So, how are you planning for inherent fitness?




Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
I'm trying to start a campaign for everybody in my channel to pick up the Leadership pool; Maneuvers / Assault at least.

Maneuvers: 3.5% (Defender, VEAT); 2.625% (troller, dom, corr, MM, EAT); 2.275% (everyone else). If everybody on the team has it, that's 18.2% to 28% defense, without enhancements; 28% to 44% if enhanced.

Assault: 18.75% (defender); 15% (VEAT, troller,corr); 13.5% (EAT); 11.5% (dom, MM); 10.5% (everyone else). If everyone on the team has it, that's 84% more damage in the worst case scenario, up to 150% damage on a team of all defenders.

An extra 25% defense and 100% damage on an average team would be quite nice. With only half the team using Tactics, that's about 40% ToHit as well.
True, but that assumes "an average team," which is very little consolation to those of us who simply don't. But I respect the endeavour all the same.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



My plan, for move up those powers that are accessed at level 20, but I never take at level 20, because I want Stamina.

I've switched it to Stamina at 22, but notice the crunch when I exemp for those level 15+ TFs/SFs (yeah, didnt have that problem before, but now with +5 levels when exemp, I do!)

Been working and working on getting a blaster build going that I will get a sense of Scrapper (or stalker) survivability with, with these changes. If I can do that, I'll be set.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I see a lot of self-rez's and Recall Friend in my future.

Not sure about the rest.



Recall friend seems to me my only natural choice, then it will depend on the toon in question, but 95% of them will get Recall Friend



Well my perma-powerboost blaster will love it. He's playable right now only because of how often he has Conserve Power up, then Force of Nature handy for when it drops. With stamina added in for free he might be unstoppable.

Now to find two slots...



For my 50 SS/WP Brute I plan on picking up Assault and Maneuvers. I have all 4 fitness powers so I'll be getting 2 extra powers as well, but not sure what else I want. In that light, got a question for you guys...

I run all 4 WP Toggles, along with Tough, Weave, and CJ, and typically also keep Sprint on. Lot of toggles but I have Quick Recover and Stamina 4-slotted with a Performance Shifter Proc in each, so I never even breath hard, even with Rage, Hasten, or RttC crashes. I sometimes wonder if I could even spare a slot from Stamina and QR.

However. I know that Assault and Maneuvers, single slotted, with likely a LotG in Maneavers, will put some extra hefty End Drain on me. Do you think with my Current QR and Stamina Slotting this won't cause me a problem and I can pick up a QoL power or two, or will I need to dip into APPs for Conserve Energy and Physical Perfection (both would likely be Single Slotted) to offset the New End. Drain?

I haven't learned how to use Mids so don't know how to post the numbers, but I'm very well IOd out all around. Maybe one of you Number Gurus could give a good guess. Thanks



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
on toons that i am planning to respec, most will just be getting the stealth pool for LOTG slotting or picking up recall friend and 2 things from stealth pool
pretty much this. I NEVER say no to more recharge.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Probably won't respec most of my existing characters, since I don't have anything pressing to do with those three power picks on most characters. At least, nothing that's nice enough to make it worth respeccing two dozen times. My super-IO'd 50s that I still play (all 1-2 of them) will get respecced to get moar powah.

In the meantime, I'll be getting my hands on every LotG +recharge I can get to resell in the ridiculous demand spike I predict.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



My martial arts/regen scrapper will get to have tough/weave AND stay true to her concept. Same for my dark tank.

I see more leadership on my defenders/controllers, more medicine on my dominators, more attacks on my mastermind, more primary/secondary powers earlier on my stalkers. More anciliary/patron powers on everyone.

I'm very pleased.



Originally Posted by Psyte View Post
I'm not sure. For many of my existing characters I'm actually rather content with them having Fitness. Adding more powers would be nice and all but I'm not sure what I'd add or why (not a min/maxer).

New characters going forward, though? Oh, yes, certainly going to take advantage of it. No reason not to.
I'm thinking along these general lines. Characters that still have a ways to go to level I'll most likely respec (my KM/EA is at 27 - he'll get a respec, probably fitting in Taunt, Conserve Power, Hasten). Characters who are basically set I'll likely keep as-is unless there is another compelling reason to respec. I don't usually go back and play them all that much (though with HM/VM I will maybe keep playing a couple of 50s) and the respec process is just not very enjoyable.

