WE Damand A Sport Team




WE Damand A Sport Team

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------DEmand a strong word - but it got you thinking

(1) This game takes place in Road island ( we need the boston red sox)
or at least a baseball dimoand

(2) Football stadium ( PAT)

(3) basket ball court ( boston celit)

(4) hockey rink ( bruins)



Don't say "demand". It gives the Devs and GMs frowny faces.

Also don't say "we". As my father would have said "We? What, you got a turd in your pocket?"

Now, sports arenas would be nice, but there's a lot of stuff on the list before that.

So, /signed eventually maybe.

Also, just a hint...if you use Firefox, it has a built in spell-check.

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Ouch_Grouch View Post
WE Damand A Sport Team


(1) This game takes place in Road island ( we need the boston red sox)
or at least a baseball dimoand

(2) Football stadium ( PAT)

(3) basket ball court ( boston celit)

(4) hockey rink ( bruins)
No we don't.

You don't speak for the community.

You are not our elected representative.

You have never even shown up at our meetings.



If Rhode Island has sports teams they probably don't reside in Paragon City, nor would I imagine they'd want too.

Hard to get a lot of attention for baseball when some guy is having a fight with an alien space ship just overhead. Granted, a string of yarn is more interesting and complex than baseball, so that isn't saying much.



Meetings! Bah, the only organization I belong to is the Misanthrope Society, and we never have meetings because, frankly, we don't want to hang around with a bunch of jerks like us!

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Ouch_Grouch View Post
(3) basket ball court ( boston celit)
Skyway city has one.

But why do *you* *request* them? Honestly, as presented on release, the Arena was - among other things - for public entertainment as well. How interesting is seeing someone run 10 yards and get tackled when you're regularly surrounded by people who outrun cars, jump over buildings, fly, etc?

Also, while sure people would go to sports, why would anyone want to build them in Paragon City - ground zero for superpowered battles, superpowered villains breaking out of the zig, and transdimensional invasions? A huge group of people gathered in one spot (that's difficult to get out of) = a target. Heck, imagine getting a nice ball park or football field and having the Devouring Earth take interest.

There's the final point that not only are those teams "spoken for" by other cities, but any use of them = paying licensing fees, quite likely - money I'd much rather see go towards more development of the game.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
Maybe we should bring sports to Croatoa. Then we could have things like this!

Maybe they could settle for college level sport teams. After all anyone in Rhode Island can make a quick trip north to Boston or south to NYC to watch pro sports.

With a few well placed scholarships imagine the basketbal team the University in Croatoa could have simply by recruiting some Fir Bolg Streng? The Founders Falls Football team could have a very impressive offensive and defensive line for their football team simply by offering Devouring Earth Boulders a free ride. :-D

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
With a few well placed scholarships imagine the basketbal team the University in Croatoa could have simply by recruiting some Fir Bolg Streng? The Founders Falls Football team could have a very impressive offensive and defensive line for their football team simply by offering Devouring Earth Boulders a free ride. :-D
Meanwhile the Steel Canyon Hockey team is left in the lurch because the Fifth Column/Council are having varsity/junior teams fighting each other in the hallways.

And Cap au Diable's university, while not part of the Rhode Island's sports division, the Ludites prove to be quite adept baseball players. Many of whom have passed on offers to Triple A teams to hand out pamphlets.



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
With a few well placed scholarships imagine the basketbal team the University in Croatoa could have simply by recruiting some Fir Bolg Streng? The Founders Falls Football team could have a very impressive offensive and defensive line for their football team simply by offering Devouring Earth Boulders a free ride. :-D

No free rides! They have to be held to the same academic standards as other colleges. Big rocks no pass tests, big rocks no play ball.



I DEMAND that the OP stop posting.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
No we don't.

You don't speak for the community.

You are not our elected representative.

You have never even shown up at our meetings.
This made me laugh so much lol.

...wait we have meetings now..sweet ^^ go us the community



this reminded me of a team discussion the other day.

A pair of team members were playing very well, but had begun a long discussion on a topic uncomfortable to most of the team. Realizing this, after a long pause, I typed "Sooo...how about those Paragon Sidekicks? Think they'll make it to the World Series this year?" I got a lot of laughter and private tells thanking me for breaking the tension. It did get me thinking I'd like to see that sports name though. One can dream.



Seriously, has there ever been a mention of any Paragon sports team names? I didn't recall any when writing a story where one of my characters is listening to the ball game on the radio, and ended up just using the Red Sox.

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
If Rhode Island has sports teams they probably don't reside in Paragon City, nor would I imagine they'd want too.

Hard to get a lot of attention for baseball when some guy is having a fight with an alien space ship just overhead. Granted, a string of yarn is more interesting and complex than baseball, so that isn't saying much.
So, you have no problem accepting superheroes being responsible for major events in WWII, alien invasions, super-science technology bleeming villains to jail and heroes to the hospital... but the idea of a conventional sports team based in a fictional city in Rhode Island is unbelievable?

This is not your real-world's Rhode Island. This one is entirely fictional and "we" can do whatever we want with it.

This suggestion sort of goes along with the "All things art: Architecture" thread much better but I say ignore the snark responses. There is nothing wrong with wanting to see the cityscape of Paragon continuously improved to at least partly mimic real-world major US cities. That can certainly include professional sports stadiums complete with fictional teams for major American sports. I don't think the pvp arenas count. They don't quite have the look or feel that dedicated sports stadiums convey. Football, soccer, and baseball stadiums are all frequently open-air stadiums anyway.

