Serious ticket cap bug
Not a bug. There's always been a ticket cap; the last patch lowered the cap to 1500 per player per mission. You were apparently at 1394 for the map prior to getting the completion bonus, so were only eligible for the remaining 106 tickets.
And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines
Wait, I think I mis-read what you wrote. How large was the map?
And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines
I know for certain that I was nowhere near 1394 tickets on that map. I was soloing (Unyielding) a standard indoor warehouse map with three or four mobs per spawn, most of which were minions and only one of which was a boss. Assuming a standard drop rate of 2-4 tickets a minion, that would mean that I would have had to defeat more than 325 minions assuming that they all dropped tickets to get near the cap. I know I didn't, and there aren't enough spawn points on that map to come close.
According to the mission, it was a Small map, a warehouse. One of the warehouses that is partitioned with doors.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison
Gotcha. Sorry I jumped to conclusions.
Interesting, I'll have to give that arc a spin and see if I can reproduce your results.
And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines
Wasn't there a comment about not being able to recive a bonus higher than the number of tickets earned in a mission?
It is no longer possible to have the Mission Completion ticket reward be greater than the total number of tickets gained before mission completion.
I saw that note, but I confess I don't understand it. Why would the number of tickets granted on mission bonus ever have been greater than the number gained during the mission? I thought the former number was derived from the latter to begin with.
EDIT: Hm, unless the note is talking about joining a mission partway through? In that case it doesn't seem to relate to the OP's issue.
And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines
I can think of one reason off the top of my head. If you are level pact with another character, tickets are split between you and your partner. Thus, you can earn 400 tickets on a map and get a 600 ticket bonus np.
The character I played with is not under any level pact, either.
The point being, assuming that the ticket cap is 1500 consistently, there is no way that an indoor solo warehouse mission on a small map ought to invoke any ticket cap at all. Either the message is being displayed in error (in which case it may cause a great deal of needless fuss) or the cap is being miscalculated.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison
The character I played with is not under any level pact, either.
The point being, assuming that the ticket cap is 1500 consistently, there is no way that an indoor solo warehouse mission on a small map ought to invoke any ticket cap at all. Either the message is being displayed in error (in which case it may cause a great deal of needless fuss) or the cap is being miscalculated.
[/ QUOTE ]
Looks like the former; any idea how many tickets you got from the run itself?
My guess would be around 120-130, although to be honest I wasn't keeping close track until that message appeared.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison
My guess would be around 120-130, although to be honest I wasn't keeping close track until that message appeared.
[/ QUOTE ]
Then the system is probably working fine; I would bug report it (or make a visible thread about it on the forums) and not worry about it.
Well, I would report it and make damned sure to keep a tally of tickets gained in a mission referenced against tickets gained at the end of the mission -- but that's just me.
The character I played with is not under any level pact, either.
The point being, assuming that the ticket cap is 1500 consistently, there is no way that an indoor solo warehouse mission on a small map ought to invoke any ticket cap at all. Either the message is being displayed in error (in which case it may cause a great deal of needless fuss) or the cap is being miscalculated.
[/ QUOTE ]
Looks like the former; any idea how many tickets you got from the run itself?
[/ QUOTE ]
I just played the mission myself. The first part I gained 69 tickets during the mission and was awarded 72 for completion, the second mission I gained 212 tickets during the mission and received 106 tickets.
I received the message about being at the ticket cap for the mission on the second mission. There is simply no way I was at the cap--not with only 212 tickets, and 106 tickets is exactly 1/2 of how many I received for the map.
However, the first map I actually received MORE reward tickets (72 versus 69 during the mission), so I can't see how that matters. Interesting catch. Definitely a problem there.
I've been away for the last patch or two, but I had read the patch notes. Tonight, I think I was on a character I hadn't played for 26 days, played through one of MY arcs with a friend to introduce him to CoH, and stopped receiving tickets at some point. My total ticket count for the arc? 284.
I was level 24 but was capped to 20 in the mission vs Vahzilok, decent sized map. Hm. I did swap out characters between missions because the level cap changed and I wanted to use another one, I wonder if that screwed up my count?
"You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one."
� James A. Froude (1818-1894)
I received the following message upon completing (solo) a mission set on a warehouse map in the "Too Many Bunnygirls" story arc. (Cute story BTW).
One or more architect tickets were not rewarded because you have reached the ticket limit for this map.
You have received 106 bonus architect tickets for completing the mission!
[/ QUOTE ]
Looks to me like <ul type="square">[*]Individual maps have ticket caps; and[*]Somebody misplaced a decimal point for this one's.[/list]
<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison