Comps having a lagfest



Just got back today to try my favorite game out again.
Over my cousins house and we bought comps at the same time. His comps exceptionally well but for some reason when i run the game i lag tremendously. I've had to turn all my graphics down and even when i run on safe mode i still lag. My powers lag. Everythings just a complete lagfest. Anyone know what the problem may be?



I'm on the forums looking for a similar answer. It's not necessarily your graphics if it's connection lag.

Type in /netgraph 1

If you see lots of red bars, that's a connection issue. It's what's causing me to rubberband all the time to servers on either coast. Try logging in to servers on both coasts ( and see if you have a cleaner connection to one than the other.

Oh, and type /netgraph 0 to turn it off.


Also, sticky thread above (!

"You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one."
� James A. Froude (1818-1894)



thx Still lagging though. Live in VA so i play freedom. My comps 2gb ram and not more than a year old. Trying to figure out why im having any problems here being i run other mmorpgs with no problem at all. I cant even turn my graphics up playing on lowest res and safe mode and im still lagging and rubber banding and my powers are lagging. If anyone has a thread or anything that could help itd be greatly appreciated.



What OS are you running and do you have things running in the background? Considering its doubles and free weekend. I'm not surprised you're lagging on freedom w/ only 2gigs of ram, consider an upgrade.



its an HP pavilion running Windows Vista atm. 2gb ram may not be much to the average hardcore gamer but its more than enuff to run coh w/o all the lag that im experiencing. Yes im not saying im not suppose to lag at all but at 2gb ram i shouldnt have to turn my graphics all the way down and run on safe mode and yet still have high ping and low fps. Somethngs wrong lol



First, post a log from running CoH Helper as it will give information about your system and the CoH installation and settings.

Second, post a log from running HijackThis. This will show what else is going on on your computer while you are playing CoH.

Without any actual useful information, anything that people come up with would likely just be educated guesses. In some cases, possibly not-so-educated guesses.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



are you running microsoft security essentials?