New travel powers?

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Can we get some more travel powers like a epic version of Ninja run or something

Super jump is good but the animation is weird imo.

Super speed is proabably the least useful because so many obstacles you can't get up to. Its good for mish, but travel powers should be good for traveling long distances.

those 2 above I like the most because they can be argued as extensions of your characters already existing speed/strength

Fly and teleprt imo are hard to fit in conceptually, unless youre some wizard with spells that basically let you do whatever you want. Because fly and teleport are like completely seprate super powers. So you have your combat powers...but you can also fly.

Like a mutation that lets you grow/fight with spines but also defy gravity/teleport on the side lol. Its weird IMO

really I'm only asking because SJ looks kind of weird and SS is one of the most useless for long distances(I only somtimes get it because of Hasten)

edit: when I say SJ looks weird I mean the jumping animation only. The falling animation I think looks pretty cool



Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
Can we get some more travel powers like a epic version of Ninja run or something
We already have that. It's called Super Speed

Super jump is good but the animation is weird imo.
So you want different animations?



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
We already have that. It's called Super Speed
SS lets you jump +400%? which is my point because SS can't get you up high ledges.

So you want different animations?
my main beef with Sj is the animation is lame if they want to updates yes i'm up for it



new animation for sj? i might be able to get behind that.

ss is useless? lmao. if you actually need to get somewhere that ss can't get you to you can buy temp powers that will give you vertical movement cheaply.

many super heroes fly. and last time i checked, super man wasn't magic.

just because you think something is wierd is not going to make the devs change it.

so, the only thing i think i might be able to get behind is a new animation for sj. good luck getting anyone to agree that the other powers are broke. even sj isn't broke.



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
many super heroes fly. and last time i checked, super man wasn't magic.

just because you think something is wierd is not going to make the devs change it.

so, the only thing i think i might be able to get behind is a new animation for sj. good luck getting anyone to agree that the other powers are broke. even sj isn't broke.
^this sums up the thread for me^

BABs has comments that power pool customization will be coming (so many times I have linked to his posts). And Castle even started a thread (here about alternate animations (look at the second reply with 2 powers listed from power pools).



Yeah, DZ, I'm not really sure what you are asking for here. Your post is titled "New Travel Powers," but then you only ask for one: an "epic" version of Ninja Run, which would then be better than both SJ and SS, if you were to draw that out to it's logical conclusion.

And if you don't like Flight and Teleport, then don't take them. A lot of heroes/villains in the comics have their combat powers, and then a travel power that has little to do with them. Heck, some have flight based on their combat powers (Storm uses winds to let herself fly, Iron Man uses his repulsors in low doses to control his flight, etc), while others have completely non-magic ways of achieving flight, despite them not being their main mutation.

Also, look at Nightcrawler. He's a teleporter, who can use that ability in combat, or can use it to travel long distances. So I'm not really sure what your problem is with those two pools. They come up a lot in comics, and are not broken for any reason.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
SS lets you jump +400%? which is my point because SS can't get you up high ledges.
Ninja Run isn't just about jumping. It's a poor man's SS and SJ. Not as good as either but combines aspects from both.

my main beef with Sj is the animation is lame if they want to updates yes i'm up for it
That's fine but we don't need new travel powers to get new animations. They could add new costume recipes that modify existing travel power animations.

Take fly for example. That has been modified already with Wing and Rocket Boot recipes. They could easily make new ones for jetpacks, flying platforms, broomsticks, etc.

wut? you realize this is the suggestion forum. Tons of ppl asked for ninja run/power cust in the past basically got the same response from ppl like you, but it still happened.
You didn't suggest any new travel powers. If you actually suggest a particular power then we can toss the pros and cons around about it.

nice pulling out the "I have nothing to respond with, so Ill just dismiss it with emoticons". but hey whatever, I;m sure you rep as a witty forum celeb is at stake.
The response was that those particular statements you made sounded crazy. You know . . .Cuckoo. Of course it is possible that you are far too young to get the cuckoo reference. Older people sometimes use it as slang to describe something that is lacking in sense; foolish or crazy.

For example you started off saying SS isn't useful, and finished with a travel power should be good for traveling long distances. If you don't see how that sounds crazy then there isn't much to discuss.



I can't think of any other travel powers that I would like personally... but i'd like a little change to a couple if it was possible...

Super Speed - Remove Cap please.
Fly - Remove speed Cap pelase.
Teleport - Change Group Teleport to Longdistance teleport allowing you to TP to any zone, this ofcourse could have a long recharge and animation time and you could arrive at the same position you do when using base tp'rs but I think this would be much much better and make the pool alot more popular.
SuperJump - To be honest I like this power as it is.

