Do the Respec Recipes drop anymore
Very extremely low as far as I can tell. I've had two drop ever.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
are we still limited to running 3 respec trials for one toon?
Ive gotten at least 5 of them on my toons since release, so yup they drop. might be just dumb luck
got two im saving for no reason vet rewards n respec's for me r plenty lol maybe i should sell em ..
ive never had a respec recipe drop for me since they came out lol. but i havent really needed one due to the 4 respecs i get from vet rewards on each toon and if i need moer i just run respec trials lol

Yes, I got one last week- somewhat amusingly, it was during my morality mission. I'd take it as a sign, but the guy's a Mastermind, so not really that many ways to build him- what am I gonna do, respec out of summon robots?
I was gonna keep it just for the novelty, but when I checked the market, it seems several had already been sold since the merger, with the last 5 showing 70mil, which I guess could part me with it, though I havent listed it just yet.

It must be dumb luck.
I think I get 2 from vet rewards plus the one free respec from the release. I was going to retire 1 guy and wanted to pull everything off of him. He's purpled out with tons of uniques. I can only pull ten enhancements out at a time. I had already used one or two from different times I changed his build. Im cheap I dont want to lose the enhancements and dont want to buy them all over again. lol
Never had one drop for me either although I'm not really in need of one... I almost always have a freespec on a character I'm considering modifying since I generally don't make changes all that often.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.
Very extremely low as far as I can tell. I've had two drop ever.
I do see a lot of them though, as I stock up after freespecs are handed out and then re-sell at a fat markup once everyone burns through them.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
I've had one drop this year. I had none drop in 2009. I had three drop in 2008.
Global @StarGeek original is still the best!
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I can confirm they do exist as I have dropped one in a LRSF, ohhh lets say a year ago...
All I can tell you is they are a LOT less common than purples. Maybe as common as an individual purple recipe?
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
All I can tell you is they are a LOT less common than purples. Maybe as common as an individual purple recipe?
I have around 20-30 respec recipes across my 8 toons, with highest holding 7 recipes. I never bought or sold any of respec recipes, maybe used 1-2 though. The number of purples drops I got in the game is in hundreds...
I've had one drop from running tip missions. I sold it, even though the prices will be higher once people use up their freebies, since I have an unfortunate tendency to accidentally vendor/list for 1 inf valuable items I want to hang onto.
I think the only other respec recipe I've had drop was before the new difficulty sliders, when I amused myself hunting in the RWZ.
Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World
Awhile ago, I was running mish'es red side with my Dem/TrckArrw MM. I ended up getting a respec drop from a mish. I told myself NOT to accidentally sell this recipe as I know how valuable they are. What did I do when I was in a hurry at the market, I accidentally SOLD
Well, as fate would have, the next night I ended up getting another one and needless to say I immediately ran to the market and sold it! . Keep in mind this was before GR or i18 installment. Not sure if they maybe have "turned down" these drop rate on these? I did not read anywhere that they would have and something like that I would think they would have to announce it that they were changing a drop rate on something?

Wouldn't you know it, I found one just last night. First time ever.
I know they do, I see them for sale. I've only had one drop to me since they originally came out. Are they on some extremely low drop rate?