out of instinct.
To be honest, I wouldn't mind branching paths like this more if they A. Made sense/led to something interesting, or B. served a purpose.
In the case of A, I like seeing branch offs like the prisons used by the council, fifth column, Circle of Thorns, Arachnos, and Longbow, and I would love to see more use of things like the prisons, another example of A is the Arachnos armories you sometimes see, or the medical bays that are criminally rare. But a lot of branch offs are NOT interesting, they do no lead to any place of discernible purpose, they just exist. This is probably going to be a natural fault in the case of some of the caves since, as they're caves, very little is going to serve an apparent function to a human or someone without knowledge in mining or geology. (Those who would know though would scoff and find it all inaccurate and ridiculous)
A case of B is when other objectives are laid out in the extra rooms, this, thankfully can happen, but sometimes certain side rooms in certain maps tend to feel seldom used, part of why I wish we could set spawn locations and so forth with AE.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



I remember leading the following anecdote from Diablo 2.

A friend of mine was playing through one of the Lut Golein randomly-generated crypts, when he fought his way down a very long hallway. He killed plenty of enemies, only to reach a dead end, stop and get nailed by a spike trap. "What was the point of this corridor?" he asked, to which I shrugged "Well, there was a spike trap at the end." "Oh, that's like some kind of reward, then?" Yeah, I didn't think my response all the way through.

At the same time, I prefer seeing dead ends. It makes a map seem more believable and less like the rail on a rail shooter. No, they don't serve a practical purpose, in that there's no reason to explore them... Unless you want to, and I do. But they serve to make the map feel more like a branching path than a no side paths, no exploration, no freedom linear corridor from set-piece battle to set-piece battle. I grew up playing Diablo and Diablo 2, and both games had randomly generated maps. They had plenty of dead ends, loops and weird geometry, such as two squares of disembodied wall... With a door on it. Generally, I prefer maps that feel random, partly because they feel less "staged" and partly because they're harder to predict.

Regular maps I can predict, simply because there are only a limited number of layouts, and I remember them all. Praetorian maps I can predict because they always, always, ALWAYS feature only a single, linear path from the entrance door to whatever it is I have to kill. The most creative they ever get is if they branch a corridor for 50 feet and loop both sides into the same room anyway. I literally squee every time I see a tunnels or grey labs corridor branch off and lead to two separate rooms. And I really shouldn't.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
I don't hate caves.
I dislike them.

I hate Council/5thColumn maps more.
For as bad of a rap that the "layer cake room" has, I actually don't mind it at all.
The "Fish Hatchery/Swimming Pool" Council room, though, I hate, alongside of thier IKEA bunkers.

But this is just opinion though.
I tend to agree with you BBQ but think about this for a second... where exactly are all of those Council/5th Column bases located? In underground tunnels they dug below the surface of the earth and in many places they allow the natural rock formation to serve as the walls.. or in other words MAN MADE CAVES! lol A few years ago I made the huge mistake of doing Moonfire, followed by Hess, follwed by Citadel all in the same day. I was so sick of looking at Council and traveling through their twisting, winding underground bases that I didn't even want to pick a Council mission from the Police Radio for a while.

The Rikti caves are fine, nice and wide and actually sort of bland with very few turns and no tiny little holes for things to hide in. Same with the Cimeroran ones.. I actually like that design with the archways and stairs in some places. The only ones that drive me crazy, and from the reactions I've seen over the years I'd say most players feel the same , are the blue ones already mentioned.. Small, tight, easy for enemies to find spots to hide out in and the can drive you JUST a little crazy. If they replaced them all with the same style as the ones we find the Rikti in, or the ones in Cimerora, tomorrow I think the majority of players would rejoice!

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post

At the same time, I prefer seeing dead ends. It makes a map seem more believable and less like the rail on a rail shooter. No, they don't serve a practical purpose, in that there's no reason to explore them...
I didn't say I didn't like dead ends, I just don't like them if they seem painfully arbitrary.
for example, the Manji (since a Swastika is tilted and I think 'spins' widdershin) shaped lab room where you sometimes go down all thee hall ways... and each one effectively ends at the sealed door ways.
On the other hand, there's there Arachnos armories I mentioned, which I love to explore and look around in.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
If they replaced them all with the same style as the ones we find the Rikti in, or the ones in Cimerora, tomorrow I think the majority of players would rejoice!
And a few of us will be sad to see the only decent caves in the game go.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I don't mind dead ends so much, I just hate the clutter. A lot of the time the dead ends seem like they are supposed to be there, regardless of whether or not there's something to KILL there. The office building is the best example of this I can think of. It's an office building. There's offices. No, badguys aren't in every single room, but I'd be a bit perplexed to never run into little rooms where the hapless citizens might play pong when they aren't being held hostage by Skullz.