Even if we didn't have professional sports stadiums EVERY city is going to have football, soccer, and baseball fields in addition to basketball courts, tennis courts and gymnasium buildings that are going to be near parks or high schools and universities. When you fly/jump/bleem/zip around the city it is the ABSENCE of these kinds of places that begin to make it feel not-quite-right, even if it is an enclosed security zone walled off from the rest of the city. Little details like occasionally seeing a movie marquee advertising a movie OTHER than Fractured Dawn starring Blue Steel, a sign for a hotel OTHER than the Geneva, a larger variety in skyscraper and apartment block designs, a variety in bridge, causeway and elevated roadway designs...

This is all stuff that ADDS to the game, makes it feel more like a real place where your characters live. It doesn't have to make you stop and go, "Ooh! Ahh!" when you first see it, you don't need to even be consciously registering that you're whizzing by another basketball court or fast-food drive-thru but NEVER seeing one detracts from the feel of the game zones as part of an actual city. Where ARE the drive-thrus, the delis, the Martinizing cleaners, gas stations, restaurants and RETAIL centers? Where's the heavy or actually backed-up traffic in Skyway City? Why doesn't traffic increase the way pedestrian traffic increases at certain "times of the day"? You may not NEED this kind of stuff to play CoX but the overall experience can definitely be improved by adding more of that kind of detail.



As an aside:
Last I heard, the Paragon University mascot was the "Concrete Donkey".

A pig would have been a better choice. Noble, clever, loyal and much tastier!



Don't speak for me, man!

I am plenty smart-mkaes with my mouthwords and more than cappible of espressoing myself without ur assertion that u r my speakerman!

The Story of a Petless MM with a dream
Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
This entire post should receive some kind of award for being both hysterical and fantastic.
Well done.
I have a 50 in every AT, but Scrappers and Dominators are my favorites.



Originally Posted by MrNotorion View Post
So, you have no problem accepting superheroes being responsible for major events in WWII, alien invasions, super-science technology bleeming villains to jail and heroes to the hospital... but the idea of a conventional sports team based in a fictional city in Rhode Island is unbelievable?

This is not your real-world's Rhode Island. This one is entirely fictional and "we" can do whatever we want with it.

This suggestion sort of goes along with the "All things art: Architecture" thread much better but I say ignore the snark responses. There is nothing wrong with wanting to see the cityscape of Paragon continuously improved to at least partly mimic real-world major US cities. That can certainly include professional sports stadiums complete with fictional teams for major American sports. I don't think the pvp arenas count. They don't quite have the look or feel that dedicated sports stadiums convey. Football, soccer, and baseball stadiums are all frequently open-air stadiums anyway.

Even if we didn't have professional sports stadiums EVERY city is going to have football, soccer, and baseball fields in addition to basketball courts, tennis courts and gymnasium buildings that are going to be near parks or high schools and universities. When you fly/jump/bleem/zip around the city it is the ABSENCE of these kinds of places that begin to make it feel not-quite-right, even if it is an enclosed security zone walled off from the rest of the city. Little details like occasionally seeing a movie marquee advertising a movie OTHER than Fractured Dawn starring Blue Steel, a sign for a hotel OTHER than the Geneva, a larger variety in skyscraper and apartment block designs, a variety in bridge, causeway and elevated roadway designs...

This is all stuff that ADDS to the game, makes it feel more like a real place where your characters live. It doesn't have to make you stop and go, "Ooh! Ahh!" when you first see it, you don't need to even be consciously registering that you're whizzing by another basketball court or fast-food drive-thru but NEVER seeing one detracts from the feel of the game zones as part of an actual city. Where ARE the drive-thrus, the delis, the Martinizing cleaners, gas stations, restaurants and RETAIL centers? Where's the heavy or actually backed-up traffic in Skyway City? Why doesn't traffic increase the way pedestrian traffic increases at certain "times of the day"? You may not NEED this kind of stuff to play CoX but the overall experience can definitely be improved by adding more of that kind of detail.
Scandal: A-Rod admits to Superadine use during his stay with the Yankees before becoming 3rd baseman for the Concrete Donkeys! When asked about his decision to go public with this, he had this to say:

"Me have body by superadine. Me feel guilty in morning. Also, horns make helmet fit bad."

The Story of a Petless MM with a dream
Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
This entire post should receive some kind of award for being both hysterical and fantastic.
Well done.
I have a 50 in every AT, but Scrappers and Dominators are my favorites.



So I Was fiddling with my Ipod Touch and found an app for weird laws.

Apparently Rhode Island has law on the books that prohibits all professional sports except Hockey and Ice Polo from being played on Sundays unless a license is obtained.

Could this law be related to the lack of sports teams in Paragon?



It's called City of HEROES. Obviously with all those super beings cropping up everywhere, they can't have any sort of sport without some metahuman trying to take the easy way to fame by playing sports.

And Boston is in Massachusetts. Why are the Sox in Rhode Island?

And if we're adding locals to CoX how about a drycleaners? My suit is getting rank from fighting those DE.



Thank you sooooooo much you got the point i been trying to make .... it just for the loook ( and yes i know the word damand was harsh ( i in fact was going for a joke .... the player hold up signs stateing they want a sport team ... ha ha )




i my self live in NH i am a red sox fan < yes you yankee fan can booo ..... no please stop ... ha ha ) and most of the wolrd know of the red sox , yankee , dodger , ranger ...ect i just chose ateam that was close to road island



please learn to type and spell so people can understand you. your posts are like that of a 4 year old child and so far have not really been taken seriously.