expand lvl to 70




Does anyone know if COH will ever expand the playing lvl to atleast 70..i aked this 5years ago and still nothing whats the problem?



Originally Posted by riverbrat View Post
Does anyone know if COH will ever expand the playing lvl to atleast 70..i aked this 5years ago and still nothing whats the problem
No. They will not. It is a poor design choice in this game's context. It might work well for other games with other setups, but this is different.

1) They would have to write up a bunch of new content for L51-55, 56-60, 61-65 and 66-70.
2) Who wants thier Hami-O's to expire?
3) At L50 you're saving the world and exploring other dimensions. What do you want to do at L60+?
4) After the first week when the first batch hits the new level cap, then what?
5) A whole bunch of new critters to fight will be needed. We don't just color rats different colors and raise thier HP here.
6) Multiple new zones (both CoH and CoV)
7) What powers do you add to the characters and/or powersets and still maintain game balance?

Here, after L50, your tree doesn't get taller, but it gets stouter at the base. There are plans to make L50's more powerful, but not through the mechanic of higher levels, exactly.
Over time, we do add new content for the high level game. Think of: Cimerrora (spelling error likely), the RCS->RWZ revamp, the AE, Ouroboros. Also, I expect Going Rogue/ Preatoria to add things for my L50s to do.

In short: The answer was no back then, and will likely remain so.



As mentioned, they are working on a system for further character advancement at level 50. It will NOT be a level cap increase.

http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Incarnate_System <--- pretty much all we know right now (note that when they mention "levels" in there they don't mean "character levels"



Originally Posted by riverbrat View Post
Does anyone know if COH will ever expand the playing lvl to atleast 70..i aked this 5years ago and still nothing whats the problem?
There is no problem. The Incarnate system will be adding the equivalent of another ten levels, but it's more of a secondary career/path than just tacking another ten levels onto the game with recolored Hellions.

i appreciate the arrogance of your attitude in posting "i aked this 5years ago and still nothing whats the problem?" 5 years ago no Dev promised you or anyone else an increase in the level cap to 70, or anything past 50, and none has occurred, so obviously there is no problem.

Furthermore, i find your lack of apostrophes (and faith) disturbing.

So i now say unto you FNORD.
(You should now be feeling anxious about the subject for no conscious reason. If this is not happening please report to your nearest Illuminati endorsed salon.)

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Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
2) Who wants thier Hami-O's to expire?
I can't even give away my Titan-Os.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



It would be a terrible idea for reasons already listed, but let's add another one anyway : There is still no definitive level 50 end-game experience. I expect that to change within the next year or so, but it is a credit to the game that the peak level is not an end unto itself.



Originally Posted by SerialBeggar View Post
I can't even give away my Titan-Os.
I don't know why not, they stay crunchy in milk.



Originally Posted by SerialBeggar View Post
I can't even give away my Titan-Os.
Might be quite useful if I had a character I wanted to park at the appropriate level at turn off XP. With a low demand, the price should be quite competitive against IOs.
But that's a very specific situation.

And a good example of why outleveling Hami-Os would suck. Egads, think of the thousands of total player-hours that have been spent on Hami raids over the past six years....to have those enhancements become USELESS. The nerdrage would be deafening.
My IOs would laugh SO HARD!



Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
I don't know why not, they stay crunchy in milk.
They taste awful, crunchy or not.

Also, they used to only give something like DO boosts to multiple aspects. i haven't gotten one in years, or used one ever, but was that ever increased?

Edit: Just took a look at the page for them. Yeah, at the level you can get them they're no better than set IOs except that you can outlevel them. Glee!

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Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
It would be a terrible idea for reasons already listed, but let's add another one anyway : There is still no definitive level 50 end-game experience. I expect that to change within the next year or so, but it is a credit to the game that the peak level is not an end unto itself.
For L50,you used to get a squid and a badge. Now, you only have to wait to get the badge, the squid is available much earlier.

The point of the game isn't "get to the end and raid", even though that's an option. It's more "get to the end, roll alts, team with new people, re-do stuff you missed on the way"



Originally Posted by riverbrat View Post
Does anyone know if COH will ever expand the playing lvl to atleast 70..i aked this 5years ago and still nothing whats the problem?
In this game, they don't just tack new content at the end, they add new stuff at all level ranges so that everyone can enjoy something new, and so that there are multiple ways to advance to the end, seeing something different each time.
It fits with thier "roll an alt" policy. There's a reason you can have so many character slots on each server. How many other games can you have 100+ characters?



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
2) Who wants thier Hami-O's to expire?
Though I agree with you that adding 20 more levels is unlikely to happen, it would certainly be possible to avoid Hami-O expiration by just coding it so that level 50 enhancements never expire and are treated as even-con after level 50. It would be bogus, but it would be possible.

To address the OP's question: Levels cause a lot of problems. Adding more of them would simply compound the problems levels cause. CoH has long been moving away from levels in several ways:
  • Levels are almost completely irrelevant for teaming with Super-SK. Levels just make finding teams harder.
  • Levels were eliminated for zone events like the Rikti invasion and zombie apocalypse. If they weren't it would be much more painful to team and participate in the events.
  • Levels are totally ignored with Giant Monsters for the same reasons as above.
  • Nearly all level-restricted zones have had their level restrictions removed.
  • In PvP everyone is forced to the same level for the sake of fairness.
  • In AE characters are often forced to whatever level is required of the mission.