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.



Im fine with the travel powers we have now.
For concepts, I wish we could turn off FX in Super speed (and hasten)...
I also would like to have alternate animations for both super jump and ninja run. Im sick of ninja run standing pose lol.
TP looks too tech for me, but I rarely use it.
And power pools customization is something they want to do, but dont have time right now, so is not in the works at the moment. Me sad



Originally Posted by Donna_ View Post
I can't think of any other travel powers that I would like personally... but i'd like a little change to a couple if it was possible...

Super Speed - Remove Cap please.
Fly - Remove speed Cap pelase.
Teleport - Change Group Teleport to Longdistance teleport allowing you to TP to any zone, this ofcourse could have a long recharge and animation time and you could arrive at the same position you do when using base tp'rs but I think this would be much much better and make the pool alot more popular.
SuperJump - To be honest I like this power as it is.

Some people mention Swinging but many of us agree that it looks absolutely stupid when it's being used outside of a zone with skyscrapers.

Others mention Wallcrawling but it really isn't a travel power, and I don't think it's possible with our game engine.

We aren't getting vehicles for reasons discussed in other threads.



Originally Posted by Donna_ View Post
I can't think of any other travel powers that I would like personally... but i'd like a little change to a couple if it was possible...

Super Speed - Remove Cap please.
Fly - Remove speed Cap pelase.
Teleport - Change Group Teleport to Longdistance teleport allowing you to TP to any zone, this ofcourse could have a long recharge and animation time and you could arrive at the same position you do when using base tp'rs but I think this would be much much better and make the pool alot more popular.
SuperJump - To be honest I like this power as it is.
Super Speed's cap is there because it's pushing the boundaries of how fast the game can render the surroundings. If SS's speed cap was removed, you could run into walls that you couldn't see, or fall off of a cliff that you didn't know was there, or worse, end up falling off the map completely.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
Super Speed's cap is there because it's pushing the boundaries of how fast the game can render the surroundings. If SS's speed cap was removed, you could run into walls that you couldn't see, or fall off of a cliff that you didn't know was there, or worse, end up falling off the map completely.
Oh... that's depressing

Fly speed then?? i'm aware it was set at a reduced speed as it's a safer way to travel and shouldnt have the same benefits as SuperSpeed but if the cap was 92.5mph as well at least it could require aliot to get there maybe? Like Swift, Fly and sets needed to reach it.

or change Group flight to Quantum flight, same as peacebringers get.

What you think about the TP change?

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.



Originally Posted by Donna_ View Post
Oh... that's depressing

Fly speed then?? i'm aware it was set at a reduced speed as it's a safer way to travel and shouldnt have the same benefits as SuperSpeed but if the cap was 92.5mph as well at least it could require aliot to get there maybe? Like Swift, Fly and sets needed to reach it.
Well, if they did that, they'd probably need to reduce the base speed again, otherwise you could still reach the cap with it's base speed now with just enhancements.

or change Group flight to Quantum flight, same as peacebringers get.

What you think about the TP change?
Both of these invoke the Cottage Rule.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
Both of these invoke the Cottage Rule.
Dare I ask ?

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.



Originally Posted by Donna_ View Post
Dare I ask ?
Basically, the devs have learned NEVER to replace a power, no matter how often it gets taken by players. Because there are ALWAYS people who use it, and like using it, and will complain that it got replaced, even if the new power is 100 times better.

The name 'Cottage Rule' came about when Castle made a comment about replacing the effects of Build Up with something that created a cottage right in front of you.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
new animation for sj? i might be able to get behind that.
ss is useless? lmao. if you actually need to get somewhere that ss can't get you to you can buy temp powers that will give you vertical movement cheaply.
So you say there's places you need to buy temp powers to get there even when you have SS, a teir 2 travel power. Id say that's a problem right there.

many super heroes fly. and last time i checked, super man wasn't magic.
Yeah superman can also juggle planets and had about 123900 different powers like super ventrlioism. he's entire thing he was created on was that he can do everything the average guy can't.

just because you think something is wierd is not going to make the devs change it.
I'm pretty sure all changes were made because at some point someone though it was weird. anyhow I'm not acsking for any changes to existing powers (except new ani to SJ), more like more options.

so, the only thing i think i might be able to get behind is a new animation for sj. good luck getting anyone to agree that the other powers are broke. even sj isn't broke.
I never said SJ was broken, infact I'm pretty sure I said SJ was good except for the animation. And I never even said the other powers are broke either so....dunno what you're talking about.

Ninja Run isn't just about jumping. It's a poor man's SS and SJ. Not as good as either but combines aspects from both.
It's not as good as either because it's free and at lv4. If slottable I'd put it above SS just for the high vert movement, also depending on how much you value stealth.

