Pets at the BM: Bad Manners?
Do you dismiss your pets when you hit the market or just leave 'em hangin' around?

its mainly demons,sos my guess is they are just showing off tbh,as to say,look at me i got a new AT and iv bought GR,or maybe they are just rude anyway.
"You may find that having is not so pleasing a thing as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true."
Hey everyone. The MM boards are a place I frequently visit but don't post in often because I'm not a Mastermind fan. I love 'em when other people are behind the keyboard but the AT's never appealed to me personally.
But none of that's really relevant to the topic. As of late I've seen several MMs (Mostly Demon Summoning) stroll up to the Black Market with their blazing, snarling pets in tow and just leave 'em to howl infernally while they go about their business. I'm just curious as to what you all think about that. Considering the presence of those pets in a non-instanced zone can slow down some older systems, is it thought to be poor etiquette to leave 'em out while you're marketeering? Do you dismiss your pets when you hit the market or just leave 'em hangin' around? |
This is the exact same thing as people standing in the BM or WW for 15 minutes with some amazingly useless and noisy aura or PBAoE effect going (Arctic Fog and Quills, I'm looking at you), oblivious to the fact that it is annoying the bejesus out of everyone else. I usually turn off all that crap while I'm at the market out of simple courtesy and because I know how annoying it can be. It's usually the "I'm rude and proud of it, so shove off!" types, who don't give a rat's hind end how much they are annoying people, who can't be arsed to click off their powers while at the market. One-star them and move on.
I stop a fair distance from the BM, tell the pets "STAY!" and then go about my business at the BM. When I leave I tell them to follow. All good.
"I used to make diddly squat, but I've been with the company for 16 years and have had plenty of great raises. Now I just make squat" -- Me
Pediatric brain tumors are the #1 cause of cancer related deaths in children.
Only in cap. Please turn everything off there. It's bad enough with 30 villains there with auras/armor on. If your in a zone with only a handful of players you should be fine.
If I'm on the way to a mish, but need a few ios/want to sell a few things, I'll leave them out. For extended periods of time I'll make sure to dismiss them though.
(I almost always turn off shadow fall at the market (If I remember).)
<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]
The solution is to transfer to Liberty. I'm the only one that plays villains there.
I'm I'm popping in quick on the way past I'll leave them out, if I'm going to be a while I'll send them home.
This is a touchy topic here and you might want to put on your flame proof vest.
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If I am at the market for less than a minute to check to see if something bought/sold, I don't do anything; I'm just passing through. If I spend more than a minute, I send the demons/pets as far from me as I can target. I don't like to hear the wailing myself.
I also turn off steamy mist, arctic fog, shadow fall, superspeed, dispersion bubble, sonic dispersion, etc at the market.
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HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
I hate those demon sounds!
But you know what's awesome?!!!! I can do this crazy thing called turn down my volume while at the market! Then turn it back up when I leave!
For advanced users with the desire to do so, there are ways to completely mute sounds that annoy you.
When I play my demon MM and use the market, I generally follow the "fast trip out, long trip go" rule. Of course, I often use the less-frequented markets too, which means I don't need to dismiss them much.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is a natural manure. -Thomas Jefferson
Read the Patriot newsletter. It's right, it's free.
I'm somewhat new to masterminds myself. I pre-ordered GR so I could get demon summoning and I love the set. But I have heard people's complaints about masterminds being at vendors with their henchmen out, so lately I've made it a point to dismiss my demons if I'm at a vendor or traveling. I've even done team missions on a cramped underground map with... >gasp<... no henchmen!
I tend to dismiss my pets before I leave missions. If I'm in a zone where I can get experience, I'm in a zone where the street thugs will take pot shots at me, so it's a good bet that I'll have to resummon one of the Tier One pets anyway. And there are still some weird bugs related to pets changing zones - it's better than it was, but they still tend to flip out once in a while or forget who they're supposed to belong to.
For most of the pets, the big inconvenience is that they have weird bounding boxes, and it's easy to select them by mistake at close range. When people are complaining about the noise, they almost certainly mean Demons, since almost all the other pets make very little noise when they aren't fighting. You can usually tell if the bots are around, since once in a while they'll clank around as they change position, and the Protectors will probably recast shields at some point. Generally though, I find Demons a lot less annoying than someone who stands around for ten minutes with the Spines aura or Footstomp on auto.
I'm not sure why I'm going to post this, hehe, but for whatever it is worth...
I don't really believe in any general rule of etiquette on this one, but that is just me.
I have a robotics mastermind and I tend to bring only one robot with me, but that's more of an RP thing for myself. Often times I go just as logging in or logging out and am there without pets.