Levels in CoH are pretty much limited to controlling what you get during character advancement and gating content. It's also used to set relative to-hit chances, power effectiveness and hit points. But it's rather artificial and really unnecessary. A level 5 character running at level 50 is no match for a native level 50 character, who will have many more powers, will do more damage, will have better accuracy (because of the superiority of SOs/IOs), will have more effective protection, potentially more hit points (due to power selections and IOs), and so on.

The whole game could have been designed to be independent of level, but more advanced characters would still be more powerful that new characters.

In the end the level is just a meaningless number. Making it go up isn't what makes the game fun. What's fun is playing with friends, getting new powers, improving your powers, seeing new places, doing new things, getting new toys, meeting new enemies and besting them.

All these things are possible without increasing the level number.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
The point of the game isn't "get to the end and raid", even though that's an option. It's more "get to the end, roll alts, team with new people, re-do stuff you missed on the way".
And increasing the level cap would slow this process incredibly and needlessly.

At level 49 I'm not thinking "oh good, I'm almost 50 so then I can get the good gear and run all the high level instances". I'm thinking more about which character I want to level up next or what powersets I want to try next.

With little "high-end" content, increasing the level cap 20 levels would probably double the time spent on this one character. Hmmm, do I want to spend that time getting another character to 50 or raising this character to 70?



Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
Though I agree with you that adding 20 more levels is unlikely to happen, it would certainly be possible to avoid Hami-O expiration by just coding it so that level 50 enhancements never expire and are treated as even-con after level 50. It would be bogus, but it would be possible.
psst: this is already in the game as Invention Origin enhancements

Anyways, Positon has explained some of the numerical reasonings behind the balancing of an MMORPG on his personal blog, such as this post: http://www.mmodesigner.com/?p=63#more-63

The argument basically extends forth to adding levels. Each new level means new calculations on how to balance the player against the challenges. The fact is this: raising levels for the sake of raising levels is BAD GAME DESIGN. It basically is admitting that the developers haven't given any thought to balancing the game against a consistent player experience.

In gear based games, such as World of Warcraft and WarHammer Online, a player's attributes are largely determined by the gear they have. Some gear is drastically more powerful than other gear. This results in a wide split of player capability in game even within the same level range. Raising the level cap means that the developers have to implement new gear, thus invalidating or making redundant the old gear. This is, again, failing to understand the concepts of game balance.

The approach City of Heroes took to the gear based problem presents it's own flavor of balance on earning higher levels.

In City of Heroes leverages enhancement slots and directly boost the effects of a players chosen power. This means that all players of a set minimal performance for each level. This makes balancing the enemies and challenges a much easier task.

One of the features of this system is that players can internally maximize the effect of a power in their low 20's with Single Origin Enhancements. The game can thus be "balanced" around players utilizing a high percentage of their total possible primary effect. Debuffers can debuff at their strongest. Damager's can damage at their strongest. Buffers can buff at their strongest. Mezzers can mez at their strongest. Damage takers can take the most damage.

From that point the game turns on it's side and challenges are based against an ever increasingly diverse set attacks launched from increasingly diverse opponents. The players ability to fight thus becomes more about bringing all of the powers they have to maximum effect, rather than simply fitting into a pigeonholed task.

If a player chooses to take part in the Invention Origin system, building an avatar can get even more complex. Players can choose to enhance their primary strengths, such as adding extra damage, improving debuffs, or improving buffs. Players can choose to shore up their own weaknesses, such as increasing regeneration rate, recovery rate, recharge rate, or accuracy. A fully IO'd out player will likely be able to handle a more diverse set of situations.

The same concept can be found in Planetside or Global Agenda. Player's "gear" is mostly on equal footing. As players advance in levels they can unlock more gear, and thus be able to handle a wider variety of tasks on a single character.

For example, when I left Planetside, I was equipped with Adv Hack, Max, Scout, Bomber, and something else... I forget what. Depending on the fight at hand I could fly interceptor for an ANT; change loadouts and soften up a CY for a Gal drop; drop to a tower and switch to cloaker; get inside the base and hack equip terms; blow up the gen; hack the CC; then get back to my bomber and go AMS hunting.

A low level player would only be stuck in one task or another. As a high level player, I could switch on the fly and fill multiple combat roles.

This concept of using levels to unlock versatility is Good Game Design.

At some point though, versatility has to be capped. At some point you'll have a player that is too versatile, able to do anything or everything. That was why when SOE last upped Planetside's level system, they didn't actually add any-more cert points, but just enabled players to some in-game options for their characters as a reward.

This is why what we know about our Incarnate System focus's on expanding player's powers within the level cap. Again, this is Good Game Design.

What you want is Bad Game Design.



Raising the level cap is a bad idea, for reasons easily figured out in a few minutes of thought by almost anyone.