The response was that those particular statements you made sounded crazy. You know . . .Cuckoo. Of course it is possible that you are far too young to get the cuckoo reference. Older people sometimes use it as slang to describe something that is lacking in sense; foolish or crazy.

For example you started off saying SS isn't useful, and finished with a travel power should be good for traveling long distances. If you don't see how that sounds crazy then there isn't much to discuss.
First of all SS is the probably the most time consuming for traveling long distances(unless your running on a straight flat plane), specially because the game is set in cities with lots of levels/jumps/buildings because you need to run around stuff for alot, unless you also take Combat jump and hurdle. I don't see how that's arguable. 2nd of all I get cuckoo reference, basically you say I'm crazy because you don't agree with my opinion. OK then.

Yeah, DZ, I'm not really sure what you are asking for here. Your post is titled "New Travel Powers," but then you only ask for one: an "epic" version of Ninja Run, which would then be better than both SJ and SS, if you were to draw that out to it's logical conclusion.
uhh that was just an example. Obviously the devs are always going to make what ever they think is the best. I'm just suggesting they make more powers.

And if you don't like Flight and Teleport, then don't take them. A lot of heroes/villains in the comics have their combat powers, and then a travel power that has little to do with them. Heck, some have flight based on their combat powers (Storm uses winds to let herself fly, Iron Man uses his repulsors in low doses to control his flight, etc), while others have completely non-magic ways of achieving flight, despite them not being their main mutation.
Sure there are sets tehy can be argued to have flying powers. There are alot, around 1/2 the sets that are hard to rationalize like alot of melee sets. Sets like poison, dark, etc. unless you start changing the original concept alot. That what I'm saying it'll be cool to have more options.

Also, look at Nightcrawler. He's a teleporter, who can use that ability in combat, or can use it to travel long distances. So I'm not really sure what your problem is with those two pools. They come up a lot in comics, and are not broken for any reason.
I'd have no problem is there was 'teleport combat', if fact I'd only choose teleport as a travel power for that spec. The whole point is a character in game somehow can teleport at will in addition to his completely unrelated powers,and only ever uses in one instance seems weird.

In any case now that I think about it, really all 'new' travel powers are just going to be alternate animations. Even if you fly onto of a piece of ice liek Iceman you're still using the same mechnics as flying. The only other one that I can think of that could be conisdered a brand new power is tunneling (which I doubt can happen with the engine)



I think Power Pool customization would help to relieve a lot of these problems, especially in the Travel Powers category. Unfortunately, I'm unsure as to what the timeline is for getting such a thin in-game. At ComicCon, Positron could not comment on the status of such a thing, only that it was going to happen sometime in the future. So maybe Issue 20?



uhh that was just an example. Obviously the devs are always going to make what ever they think is the best. I'm just suggesting they make more powers.
If this is all you were doing, then this is a useless thread. "Make more powers" isn't useful to the Devs at all, since they are already doing that. Give them, and us, something specific to discuss, and you'll get that. Give us something useless, and you'll get useless responses.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Power pools are so outdated.
With Fitness becoming inherent, a revamp of the power pools would make some of us find interesting choices.
Today, I usually never take nothing out of fitness or travel power pool.



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
If this is all you were doing, then this is a useless thread. "Make more powers" isn't useful to the Devs at all, since they are already doing that. Give them, and us, something specific to discuss, and you'll get that. Give us something useless, and you'll get useless responses.

To add on more what Aett said, here is a recent example (here) in Lady-Jade's Power Suggestion Box at the top of this forum.



Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
First of all SS is the probably the most time consuming for traveling long distances

Hehe the second fastest travel power is the most time consuming...

In Paragon City - Use roads or run along tram lines to get around.

In Praetoria - Use roads.

In Rogue Isles - Use roads or pipes.

Get hurdle (You won't need Swift anyway...), get Combat Jumping, get Super Jump, do Mayhem missions for free Zero-G packs and Raptor Packs, buy jetpacks, get a special Jump Pack with the Good vs Evil edition.

Every travel power has downsides and upsides

Superspeed - 2nd fastest travel power, low end cost, stealth bonus - Cannot handle vertical movement.

Superjump - 3rd fastest travel power, low end cost - Cannot do well in cramped areas, less control (Have to go up then down all the time, cannot stay high and above everything) affected by -jump.

Fly - Low end cost, safe traveling, lots of control - Slowest travel power, affected by -fly.

Teleport - Fastest travel power, lots of control - High end usage, problems arise with slight lag.