Maybe make the clutter in maps less... Rigid. I feel infinitely silly as a SUPER HERO when I'm stuck on a small rock or a desk and not incinerating it with my mind like I should be.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I could not possibly disagree more. The notion that maps should be simple, brainless, straight corridors from entrance to objective has always been one thing I despise, because it has singlehandedly ruined gaming for me in practically every game. Maps become linear hallways, of which Final Fantasy XIII is the ultimate expression, and branching paths are removed for the sake of removing dead ends.

What we get as a result is the boring as hell, no imagination grey labs of Praetoria, which have no intersections and have no branching paths that go for more than 10 feet. I know that each hallway will only ever lead to a single room, and each room will only ever have one entrance and one exit, and as long as I find a door I didn't come in through, I'm moving forward. Why would I even need to use my map at all?
If I remember correctly, you also prefer the large, repetitive blocks of Paragon to the more cramped and variegated streets of the Rogue Isles, because you prefer your environment to feel like a real city. I vastly prefer the Rogue Isles' design philosophy of smaller zones where landmarks are more concentrated (even though the RI have other problems). I think we're just playing the game for different reasons - I'm playing it for the game play, and you're playing it, perhaps, for RP or some similar reason.

But having established that we simply have different tastes, I want to address one of your implications above, because you're conflating several concepts here that I don't think should be conflated.

One, you say you dislike maps that are, "simple, brainless, straight corridors." The implication being that branching maps, say the brown or pink caves or the old lab maps, are "complex" and "thoughtful". I disagree. They require more time to navigate, not thought. It doesn't require any thought to wander down a hallway, find a dead end, then wander back. It just takes more of my time. This is similar to AV fights we've traditionally had in the game. They're not challenging, they're simply time consuming - your character can either do it or you can't, and that's determined before the fight begins based on your power sets, enhancements, and temp powers. There's no thought, and it's not a puzzle - it's just time (obviously this has changed a little with more recent boss fight introductions).

You say this philosophy lead to boring Praetorian lab maps, but those lab maps, IMO, are not boring because they're linear. Consider if they weren't linear - say they had elevators and long dead ends like the old lab maps. Would they be any more interesting? Maybe you'd say yes, but on the contrary I'd say they were even more boring than they are now. If you want to make the lab maps interesting, it doesn't have to do with making them into kindergarten-level mazes, but with putting interesting things in them - decorative elements, environmental obstacles, interesting room layouts, etc. The lab maps aren't boring because they're linear, but because they're monotonous.

Consider the new underground maps, which are some of my favorites. Each map potentially consists of a pretty large variety of rooms. You can follow the old subway tracks, you can go down the ramp through the high ceiling'ed tunnel, into the empty resistance base room, into the room with the cargo ship, into the room large column'd room. It has variety, and many of those rooms (at least to me) are visually compelling and have interesting terrain that subtly change the encounters there. It's completely linear, but it doesn't really feel linear. I'm going down ramps, doubling back at the bottom of stairs, and jumping over subway tracks. But because it is linear, it doesn't waste my time.

As I said previously, this isn't a maze game, so putting pointless mazes into the game doesn't enhance it. I don't have a lot of time to play, so when I do play I want to be able to accomplish something, and that's impeded if I spend my time trekking down a long hallway and find nothing there.

It's a different of preference, but I feel like most players prefer what I'm saying. Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know.

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Originally Posted by Crim_the_Cold View Post
its to easy to get stuck in there and its very hard to get an unobstructed view of the fight.
This is the big one for me. Oranbega does it too--if you've ever tried to stealth x5 and up spawns with lots of Behemoths on Oranbega, you'll notice that the enemies pretty much pack up the entire hall, wall to wall and floor to ceiling. That's friggin' annoying. I think a lot of the old maps could use to be widened.

My biggest problem with caves isn't their twistiness or how nonsensical they are, but how spread out the spawn points can be. It feels like I have to run half a mile between spawns sometimes, which is annoying on my Brute.

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While I am no big fan of some of the caves, I have hated the layer room since I first set foot in it. I am getting better at it, but I still curse when ever I realize it will be the end section of a very long map that was not a kill all.

In some places in Oranbega I feel the need to widen the corridors are spread out the spawns. Those corridors where there are 3 spawns are annoying as hell for a melee character.