Super Packs Done Right
Influence Sink: IO Level Mod/Recrafting
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I'm pretty ecstatic about this change honestly. I've only done a few respecs over the years, and they have been to respec into fitness after I finally gave in that stamina was requisite for certain ATs and powersets. (I still have a D3 that works just fine sans fitness though--my second character and first 50. Don't really know how she does it. Anyways...)

In respeccing into fitness, I had to dump good things like the tier 3 and 4 fear powers from presence on my personality driven Ben Grimm/Pinstripe/Hulkish character. Big Zoot's demeanor striking fear in the heart of baddies is just so... so... him. I was sad to let go of that power. But I'll be getting that back. Not sure how slotted it will be this time round. But very happy to get it back. And he may get combat jumping back since that really seems to help when taking on KOA and their caltrops.

Also, my very golden agey Amethyst Avenger will be getting super speed. And maybe if we ever get travel customization, super jump as well. She's very much in the spirit of Superman. And I would like to see her be able to run "faster than a speeding bullet" and be able to "leap tall buildings in a single bound." For now, she's only "up there in the sky, a bird a plane" ... very purple.

BUT I won't be doing any of these respecs until post i19 when I can slot the inherent powers.

I have about 9 or 10 non-stamina/non-fitness character who will be benefiting hardily from this change. These are controller and defender types whose lack of fitness already allowed for a wide range of unique pool power choices. So I'm familiar enough with the versatility of situational powers that the three additional power selections will open up to all characters. It's fun.



Every single one of my characters has desired powers they just couldn't fit into their builds. For some it's primary or secondary, other's it is from power or epic pools. Even just a single slot in most of these will make a big difference. For some that might just be a place to put a Winter's Gift proc, LOTG unique, etc. I have a few characters who will very much benefit from getting Stamina as it didn't fit into their builds at all.

The most important thing about inherent stamina is that every single one of my characters will be picking up Recall Friend if they didn't have it already.

About six months ago my mother started playing. She's 64 years old, never used a computer before, and had never played an arcade or console game. Learning to play COH has been a challenge for her, but she loves it. She gets lost sometimes, particularly in caves or maps that have multiple levels in a room. Recall Friend will make it easier for both of us.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
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Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
Every single one of my characters has desired powers they just couldn't fit into their builds. For some it's primary or secondary, other's it is from power or epic pools. Even just a single slot in most of these will make a big difference.

The most important thing about inherent stamina is that every single one of my characters will be picking up Recall Friend.

About six months ago my mother started playing. She's 64 years old, never used a computer before, and had never played an arcade or console game. Learning to play COH has been a challenge for her, but she loves it. She gets lost sometimes, particularly in caves or maps that have multiple levels in a room. Recall Friend will make it easier for both of us.
sorry, just an aside, but THIS is epic! and full of WIN!

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



My main, an Elec/Elec Brute, is picking up the Fighting pool and trying to become less squishy.



Oh, I have to plan for it?

I thought I was just going to play exactly like I do now and do nothing different. Then when I19 comes and fitness becomes inherent respec my characters and grab some new powers.

Pinny - Scrapper
Shadewing - Defender



I'm trying to get at least one fitness power on all my characters, so at least for my older characters I'll have the option of not having it on them.

I've never taken stamina on any of my characters. Not even my DB/DA scrapper. I've sort of made that a point of pride in my character creation, that I can make playable, if suboptimal, characters that can ignore the need for stamina.

I mean, I don't mind the inherent, if I could make builds before without the bonus, just imagine what I can do now, but at least for my main, I'll never be able to respec her build post i19, just because it'll be there. And I'll know. It'll be there, mocking me with its extra endurance...

Then again, I know a grav troller who hasn't respeced since i0 and doesn't have sing as the lvl 32 power. So it's possible.

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I've got Tanks that don't get the the epic power pools because of a combination of much needed Fitness and Fighting pool powers. Now I will be able to!

Masterminds annoy everybody, sooner or later. Heck, Masterminds annoy themselves.