If I want to stop there... I'll usually park the pets with a stay command (Maybe bringing my Assault Bot with me). I don't mind parking them very nearby though... So long as they're not clunking and clanking around and on top of other players. That's just annoying, regardless.
So... I have my opinions on what is annoying and all that and I have my basic protocol that I seem to follow... But I do not begrudge anyone for leaving their pets out.
Most of the time... I see it as people who don't have great control over their pets. I'd imagine many players don't use the stay commands and such.
Honestly, I've seen much more (What I would consider) rude requests/demands from players asking pets to be sent away or just comments against the player with pets out than truly problematic MMs with pets out.
Again, just myself... I find it kind of rude when players ask other players to put away their pets because they hate the sound or simply "because".
Nothing against anyone nor, certainly, against anyone that takes a serious performance hit from them.
I just see it as part of the game.
I've never asked anyone to shut off Quills nor Arctic Fog... As someone else mentioned... I do use the volume knob on my speakers occasionally for annoying sounds... and/or shift my camera angle to avoid seeing a repeated effect that may be distracting/annoying me.
I do have to add... In general, not just the BM... I find the Demon pets to be the biggest, flashiest and loudest pets in the game and a bit annoying to be around, period.
Then again, it's probably just me, what with being raised in a very annoying demon household.
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
I think the demons make far too much noise when they're standing still.
My first introduction to demon summoning was at the Facemakers in Cap, and a Demon MM came and stood next to me while they changed their costume. I could hear all the blazing and howling whilst on the costume screen with no idea what it was. (Well, a pretty good guess since it was the first or second day of the new issue )
On my Ninja or Thugs MM I take my pets to the black Market with me. I also turn off stealth auras and Dispersion Bubbles by habit when Im there. So I think I'd de-summonany demons if I ever got around to playing a demon MM.
I thought being inconsiderate of others is the team role of the mastermind.

(obligatory "I'm kidding" disclaimer)
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
It's somewhat a matter of perspective... To others it may seem to be inconsiderate... But to us... It is just that others are irrelevant.
![]() (obligatory "I'm kidding" disclaimer) |
Me too.
I don't bother dismissing, but I do use GoTo to send them off into the distance if they have aggravating powers (like Bots flashing lights, and Demon's shields.)
It usually doesn't bother me, but the Demons are bad for this. The whole idea of realistic sounding pets is nice and all, but in practice is just annoying. I hate teaming with them (though I don't kick them or refrain from inviting.) They're just big enough that it makes selecting a particular target hard to do, they are wide enough that they block my ability to see enemies, meaning I have to spend time rotating my camera, which can be bad for me and teammates. That and they are just plain noisy. If they double the amount of time between their various noises, having them out wouldn't bug me nearly so much, as it'd be much less often that I'm getting hit with multiple roars. And yes, I can turn the volume down, but why should I have to? The devs took the cool factor to far, to the point where it's an inconvenience to others. That is never a good idea, IMO.
Like others have stated- Demon Summoning has pretty much demonized the act of bringing pets to the market. I never realized how much of an annoyance this was until DS came along. The problem I have with those pets is that they are noisy and large. I honestly don't care much for teaming with MMs these days, but I won't exclude any from a team/SF I am forming. But at the market? That is just not needed.
Dragging the gaggle of pets to the BM is worse than any annoying aura to me, because my concern is not performance related. It is both those God awful sounds and the fact that the pets can make it difficult to get to the BM contact. It is bad enough sometimes with other actual players there- but if there are a few Demon summoners (which there always seems to be these days) standing around, things get crowded too quickly.
Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.
"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality
Yes, having pets at the BM is bad manners.
I wish more MMs would use the "Go to" or "stay" commands, it's not even necessary to dismiss them.
I believe BM/WW should have the power supression coding like the one room in AE.
Flame away. =)
Liberty Server
Active Character: Canadian Firestorm
Fire/Rad Controller Level 50
Hey everyone. The MM boards are a place I frequently visit but don't post in often because I'm not a Mastermind fan. I love 'em when other people are behind the keyboard but the AT's never appealed to me personally.
But none of that's really relevant to the topic. As of late I've seen several MMs (Mostly Demon Summoning) stroll up to the Black Market with their blazing, snarling pets in tow and just leave 'em to howl infernally while they go about their business. I'm just curious as to what you all think about that. Considering the presence of those pets in a non-instanced zone can slow down some older systems, is it thought to be poor etiquette to leave 'em out while you're marketeering? Do you dismiss your pets when you hit the market or just leave 'em hangin' around?
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