Extended maintenance = Early GR?




Originally Posted by Mr_Hellcat View Post
Soooo obvious question.. does anyone else's updater say Version 18 something?
Good catch. Mine does also.



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
It says "v1800.201002171501.1"
ditto. and it downloaded a tiny patch and is applying something larger--the predownload from last week I presume?



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
EDIT: Duh, never mind. Was looking in the wrong spot.
Check the title bar of the window.



Originally Posted by Mr_Hellcat View Post
Also.. did anyone else's shortcut get changed to their beta directory?
Yup, mine did. Easily fixed, but still odd.

Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.



Originally Posted by Robo_Knight View Post
Account (Put Name Here) is not allowed on this server. reason: Access to this server is currently restricted for internal testing by NCsoft employees to verify today’s maintenance. Your access will be restored to this server once our checks and tests are complete. Thank you for your patience.

Thanks for telling us about something that happens every time a major patch goes onto a server (QA ensures server stability before opening the server to the public).

Does NOT necessarily mean that GR will be activating today, only that they're taking care of the groundwork.



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
Thanks for telling us about something that happens every time a major patch goes onto a server (QA ensures server stability before opening the server to the public).

Does NOT necessarily mean that GR will be activating today, only that they're taking care of the groundwork.
Yeah, but it's different than what it was doing a few minutes earlier. (i.e., couldn't even see the server list)

I think that's the main point they had, that there was a change, not that this was something that had never happened before.



Originally Posted by Reverend View Post
Yeah, but it's different than what it was doing a few minutes earlier. (i.e., couldn't even see the server list)

I think that's the main point they had, that there was a change, not that this was something that had never happened before.
Thank you Reverend, that is exactly why I posted that message.

My Lego Models http://www.flickr.com/photos/30369639@N07/ lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



why dont we all just go down the pub and have a beer, or, tidy our rooms, or do something non coh related and let the devs do whatever they have to do. All these issues and assumptions are just that until such time as we can actually get back past the login screen, and theres nothing we can do about it!

As my missus sometimes says, "just sit back, relax and enjoy" - and that happens about as often as a major 5 hour maintenance window.

Peace all - hope to see you all ingame real soon!

Get away from that computer once in a while!

Opinions are like bottoms, we all have one, and they usually stink.




Originally Posted by dior_union View Post
why dont we all just go down the pub and have a beer, or, tidy our rooms, or do something non coh related and let the devs do whatever they have to do
Why don't YOU. I'm gonna sit right here refreshing the server status page even though it refreshes itself.



dior_union bellies up:

why dont we all just go down the pub and have a beer...
This is my version of that. I'm sitting here babbling away on the boards while I eat my lunch. Besides, these threads are TRADITION, MAN!

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
This is my version of that. I'm sitting here babbling away on the boards while I eat my lunch. Besides, these threads are TRADITION, MAN!
I am lacking one portion of the tradition. I left my laptop at home so I am not sitting here constantly checking for the ability to login.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by dior_union View Post
why dont we all just go down the pub and have a beer
As long as you're buying... I have no money right now otherwise... XD


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Anyone who thinks GR will launch early, given that people using the market aren't expecting it to go live until tomorrow, given that retailers won't be selling boxes until tomorrow, etc., is probably a tad delusional. You'd piss a lot of people off.

Move along, nothing to see here <Directs people towards the pub>




Ok, the beers are on me but by the time you get to Austria where I live, the pubs will all be closed.
At least no one has started demanding a double exp weekend as compensation for lost play time yet - (starts to countdown from 10 to 1)

Get away from that computer once in a while!

Opinions are like bottoms, we all have one, and they usually stink.




Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
Anyone who thinks GR will launch early, given that people using the market aren't expecting it to go live tomorrow, given that retailers won't be selling boxes until tomorrow, etc., is probably a tad delusional. You'd piss a lot of people off.

Move along, nothing to see here <Directs people towards the pub>
The people using the market knew a long time ago that there would be a 5 hour maintenance today. If they are smart, they will have already done their business before today.

I've already got everything I had in WWs out by now.

Sometimes it pays to use brains. Sometimes.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
Anyone who thinks GR will launch early, given that people using the market aren't expecting it to go live tomorrow, given that retailers won't be selling boxes until tomorrow, etc., is probably a tad delusional. You'd piss a lot of people off.
Define "a lot." Because "a lot" of people pre-purchased Going Rogue and, technically, already own it. A lot of people would, therefore, be very happy if it launched today, rather than tomorrow. And why would anyone be unhappy, really? Because other people got to try the game first when they bought first? Are we back to happiness being drawn from other people NOT having stuff?

When I preordered City of Villains, I got a three-day head start. For the entire game, I might add. I fail to see why those who pre-purchased can't get a head start today. Not to mention the fact that they could simply list Going Rogue on the PlayNC store as they said they would either way.

At the end of the day, I'd rather have it all done today, than having to sit on my hands all day tomorrow, too. I'm off work, people!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



i dunno. GR could go live a day early.
City of Villians had a 3 days head start for pre-orders if i recall correctly.
though that was advertised as being a bonus as well.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Define "a lot." Because "a lot" of people pre-purchased Going Rogue and, technically, already own it. A lot of people would, therefore, be very happy if it launched today, rather than tomorrow. And why would anyone be unhappy, really? Because other people got to try the game first when they bought first? Are we back to happiness being drawn from other people NOT having stuff?

When I preordered City of Villains, I got a three-day head start. For the entire game, I might add. I fail to see why those who pre-purchased can't get a head start today. Not to mention the fact that they could simply list Going Rogue on the PlayNC store as they said they would either way.

At the end of the day, I'd rather have it all done today, than having to sit on my hands all day tomorrow, too. I'm off work, people!
It could upset some people that have a bunch of stuff sitting on the market.

For example I put about 250 bids on recipes last night hoping to get as many as possible and then take down all the bids later tonight. I also have yet to document everything I bid on so if everything got pulled a day early it would cause a lot of confusion for me.

That being said, I would gladly deal with the confusion if it meant I could play GR a day early. But I'm sure there are some people out there who wouldn't feel the same way.



Originally Posted by MrYukon View Post
i dunno. GR could go live a day early.
City of Villians had a 3 days head start for pre-orders if i recall correctly.
though that was advertised as being a bonus as well.
It would be nice if this was a sudden surprise.

My Lego Models http://www.flickr.com/photos/30369639@N07/ lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
Oh, I have no illusions myself. Of course it goes live tomorrow. I'm just amusing myself until it comes back up and I can simply play again.
HOW DARE YOU BE AMUSED or have any sort of 'fun'. Only jaded bitter people are allowed to post from now on. If you find yourself smiling at anything other than someone else's misfortune or stupidity you must delete your forum account.



F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5!

Nothing...back to piano playing for about 30 seconds then...

F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5




I forgot to clear out my WW stuff on all 12 toons - thats it im off down the pub - cya there

Get away from that computer once in a while!

Opinions are like bottoms, we all have one, and they usually stink.