I personally have alot of characters with all the travel powers. All my SS characters have no problems as I have the Jump Pack, use the speed to my advantage (It may be the longest route but my speed still makes it faster than fliers) and I also try to fit in SJ where possible to make the best travel combination.



Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
Can we get some more travel powers like a epic version of Ninja run or something
While I'm not a dev, I'm gonna say no. As Forbin mentioned, Ninja run a both super speed, and super jump, combined, and downgraded. I would LOVE to see someone try and convince the devs to make an "epic" version of ninja run, and essentially negate three powers(SS, SJ, and NR) with the exception of concept builds.

Super jump is good but the animation is weird imo.
Well that's your opinion, and you're welcome to it. But rather than just saying it's weird, maybe.. I dun know.. suggest something different? Crazy thought, I know.

Super speed is proabably the least useful because so many obstacles you can't get up to. Its good for mish, but travel powers should be good for traveling long distances.
I couldn't disagree more. Yes, there are obstacles, and sure it's annoying as hell when to catch on a curb that's two inches tall, but the least useful? Personally I think teleport is the least useful, but there are plenty of people out there who would disagree with me. As always, YMMV.

those 2 above I like the most because they can be argued as extensions of your characters already existing speed/strength

Fly and teleprt imo are hard to fit in conceptually, unless youre some wizard with spells that basically let you do whatever you want. Because fly and teleport are like completely seprate super powers. So you have your combat powers...but you can also fly.
Lets see.. Superman can fly, and has combat powers, Rogue from the X-Men has super strength, power drain/duplication, and flight. Just about every telekinetic in any comic book anywhere can fly. Deadpool has had teleportation powers, in addition to his healing factor.

Like a mutation that lets you grow/fight with spines but also defy gravity/teleport on the side lol. Its weird IMO
And again, you're welcome to you opinion, but this isn't the "Voice your opinions" forum, is the suggestions and ideas forum. You're not suggesting anything here... and asking for a different animation is not what we're talking about. What new try of animation could be used? How is it different from what we already have? Perhaps we could have SJ emotes, similar to the flypose emotes we have, that as long as SJ is toggled on, that emote pose would show when your feet left the ground.

Lastly, I must quote this...

It's not as good as either because it's free and at lv4. If slottable I'd put it above SS just for the high vert movement, also depending on how much you value stealth.
Ninja run is NOT free. At least mine wasn't. I paid $10 for it. I'm pretty sure most people did. BUT remember, not everyone who plays this game buys every booster pack that comes out. Hell, I know a few who haven't, and won't buy any.



Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
So you say there's places you need to buy temp powers to get there even when you have SS, a teir 2 travel power. Id say that's a problem right there.
Need? No. More convenient for some? Yes.

Grandville has elevators, for one - and they're (finally) marked on the map. The Shard has gravity geysers (with their paths marked on the map.) Some people don't "get" those. Which is why the jetpack vendors are there.

Sure there are sets tehy can be argued to have flying powers. There are alot, around 1/2 the sets that are hard to rationalize like alot of melee sets. Sets like poison, dark, etc. unless you start changing the original concept alot.
I'm not even sure what you're trying to say here. That because I have poison, it's hard to rationalize having fly because I have poison?

You've heard of bees and wasps, right? Flying insects that inject you with a toxin (venom) when they sting?

Game-wise, one of my oldest Scrappers is a Spines/ (has Toxic damage) scrapper. He flies. Why? He comes from a technologically advanced civilization, was part of an organization that was a bit of a mix of police, military and bounty hunter, and being able to fly made their jobs easier. No ropes to haul around to get up somewhere. Wow, that was difficult. Reeeeeally had to change that concept... no, wait.

That because I have dark powers, it makes it hard to say why I have fly? (Especially since, the way the game's description goes, I'm pulling my powers from another dimension - I've got the power to do that, but hey, flying's too hard?)



What about stilts as a travel power? They could robotic leg extensions, giant spider legs, etc...


"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



I would be happy to see the existing travel powers expanded.

For example: Fifth power in the set could be Map Travel. Click on a spot on the map and Run/Jump/Fly/Teleport there with a single screen change.

Sixth power in the set would be Zone Travel. Activating this power would allow the toon to Run/Jump/Fly/Teleport to zones they have been too before, bypassing other travel methods. It would have to be logical, not too Praetoria or Cimerora for example. This would allow toons that do not have base access or toons with small bases the ability to zone without a lot of convoluted screen changes. This would also seriously benefit Rogues & Villians who are unable to add all the beacons to their existing bases.

No one would have to take these powers of course, just as no one has to take any travel power at all. Sprint and/or Ninja Run are fine for many folks.

Yes we already have the mission teleport but it has a huge recharge time and honestly crossing several zones to get to a mission is just annoying. . .