Issue 18 & Going Rogue Patch Notes




I logged in and made my Praetorian... when I was attacked!

"Don't play it... Wait til I can play..."

I asked him last week... 3 weeks ago... 6 weeks ago...



Wish I could aford GR, but things are tight with me recently disabled

A friend had to renew my account this month!


1) They tend to hide base changes without announcing them, has anyone noticed any?

2) The Wentwroths thing...if I read that correctly, that 4 billion I had in my window is now gone???! My character alrady was maxed out on what he could carry. (finally done patching, can log in to check)

Wentworth’s Consignment House and the Black Market now share inventories. Capitalism at its best.
  • All outstanding Buy and Sell orders will be cancelled as part of the market merge. All items and bids will be refunded and stored in the auction inventory. Listing fees for unsold items will be refunded.
If all items are returned, does that mean if I bought an IO, slotted it, but the seller has not claimed the money yet, my IO disappears???

Also, what if my character is maxed out on influence that he carries? What happens to the refund???? Is it history?



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
Issue 18 and Going Rogue are upon us and unsurprisingly, we have huuuge patch notes ready for your reading pleasure!

  • To reduce the travel times involved in larger zones, we've made a couple QOL changes to some movement powers:
    • Increased base Flight Speeds by 50%
    • Sprint now improves Runspeed by an additional unenhancable portion equal to its previous value (0.5 scale enhancable + 0.5 scale unenhanceable buff)
  • Changed Cast Time for Enforced Morale and Clear Mind to 1.00 seconds to match the new animation
This makes me a happy happy happy panda. Yes..despite all the awesomeness in the GR and I18 patches and fixes and changes, the change to CM's animation made me the happiest. That 3 second animation was getting on my nerves to no damn end. And the increase in Hover's speed is almost equally awesome.

And yes, I've yet to see any major bugs happen. I'm pleasantly very surprised by this.

@Sparky Jenkins || Freedom Server | Union Server
Main Hero: Inferno Sparky - Fire/Fire Blaster
Main Villain: Kerry Astrid - Fire/Cold Corruptor



Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
Wish I could aford GR, but things are tight with me recently disabled

A friend had to renew my account this month!


1) They tend to hide base changes without announcing them, has anyone noticed any?

2) The Wentwroths thing...if I read that correctly, that 4 billion I had in my window is now gone???! My character alrady was maxed out on what he could carry. (finally done patching, can log in to check)

If all items are returned, does that mean if I bought an IO, slotted it, but the seller has not claimed the money yet, my IO disappears???

Also, what if my character is maxed out on influence that he carries? What happens to the refund???? Is it history?

Are the free server transfers also live now? ( I know the store is down atm)



Got on last night to take a look and i was so ready to go this morning i took off two days for this and deleted like ten toons and now it says toon slots that are open are unavailable which i am sooooo hoping will be fixed soon. For the hour i looked around last night it looked amazing.



Originally Posted by CosmicThunderer View Post
Got on last night to take a look and i was so ready to go this morning i took off two days for this and deleted like ten toons and now it says toon slots that are open are unavailable which i am sooooo hoping will be fixed soon. For the hour i looked around last night it looked amazing.
If those are purchased or vet reward slots, they are probably down because hte store is down.



Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
If those are purchased or vet reward slots, they are probably down because hte store is down.
^ This will be correct. Its happened pretty much every patch for a long long time (when the stores gone down after as well)

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
Then go to the Techinical Issues and Bugs section of the forum.
And complain that there are no big bugs?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
And complain that there are no big bugs?
Actually there's one humongous store related one that's affecting a lot of players.

But don't let that stop you making trite one-liners or anything, I wouldn't expect anything more of you



Okay, my question is regarding the SG/VG leadership issue. If you change allinments and you're the leader of your SG/VG, you're demoted one rank. What happens if you're the sole person in your SG/VG? What happens? Do you lose your SG and base, and all the hard work and prestige you've put into it?

Global: @All-American Teen
70 toons across 11 servers.

Top hero -All-American Teen lvl 50 eng/invul Tanker (01:10 EST; 1/24/09)
Top villian -Poisoned Plum lvl 30 robots/devices Mastermind



Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
If all items are returned, does that mean if I bought an IO, slotted it, but the seller has not claimed the money yet, my IO disappears???

Also, what if my character is maxed out on influence that he carries? What happens to the refund???? Is it history?
The bid will be marked as cancelled, but you won't be able to get the Inf back if it would take you over the cap - so it'll be stored on the cancelled bid until you have enough room to accept the Inf.

For example, if you have 2 billion Inf, but were bidding on an item for 100 million, that bid will now be cancelled, but if you click on the cancel button, it will tell you you can't have the 100 million back yet because it'd take you over the cap.
So the easiest way to get everything back to normal is to bid for another one of the same item again, putting 100 million on it, which then takes your total to 1.9 billion, leaving space for you to get the 100 million back from the original cancelled bid.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
If all items are returned, does that mean if I bought an IO, slotted it, but the seller has not claimed the money yet, my IO disappears???

Also, what if my character is maxed out on influence that he carries? What happens to the refund???? Is it history?
The only 'canceled' items are ones that are listed for sale but not yet bought. So if you bought an IO and slotted it you still have the IO - the seller will still have a listing in the 'sold' window that shows the inf. However, if you had an item listed for sale that was not bought it will be moved to the 'sold' pane (I think - it won't show up in the 'listed' pane anymore) with the list price as a refund, not the sale prices.

