20 -
What the devs do is very important. They should keep doing that and not worry about us or the need to flip off any switches.
Count me as one who appreciated the posting...that's very cool! I haven't done the crosseyed thing in years, so it took a little practice to try it, but then all the images worked as I found the 'third' image between the two.
I'm unfamiliar with the process of generating them, though...does it simply involve two of the same images or does each image have to be slightly shifted either way to generate the effect?
Tai -
Quote:Definitely.The only thing I see needing fixed regarding SG/VGs now is for the devs to give us the ability to offline invite our own alts to our own groups.
This might deviate a little from the topic of how to fix them, but as for recruitment, Star Trek Online recently added some features which blow away our SG system.
They added a scheduler for events, along with RSVP capability along with optional number response limit (let's say, first 8 people for a TF). Also added was a recruitment system; I know right now you can look up 'top' SGs at the Registrar, but this allows a search of currently online groups (I believe, need more testing) along with their recruitment message, tags (North American, English, PvE, etc.) and web site. You can even see which currently online members have invitation ability in case you wanted to message them.
Their SG system ('Fleets') also includes offline promotion/demotion/invitation, status messages/comments you can leave and official uniforms for recruits/officers.
I'd just be happy if we had offline ability and maybe some SG-specific missions you could run through the mission computer. At this point though, all of it could use an overhaul, WW/MA style!
Tai -
*raises hand*
Hi, I'm Medic Tai. I...I never come to threads like this, but I've had this problem for a few weeks now. As much as I try, I'm not getting used to the new interface. I've tried spending time with it, sold things, bought things, even STORED things.
But it's not the same. I take twice as long to do everything. Sometimes, I'm not even sure which tab I should be using, or how many items of a multiple bid have been bought or sold at a glance. Does this mean it's, how do you say, 'unintuitive?' Or should the UI have the ability to make me feel dumb? Am I the one giving it permission to make me feel this way? I'm not sure.
I was excited when I first heard about the makeover. So many new features, so many new options. But when it finally arrived, it wasn't quite what I expected. I can see how much it has going for it under the hood, but I'll admit, I'm a shallow person. Looks matter to me, and what was once something I looked forward to accessing on every single alt has become work, a chore. Shouldn't it be easier than this?
I'm going to give it more time. It's the least I can do. After all, I don't really have much of a choice, do I? Nice to see you all, maybe we can work through this together.
Tai -
I'm on the forums looking for a similar answer. It's not necessarily your graphics if it's connection lag.
Type in /netgraph 1
If you see lots of red bars, that's a connection issue. It's what's causing me to rubberband all the time to servers on either coast. Try logging in to servers on both coasts (http://cityofheroes.wikia.com/wiki/Servers) and see if you have a cleaner connection to one than the other.
Oh, and type /netgraph 0 to turn it off.
Also, sticky thread above (http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=120694)! -
I'm in on this as well. Sounds like /bugging it doesn't get you anywhere, eh? No one has managed to get this resolved via NCSoft?
West Coast servers are good for me, East Coast bad. Ping still hovers in the 200s normally. My tracert to the East CoH servers are dropping about halfway, then goes off and on. Thank goodness I'm still green on West Coast servers, but I do miss doing more than auction checks on my East Coast characters.
It has to be that specific route because I play on Left 4 Dead and Counter-strike servers that friends in two different counties in Virginia (I'm in Washington state) have set up, and I have no problems with lag, and those are FPSes!
Tai -
Bad day on the hill:
Better day on the hill:
That's on my relatively new GTX 260, settings maxed out, even better than my 7 and 8 series of NVIDIA cards. I originally thought that the hill was rendered in low-poly because of the constant invasions, and that they would scale back to high-poly when invasions went away, but I see the low-poly more often than not.
As for the 'twitch,' I agree with Catwhoorg; it corresponds with my bad network connectivity to the East Coast servers (type /netgraph 1 to see yours). I assume that the twitches and skips you see are the engine on the client side just doing the expedient thing during those red lines and dumping animation frames to 'catch you up' to the action in real-time. Although I need to find the thread about bad netgraph activity and post there for this problem.
Tai -
I've been away for the last patch or two, but I had read the patch notes. Tonight, I think I was on a character I hadn't played for 26 days, played through one of MY arcs with a friend to introduce him to CoH, and stopped receiving tickets at some point. My total ticket count for the arc? 284.
