Whats the new best toon to make?
First it was the Fire/Kin Controller, but they nerfed that. My Elec/Shield Scrapper used to be able to hold his own in a group of baddies set for 8 people with no bosses, and could manage with bosses in there, but now he gets hit like he has no defenses at all. So I ask, what is the newest best type of toon to make before I waste time and inf on a toon that will suck!!!
Shield wasn't nerfed in defense... Shield Charge just does less damage.
Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.

fire/kins haven't been nerfed recently, just less peeps use em cuz there are better things out there For farming and such, but a fire kin is still popular because it does great on nothing but so's
but if u want a toon that can basically do any content In the game seem trivial, deck out a fire/shield scrapp..great farmer, ridiculously high singletarget dps and really really hard to kill.. but play whatever u like there is no "best" setup in the game, everything is good at different things
shield is better than willpower?
First it was the Fire/Kin Controller, but they nerfed that. My Elec/Shield Scrapper used to be able to hold his own in a group of baddies set for 8 people with no bosses, and could manage with bosses in there, but now he gets hit like he has no defenses at all. So I ask, what is the newest best type of toon to make before I waste time and inf on a toon that will suck!!!
It always amazes me that people who love to exploit FotM builds never seem to understand why the Devs' reaction to those builds is pretty much inevitable. *shrugs*
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
Whatever the "newest best type of toon" is right now you can be sure the Devs -will- nerf it sooner or later. Even talking about things like this in the forums helps the Devs become aware of what needs to be taken care of.
It always amazes me that people who love to exploit FotM builds never seem to understand why the Devs' reaction to those builds is pretty much inevitable. *shrugs* |
First it was the Fire/Kin Controller, but they nerfed that. My Elec/Shield Scrapper used to be able to hold his own in a group of baddies set for 8 people with no bosses, and could manage with bosses in there, but now he gets hit like he has no defenses at all. So I ask, what is the newest best type of toon to make before I waste time and inf on a toon that will suck!!!
Oh, and they only lowered Shield Charge's damage.
I still think willpower looks like a better set, unless they made the buffs weak enough...
My Elec/Shield Scrapper used to be able to hold his own in a group of baddies set for 8 people with no bosses, and could manage with bosses in there, but now he gets hit like he has no defenses at all. |
So I ask, what is the newest best type of toon to make before I waste time and inf on a toon that will suck! |
Elec / Shield
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
I think everyone might be overlooking one thing. Play style. A shield scrapper is awesome for defense and all and a good overall toon, but does better (IMO) solo than on a team. On the other hand a well built Widow works good overall, but is better on a team than solo. Of course, anyone can change my generalities but tweaking the build, but I think overall, this stands pretty well.
So what is the best new toon for you to make? I don't know, what is your play style? Give me some more info and I might be able to recommend something better.
Personally I'm a casual gamer and may team or solo depending the mission difficulty and if anyone in a SG would need my help, but mostly solo
I think willpower is a great casual set. To keep it simple, it does realy well with just SOs, shields needs a lot of sets in order to obtain it's "best set" status. Willpower also can do really well with sets, but it doesn't have the damage bonus of against all odds or the extra AoE attack that is shield charge.
So I ask, what is the newest best type of toon to make before I waste time and inf on a toon that will suck!!!
Second... there is no such thing as a character that sucks (unless you TRY to make it suck taking as many Travel Powers as you can). All characters are viable in their own right and have mechanics you can leverage to have fun. Or, have a good concept, that helps too.
I think willpower is a great casual set. To keep it simple, it does realy well with just SOs, shields needs a lot of sets in order to obtain it's "best set" status. Willpower also can do really well with sets, but it doesn't have the damage bonus of against all odds or the extra AoE attack that is shield charge.
So Will/Kin and Kin/Will?
I have and have seen a ton of farming toons. Not many is better than a fire/kin/fire. I have 2. They can clear a BM map set to 0x8 (for purples) in 15 minutes. And can handle +3's on a team. Cant ask for much more in a farming toon.
I suppose the OP is really seeking a farming toon since the examples he gave are for such. So, in that case, my opinion is still fire/kins.
My elec/sd can still handle x8's with ease, too. The nerf only took my damage from 850 to 600ish. With Melt Armor. Not too much to cry about. Elec/SD/Fire can still take out a mob after the charges+fireball. Depending on their levels.
Even my Elec/Kin/Fire (which has vitaully no damage) can still take on mobs of +2x8.
The toons can do whatever you can afford to make them do. Within reason. +4's are hard on anything. (with bosses)
he differance is Toons you don't really care about it's just something to move about and waist time or test things on...
a Charcter has a stoey a life is breathing and draeming and you acually care what you do to it becuse you dont' want to mess the character over
a toon can be deleted and rerolled a million times
a character is created and grows
IMO =-)
First... it's a character, not a toon. Toons are on television.
Second... there is no such thing as a character that sucks (unless you TRY to make it suck taking as many Travel Powers as you can). All characters are viable in their own right and have mechanics you can leverage to have fun. Or, have a good concept, that helps too. |
toon - short for cartoon - an animated show on television would be the best definition without resorting to a dictionary, I think. Also sometimes used to describe specific characters in this game from what I have seen and appropriate considering what the "characters" look like in CoX.
character - a specific "person" in a show/story/game.
The best name for our "characters/toons" might be avatar, since so many of us invest so much time and effort into them, not to mention a certain amount of emotion. In many cases, our character/toon is a representation of our virtual selves of the moment.
All things considered, I would say any name fits if other people can figure out what you mean and only personal preference dictates what someone uses to describe their toon (my preference). I will say that though that this is a really silly argument all around.
Controller and Corruptor versions of Fulcrum Shift now use a lower modifier than the Defender version does. This means that people with /kin secondary need to hit one or two extra enemies to cap damage than those with a kin/ primary.
It wasn't enough of a nerf to kill the fire/kin though.
First... it's a character, not a toon. Toons are on television.
I've really been hooked on my DB/WP scrap. It has great aoe/cone damage with knockdowns...not knockbacks...makes mouth happy So while your baddies get knocked down, you have a chance to regen, not the best def in the world, but good enough. I am able to herd, farm, and tear big mobs up in no time. Def not a av decimator, but does great on big mobs
this is the dumbest thread that I've read the entirety of in a while

The new best toon to make is a Stone/Ice tank, but the only catch is that you won't experience its full awesomeness until you hit level 50 and completely purple it out. Have fun
Whatever the "newest best type of toon" is right now you can be sure the Devs -will- nerf it sooner or later. Even talking about things like this in the forums helps the Devs become aware of what needs to be taken care of.
It always amazes me that people who love to exploit FotM builds never seem to understand why the Devs' reaction to those builds is pretty much inevitable. *shrugs* |
"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull
"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat

First it was the Fire/Kin Controller, but they nerfed that. My Elec/Shield Scrapper used to be able to hold his own in a group of baddies set for 8 people with no bosses, and could manage with bosses in there, but now he gets hit like he has no defenses at all. So I ask, what is the newest best type of toon to make before I waste time and inf on a toon that will suck!!!