Question to hardcore pvp'ers about keymapping.




A few years ago when I was playing on my brute I never used the keyboard for powers. I always used my mouse and clicked on each individual power in the trays. Well I also wasn't very good at pvp. But I was very comfortable using the mouse. My friend, a fellow gamer, told me the reason I wasn't very good was probably because I wasn't using binds on the keyboard. I never understood how that could be the problem, because using the mouse came so naturally.

Now that I've gotten more active in CoX, I've decided to take up using the keyboard. I haven't noticed a significant improvement to be honest. It's pretty much the same in pve. But in pvp i'm actually worse. Right now my main keys I'm using are the number keys and the "F1,F2,F3..." keys. I'm pretty sure this is incorrect though, especially since it takes a really long time to switch from WASD to the number keys to the F- keys and back again. The movement feels so unnatural. And since I'm looking at the monitor constantly, I end up not hitting the powers that intend to. Is there a particular method to keybindings that I should use? What keys do some of you pvpers use? Btw I have a Cyborg Keyboard if that helps.

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Originally Posted by Wrecks View Post
A few years ago when I was playing on my brute I never used the keyboard for powers. I always used my mouse and clicked on each individual power in the trays. Well I also wasn't very good at pvp. But I was very comfortable using the mouse. My friend, a fellow gamer, told me the reason I wasn't very good was probably because I wasn't using binds on the keyboard. I never understood how that could be the problem, because using the mouse came so naturally.

Now that I've gotten more active in CoX, I've decided to take up using the keyboard. I haven't noticed a significant improvement to be honest. It's pretty much the same in pve. But in pvp i'm actually worse. Right now my main keys I'm using are the number keys and the "F1,F2,F3..." keys. I'm pretty sure this is incorrect though, especially since it takes a really long time to switch from WASD to the number keys to the F- keys and back again. The movement feels so unnatural. And since I'm looking at the monitor constantly, I end up not hitting the powers that intend to. Is there a particular method to keybindings that I should use? What keys do some of you pvpers use? Btw I have a Cyborg Keyboard if that helps.
lol i use wasd to move and qe to strafe..the function keys to hit insp but i click on my powers



I'll just assume you're referring to Test ladder arena PvP since that's as "hardcore" as I think it gets. As far as kb/mouse/binds go, I think each player is a little different than the next, though I'm sure there are some fairly common setups.

Personally, I use the regular wasd movement keys, use the 1-4 keys for primary attacks/buffs, 5 and 6 keys for on less-used powers, have my mouse inverted (it just seems more natural to me that way), and have 'e' set to reset my camera back to me (since I rotate my camera a lot during matches to track others' movements). I do have greens (respite inspirations) bound to the 'r' key, because I find they fire off more reliably/quickly than by clicking on them; there's nothing more irritating than clicking on inspirations and them not actually working. I don't use the numbered F keys for anything because doing so seems to make me take too long in returning my hands to the home keys.

I'd say find the combination that works best for you, but whatever you go with, I don't think it should result in you having to look down at your hands at any point. I'd keep in mind that good builds, teammates, strategy, experience, and reaction times aren't going to be replaced by clever kb+mouse combinations.



Originally Posted by TrueDarkLord View Post
lol i use wasd to move and qe to strafe..the function keys to hit insp but i click on my powers

although i use 1 and 2 for power thrust and hoarfrost.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



For me offensively my mouse is used for targeting, camera rotation and sometimes inspiration use.

WASD for movement. Tray one has powers 1-6 with 1-4 being the most used. Tray 2 is less used powers. Survival tools, self buffs, etc which is ALT 1-6 with the most used being ALT 1-4.

For support my mouse is used for camera rotation and teammate selection, keyboard set up pretty much the same way.

I know some people use the mouse to activate powers but to me it'd seem like you'd be taking your eyes off things a little too much to see which powers were charged and where exactly you were clicking. The downside of using the 1-6 ALT 1-6 is the split second drop in travel time which is why jump timing becomes more important and quick movements between the two are what keep you from just planting.



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ewww mouse....but i myself use every alpha numeric key that is on the left hand side of the keyboard. I don't use wasd to move but have it set to one to the right to esdf so i know where my hand is all the time since there's a little bump on the f key. I use 1-5 for attacks toggles on 3rd toggle bar and less frequent powers on 2nd toggle bar.



