How To Fix Supergroups
You say that like it's a bad thing..?
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
The only thing I see needing fixed regarding SG/VGs now is for the devs to give us the ability to offline invite our own alts to our own groups.
Be well, people of CoH.

It used to be that the villain groups had a bonus SF they could do. Add to that the loss of the items of power and base raids, you now have SG's as a basic friends list that works to access/support a storage/transport/hospital center as well. Trick is, global lists cover the list part, the market/e-mail/personal storage are actually better for storage, (emails with the 60 day caveat) and ouroboros/pocket D can supplant the transport. That leaves the hospital, where the base is usually inferior.
My personal feeling? I'd love for there to be a multi-team SF/TF or two- making it accessible by a VG/Sg makes sense, as coordinating through different teams unfamiliar with each other might be problematic. Starting with a group that is at least somewhat acquainted might help this. (Though don't exclude non-VG/SG team members.)
How cool would it be to log in with your group, a couple teams all start an SF together, enter large maps, (each team given different objectives) then all the teams converge after a while on some big (instanced) GM boss? I'd dig it.
Supergroups provide a base with easy access to the other zones, and personal storage.
That's about it.
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho
Supergroups provide a base with easy access to the other zones, and personal storage.
That's about it. |
Before the time when they started awarding influence/infamy even while in SG mode it use to be you only got prestige if you were in SG mode and I would laugh myself silly when there were these proud leaders of SG's with a fully tricked out base that did NOTHING and a prestige count of like 2 million next to their name on the SG list and yet were so broke that they bemoaned the fact they couldn't enhance their toons and would spend RL money to buy influence from farmers LOL
The shining world of the seven systems. On the continent of Wild Endeavour. In the mountains of Solace and Solitude there stood the Citadel of the Time Lords. The oldest and most mightiest race in the Universe. Sworn never to interfere. Only watch...[/SIZE][/B]
The storage, tp to mercy, and the enpowerment stations are the main things that are not readily replicable outside of a group.
I would like to see the enhancements stations expanded to make a larger variety of bonus powers all similar in scope to the ones available today.
A 1% or 2% increased to typed defense--instead of against 'all'.
Single status effect increase
Also I would like to see a beacon for Cimerora
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
So, what can be done to make supergroups a useful part of the game again? I know some people will disagree with that statement, depending on the server you're on, but right now they don't serve a necessary part of the game (and some would argue they don't have to). Still, they should add something to the game and an add an additional layer of game play.
Right now, I just feel supergroups are there and don't add much to the gameplay experience other than a pool of people to play with; there's no added gameplay with being involved in one. |
Right now, I think supergroups mainly serve the purpose of pulling people together with a particular theme, and for roleplaying. So, it's some kind of social network. The supergroup base probably makes the gameplay more immersive. Many replies here focus on the functionalities of the supergroup base. I guess the supergroup base can do a bit more.
The only thing I see needing fixed regarding SG/VGs now is for the devs to give us the ability to offline invite our own alts to our own groups.
They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!
If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville
The only thing I see needing fixed regarding SG/VGs now is for the devs to give us the ability to offline invite our own alts to our own groups.
This might deviate a little from the topic of how to fix them, but as for recruitment, Star Trek Online recently added some features which blow away our SG system.
They added a scheduler for events, along with RSVP capability along with optional number response limit (let's say, first 8 people for a TF). Also added was a recruitment system; I know right now you can look up 'top' SGs at the Registrar, but this allows a search of currently online groups (I believe, need more testing) along with their recruitment message, tags (North American, English, PvE, etc.) and web site. You can even see which currently online members have invitation ability in case you wanted to message them.
Their SG system ('Fleets') also includes offline promotion/demotion/invitation, status messages/comments you can leave and official uniforms for recruits/officers.
I'd just be happy if we had offline ability and maybe some SG-specific missions you could run through the mission computer. At this point though, all of it could use an overhaul, WW/MA style!
"You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one."
� James A. Froude (1818-1894)
Supergroups provide a base with easy access to the other zones, and personal storage.
