Rant about Caves




Originally Posted by MacOberon View Post
Personally, I can live with the strangeness of spending half my life in a stupid cave, even in the big city. What I can't stand is the game-technical effects of it.

8 players, 10 MM pets, and a passage so narrow you can't walk two abreast? Bad idea, end of story. To make it worse yet, your camera gets squashed into the same narrow space, making you effectively blind. The blindness is the worst. You can't see where the tank is, where the healer is, where the stupid enemies are, or if you are actually one of the MMs - good lucky keeping track of your pets.

That's when the enemies burst in, Making it 8 chars, 10 pets and 15 mobs in the stupid shaft. Queue special effects and screen shake. Normally special effects are fun, but only when you can pull the camera back to 5-10 meters at LEAST. It's not fun to play the game blind. It really isn't. Even when solo, I think the mines restrict my camera too much to be fun.

I take it you hate doors, too? You know the ones - in offices and sewers, where only one person can fit through at a time? Personally, I far prefer that over the cavernous "huts" they have in World of Warcraft, where people apparently build their houses with 30-foot ceilings and log truces five feet across.

Masterminds can be a problem in caves if you don't have a good set of binds, admittedly, and why the developers didn't provide players with decent controls I'll never know.

But I have to disagree on camera controls. You camera only ever gets "pinched" if you let it. Use mouse look and your camera will never be "stuck" again. Mine hasn't been in years, and I'm far from uniquely skilled.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Funny thing about the cave maps is that the ones that I hate because they are a pain in the *** to fight in are the exact same ones I want to be able to use in my base designs if base raids were working properly.

What sucks to attack is glorious to defend.



Originally Posted by MacOberon View Post
Oh and yeah, offices look like they have been designed by a Rikti on crack, but I like that. Can you imagine how boring it'd be if all maps were predictably regular? Ew.
I disagree, I think you can make things normal but still interesting. You just have to realize that the labyrinthine nature needs to come from the villains who are raiding/held up in a place and not it's inherent design.
For example, consider some of the examples I gave for different means of climbing the floors of a building instead of just the standard elevator alone earlier in this thread:

Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
... Things could be used like large air ducts, windows to the fire escape, stairwells, maintenance, and even scaling up ladders in empty elevator shafts.
In this effect, you gain a layer of complexity by finding different means to climb levels, the idea being that when you start going up one way, the badguys will do something to halt your progress going up further.
Then you could throw in destroyable (or in rare cases, indestructible barricades) either with portable force/repulsion field generators from the black market, desks, chairs, cubicle walls, and ripped off doors piled up and nailed together in crude barriers, and even portable defensive turrets to deter people from going a certain path.
Now while not adding complexity to a map's navigation I did post an idea to make generic maps like warehouses and so forth have a bit more flavor.
With all of these things, I think it would be possible to make realistic office buildings seem like quite a setting worthy of an epic battle.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Funny thing about the cave maps is that the ones that I hate because they are a pain in the *** to fight in are the exact same ones I want to be able to use in my base designs if base raids were working properly.

What sucks to attack is glorious to defend.
So you'd think. What sucks to fight in sucks to fight in, and I assure you that if you hate running cave missions, you'll hate running cave missions to defend your base.

In theory, choke points should be a boon to heroes whose numbers are often small and a killing field to NPCs, who spawn in large numbers. And they are, for the most part, only that doesn't make people like them any more.

I'm not back up over my own points. I still love caves and feel that they are some of the more interesting terrain, and that's coming from me running a Mastermind through them RIGHT NOW. But if you hate cave missions, then you'll hate all applications of cave missions.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



HATE. Caves.



I once did a door mish in Independence Port wherein a ship's door led to a CAVE! The only way I can see getting a "no-prize" out of this is to assume that in going through the door, my toon was teleported to a nearby cavern. Otherwise I would have to assume an insane level of laziness on the parts of the Devs, and they have done so many other things right, I hate to dis them on this abberation. It would be like shooting fish in a barrel...or a very shallow cave.

I also agree that most CoX caves are not "natural" in their design, i.e. created by flowing water & other geologic causes. I'll let the "improved caves" containing Council or Circle of Thorns go by, assuming that the Bad Guys simply improved on what they found.

Let's just say it's a good thing this game isn't called "City of Spelunkers"...



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I take it you hate doors, too? You know the ones - in offices and sewers, where only one person can fit through at a time? Personally, I far prefer that over the cavernous "huts" they have in World of Warcraft, where people apparently build their houses with 30-foot ceilings and log truces five feet across.

Masterminds can be a problem in caves if you don't have a good set of binds, admittedly, and why the developers didn't provide players with decent controls I'll never know.

But I have to disagree on camera controls. You camera only ever gets "pinched" if you let it. Use mouse look and your camera will never be "stuck" again. Mine hasn't been in years, and I'm far from uniquely skilled.
Nope, I actually like doors in missions, like the office maps. Calls for some new strategy, either pulling out, or a charge to get everyone IN. It's also easy to see all the time.

While the wow-analogy does make sense, it's not game-technical sense. This game (and wow) are both based on third-perspective view. Everything is adapted to that, from graphical effects, to control and character speed, etc. Everything except cave-maps that is. When we get "squashed", and either have the camera jumping around, or go to first person to avoid that, we leave the intended game play.

With standard group size of 8, plus pets, and taking into account that this game (compared to wow) has higher speeds, more teleporting, a lot more enemies and more blinding special effects - tight caves are problem. With no strategic overview over the situation, we are venturing outside what would be considered "intended game play", I'm pretty sure. I sure don't enjoy it as much, and I think there's a fairly good reason no game trailers ever show a fight in a narrow cave tunnel - because the end result is just blind chaotic mayhem.

...the cavernous "huts" they have in World of Warcraft..
You have to admit that's a funny choice of words: "cavernous". All I asked for was for the caves to be... well, cavernous. I have absolutely no problem with offices and sewers. They have more than enough space to provide me with a proper situational overview.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
So you'd think. What sucks to fight in sucks to fight in, and I assure you that if you hate running cave missions, you'll hate running cave missions to defend your base.

In theory, choke points should be a boon to heroes whose numbers are often small and a killing field to NPCs, who spawn in large numbers. And they are, for the most part, only that doesn't make people like them any more.

I'm not back up over my own points. I still love caves and feel that they are some of the more interesting terrain, and that's coming from me running a Mastermind through them RIGHT NOW. But if you hate cave missions, then you'll hate all applications of cave missions.
I don't hate cave maps just specific "rooms". Mostly Council/5th Column cuz it's frustrating ferreting out all the hidden NPC's. But I still wish I could put them in my base. So many places to hide and set traps for for attackers with base defenses.

And the decorative items in the Council bases are so much cooler than the crap we have in our base editor.



tl;dr, but I think I am one of the only ones who doesn't care *what* map a mission is in, not one. I consider them all a challenge to learn to deal with get through. Solo or team.

Some of the enemies I gotta face though... yeesh. Seriously? an EB solo on 0 at level 10 REALLY?

And yet, I somehow manage.

What gets me is the wonderful tapestries of the rarer missions that I can't stand about and look at. Especially task forces, such as the Woodsman's in Eden. There is a *grand* map there... and it's *rush rush rush* with the team. I just wanna sometimes say "Hold up, y'all... I wanna picture. Ooh, what's over there?" *bounds away* *gets eaten by a Grue*

But no map holds any ill will in my book. The missions might, the enemies I gotta face might, but no map at all. They're all good.

/I'm an only, aren't I? Ah well. Unique is good.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



Originally Posted by MacOberon View Post
With standard group size of 8, plus pets, and taking into account that this game (compared to wow) has higher speeds, more teleporting, a lot more enemies and more blinding special effects - tight caves are problem. With no strategic overview over the situation, we are venturing outside what would be considered "intended game play", I'm pretty sure. I sure don't enjoy it as much, and I think there's a fairly good reason no game trailers ever show a fight in a narrow cave tunnel - because the end result is just blind chaotic mayhem.
While I'll agree with you that caves make this worse, this is precisely what my experience of ANY 8-man team on ANY map is. Stick eight heroes fighting 8-man spawns in the Construct if you will, and you'll still get nothing more than a huge clusterhug. The way enemy numbers scale up or, alternately, the way my cognition scales down with enemy numbers, means that any team over about... Three becomes chaotic and impossible to appraise strategically. I've no idea how people led Hamidon raids.

Originally Posted by MacOberon View Post
You have to admit that's a funny choice of words: "cavernous". All I asked for was for the caves to be... well, cavernous. I have absolutely no problem with offices and sewers. They have more than enough space to provide me with a proper situational overview.
On the one hand, I agree with you. Having larger caverns with occasional tights spots would be ideal. In theory. In practice, what that materialised as was pink caves (also known as Troll or Shadow Shard caves), which are the single most boring tileset in the entire game, bar none. Arachnos maps, at least, have that weird alien design to them, but pink caves are just unremarkable. It's like being sat in a railroad tunnel and be told your mission was to go from one end to the other. Yeah, it'd be cool once, but every other time it's just more featureless tunnels. And they ARE featureless. It feels like the entire tileset has, like, ten pieces to it - corridor, curved corridor, dead end corridor, large round room and two different intersections, with exactly one turn.

I don't dislike pink caves because they're wider. I dislike pink caves because they suck. For all I bash on them, their remakings are, at the very least, decent. And also incredibly rare. Snake caves are VERY detailed, but they show up in all of a dozen missions, and Cimeroran caves aren't half bad (though still bland), but they only really show up in Cimerora and a few Midnighter missions. There are exceptions, but they're rare.

They're like ship maps. Each ship map consists of two or three giant holds with containers in different arrangements. Maybe if I were dockworker, I might be able to feel they were more different, but to my eyes, it's one big square hold after another, and to boot, it feels like there are a total of five hold sections, if that, with the first and last always being the same. Always.

For some reason, at one point the developers decided to do what WoW did (or so it seems) and cram the game full of humongous chambers and ginormous, high-ceiling corridors, and the result is... Bland beyond description. Convenience at the cost of artistic depredation and decay is not a good tradeoff.

Originally Posted by houtex View Post
tl;dr, but I think I am one of the only ones who doesn't care *what* map a mission is in, not one. I consider them all a challenge to learn to deal with get through. Solo or team.
You are not the only one. I grew up on things like Tomb Raider and the Prince of Persia, I enjoy complicated terrain that needs to be navigated, as opposed to the standard MMO fare of outdoor flatlands. Nothing bores me more than endless plains and forests, and that's a large part of what has turned me off practically every MMO I've ever played. City of Heroes' indoor instancing is a strong contender for the biggest reason I'm still here.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
I loathe the Arachnoid caves. Ugh.
The mineshaft caves I can take or leave, though the cake room does tend to drive me a bit wonky.
Troll caves are fine as long as it's not the BOSTON MARATHON TO REACH ATTA cave.
Cimeroran caves are nice too.
But I would throw the devs a party at Tavern on the Green if they ever get rid of the Nazi Fish Farm.

Tavern on the Green went out of business.

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Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Tavern on the Green went out of business.
Figures, I leave NYC and the whole place goes to hell.


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Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
What sucks to attack is glorious to defend.
That's what she said.


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But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

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