WASD movement.
1 = Healing Aura
2 = Heal Other
3 = Absorb Pain
4 = Clear Mind
5 = Blind
6= Spectral Wounds
7 = Phantom Army
8 = Regen Aura
9 = Combat Jump
0 = Super Leap

Alt1= AB
Al4= Stealth
Alt5 = Phase
Alt 6 = Temp Invuln
Alt 7 = Epic blast
Alt 8 = Sprint
Alt 9 = Hasten
Alt 0 = Superspeed

Respites on a macro and bound to numpad.
Phase bound to numpad as well
Accos on tray 3

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I don't think I consider myself a "hardcore" pvp'er at all, but I get my time in.

Like Mr. Liberty, I'd say I'm primarily a keyboard player also... I use WASD for
travel, mouse for steering, and sometimes for targeting (also have a couple of
keys for targeting too).

I have a bit different layout - I put melee powers in tray 1 (1-5), and
ranged/vet powers in tray 2 (Alt 1-5)... Amusingly enough, my Alt key
has gotten a groove worn into it from my left thumbnail.

Less used stuff is on the right, and sometimes, I'll use the keys, and sometimes
I'll use the mouse for those powers.

Inspirations are on the F1-F5 keys, but more often I'll use the mouse, and
that has gotten me killed before - I keep saying I'll make inspie-binds, but
I haven't gotten around to it yet.

Like someone else said - a big part of it is doing what you're comfortable
with, and then, it's time and practise in the role. I don't think there is a
definite right or wrong method as long as your method feels natural, smooth,
and easy to you.

I'm a touch typist, so personally, I find the keys quicker (in general) to
using the mouse for the time-critical things.


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For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
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I use the arrow keys, some numpad keys and mostly my mouse. The majority of letter keys are bound to obnoxious binds.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



I saw people who use mouse and were good..i personally rarely ever use it, it is really just personal preference but binds indeed help.
I usually use numpad a lot and bind toggles and such on O, P, I, K, J etc. I use WASD and moving arrows... and 1,2,3,4...alt 1, alt 2, alt 3...ctrl 1,2...Travel powers always binded on f -super speed, g -super jump/CJ, h - sprint (with stealth IO)
Shift to select next friendly target, ctlr tab to target closest enemy.

For emps it is different, HA on 1, HO on 2, AP on 3, everything else binded. Numpad is used to target teammate from 1 to 8 and put them on follow.

Now i know why kara has issues emping ppl :P



Ever since I discovered how stupid easy it is is to play on a desktop and how stupidly retarded it is to play on a laptop, i've binded stuff to a nice gaming mouse.

Basically, I have two side buttons and the middle button.
Side button 1 - Heal 1 (Cauterize / Heal Other) / Wormhole / Sleet
Side button 2 - Forge / AP
Mid Button - Thaw / CM / EM

Everything else you can click on without much issue. I do keep all my patches binded (Sleet, Freezing Rain, Oil Slick Arrow, Ice Slick (yeah downie regins git raek stfu)) because it is awfully annoying to go all the way to the corner of the screen only to have to go to the middle again when you can save yourself the mouse trip and bind that shiz.



Originally Posted by bancruptBarrier View Post
Ever since I discovered how stupid easy it is is to play on a desktop and how stupidly retarded it is to play on a laptop, i've binded stuff to a nice gaming mouse.

Basically, I have two side buttons and the middle button.
Side button 1 - Heal 1 (Cauterize / Heal Other) / Wormhole / Sleet
Side button 2 - Forge / AP
Mid Button - Thaw / CM / EM

Everything else you can click on without much issue. I do keep all my patches binded (Sleet, Freezing Rain, Oil Slick Arrow, Ice Slick (yeah downie regins git raek stfu)) because it is awfully annoying to go all the way to the corner of the screen only to have to go to the middle again when you can save yourself the mouse trip and bind that shiz.
get the raza mouse. that thing is amazing.



Everyone kind of has thier own methods I suppose I will share mine for what it's worth.

Movement, targeting, and timing are key to pvp in my opinion. WASD for basic movement, space for jump, and set up some strafe keys. Having a good mouse with easy to see and use extra buttons helps a lot. I have two side buttons on my mouse which I use for targeting. One button is for target NEXT enemy, and one is for target NEAREST enemy. I can't tell you how awesome the target NEAREST enemy button is. If you get good it makes those hoards of enemy hero/villains much easier to deal with I find.

As far as powers go... Considering I believe movement is a big success factor I have my 1-6 keys all mapped to travel powers. I have sprint, ninja run, tp foe, teleport, temp jet pack on my main. SS, SJ, combat jumping, etc on some others. I personally still click all my basic powerset powers with the mouse just because it is what I am accustomed to. More defensive powers like phase shift, hybernate, etc I usually have hotkeyed as well. I like to literally have an "oh crap" button.