That's about it. |
The bases I run have IO stoage and crafting capability (Yes I know that's available without them but it does mean from ANY zone all you need to do is get to the portal and you can carft)
Enhancement storage.. I have crafted and stored hundreds of basic IOs for 25-50 level and have them available for members to use (no recipe needed, not bidding for recipes or salvage just grab and go)
Inspiration storage .. 8 collectors with 100 each of ever type inspiration and all tier 3s, (very handy for lower levels or anyone about to face an AV or GM)
Time Travel... sure you can do that in Ouroboros but take the mission in base and teleport straight to the zone the mission is in NOT to the contact.
Teleport to every zone currently available in game.. sure between the Ouro portal etc this isnt quite as big a deal as it used to be but hey any addition method to get from point a to point b is a GOOD thing.
Infirmary with Robo Surgery .. considering all the Teir 3s I store anyone that dies on a TF and DOESN'T rez at base to stock up on any they may have used is slightly crazy LOL
Add in the social atmosphere and potential for team mates and that's what I try to provide. OH did I mention we have enough prestige to pay the rent for about the next 40 years? So play in SG mode if you want or shut it off and add INF to your stash.. doesn't bother me a bit. LOL
SGs are by no means a manditory thing. I know players that have 50 levels that have never joined on and do just fine but a well thought out base can assist members and a GOOD SG also adds a steady supply of team mates.
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
SG improvements I'd like to see, which would make them much more team-friendly and useful:
- Offline invite capability
- Auto base rent payment option or pay center accessible thru base portal
- Unlimited random Mission Computer missions (ie Radio/Paper mishes, Cim's Marcus, Vanguard's Borea, etc)
- Unlockable content (ie exclusive missions, temp powers, costume parts, base items) via Mission Computer missions
- Personal Space base-building permissions for non-leaders
Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!
You say that like its a BAD things? :-D
The bases I run have IO stoage and crafting capability (Yes I know that's available without them but it does mean from ANY zone all you need to do is get to the portal and you can carft) Enhancement storage.. I have crafted and stored hundreds of basic IOs for 25-50 level and have them available for members to use (no recipe needed, not bidding for recipes or salvage just grab and go) Inspiration storage .. 8 collectors with 100 each of ever type inspiration and all tier 3s, (very handy for lower levels or anyone about to face an AV or GM) Time Travel... sure you can do that in Ouroboros but take the mission in base and teleport straight to the zone the mission is in NOT to the contact. Teleport to every zone currently available in game.. sure between the Ouro portal etc this isnt quite as big a deal as it used to be but hey any addition method to get from point a to point b is a GOOD thing. Infirmary with Robo Surgery .. considering all the Teir 3s I store anyone that dies on a TF and DOESN'T rez at base to stock up on any they may have used is slightly crazy LOL Add in the social atmosphere and potential for team mates and that's what I try to provide. OH did I mention we have enough prestige to pay the rent for about the next 40 years? So play in SG mode if you want or shut it off and add INF to your stash.. doesn't bother me a bit. LOL SGs are by no means a manditory thing. I know players that have 50 levels that have never joined on and do just fine but a well thought out base can assist members and a GOOD SG also adds a steady supply of team mates. |
The only thing that would make them better is if we could make them co-op post-GR launch. With the market-merge coming side-specific storage is no longer an issue but with the four alignments coming; co-op teaming is potentially a bigger issue. In hero/villain zones you could have up to 3 at any time with Rogues and Vigilantes walking the line, all four in a co-op zone. Let the players decide who gets invited to groups or simply invite to their bases. Then at least we'd have none of the team-dropping for people who zone to a dead-end and have to use a workaround (people logging out till it's a pureside team) or end up dropped completely from a TF with no way to get back on it.
Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
The only thing I see needing fixed regarding SG/VGs now is for the devs to give us the ability to offline invite our own alts to our own groups.
I'm quite happy with SGs. Then again, I'm a roleplayer, I don't see a need for much else.
I also don't really see 'Guilds' adding much in other games, so don't see the need for something in CoX. What's a guild in WoW or LotRO aside from a chat channel and a way of finding people to do levelling with?
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
I wasn't aware supergroups were broken, but there are some great ideas here.
I like the idea of having a thematic base with all the zone porters. Crafting tables would be great if I could ever remember what the @#$%^&* things look like. I'm also a heavy roleplayer too, so take that as you will.
want NAO, pretty please!
And hey, that'd be cool too while we're at it.
Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.
good luck D.B.B.

My big list of (hopefully low hanging) suggestions for base functionality and new functional items-
Changes to the existing:
- Control and Power usage of teleporters, medical, and workshop items by half.
- Power and Control buffs.
*To make SGs a bit more appealing without them feeling required, I thought it might be interesting if each tier of power and control granted a 1% buff to certain general stats of all SG members with the third tier at 3%. The Power Systems would grant bonuses to damage and resistance, Control would grant bonus to ToHit and Defense.
- Increase reclaimer re-spawn healing by 15% percent.
- Change the Auto doc to include selling break frees and awakens too.
- Have the Combat logs allow you to buy second tier Heals, end recovery, break frees, and awakes
- Change Raid Telepad to work as a mission door transporter, even to get directly to outdoor missions.
New functional items (and badges) I would like to see:
- New aesthetic styles for all existing functional items to fit themes of Modern-Tech Paramilitary, Martial Arts/dojo (probably with blacksmithing themes for workshop stuff), Modern Office and Home (This theme does not need to quite cover every item), Bio-Organic/Nature, Rikti, and allow for all existing medical reclaimers themes to be usable. (Vanguard, Ouroboros, Arachnos, Midnighter/Cimeroran, Hero, etc.)
- Large storage rack.
*Requires at least Craftsman badge to create tier two workbenches.
>Takes up twice the size of normal salvage racks, requires double upkeep, stores up to 50 salvage items.
- Mega-Telepad.
* Requires at least 4 zone Beacon Badges to be available for crafting at a second tier workbench.
> Requires double the power and control to set down, Double sized(?), allows for up to six zone beacon hookups.
- Ultra-Telepad
* Requires 8 zone beacon badges, crafts at tier 3 workbench. (This was kind of a balancing idea since heroes have so many more zones they might need to connect to and while it's possible for villains to get it, it just means you'd need a coop-zone beacon)
> Triple power and control requirements, automatically is hooked up to all zone beacons you presently have the badges for, no limit for how many zones it hooks up to.
Purely aesthetic items, styles, and changes I'd want to see:
-Too many to list.
Other things I'd like to see:
-Offline promotions/demotions
-SG name changing
-Prestige bonus for number of coalitions you've formed.
-Multiple SG membership, sorta personal coalitions.
* I think this could basically work with you having a Primary SG, and then secondary, third, etc. and however many the devs would want to cap it with. "honorary members"/"Liaisons" would be allowed to change their SG mode for one of their other groups to gather prestige and badge credit for them and leaders of the SGs would be able to decide just what privileges these folks have. They would not have access to SGs not Coalitioned to their primary SG.
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VoodooGirl wants more: So, what can be done to make supergroups a useful part of the game again? I know some people will disagree with that statement, depending on the server you're on, but right now they don't serve a necessary part of the game (and some would argue they don't have to). |
Right now, I just feel supergroups are there and don't add much to the gameplay experience other than a pool of people to play with; |
Dec out.
The only thing I see needing fixed regarding SG/VGs now is for the devs to give us the ability to offline invite our own alts to our own groups.
Offline promotions/demotions
Elimination of base rent
So, what can be done to make supergroups a useful part of the game again? I know some people will disagree with that statement, depending on the server you're on, but right now they don't serve a necessary part of the game (and some would argue they don't have to). Still, they should add something to the game and an add an additional layer of game play.
Right now, I just feel supergroups are there and don't add much to the gameplay experience other than a pool of people to play with; there's no added gameplay with being involved in one. /end rant. |
My SG is really just a place to pass through, craft, store, and nest. The RP'ers I routinely play with (no not on Virtue) is a hub. A great deal goes on in their SG and base; from meetings, to staging points for activities (TF's/missions/AE/etc,) or just kicking back. None of that would be the case if it weren't for the individual players putting forth the effort to make the SG more than just a roster of characters.
So, what can be done to make supergroups a useful part of the game again? I know some people will disagree with that statement, depending on the server you're on, but right now they don't serve a necessary part of the game (and some would argue they don't have to). Still, they should add something to the game and an add an additional layer of game play.
Right now, I just feel supergroups are there and don't add much to the gameplay experience other than a pool of people to play with; there's no added gameplay with being involved in one.
/end rant.