Basically they canceled all items still listed for SALE (not sold items) and refunded the listing price.

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



Anyone else having trouble finding the new Syndicate costume set or pieces? I've been going over things at the tailor and can't find anything.



Well, looks like I can't see all the live GR stuff until at least Friday. Because my convenient pre-paid cc takes 3-5 business days to complete loading the cash onto it. (My bank doesn't offer such a card so I had to go with this one - which I left nearly 20 years ago due to exessive fees and lousy customer service.)

What's even more frustrating was that on the bank's general help line, I was being told 2-3 business days, and I was told in-branch 24-48 hours. (Oh, but if I set up an account with them, I can get the funds transfered instantly onto the card. I left them 20 years ago because of lousy customer service, do you really think that this kind of runaround and conflicting information is going to make me want to set up another account with them?)

(And if anyone wants to know, it'll be at least 2 1/2 years before I can get a regular cc, because I had to declare bankruptsy over my student loans 4 1/2 years ago.)

Global: @All-American Teen
70 toons across 11 servers.

Top hero -All-American Teen lvl 50 eng/invul Tanker (01:10 EST; 1/24/09)
Top villian -Poisoned Plum lvl 30 robots/devices Mastermind



Originally Posted by Dave_67 View Post
Well, looks like I can't see all the live GR stuff until at least Friday. Because my convenient pre-paid cc takes 3-5 business days to complete loading the cash onto it. (My bank doesn't offer such a card so I had to go with this one - which I left nearly 20 years ago due to exessive fees and lousy customer service.)

What's even more frustrating was that on the bank's general help line, I was being told 2-3 business days, and I was told in-branch 24-48 hours. (Oh, but if I set up an account with them, I can get the funds transfered instantly onto the card. I left them 20 years ago because of lousy customer service, do you really think that this kind of runaround and conflicting information is going to make me want to set up another account with them?)

(And if anyone wants to know, it'll be at least 2 1/2 years before I can get a regular cc, because I had to declare bankruptsy over my student loans 4 1/2 years ago.)
I'm not sure what the turn around time is on one, but have you tried MoneyPak/greendot? It's gotta be faster than 2-3 days, and you can xfer funds directly into a paypal account for ease of use anywhere (and especially since you can't pay for CoH with a moneypak card).



Combat Auras

* All in-game Auras can now be set to only activate while in combat.
Whoohoooo! Thanks FX guys (and David for asking them) for implementing my suggestion!! This is totally awesome!

*Off to make my blaster's eyes glow only in combat!*



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
Any way you put it, you are trying to buy the product last minute. In this case it is you husbands fault and not yours, but that doesn't change the overall fact that you just need to be patient and wait for the store to come back on-line. Unless I miss my guess they are working that issue right now in order to make more money. I know I would if I was in their place.

Btw Perfect Pain, I love your avatar. I used to have a dog just like that as a kids.
I bought 10 extra character slots several weeks ago, and GR was pre-ordered almost as soon as it was available. However, the slots I've purchased in advance aren't redeemable while the store is down.

So assuming a problem discovered is just the fault of the people having it, and therefor not *really* a problem but some form of Karma isn't entirely true or helpful. However, the advice of patience is probably still the best advice, I'll readily admit.



Originally Posted by DustRaven View Post
Anyone else having trouble finding the new Syndicate costume set or pieces? I've been going over things at the tailor and can't find anything.
I've been looking too, but not found them either. If anyone can clue us in, it'd be appreciated..



>> Blasters get Mastermind Patron Powers, and vice versa

This is messed up. A Mastermind is more Blastery than a Corruptor, those guys with actual blast sets and nuke powers? Really? No. Mastermind/Defender and Corruptor/Blaster, while still very imperfect, would have at least been more appropriate. While these new APPs were needed to fill what would have been an ugly gap, I hope (hope hope) we'll be seeing "Hero Patrons" soon for side parity and functional symmetry. My Masterminds shouldn't be forced to go Villain just because an area-immobilization power is very important to me.

The Shield Charge change also make very little difference, until and unless you reduce the absurd number of targets (16) to a more conventional number for a heavy/melee multiple-target attack (i.e., 5 or 10).

Most of the rest ... great stuff!


Please try MA arc ID 351455, "Shard Stories: Scavenger's Hunt." Originally created for the Dr. Aeon contest, it explores the wild potential of one of the City's most concept-rich but content-poor settings: the Shadow Shard.



Calvin Scott lives!



Can someone confirm that the people who preordered GR will not get the alpha and omega costume sets?



That's correct - they only come with the Complete Collection - but you can also get them as part of the GR item pack for $7.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



$6.99 to be precise.



Originally Posted by DustRaven View Post
Anyone else having trouble finding the new Syndicate costume set or pieces? I've been going over things at the tailor and can't find anything.

I looked around on several toons, old/new, male/female/huge, and didn't see a single Syndicate costume piece.

And I purchased the complete collection.

"Life is what happens when you are making other plans"



Originally Posted by Fomsie View Post

I looked around on several toons, old/new, male/female/huge, and didn't see a single Syndicate costume piece.

And I purchased the complete collection.
Same there and can't find these pieces anywhere. I'm hoping today's patch fixes that.