Overall PvP suggestions (mostly from my experiences on a dom in zone)... learn the system and powersets and don't run in head first to an unfavorable situation. You aren't invincible and dying is a part of pvp. I just try to minimize deaths by playing smarter and avoiding unfavorable situations. As an example, if I am solo and I see a swarm of heroes... what are they doing? What powers are they using? Do you see heals flying off? Any debuffs? If they are focused on attacking targets or NPCs they are distracted and I might try to pick one off that I know for sure I can kill. If they are jumping around slaying down vills left and right.. I generally avoid battle and wait for one of them to stray from the swarm or wait until more villains arrive to help take them down. Teaming is huge! Having a healer rocks, and teammates make it a lot easier to get kills.

Arena is kind of different and really people could talk about PvP strat and mechanics all day... but this is about keymapping so I'll stop here. Hope it helps!



I'm certainly not a hardcore PvP'er but I use the keyboard for nearly everything

Numbers 1-6 I use for attacks and other commonly used powers

F1 - F4 I use for columns 1-4 of inspos (5th column always has greens which I use by clicking the button on the side of mouse)

I use tab for targeting and cycle through rather than trying to click individual targets

WASDQE for movement

T is the button I hit for calling out a target

R is the button I use to go on follow

All of that stuff I use with my left hand.

With my right hand on the mouse i just click on the less commonly used powers like buffs and debuffs in the second tray

I also use the two side buttons for inspos and to talk in vent.

Oh, I forgot, also use left hand to hit spacebar for jump

If youre having problems with using the keyboard instead of the mouse, you probably just need practice. Youll eventually get to the point where you can use all of your fingers to hit buttons and theyll be trained so you dont hit the wrong key. Might take awhile though to get to that point



Clicking is never a good idea in pvp in any game. However, this game is more forgiving as there are less powers to use (movement being tougher makes up for this). At the very least, I would suggest making sure that you are not clicking emergency things like phase shift or inspirations. The extra split second will make the difference.

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Originally Posted by Labrynth View Post
Clicking is never a good idea in pvp in any game.
Someone should inform people who make FPS's to stop binding primary fire to the mouse buttons, then =P

/just trollin', carry on.


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Originally Posted by Labrynth View Post
Clicking is never a good idea in pvp in any game. However, this game is more forgiving as there are less powers to use (movement being tougher makes up for this). At the very least, I would suggest making sure that you are not clicking emergency things like phase shift or inspirations. The extra split second will make the difference.
i miss when a hallmark of a bad player was when he or she tried to tab through 40 mm pets.

so yeah, while i agree with the whole "important stuff should not be clicked", there are many situations when clicking on a target will make you lock faster... but you already know that...



I have turning set to 430%, strafing disabled, and i use WASD and the mouse. Works just fine.

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I use WASD to move, and 1-4 on my keyboard to attack. The only constructive thing I can really contribute to this thread is that I use my left and right shift keys to phase. My main PvPer is made for 2v2 with my friend who plays a Pain, so left shift is bound to phase me while saying in team chat not to bother healing, while my right shift takes me out of phase and lets her know it's possible to heal/buff again. This is pretty useful in PUGs in RV as well when playing with an easily worried Pain or Emp. :P



Originally Posted by sendmeatimecardBarrier View Post
i miss when a hallmark of a bad player was when he or she tried to tab through 40 mm pets.
shh, you're giving away my sekrits.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Originally Posted by Slax View Post
shh, you're giving away my sekrits.
wdup hero players against mm teams.
tab tab tab (you ******* retard, click b click).



Originally Posted by bancruptBarrier View Post
Ever since I discovered how stupid easy it is is to play on a desktop and how stupidly retarded it is to play on a laptop, i've binded stuff to a nice gaming mouse.

Basically, I have two side buttons and the middle button.
Side button 1 - Heal 1 (Cauterize / Heal Other) / Wormhole / Sleet
Side button 2 - Forge / AP
Mid Button - Thaw / CM / EM

Everything else you can click on without much issue. I do keep all my patches binded (Sleet, Freezing Rain, Oil Slick Arrow, Ice Slick (yeah downie regins git raek stfu)) because it is awfully annoying to go all the way to the corner of the screen only to have to go to the middle again when you can save yourself the mouse trip and bind that shiz.
i had that problem too when i switched to a laptop as my only computer. i found out my laptop keyboard only recognizes like 2 keys being pressed at a time max and i used to basically hold down 3-4 buttons constantly to strafe/jump/run/shoot on my desktop so i had to use binds alot more like those you use, except on the keyboard.

one weird thing about always using wasd over the years is my hands naturally fall into the wasd position now whenever i have to sit at a keyboard.