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Originally Posted by riverbrat View Post
Does anyone know if COH will ever expand the playing lvl to atleast 70..i aked this 5years ago and still nothing whats the problem?
What BBQ said.

And I'm sure the same answers were given 5 years ago.

Along with... CoH is not about being 50, it's about the journey there.



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
So i now say unto you FNORD.
Behold, the greatest post of the day.



Originally Posted by riverbrat View Post
Does anyone know if COH will ever expand the playing lvl to atleast 70..i aked this 5years ago and still nothing whats the problem?
This game is about creating alts not playing one character exclusively. If you haven't figured that out in 5 years then convincing you now will be futile.



Originally Posted by SerialBeggar View Post
I can't even give away my Titan-Os.
you actually take those at the end of the eden trial? I've always grabbed the merits

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The real game design question is "why have levels at all?" Its possible to make a game without combat levels. So why do they exist? There's basically two reasons for their existence at all:

1. Gating content. Levels allow you to gate content so that a level 3 can't wander it, or deliberately attempt level 33 content, no matter how powerful they manage to make their level 3. In CoH, this is heavily blunted with the sidekick system, but not completely eliminated. In CoH, you can run level 33 content with your level 3 *if* you are teaming. So teams get to escort lower level players through higher level content (most of the time) but the content is still gated in that someone in your team has to be high enough to access that content. And if you solo, then the person in your team with that requirement is always you.

2. Segregation. Levels allow you to segregate your playerbase into groupings so the level 40s aren't dominating the level 4s in the same zones, the same content, the same whatever. You can't have everyone standing in the same spot, so the natural way to spread out your players is into different areas gated by different things, and one of them is level.

That's basically it. There are other minor reasons, but none without alternatives. For example, levels give the player a path for measuring progress, but there are other ways to do that including the end game system the devs are currently working on for City of Heroes.

But there's really nothing you can do by adding ten more levels to the game that you can't do by just adding more level 50 content, except for those two things. So the only real reasons to add ten more levels to the game is to either split up the playerbase even more than it is now, or you want to add more content that is explicitly gated by XP. The devs don't want to do either, so there's no incentive to add more levels to the game.

Its never a question of why not, and its never a question of a problem the devs have which prevents them from doing it. Its a simply question of why do it, and the answer is: there's no reason to do it. And that's why they haven't done it, and why it is extremely unlikely to ever do it. There is no big revelation coming where one day the devs realize they forgot to do it or suddenly find the resources to do it they didn't have before. There is no waiting and hoping for it to one day happen. It just won't, so long as there is no reason to do so. And there is no reason to do so.

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Originally Posted by riverbrat View Post
Does anyone know if COH will ever expand the playing lvl to atleast 70..i aked this 5years ago and still nothing whats the problem?
The problem is that all MMO's are not alike. Raising the level cap is an absolutely rotten, stinking, horrible idea for this game. Ask again in five years and you'll get pretty much the same answer.

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Evidence in point for Arcanaville is World of Warcraft.

According to Activision / Blizzard, less than 30% of the playerbase gets beyond level 10. This means that there is severe disparity between the starting player and the existing player.

This is one of the reasons Activision / Blizzard is reworking the beginning zones and early levels yet again, making it easier and quicker for the starting playerbase, or players with newer characters, to get to higher levels and actually get to take part in the later level content. This goes back to my point of Bad Game Design.

World of Warcraft, and other fantasy MMO's like it, such as WarHammer Online, spend too much time breaking up the player-base. WarHammer Online suffers from it's segregated PvP enviroment. For a primarily PvP focused game, the system winds up top-loaded with lots of high level players participating in the end-level PvP systems, and not very many players participating in the low-level and mid-level PvP systems.

This only serves to make leveling for players in those low levels slower, and they are less likely to obtain good equipment. As they less likely to obtain good equipment, they are less likely to be able to participate effectively in content as they level. World of Warcraft has over-stretched it's own level system in it's blind chase to send levels ever higher. Now that Activision / Blizzard is trying to reign in the bad design choices they are actively torquing off their own community.



Originally Posted by Desi_Nova View Post
you actually take those at the end of the eden trial? I've always grabbed the merits
The merits are crap too. That is why I do not do the eden trial.

7 merits. I would rather do a Katie TF or a Hess.

> instead of the devs fixing the hole in the wall that let you finish it fast, they just made it so that no one wanted to do it except for the stinkin badge.

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
There is no problem. The Incarnate system will be adding the equivalent of another ten levels, but it's more of a secondary career/path than just tacking another ten levels onto the game with recolored Hellions.

i appreciate the arrogance of your attitude in posting "i aked this 5years ago and still nothing whats the problem?" 5 years ago no Dev promised you or anyone else an increase in the level cap to 70, or anything past 50, and none has occurred, so obviously there is no problem.

Furthermore, i find your lack of apostrophes (and faith) disturbing.

So i now say unto you FNORD.
(You should now be feeling anxious about the subject for no conscious reason. If this is not happening please report to your nearest Illuminati endorsed salon.)

Now in all fairness your post is every bit as arrogant as the OP. And you are also condescending! You sure showed the OP who the boss is!!!!