I was level 24 but was capped to 20 in the mission vs Vahzilok, decent sized map. Hm. I did swap out characters between missions because the level cap changed and I wanted to use another one, I wonder if that screwed up my count?
Tai -
Once I realized that the ID only allows about a thousand characters (give or take), I started putting all my bios in a simple text file on my desktop. If I need to do a word count, I copy and paste the section into MS Word and do a word count. I dinna trust ye olde CoH text input capabilities.
I'm having a grand ole time with my NVIDIA GTX 260.
I originally had an ATI Radeon 4850, but apparently ATI issues and CoH still go hand-in-hand. I'm totally uncompromising, so I didn't want to turn off certain things because either ATI doesn't support CoH very well or vice versa. It was the same thing back in my ATI 9800 and x800 days. I tended to swap every generation or so with video cards between NVIDIA and ATI, but in the long run, NVIDIA games just look nicer.
ATI might have raw power and price point, but either NVIDIA writes better drivers (depending on the version, of course...some versions can fail spectacularly) or game programmers just work with NVIDIA hardware more often. I just got tired of surfing several game tech support forums just to get my ATI card to look as nice/better than the NVIDIA that I just RMAed the sucker.
NVIDIA just...works. For me, anyway. Depending on what you can spend, I think the GTX 260 is around 190 now, and the 9 series is a lot lower. Check newegg.com and see what people say.
P.S. The games I tested NVIDIA vs ATI on were CoH, Fallout 3, LOTRO, Guild Wars, Left 4 Dead, Counter-strike: Source, Sins of a Solar Empire and Tabula Rasa. Your mileage may vary with other games I have no idea about. -
I got an EVGA GTX 260 a few months ago and I'm still using the 182.06 drivers from the day I updated it. Funny enough, I upgraded from an 8800 GTS. I haven't had any problems with CoH, LOTRO, Fallout 3, Guild Wars, Left 4 Dead, Sins of a Solar Empire. Definitely no video crashes.
I was wondering that as well. They are a flavor addition that I desperately want in my designs. Of course I can imagine people taking it to the crazy degree.
[/ QUOTE ]
Maybe it can just be a toggle on the main mission screen; you either get panicked civvies or you don't. I miss the screaming SWAT guy. -
Defeats by allies you rescue don't count for you, just the percentage of damage you do to the enemies. Basically, they killsteal.
For example, Fusionette in the 'real' world helps you and doesn't decrease your xp/inf/prestige. Virtual Fusionette in MA will take her percentage of the pie.
Correct me if I'm wrong, this is more observation than research. -
Bah, I've always pronounced it similar to 'talon.'
Announcer lost credibility with me when he pronounced Cap Au Diable as 'Cappa' instead of a long 'O'. Although my French is rusty.
Here's one: Aeon City. Tawk amongst yourselves.
Tai -
Hey little girl, I got Phat Lewtz in my van!
[/ QUOTE ]
The combination of that and the freaky eyes, wow, we have a winner!I don't know if I've ever had a voice just apply itself to a posting in such record time before.
Tai -
I'm annoyed by this change in rent as well, but please, drop the "false advertising" crap. "False advertising" is the single most overused consumer threat, and most people are pretty ignorant of what actually constitutes false advertising. ;p
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh I know, I've worked in advertising. I agree that it is overused, and I'm not accusing them of it (hence the 'borderline') as much as the statement being misleading. I've just had to add too many disclaimers to ads and change copy to be 'pretty ignorant'. I'm not even blaming devs. I just found the statement on the ad to be amusing.
We all have different definitions of what 'grinding' constitutes... some people in other MMOGs enjoy just sitting around crafting items or washing dishes or whatever. But it's still their choice to do so; the options available to you are sometimes what makes it fun. Rent is essentially a mechanism that removes choice by forcing us to 'work' to keep it. I know this may mimic the real world, but is it FUN for a game? Do people enjoy paying rent every 2 weeks?*
* SG bases are for SGs of 1+ people. Your experience my vary and/or change on-line. Opinion is completely mine and not that of my SG members or 'average gamers' or even the 'average CoH player'. Batteries not included. -
I thought the grinding for rent was bad, now we're locked out of our bases without it?!
I must admit, it was amusing enough to see an ad for CoV in my PC Gamer that said 'Build Massive Fortresses Room by Room', but there REALLY needs to be an asterisk on that saying 'With help from lots of other people and assuming rent is paid'.
Borderline false advertising.